Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.4: Class [f][huml]

Kerina walked out of the security office and stood wondering what to do for a minute, and then she decided that as she couldn't hide out at the library, and she couldn't get back into her dorm yet, she might as well really go to her next class. She had no books or anything but perhaps someone would lend her paper to take some notes.

Kerina walked off to the class, still feeling out of sorts. She headed towards the block her class was in when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Kerina whirled around, still shaken from everything that had happened, only to see Jack' smiling face.

"Hi Kerina…oh sorry did I surprise you?" Jack asked looking worried

"Oh…oh it's you. Uh yeah, I was thinking of something else," Kerina said feeling silly.

"Oh sorry, sorry about that," Jack said looking apologetic, "I suppose it is too late to do some study together now? I helped my friend for a little while but we couldn't do much because our other friend didn't turn up, and he has the truck."

"Uh, yeah I have to go to my next class sorry," Kerina said looking down nervously.

"Oh, that's ok, maybe we can do it later," said Jack.

Kerina looked down faintly blushing as her mind wandered and she realised she was standing there with no underwear in front of him and he was talking about 'doing it later'. She frowned and chided herself for her wandering thoughts.

"Are you ok Kerina?" asked Jack worried. "You look upset."

"What, oh no, no I was just thinking; about class…I have to go there now"

"Well, ok but let me walk you, I am worried about you. Did something happen?"

"No! I mean no, nothing. I am just feeling a little hot," Kerina said continuing to walk.

Jack fell into step beside her, "Are you sure, maybe you need a lay down, class doesn't start for another fifteen minutes."

"No, no I will be fine," Kerina said a little firmer, feeling a headache coming on," I need to revise my notes anyway."

"Ok, well at least let me get you a bottle of water," Jack said as they passed a vending machine in the hall," you definitely need the water."

"Uh sure ok, I will be in the room up here, B13," Kerina said hurrying off.

Jack took out some coins and put them in the machine. As Kerina turned into the room he pushed the refund lever and retrieved his coins. Jack took a bottle out of his pack, shook it and looked at it closely. Satisfied he walked after Kerina into the room.

Kerina looked up gratefully as Jack entered. She wasn't feeling well and was looking forward to the water. Jack passed her the bottle and watched her take some large mouthfuls.

"I hope you feel better Kerina," Jack said checking his watch," Oh shoot, I better take off; I have to get to my next class. Will you be ok?"

"Yes, yes off you go," said Kerina, "Thank you for the water, I was thirsty."

With a last concerned look Jack walked quickly out. He gets to the end of the hall and waits a few minutes. He feels nervous anticipation, if anyone else gets here early he will have to abort the plan and people will think Kerina has fallen asleep or maybe she is on drugs.

The three minutes seem to drag on for an eternity, but no one else comes past and Jack heads back, he looks cautiously into the room and sees Kerina slumped forward, unmoving on her desk.

Jack walks in and prods her, but she doesn't move, so he moves quickly to carry out his next plan. He leans Kerina back and pulls off a couple more buttons from her blouse, leaving only the 3 bottom ones. Jack chuckles at the almost obscene cleavage precious little Kerina is now displaying. He then moves to the next part of his plan. He isn't sure how this will go, but thought it would be interesting anyway. Jack lifts up Kerina's skirt and he feels his cock jump as he sees Kerina naked from the waist down. Resisting the urge just to fuck her still, Jack unzips his pants and puts his cock head up close to her pussy. He then releases his bladder and starts peeing on Kerina. All over her neatly trimmed pussy it splashes, running down her thighs, soaking her skirt, the bottom of her blouse and some even runs into her sandals.

Jack lets the skirt fall back into place, and leans Kerina forward again onto the desk. He grabs a few loose condoms which have Kerina's full name, Kerina April Smith, printed on the wrappers and drops them in the pocket of her blouse. Then, grabbing the bottle of water, Jack turns and takes off for class, not wanting to be late.
