Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.3: Darren [f][huml]

Kerina stood breathing deeply at the door to her dorm room. She felt around her absentmindedly for the key. She couldn't believe what had happened to her. A quiet hard working girl like her, only at University for a few weeks and everything going so well, and then she had been looking forward to today when she turned 18, and she no longer felt like a silly little girl among all these older kids. Now suddenly, she had been exposed in the library, her underwear was missing some how and then she had been ejected from the library with her blouse still open! Kerina couldn't believe what she had suffered in the last hour. She desperately wanted to crawl into her bed and hide.

Suddenly Kerina felt her heart drop. The key wasn't in her skirt pockets or in the little pocket in her blouse. Kerina looked around desperately before it dawned on her. Her keys and purse were probably still in her bag, and they were going to be in the front office, tomorrow!. Kerina knocked on her door hoping Lisa might be in, but then she remembered that Lisa was out for the day on a trip to some museum for her Art Project.

Taking some deep breaths, Kerina smoothed her skirt down, you couldn't really tell she had nothing underneath, but her blouse was a little tight and with the top button missing it was showing a little more cleavage than she was used to. She had four buttons left on the blouse.

"Come on Kerina, get it together. No one knows what happened, you just have to keep going like you have ever since you arrived here," she told herself. "Think you can figure this out." She told herself, willing herself to think of a solution. Suddenly it came to her — the security office! The Librarian would have to send her stuff to the Security Office for safe keeping until tomorrow. Well she wasn't actually certain about this, but if it wasn't sent there, then at least they must surely know where to.

Feeling more prepared, Kerina stepped out and walked out of the dorm and across the campus to the security office.

Walking into the little security office, Kerina felt a little more confident as she saw Darren, the 30 year old married security guard was on duty. He had been the first person she had talked to after she had been assaulted in the cafeteria and he had been very understanding.

"Hello Darren," Kerina said to Darren.

"Well, Kerina, what a pleasure. How are you?"

"I am good thank you. How are you?"

"Busy, busy, lots of paper work. But what brings you here? I hope there hasn't been another incident," Darren asked concerned.

"Oh no, nothing like that," said Kerina blushing a little,"I just left my bag at the library. I spoke to the Librarian and she said they were already sent on and I was wondering if you know where they would go to?"

Darren looked in the big box on the floor next to him, "Well it should be here, but the box is empty. Perhaps it is still on it's way. We should ask the Librarian who was bringing your bag over," suggested Darren.

"Oh, well I have class now anyway, so maybe I will just check back in after class. Perhaps it will be here by then? Well, uh see you then" Kerina called out worried as she left.
