Whistle blower [MF]

My second post. I'm writing a book about a golden whistle that has magical powers. Before I decided to make a real book out of it, I had written down some stories, that now provide the 'legend' background. Hope you enjoy, love to hear your thoughts.

It’s the year 1899. The end of a century is nearby and society in Boston is getting ready for a new era. Factories are everywhere and money is being made throughout all social classes. One class in particular is doing well: the higher middle class. Owners of factories and shops have lots of money to spend and are forming their own group. This group is mainly settling in Back Bay, a neighborhood where Victorian brownstone homes are the reflection of money. With money comes freedom and the first signs of independence are showing here and there. Women get done more, and while they’re not working they find their own ways to get through the day. It is here that young officer Joe Checulo works, humming some song. His night shift has just begun and while the sun is setting, he walks along the big houses filled with hard working men and their wives and daughters.

It is quiet in the streets. It is always quiet in those streets. The Back Bay is far enough from the factories to have nights without even a whisper. The gas lights that light the street are buzzing and the sound from a horse and coach is coming from five blocks away. Joe’s own footsteps sound loudly through these streets. He has just become an officer, just like his dad wanted him to be. It was almost like he was born to do this, his height always impressed people and seeing the broad shoulders made bad intentions go away in an instant. He whistles a melody, looks around and then sees something strange. A gold glimmer is coming from in a bush. He bends over to see what it is and then holds his breath. A whistle is laying there. It is just the same as the one he is wearing, only made of gold. He has seen those before. It is the one you get after a remarkable deed. Not one he should be wearing now, hard work and years of process would go into that. It is only his first week. He decides to just walk on and pretend he never saw the thing. Two blocks away from the park, maybe he’ll see it when he comes for his next round. After sunset, nobody is allowed within the borders of the park and the first part of his shift is making sure actually nobody is in the park. He started late today, the sun has already set and the street lights are his only aid. Now he has to walk in the dark while checking the park. He checks his inventory: club, hat, whistle… The whistle is missing. He must have left that in his locker. Without thinking twice, he runs back to the bush and puts the golden whistle in his pocket.

Entering the park it’s almost night. The full moon helps to see where he is going. Joe walks at a fast pace. Even he shouldn’t be here at this time. A little nervous and with one hand on his club, he walks towards the pond in the middle of the park. No one is around, it is at least a two minute walk before he can reach the houses again. Another coach drives by in the distance. He walks a little faster and then stops. Somebody is still at the pond. His hand wrapped around the club he walks up to the pond. He can only see the silhouette of the person on the side of the pond, he must be at least 200 yards away. As he comes closer, he can see it’s a woman. He loosens the grip of his club and walks up to her.
‘Excuse me madam, I’ll have to ask you to leave’, he says.
She turns around in shock. ‘O, thank God you’re here, I was afraid you may have been a robber. You see, I was trying to get my dog, he has been sitting on that island for almost an hour and I don’t want to go home without him.’
While she is talking, she puts her hand on his chest and looks up, surprised. She must have felt his muscles, because now she is just silent and looks into his grey eyes. Her mouth is a little open and probably without realizing it, she is stroking his chest now. She is beautiful. Her brown hair is up, roughly held together. The hat she was wearing to cover up the untidiness lays on the ground, next to her jacket. All she is wearing now is a long, white skirt and a shirt. He can see the corset that’s under it and how it pushes up her breasts. Then he realizes they’re both just staring into each other’s eyes and she has been holding him for too long.
‘I’ll get your dog and lead you out, but you have to be more careful next time.’
She releases her hand from his chest and closes an extra button on her shirt.
'O, thank you so much, I’ll sit here and tidy myself back again.’
She turns her head and puts on her jacket. Joe undoes his belt and lets his pants drop. Then he unbuttons his shirt, and takes his head off. She turns around, maybe to ask something. He looks at her, his shirt halfway unbuttoned and sees how she just stares at his body. Her hand goes to her mouth, as if she was ashamed of what she just saw. She swallows and turns around.

Just wearing his underwear, he walks into the water. The water is very cold and he has to walk slowly to prevent him from sighing. He shouldn’t sigh, she could maybe here him and not see him for the strong man that he is. After a few feet, he is up to his knees in the water and halfway the pond. Then the ground under his left feet disappears and he falls to the left side. Not even left with time to scream, his head disappears under water. Then, when his feet can find solid ground again, he gets up, gasping for air. He must have stepped in a hole. At the side of the pond, she as looking at him. Again, the hand before her mouth, but when she sees he is okay, the hand drops. Her mouth is still open a little, but the expression is not one of fear. Her eyes scan his body. His strong legs, his broad shoulders and muscled chest are soaking wet. In the moonlight, he makes the strongest impact on her. He sees her eyes wondering around his underwear. The water has made it stick directly to his body, so she must see his shape. And she is still looking at him. He removes some hair from his cheek, turns around and walks on to the dog. He will have to talk to her about this looking, although the hole must have surprised her as well. She was probably just worried about one of Boston’s finest policemen. He doesn’t realize how she is still looking at him, as his body descends more into the water. She licks her lips. Then he reaches the island, picks up the dog and holds him while he walks back.

On the other side of the pond, she is now facing away from him. ‘I left my jacket for you to dry yourself and to show you my gratitude for helping me’, he hears from her direction. He gets the jacket and starts drying off. Then the dog starts running back and forth, without any reason. Aggregated, he looks around and sees the golden shine of his newly found whistle. Without thinking about it, he presses the whistle to his mouth and blows.

The dog immediately stops running, lays on the ground and falls asleep. The woman groans and falls on her knees to the ground. Then she falls back and looks at him. Again, she groans, now moving her hand over her body. Her runs over to her to see if she’s all right. She seems to be out of breath, her hands torn her shirt, and then rub against her corset. Then she stops moving her hands, looks him in the eyes and gets up. She presses his body against hers and now kisses his neck. A moment of doubt crosses his mind. Then he sees her closed eyes, her breasts pressed against his chest and he feels a shiver. Running down his spine, the shiver ends in the core of his underwear and releases in full power. In one swift move, he grabs her waist with both hands, lifts her off the ground and lays her down. Now on top of her, he looks into her eyes and sees her eyes running along his body, only to stop for a second to see his swollen underwear. She lifts her skirt with one hand and grabs his butt with the other. Then she pulls him closer towards her. He feels her breathing in his face and hears a sigh when his wet underwear is pushed against her leg. Now her fingers are stroking his jaw as his lips come closer to hers. The kiss is spectacular. Softly sucking her tongue, his tongue dances around it. One hand runs up and down her leg, the other softly squeezes her neck. He pulls away his face and leaves her waiting for more.

Now he starts kissing her cheek, her jaw and her neck. Her hand grabs the grass, pushing her fingernails in the ground. She shivers. He takes off the skirt and starts kissing her leg, slowly moving towards where they meet. He can see how her underwear has a dark spot that gets bigger every time he gets closer. He lets his fingertips go up her leg, until he can feel the dark spot. She groans loudly, it’s a good thing there is nobody around. Then his finger pushes the dark spot. He feels how her whole body reacts and sees how her hands grab her breasts, still locked in by the corset she is wearing. He rises up and posts himself right on top of her, leaving his hand still in the same position and removing it very slowly. His grey eyes are focused, he looks at her as she is turning her head in uncontrolled body movements. His hand goes up her body and then strokes her face. Just when she is about to calm down, he presses his wet underwear against hers. She can now feel him right through it. It’s pressing against her and pushes in a little bit. Then he flips her around, so she faces the grass. He unties her corset and throws it away. He crawls back and lays on top of her, still pressing his hardness against her wetness. Now his hand moves from her face, where he stops to put one finger in her mouth, down to her chest. He reaches her breast and slowly slides to her nipple. When he touches it, she feels his reaction between her legs. His lips go down her spine and with his teeth, he takes off her underwear. Now she is laying there and he is just looking at her. Her arms are up in the grass, her legs crossed over. His underwear is pointing at the moon, she reaches out her hand and he comes closer. With a firm grasp she holds onto his manhood and moves her hand down the shaft. She swallows. Very slowly, she pulls down his underwear, to see him as she wants him. Naked. Again, she grabs the shaft and slides her fingers all the way to his core. Her fingernail softly scratches his balls. Now she has his manhood at the top of her fingers. Now he is all hers.

She feels the cold grass in her neck. She rests her arms in the grass as well and holds on tight to the ground. Her legs spread as well and he comes hovering over her. His breath chills her legs, her tiny bit of hair and then her belly. His teeth scratch her breast and just before they reach her nipple, he kisses around the tip and then swoops his tongue over it. She wants to scream, but just in times swallows the scream and feels it running down her belly until it explodes deep down inside her. Her body shakes and her legs crawl up. He looks into her eyes as she feels his 6 inches sliding along her leg. Her eyes close and all she feels now is his body pressed on top of her, his breath in her ear and how he softly presses her opening. He is hard, but gently slides in as she bites her lip not to scream again. Her fingers must be dirty after hooking into the ground, but now she puts her hand on his back as he is still sliding inside her. Deeper and deeper he gets, until he stops and pushes one more time. She doesn’t know how deep he is, she just feels his body laying on top of her and all his energy inside her. Now he begins to go back and forth, still very gently while he kisses her mouth, her cheek, her forehead, her ear. Less gently now, his moves are firmer and seem deeper. Every time he gets deep inside her, she holds her breath. Now she doesn’t even know whether she’s still breathing, all she hears is his breath going faster and faster. His hands seem to be everywhere, his mouth now explores her shoulders, her breasts, her neck and he is still raising the tempo. Now she cannot contain herself and starts groaning. This man has too much of an impact on her, she cannot control her body anymore. Now she has to bite her own hand not to scream and a sound still escapes her mouth. She feels a constant rhythm and all her energy focusing on his hardness pounding inside her. Her fingers hook into the grass, she has given up trying not to scream and as he is still going faster, she screams and feels her spine rattling. He is still going, she looks up and sees his eyes looking into hers, his dedicated face and the rolling of his eyes. Another series of fireworks race up and down her spine and she wants to push him away. It’s too much, it’s too much. Then, one more scream and she feels him going slower but harder. Finally he stops and sighs. Now it’s almost like their bodies couldn’t be separated, A constant flow of happiness roars between her legs.

Slowly he pulls himself out of her. His hands cross her body once more and she closes her eyes. When she looks up, her dog has his leash in his hand. It is still dark out, she must have slept only a few minutes. The officer is nowhere to be found. She gets up and gets dressed. Looking around, all she can see is the scenery as it was: a full moon, a dark pond and a small path between the trees to her house. When she reaches the street, a humming sound comes from behind her. She turns around, but sees only dark trees.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2qtove/whistle_blower_mf