The Chair [MF][Femdom]

The Chair I awake with a start and am greeted by an unfamiliar sight and a tremendous headache. I find myself laying at the foot of a bed, I am lightly restrained and have a pair of feet lying on top of me. I try to speak but realize I can only mumble through the gag in my mouth, I try to mumble loudly to wake up the owner of the bed I am in and eventually succeed. As our eyes meet memories of the last night flood back to me and I remember everything.

It started like any normal night after work, most of the office headed off to the nearest watering hole for some R&R after a long day. As we slowly start to migrate towards the exit our boss,Alex, stops us and asks to join us. We exchange dumbfounded looks as we wonder what is happening, Alex has always been nice enough and fair but has never been one to socialize outside the office. I quickly take charge of the situation and let her know we would be glad to enjoy her company on this beautiful night. We occupy a large section of the bar by the time everyone arrives, we are all having a grand old time and we all learn more about Alex. As we begin the walk to our respective homes I feel Alex grab onto my arm and look up at me with the sweetest eyes. "I just wanted to thank you for inviting me tonight, I was wondering if you could walk me home? I live the opposite way and would hate to walk home all alone this late." I only have to think about it for a second before I assure Alex that I would be honored to walk her home.

As soon as we enter her house everything changes, she presses me against the nearest wall and begins to kiss me hard and deep. Her tongue forces itself into my tongue and starts a one sided wrestling match. I am to shocked to respond at first but after realizing what is happening I kiss back, matching her force and passion. She quickly leads me to the study and sits me down in a chair. I try to say something but am quickly silenced with a shushing gesture and her finger resting gently on my lips. My mind races as she walks into the adjacent room, and closes the door behind her. I can hear her rustling around for things and the sounds off drawers opening and closing. After several minutes I see her emerge from the room wearing a sultry satin blouse, short skirt, black stockings, and black heels. I am breathless as I stare amazed at the beauty before me. I only get to experience the delicious sight for several seconds before I am blinded by a piece of cloth. It is secured over my head and I feel her begin to bind my arms behind me. Before I realize what is happening my legs are also tied, leaving me little room for movement and none to escape. The panic sets in as I franticly try to escape, I feel her breathing lightly on my skin as she leans in to whisper to me. "You are mine now, I will do whatever I wish with you and you will follow all orders. Am I understood?" "Wait what?" I manage to pathetically mumble before feeling the sharp sting of a hand cross my face. It is quickly followed by several more before I hear her repeat the question in a more authoritative tone." Yes, yes, anything you wish." I quickly say, eager to avoid any more punishment.

I feel a strange sensation as she tips the chair forward until it falls, luckily a pillow helps to break the fall but it is quickly replaced by a pair of feet. She harshly commands me to begin kissing her feet and I respond earnestly. My lips begin to worship her perfect feet, running my lips over every surface I can find. I pay special attention to her perfectly pedicured toes. She notices the bulge currently residing in my pants and laughs at how small it appears. As her foot runs against my groin I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure. She gingerly picks the chair up and sets me back into an upright position. I hear a scratching against the hardwood floor as she sets her chair across from mine. I feel the sharp point of her heel poke and prod against my jeans, putting pressure on my throbbing member. I can't help but gasp as she uses her heel to gently stroke me through my jeans. What comes out of her mouth next both shocks and excites me. I find myself enthralled by the sound of her voice as she calls me every dirty name in the book and lets me know that I belong to her. I am nothing more than a bitch for her pleasure and amusement. That is my only purpose and I better get damned good at it if I know what is good for me.

I can't believe how close I am to orgasm. Hearing her degrade me and the gently stroking of her heel has brought me so close to nirvanna. I speak up and alert her of this and am rewarded with a wicked smile and devilish laugh. I am untied and lead into her bedroom where I am told to strip and lay down at the foot of the bed horizontally. It is very uncomfortable but I oblige. My limbs are securely tied to the bed before she hops on the bed and kneels next to me. I feel her hands expertly stoke my throbbing cock until I am on the verge of cumming. "Oh no you don't!" She screams in delight as she squeezes my cock hard and stops stroking me. The pleasure is replaced by pain, as she gives my hard cock a smack and tells me I may only cum with her permission. With that said she places a ball gag in my mouth, checks my bonds, and lays down with her feet resting on my chest and face. "Goodnight bitch, I hope you enjoy your new life." Those are the last words I remember before falling asleep.

This is the first story I have written that I didn't completely hate. Any comments or constructive criticism are welcome.


1 comment

  1. Love it. My only comment would be that I was confused about the gender of your subjects. Maybe use more descriptive pronouns to make it clear that it was from a male POV because the name could swing either way.

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