A quiet night in [str8,inc]

It was Tuesday evening and Simon was feeling good. He worked as a fireman and had just come off his shift and his powerful, 6 foot frame was slouched on the couch while he watched the TV. He was 44 and his hair had begun to grey but he was still in exceptionally good shape, something his wife, who was currently fast asleep in an armchair across the room, very much appreciated.

Simon looked at his wife as she slept, still wearing her nurses uniform – she had just finished her shift as well -and he couldn’t help but be struck again by how sexy she was. He felt his cock twitch in his jeans as he looked at the swell of her large breasts beneath her uniform and he hoped that she would be feeling refreshed after her snooze – he could do with a really good fuck that night.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door being opened by his daughter Cathy who was in her white nightie. “Where’ve you been”? he asked his daughter as she walked in. “I heard you come in but I was having a shower. Look at mum” She giggled. “She’s knackered. She’s done a 14 hour shift today.” “I know” said his daughter. “I don’t know how she does it.” With that, she plonked herself down on his lap as she often liked to do. “Oh you’re so heavy” gasped her dad. Cathy giggled and gave her dad a playful slap. He was joking, Cathy was not overweight. No, if he was being objective, pretending that he wasn’t his adorable daughters doting father for a minute, he would have to admit that his daughter was growing into a stunning woman.

She was 5,4 with a beautiful face framed by thick auburn hair that reached halfway down her back and was in possession of firm D-cup breasts that stood out proudly from her slender body. But her father didn’t think about his daughter that way, couldn’t think about his daughter that way as he felt the weight of her shapely backside weighing down on his crotch. Thoughts like that might cause developments in the trouser department that would have been excruciatingly embarrassing.

“Did you have a good day”? Asked Cathy, leaning down and giving him a peck on the cheek. He answered in the affirmative and smelt the wonderful scent of freshly bathed 18 year old girl as a lock of her thick hair brushed against his face.

She leaned back against him then, her head cradling just under her fathers chin, the way she had sat on his knee since she was a kid, using her father as a human beanbag.

Her father had never thought anything of it but for the first time he was incredibly conscious of the weight of her firm, shapely backside on his crotch and had a thought he had never had before about his daughter while she sat on his lap and watched tv.

I hope I don’t get an erection.

“What are you watching?” She asked. “Nothing really,” grunted her father. “Not much on.” It was some chat show and the host was just inviting the next guest on who was hunky young male actor who’d just had his big Hollywood break. “Oooh I like him” said Cathy. “What, that actor bloke?” “YEAH” said his daughter emphatically.”He’s SO not ugly.” She giggled and a sudden image flashed into her dad’s mind, one so obscene that it shocked him.

It was the thought of that young actor bloke fucking his naked daughter, fucking her like a dirty little slut and his daughter begging the actor to spray his hot cum in her face.

He quickly tried to banish the thought out of his head, shooing it away like some badly behaved dog but it was too late. Beneath the weight of his 16 year old daughters firm arse – something stirred.

His cock must have been swelling up at record speed and blind terror flooded his heart – paralysing him. Oh fuck, oh fuck he thought, desperately willing his erection away to no avail.

Had she noticed? He hoped not as he desperately wracked his mind for some repugnantly un-sexy image that would put paid to his treacherous trouser activity.

He thought he had found it – unblocking the upstairs toilet two weeks earlier – yes, that had been disgusting. As he thought about his hand being stuck down that toilet bowl he felt the erection stop in its tracks and breathed a sight of relief.

However, it was then that his daughter decided to shift her sexy arse slightly and the movement set his penis back on course for erection- town at double speed.

He didn’t think there could be any way that his daughter couldn’t feel her dad’s dick now it was fully erect. It was the first time in his life that he wished he didn’t have a big cock – a tiny penis might not have been as noticeable to his daughter.

But had she noticed it? She hadn’t shifted her position, her bottom was still pressed against the bulge in her dad’s jeans. Was she just unaware?

It was then that she started to rub her backside against him. The movement was tiny but in the context it was earth shattering. He also noticed something else. Her breathing had got slightly faster, slightly heavier.

Panicked, he looked over at his wife but she was still soundly asleep. He looked back at the tv and tried to pretend that this wasn’t happening. A thought occurred to him – maybe his daughter wasn’t conscious that she was moving her bottom in this way, grinding it slightly against her dads stiff cock.

He knew what he should do – he should get up, make his excuses and go upstairs (where he would probably have to have a wank). He just had to be strong – but it was then that his daughter altered her movement slightly, grinding her bottom against him in wider circles.

Oh, that felt good. He looked down at her but she appeared to be entirely engrossed in the TV show although he noticed that her nipples were hard and clearly visible through the material of her nightie. He wondered if her nipples had big beautiful, pink aerolas like her mother’s breasts did and the thought made his cock buck violently up against his daughter’s bottom. She pressed down hard on it, as if trying to suppress a disobedient animal. Her breathing was definitely more ragged now but she still appeared to be entirely focussed on the TV screen.

Cathy’s dad couldn’t help himself – he knew he shouldn’t do it but he couldn’t stop himself from reaching down and firmly grasping one of his daughter’s beautiful, firm breasts.

Cathy let out a tiny gasp and the movement of her bottom against his cock stopped for a second before starting again, this timegrinding harder against her dad’s bulge. His cock bucked again against her buttocks as he felt the firm heat of Cathy’s breast. He slowly kneeded it in his hand, bringing his thumb up to stroke her rock-hard nipple through the material.

His daughter let out another tiny gasp although she still appeared to be entirely engrossed in the chat show. Both father and daughter were breathing heavily now as they both looked across the the room at the TV as if it was just another normal evening in their house.

Her dad looked again at his wife who was still fast asleep. He would have thought that the terror of what his wife would do to him if she saw what he was doing should have been enough to make him stop, but he suspected that both father and daughter were beyond stopping now.

Without taking his eyes off the TV he reached his other hand down and grasped her other breast. His daughter let out a tiny squeak of pleasure as she savoured the fact that her sexy dad now had both her tits in his big, strong hands. She looked up at her dad and whispered… “I’m not wearing any knickers. Do you want to see?” Her father just nodded, his mind filled with a heavy, potent mixture of deep love and raw lust for his little girl. Cathy reached down and hitched her nightie up around her waist, allowing her dad to see her beautiful, hair covered slit. “That’s so beautiful” he whispered. “I want to see yours, Dad.” Whispered Cathy. “Can I get it out?” Her dad swallowed hard and nodded, letting go off her tits as she sat up. He felt her undo his trousers and he lifted his arse slightly off the couch, allowing his daughter to pull his jeans and underpants down so that they were left bunched around his ankles. His daughter turned to look at him and giggled incredulously. “Its massive!” She gasped.

Her dad doubted if his cock had ever been as hard as it was at that moment, as the warm air of the sitting room tingled against it and his daughter‘s eyes feasted upon it. It was almost as if it had a life of it’s own, twitching and bobbing hungrily, as if responding to her gaze.

His daughter looked at her dad’s cock and wondered if her 18 year old pussy had ever been so swollen and wet. Her dad’s cock was at least 10 inches long and really thick, especially the swollen, purple bell end that was leaking silky pre-cum from the piss -slit. She felt her pussy slit throb between her legs and couldn’t help but put one of her hands on it – rubbing her finger throught the soaking wet lips up to her engorged clit. She felt a sharp tingle of lust shoot through her as she ran her finger gently over that hot nub. She looked down at her dad. “Can I touch it?” She whispered. He nodded.” Yes, but we’ve got to be quiet.” His daughter nodded and gripped her father’s fat cock in her small hand.

It felt so good as his daughters hand gripped his dick. She ran the finger of her other hand along his piss -slit, collecting the pre-cum. She turned back to her dad. “Dad, your leaking.” She whispered before putting her pre-cum coated finger into her mouth and sucking the sweet liquid off. His cock bucked again in his daughter’s hand at such a lewd display. She pulled her nightie back up around her waist so that her pussy was again exposed and slid slightly lower down her fathers body. He suddenly felt an incredible, wet heat against the head of his cock. He was struggling to control his breathing as his teenage daughter started to rub his swollen cock head up and down her wet slit, from her twitching pussy hole up to her swollen, aching clit.

His daughter was breathing just as hard as he was now, as she pleasured herself on her dad’s dick and he worried that she would be unable to resist crying out soon, high pitched shrieks of girlish lust that would instantly rouse his wife from her heavy slumber. His daughter was concentrating on her clit now, rubbing it hard against the piss slit of her father’s cock.

Oh it felt too good as she started to work his cock faster and faster against her clit, her pussy juice mixing with her dad’s pre cum and frothing up around his cock head.

Her dad reached under her nightie then, grabbing both of his daughter’s lovely tits in his strong hands. His daughter gasped and he felt her groin starting to buck against his cock.

Oh shit, his little girl was about to cum on her dads cock for the first time and she mustn’t make any noise. Desperately he took one hand out from under her nightie and pulled her mouth to his, kissing his daughter passionately.

Cathy feasted on her dads tongue as the orgasm approached, her groin bucking up against his hard cock. She knew she had to be quiet but her teenage world had suddenly shrunk into an existence where only one thing mattered – cumming on her dad’s cock.

It was then that Cathy realised that she really couldn’t take any more. His dad felt her push forward, felt her body stiffen, felt the hard nub of his daughter’s clit press against his piss slit, almost pressing into it and then her body was wracked by a shuddering orgasm.

He sucked on her tongue right through her cum, it was the only way to keep her quiet as her spasming vagina sent tingles into his cock, her clit against his piss slit communicating every quiver and buck of her pussy as she came for her dad for the first time.

After the orgasm had susbsided, his daughter flopped weakly on her dad and he enveloped her as she lay on top of him, gasping and shuddering, suffering the after effects of extreme sexual ecstasy. “Ilove you dad”. She gasped. “I love you too.” He groaned. “Do you want to put it in me?” She whispered, still out of breath. Oh he did. Cathy’s dad had never wanted anything more than to shove his cock right up his daughters pussy, stretching her teenage vagina with his fat dick and shooting his thick spunk into her belly. But should he, even as pure, uncut lust flooded his blood and filled his mind? He thought that maybe he could be strong, maybe he could resist these urges that his daughter had unleashed in him.

Cathy made his mind up for him, however. Straddling her dad while still facing away from him, she took hold of his cock with one hand and slowly lowered herself until the fat head of his dick was pressing right up against her tight, wet hole.

Even with all the lubrication from her orgasm and the pre-cum from her dad, Cathy wasn’t sure if she could get his cock inside her. She let her dad’s dick support her weight, enjoying the feel of his fat cockhead pressing up against her twitching hole, savouring the hard, hot meat that wanted so eagerly to get inside her.

Then, suddenly, the head was in. Cathy gasped and for a second, she thought she might cum again, the entrance to her vagina spasming around her dads cockhead. She heard her dad groan and turned around and put a finger to her lips. “Shhh” she said, grinning. Her dad nodded and flopped his head back, smiling. Fuck, his daughters vagina was so tight and hot – he knew it wouldn’t be long before he was decorating her womb with the same hot spunk that had created her. He pulled her nightie up so that his eyes could worship his daughter’s exquisitely firm arse as it slid down her dad’s cock meat.

He put both hands out and grabbed those beautiful, firm globes as his dick pushed it’s way up into her lovely hotness, finally coming to rest, pushing up into the mouth of his daughters young womb. He felt the hot,wet walls of Cathy’s vagina twitch against his cock as he pulled his daughter’s arse cheeks apart and ran a finger over her tiny, virginal arsehole.

He felt Cathy’s vagina start to tighten and he knew his daughter was as close as he was. He reached up, once again grabbed her tits under her nightie and pulled Cathy down so that she was lying back on him again. “Cum in your little girls pussy.“ Cathy said quietly, looking right into her dad’s eyes. He was impressed at his daughter’s self control – she was well on her way to her second orgasm but she was still managing to whisper. “Ok darling”. He whispered back, kissing her neck. His daughter started to move then, grinding on his cock – fuck, it felt incredible. His daughter’s pussy felt alive as it gripped his meat, desperate for the spunk that was boiling up in his heavy balls.

Cathy gasped, totally possessing her dads body – feeling his hands on her tits and his cock stretching her young pussy, feeling his mouth as it sucked on her ear lobe. It felt so amazing to fuck her dad’s big dick, to work his meat with her tight fanny, to grind on him like some wanton harlot rather than his loving daughter.

She felt the walls of her vagina start to tighten against him, clamping around his hot meat and she knew that she was going to cum even harder this time, now that her dad was so deep inside her.

Her dad was balanced right on the edge of orgasm. With both his hands gripping her tits as his daughter grinded slowly on him, he looked over at his still sleeping wife. If she had been awake at that moment she would have seen the obscene sight of her daughter’s pussy stretched wide open by her husbands thick cock. She would also have seen that her daughter was starting to buck uncontrollably on her dad’s dick as her second orgasm erupted. She would have seen her dad bring his daughter’s mouth to his to again stifle the sound of her orgasm and then she would have seen the incredibly erotic sight of her husband filling their orgasming daughter’s womb full of his hot spunk.

This time, kissing his daughter was as much about stifling his own orgasm as, sucking on his daughter’s tongue, he thrust his dick as far as he could into her spasming vagina and surrendered himself to ecstasy, plastering her pussy with rope after rope of thick cum, wanting to fill his daughter up with his hot spunk. Cathy opened her mouth wide in a silent scream as her dad sprayed his spunk into her, decorating her womb with lashings of the same hot cream he had blasted into her mother‘s vagina 18 years earlier. In that second, she knew that her dad loved her with all his heart and another wave of orgasm wracked her body as she was filled with her love for him.

Ten minutes later, Cathy was on all fours in front of the fire, two feet away from her mum who was still deeply asleep. Her dad was crouched on his haunches behind her and was fucking his daughter like a dirty slut. The cum that he had already shot into her was foaming up around his rock hard cock meat as he pounded at her teenage pussy.

Cathy wished that her mum was awake so that she could see what a good slut her daughter was, what a good cum whore she was for her dad. He pussy, her mouth, her tight arsehole – these were all her dads now, to fill with his hot, sticky cream. Her legs were shaking as she felt her third orgasm approach. “Cum in my slutty pussy, dad” she hissed. “Fill your little whore with your cum.” It was too much for her dad. As Cathy’s massive orgasm erupted, pulsing through her body like a serious of delicious electric shocks, he gripped his teenage daughter’s hips and exploded into her cunt, spraying jet after jet of hot cum into her. Cathy’s womb was now overloaded with her dad’s hot, white cum as he continued to shoot her full of it. His fat cock was now a plug – the only thing keeping the mass of boiling seed inside his daughter’s quivering vagina.

Cathy’s dad turned to look at his wife, his cock still buried to the hilt in his daughters twitching quim.

He was glad she was a deep sleeper.

The end

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2y9ecp/a_quiet_night_in_str8inc

1 comment

  1. What a great story. Thanks for sharing! Also, I hope this isn’t Simon and Cathy’s only session together ;)

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