Hot and spicy (f)or (m)y wife

I wanna take you to a place that no one has ever been able to go!! A fantasy world inside my head where all things are wonderful and all is well with the universe.

This day like many before I awoke to a beautiful blonde woman with smooth skin, complexion of an angel, and eyes to die for. As I reach to touch her neck to wake her I imagine first what I could do for her, to pleasure her. My mind goes crazy and before I knew it I had gently ran my fingers from her neck, down to the top of her breasts and gently massaged each one paying very special attention to each succulent nipple. Around and then down. Further down to her stomach. So soft and warm and now at her navel. I pause for a brief moment hoping not to wake her until I am a little closer to her sweet spot. I go down a bit further to the crease that is just above the genital region where her low rise panties sit, waiting to be removed to make known the beauty beneath. I slide my hand between her soft skin and those cute hello kitty panties. Easing my way down across smooth shaven skin to rest my hand just at the top of her lips. Again pausing, hoping now that she will wake to this touching of her clitoris so that we may go farther into the sexual experience of the morning. So beautiful lying there. So sweet and innocent she is. So I gently press the skin around her clitoris and begin to massage and rotate while she opens her eyes. Those gorgeous baby blues staring through me. I can tell that she wants me just as bad as I want her. She kisses me with the softest lips that exist and opens her legs to give me access. I move my fingers to part her lips and feel her wetness. I go then between her thighs placing my tounge under the clit and go gently around and around. With an up and down motion I feel her tense up so I know I am doing exactly what she wants me to do. My penis growing more stiff with each stroke of my tounge. Giving her pleasure gives me great pleasure. In this moment I find it hard to think of anything but her satisfaction. Needing to know that she has experienced profound bliss, Boundless and immeasurable. As I go on and continue the mission at hand she gently grabs my head with both hands and just holds me there in that one place. SHE is in control of what happens next. She pulls at my hair as she comes closer to that bliss that I mentioned before. "Faster, right there" she says. She enjoys what I am doing for her. Now my penis throbbing, ready to bust out of its skin. She pinches her thighs around my head and pulls me in so tight that I can hardly stay breathing. I hear her moans and the sounds do as much for me as my tounge is doing for her. She releases my head and her legs quiver uncontrollably as she lets go of her sweet juices. They run down my chin and she pulls my from between her legs and kisses me sweetly and licks her nectar from my face. She whispers to me "I want you between my thighs, inside me." So I insert myself into her tight wet honey hole and move slowly back and forth. In and out. I feel her g spot swollen and hot. I see her face alive with pleasure and her moans of satisfaction echo through the room. She is certainly enjoying this. Each of her legs placed on my shoulders. She reaches down to massage her clitoris gently as I go harder. Faster. She wants it this way. I'm sure of it. She says to me "oh my god. You feel so good." I go on. Again, harder and she screams "faster. Don't stop!!" As I hold back with all my might. My heavy breathing has caused a feeling of euphoria. I am light headed and almost dizzy. This feels so damn good. I'm lost in this feeling and so is she. And now at long last I am ready to release myself and so is she. We understand one another and our bodies movements to know that it is time to explode. I don't pull out. I let go of my seed into her tightness. We blow off at the same time. Just like a geyser that has built pressure to let loose.
She squirts juice around me and onto the bed. We are both wet from hips down to our knees. Both of us moaning and screaming with pleasure. As we both calm ourselves I pull myself out of her and lie down holding her close to me. As close as I can get to her. Still lost in the excitement of what had just happened. I had accomplished my goal. I had given her extremely immeasurable bliss. I continue to lay next to this beautiful angel that I call my wife. And thank God that this is where I was meant to be. I kiss her gently to let her know that I am sincerely happy. Knowing that love and loving the same is unmatched and amazing. She is truly and will always be my soulmate, my lover, and my friend.


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