After A Long Day [MF][Light BD][Short][First Person]

“Oh man, what a long day at work!” I come in the door, wearing my blue button up and my tight black dockers. I take a deep relaxing breath before closing the door behind me and dropping my bag to the floor. The moment my bag hits the floor I start looking around, trying to find you. I’ve been at work, all day, wanting you, and you’re all I can think about anymore. The only thing that will cure this is to have you. And so I search. Not playing video games, not in the kitchen. I wander through the house until I arrive at the door of the bedroom. As I look over at the bed I see you there. You’re sleeping softly, uncovered and wearing nothing but a yummy pair of boy short panties and a nightie. Immediately my eyes light up. Not only are you here for the taking, you’re dressed for the occasion and totally unsuspecting.

I keep my eyes on you as I slink across the room to the closet. I start to undress, thinking about how I would do this all day, planning it all out. The first thing to come off is my tie. I pull it off before pausing, looking to the tie, and then back to you. A slow devious smile plays over my lips as I get an idea. I tip toe the rest of the way to the closet and grab 4 more of my ties. I slowly unbutton my blue button up and slip out of my black dockers and tiptoe over to the in just my boxers. I sit down on the bed next to you and immediately go to work fashioning my ties in to a restraint. I smile at you, leaning down and kissing your cheek softly. “Wake up, darling. I’m home.” I don’t wait for you to awake. I take your hand softly, turning you on to your back, and tie one end of the tie around your wrist. I pull your arm tight and wrap the tie around the bed. I glance down at you to see if you’ve woken up enough to see what I’m doing. You seem pretty groggy so I keep at it, eventually tying up all four of your limbs, leaving you on your back with no way to defend yourself. The last tie in my possession goes around your eyes, blinding you to all my motions, heightening your other senses.

By now, you’ve gained enough consciousness to realize what I’m doing, and you struggle lightly against the restraints. I hover over your body on all fours in nothing but my boxers, a wicked little grin staring down at you as you struggle. I wait until you still, and look up at me with those gorgeous eyes of yours. You would probably say something to me in protest with that sexy voice of yours. I quickly silence you by putting a finger to your lips before dragging it down your body. I slink down your body on all fours until I lie on my tummy between your tied up spread legs. I look up over your breasts as you stare down back at me before I lie flat and run my hands up either of your thighs. You shiver and try to pull away, but the ties keep you in place, leaving you vulnerable and open to me. Finally I crane my head down, but it’s only to tease you. My lips kiss the tendon where you thigh meets your hips, kissing all over the insides of your legs there. My lips meander until finally I kiss slowly and lightly over the panty-covered mound of your pussy. Smelling your scent through the fabric, I can’t resist any more. My hands slip up from your thighs to your panties, pulling them to one side and holding them there, exposing your sweet little slit to me. I blow very lightly on it before I run my tongue from bottom to top slowly, flicking your clit before I lift my tongue off and place it back at the bottom. I lick up your slit like this a few time, pushing your lips apart and getting you wet for me. My free hand moves in front of my face and spreads your pink lips apart for my warm wet tongue. I dip my tongue into your wetness, tasting your sweet nectar and causing you to squirm against my ties that hold you in place. My tongue leaves your dripping hole and slides up your slit to your pink bud of pleasure. It flicks and laps roughly at your clit, hungrily wanting to taste your pleasure. You can hear me groan softly as I taste you, loving every second of it. I continue my work on your body until I bring you to the edge of orgasm, but I do not let you cum.

I run my finger down your slit one more time before my hands hook into your panties and tug them down off your curvy hips. I get back to all fours, crawling up your body slowly before moving to the side, slipping out of my boxers and tossing them aside on the floor. I move up your body, putting my knees on either side of your head, and gripping my cock in my hand. Slowly I guide it to your lips, my tie preventing you from seeing what I’m doing, until the tip of my cock along with the precum, glides across your lips, letting you lean up a bit to suck on me.

Finally I slink back down your body, gliding my cock down between your breasts and over your tummy until the head grazes teasingly over your slit. I run the tip up and down your lips a couple of times coating the head in your slickness. I lean down and kiss your tummy, just below your belly button, before propping myself up and pushing my cock slowly into your hot little hole. I watch as my swollen head pushes your pretty pussy lips apart, welcoming me into your heat. I let out an audible groan as I feel you clench down around my entire shaft, trying to keep my cock from leaving you. I pull out against the resistance of your cunt, your walls slick with wetness, coating my entire length, until my head is all that remains. I slam my cock back home, filling you completely, the tip of it nearly pressing against your cervix as I stretch you. I put both my hands on either side of your body and begin to pump my throbbing steely shaft in and out of your hot tight little pussy. “Mm, fuck you feel so fucking good around my cock..” I speak with a growly raspy voice as I pump in and out of you, faster and faster, your walls gripping me tighter with each thrust. The ties strain against your wrist, causing the whole bed to rock, your body absorbing the shock of my hips making your tits bounce back and forth. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!” My whole body starts to shake roughly as I watch your body take every thrust. My balls begin to tingle and ache until finally I feel you cum around my cock, clamping down around me hard and milking every inch of me. The feeling of you beneath me thrashing about is enough to send me over the edge and I push my cock deep inside you, releasing every ounce of hot syrupy seed inside of you, coating your insides with the sticky cum.

I breath heavily for a moment before collapsing down on to your body, smiling and letting out little chuckles. I turn my head and lick the sweat that had collected on your breast off before sucking softly on your nipple. I crawl up your body and kiss your lips before releasing limbs. We lie with each other the rest of the afternoon, napping and cuddling, before waking up, and starting all over.



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