Geting Bens Laid Part 1(Fm) (Blowjob)

This story is designed to set the premise for Part 2. It is also the first piece of writing I have actually tried on. So premise give me FEEDBack

I also have some questions.

–How can I introduce Physical aspect of The charecters?

–Why does it have to be Jake that seduces Bens why not some girl, after all ben is attractive?

Jake was driving to his friend Ben's house. Jake and Ben had been best friends for most of their lives. Their mothers had worked together and had became close friends. Surprisingly their children were polar opposites.

JAKE was very outgoing and talked to people. BEN on the other hand was shy and tried to not be seen. He surrounded himself with a few close friends and didn't often make new ones. And while Jake almost always had a girlfriend. BEN was still a virgin. Jake knew that Ben was'nt ugly. Ben was actually quite attractive. Jake himself had a crush on Ben when he was twelve.

Ben's sister Gabby opened the door. "Come in" she said and wheeled herself backwards.

Gabby was paralyzed from the legs after a car accident when she was 17. Before the car accident she didn't put much effort in her studies. Instead she was a hard partier and was seen as a slut. After one such party she drove home drunk and smashed into an eighteen wheeler. Luckily nobody was killed but she lost movement in her legs. She completly stopped drinking afterwards and her sex life became less public. Jake didn't know whether she stopped having sex because of her legs or just was more secretive. But he had heard some wild rumors about Gabby…

"I need to ask you a big favor" she said as he sat at the table. "What's up? " he asked.

" You know that Ben is still a virgin right? " she asked.

" Yess" he replied somewhat uncomfortably.

"And he is very shy… "

" Yes" he nodded.

"And You know that Ben won't get a girlfriend with him having no confidence "

" What are you geting at? " he asked curiously.

" I need you to seduce Ben" Gabby said.

"What??? " Jake exclaimed.

" If you seduce him he will realize that he is attractive. It will realy boost his confidence "

" But I am not gay! " he stammered.

" Oh please, I know that you've sucked off two or three guys. " she countered.

Gabby was right. The first the he was with a guy was when he was 14 and was playing truth or dare at a party he ended up make out with the host.Later he and a friend jacked each other off after their track meet.

" Fine" he conceded "But Ben is'nt gay. "

Well that didn't take as long as I thought" she snickered.

"Shut Up"

"Well I was hoping you would dress up as a girl and go to the end of the year party" she answered.

"NO Way, flirtimg with my friend is ones thing but dressing like a girl.. " he exclaimed

"C'mon I mean you do have a femenine face and a nice ass.Plus your voice also is pretty girlish"

"Fine but only because it is Ben"

"I knew it" she said teasingly.

"Shut up!" he replied "You know I dont have to do this. "

"OK Fine." she said quickly " Go upstairs and try some of my clothes . We'll see how you look."

"Serriously ? " he asked

" Well I am not buying you clothes" Gabby said.

He marched into Gabby's room and looked around. He grabbed the two most conservative things he saw, a sweater and a long skirt and put them on.

"Bad choice" Gabby said from behind him.

Ben jumped:"When did you get here."

"Not long enough to see anything interesting. " she replied with smirk.

" Wearing that is probably a felony " she said poimting to his hideous attire.

"I things it looks fine though…"

" If you want to seduce Ben you're going to have to show a lot more skin and you cant scare him away " she said and then added with a more concerned tone: "You sure you are okay with This?"

"Yes I want to" he said, a bit too quickly.

Gabby raised her eyebows but didn't say anything .

"Let me help you then." she finaly said.

"Okay what should I wear? "

"First strip off everything"

He complied and stripped to his underwear. " Keep going " she said.

" He won't be fucking me" Jake complained. "I'm just seducing him and at worst maybe play with his dick."

"I was hoping you'd give him a blowjob" she replied quietly . "

" What?!!?!!??!"

"Don't worry you will love it"

"Yeah whatever" he said sarcasticly as he pulled down his boxers.

Gabby grabbed her red lace thong and told his to put it on. He slid it up his legs and his ass ate up most of the thin string. HIS cock still was outlined througb the thong and the head peaked out of the top. 

She pulled out her bra from inside her t-shirt and told Jake " Stuff some clothes in to the bra and wear it."

Jake stammered "Why did you take your bra off, there are a bunch in the closet."

" These match those panties" explained.

After he put on the bra she give him a t-shirt with the words: I swing both ways.

"Looking Good" she said approovingly. "Now put this on"

Gabby tossed Jake her mini-skirt. He dropped it. He made the mistake of bending over to pick it up. The tight silky feel of the thong rubbing his virgin asshole caused his dick to grow and rip the thin fabric of the thong.

He was pleased when he saw Gabby's impressed face as his 7 inch cock sprung out of the tatters of what was he red panties.

After staring at Jake's semi-rigid member she reaLized that she would have to have to hide it somehow.

She slid of her wheelchair and kneeled in front of his dick. "Don't get too excited" she said as the cock rose a bit.

Jake blushed.

Shy felt her pussy drip down her legs, she was around as this was the closest she had been to a cock for two months. She grabbed the cock and bent it downward in an attempt to hide it. . "Oww! " he said and then added jokingly "Well that is one way to give a handjob."

Gabby ignored himself and played with his huge member.

"This things is huge" she thought. "I wonder what it tastes like." 

"What the hell Gabby! He is eight years younger than you and your brother's best friend. "

She grabbed his balls and tried to stick them in between his legs.

" Mmmm" Jake moaned

"Sorry" she muttered. "Try laying down"

Jake obliged.

" Spread your legs and breathe in" Gabby said clinicly trying to stop her sexual feelings.

As Jake inhaled she pushed his balls and cock way in between his legs.

"It worked!!! " Jake exclaimed

Gabby moved her head for a closer looks and said" "Looks like you're…" Whack!! ! .

Jake's cock sprung out of his legs and slapped Gabby across the face leaving someone pre-cum oozing down her face. One drop rolled into her mouth. The second she tasted the salty liquid she knew she wanted more. "You know what, I cant hide you without a gaff" she announced " so I will buy you a gaff to hide your dick. But Right now I am going to teach you how to suck him off."

Then without a word she grabbed his cock and pushed it into her waiting mouth.

"What are you doing? " Jake asked surprised yet enjoying every second.

" Teaching you" she blurted trough a mouthful of his hard cock.

After the initial shock wore off he said "But I wont suck his… "

Gabby silenced him by lightly nibbling on his cock. " Mmmmmm" he moaned loudly.

After a few more seconds of sucking she pulled herself away. She wiped some pre-cum off her face and said "The first rule is to look into your man's eyes at all times. It makes him feel powerful and dominant" 

She put her head down and started moving her head towards his balls and then moved backward all while maintaini g suction on his dick. "Next is to keep a steady rythm by moving up and down the cock." shy they added "you might want to be careful your "boobs" may fall off.

Keep it interesting with a few flicks of your tongue" she said and then whipped the head of his dick with her tongue causing him to moan loudly.

"Where I just licked is the most sensitive part of the cock so focus there" she licked it again sending feeliNg of pleasure up him cock. SHE then added "it is also the tastiest."

" While you are sucking him off you should play with his balls" she explained and then lightly sqeezed his balls .

He moaned " Keep going I'm about to cum."

She pulled herself away and said "Never let him come right away, Make him Beg for it"

She then went back to blowing Jake. He slowly felt more and more of his dick Being surrounded by Gabby's wet mouth. She pulled it out and told him "It will take you a while before you can deepthroat his cock. I'd practice with a banana but it won't be anything like the real thing."

Gabby then pulled him out of her mouth and then held it in front of her face just as Jake came. his cock pumped out streams of semen onto Gabby's face. When his cock stopped squirting and began to slow down she pulled it back into her mouth and swallowed almost all of the sticky semen. "You have to know when he will come so you can have it land on your face. Some people like having it on their face but most don't . We "suckers" only do it because you men like it. "

" Finaly don't waste any of the cum. Swallow it. " she concluded while gathering cum of her breasts with her fimger.

" Any questions she asked" licking cum off her finger sexualy.
