To be a dirty daddy..

I remember how shy you were at first. I'd posted an ad on Craigslist – I was a daddy looking for his daughter, and you replied with only the words "hi daddy" because, as I later learned, you were too nervous and too scared to type anything else. No punctuation, no adornment; just "hi daddy" in all lower case, as though capitalizing any letters would cross some invisible line and commit you to formality. You'd been looking at Craigslist ads for a few weeks and found them mostly boring – the same pics and thoughtless text, like barbed, single-sentenced hooks dangling the water with wriggling worms all-too casually posted to lure you in. It wasn't the cock pictures that made you interested, it was the fantasy of what it would be like to be with any one of these dirty old men. You love to masturbate, like all girls your age, but the naughtiness of sitting there in front of your iPad, reading these ads as your finger slid effortlessly over your nipples and soon your clit and began to feel that familiar wetness and warmth as you wondered what it would be like to feel such an older man's hands all over your body.

Hitting the reply button felt wonderfully dirty and naughty and wrong, and that made it feel even hotter. You said you had typed some long, sexy reply telling me how you had already cum at least once while reading the ad over and over and fantasizing about what it must be like to be with an older man. Honestly, you never intended to hit the "send" button, and this was hardly the first time you'd typed out some response that would never leave your mailbox. But it wasn't until the next day when you went back to the ad again and realized you only wanted it more than you did the day before that you'd worked up enough courage only to say "hi daddy" and hit send. My response came a short time later. It, too, was brief because I only wanted to meet one girl, and I didn't want to waste my time or yours.

You never realized it until we went out to dinner the third or fourth time, but you aren't much different than other girls your age. Other 22 year olds are filled with desire and emotion and hormones and mixed-up feelings about what they want. Other 22 year old girls masturbate constantly and wrestle with the line between being provincial and being real. Like you, and like everybody, they just want the affection and trust of someone who is real and ready to commit to something more than just sex. What's different about you isn't what you want . . . it's who you want it from. Yes, the boys at school turned you on and you dated just like any other girl, but there was something missing – something none of the boys your age could give you.

It's not that you don't want boys touching you – you do – but the fantasy of a much older man touching you, sliding his hands in your panties, playing with your hair, and getting visibly aroused and letting you please him – it made you weak in the knees and literally took your breath away. What turns you on the most isn't how daddy looks or the size of his penis, it's how free you finally feel when you are with him.

As you explained it, awkwardly at first, sipping wine as we laid together on the couch and you stumbled to find the words to match the feelings inside you, you have an animal inside you that you cannot trust with boys your age. You want to be touched, and you want to be felt. You want to spread your legs wide open and let a man have your entire body. You want to feel his mouth on your breasts and feel his fingers slide inside you. You want to be naked and exposed. You want to feel his hard cock against you and in you. You want to please him by offering your entire body to him, and you want him to explore every inch of your body for as long as he wants. You don't just want to be a slut, you need to be a slut – but only for one man. You've even fantasized about being tied up and forced to do things that make your pussy soaking wet just thinking about. And there's something about boys your age that make this impossible. Boys your age make you feel awkward and self-concisous and unrelaxed. They make you feel like you need to worry about how you look. The zits, the random hairs, the size of your breasts, the smells of sex, the awkwardness of it all is overwhelming, and how the fuck are you supposed to enjoy sex and be free if all you can think about is what's wrong?

There is something about being with a much older many that makes all those worries disappear, and you could finally get off the way you've so desperately wanted to for so long. Older men don't worry about what they look like, and they don't worry about what you look like either. Just like real daddies always accept their daughters no matter what, a good role-play daddy isn't worried about any of the things that boys your age focus on. You don't have to be perfect for daddy, you just have to be yourself and daddy will love you no matter what. It doesn't matter what's happened to you in the past or who has touched you, it doesn't matter if you've had fantasies that make you feel guilty, and it doesn't matter that you've done things that make you feel bad – you know that your daddy accepts you and loves you for who you are and who you want to be. You trust your daddy to love you, and you know that you can open yourself to him and finally get the intense satisfaction you so desperately need.

And daddy has taught you so much. About his body and yours. You'd had sex many times before, but never comfortably; never fluidly. Daddy knew your body better than you did at first. For all the times you'd made yourself cum, you never knew that there were so many more ways to feel good. There's more to life than the hairbrush, I once told you. And when you learn to relax, you can have so many different types of pleasure as often as you want.

You once wondered what was in it for me. Why did I need to be a daddy? I'd said that love and sex was different for me, too, just as it was for you. I did't just want a girlfriend. And I didn't just want to take the innocence of some young girl – that's not what it's about. At all. It's not about sex. It's about making someone feel like worthwhile and protected and loved. Just like a good daddy should do. I'm attracted to women my own age, just as you are attracted to boys your own age. But girls my own age don't need a daddy to take care of them, and they don't have a million things they want to do with their life – they have it all figured out. You – you are different – there's a million things you want to do with your life, and not a damn one that stands out clearly. I guess I just want to be there to support you and make you feel like you can do any of them. I want to be the positive force in your life that makes you feel brave enough to handle everything life throws at you because you know I'll be there for you when you get home. Just like a good daddy.

I pay for dinner, as I always do, and we drive back in my car. Maybe we have sex, or maybe we just cuddle and talk. Now that we've been together for many months, it doesn't matter so much, it's just the time we spend alone, together that makes you feel so . . . cherished. Honestly, you never imagined giving yourself to an older man – a daddy – and it wasn't until you saw my ad that you began to understand that some girls just need a different type of affection, and this is what you needed to be happy. As we drive home, you think about how good it feels to finally have a man who can adore you, flaws and all, and how much we love spending time together. No matter what others say about the age difference, it's what you both want and need, and it's why both of us are so happy together.

And as we walk inside and put down our coats and keys and bags, you turn to me and look into my eyes. We kiss, and it's a kiss that says a thousands wonderful things to each other all at once. You begin to think of how good and right this feels. And you slowly unbutton your shirt, teasing daddy. You take off your bra and stand there shirtless. I see the red marks on your skin made by your bra, and they are beautiful in the white light. I see them and remember how self-conscious they once made you feel because none of the girls in porn seemed to have them. They make me feel good because I know that they make you real and beautiful, and they make me feel good because I love that they are a part of who you are. I trace a finger down your breast, over your nipple, and you feel a shudder run through your body. I do it a second time, and you feel your breath leave you. You turn and walk into the bedroom, soon to be naked, and later to be spread wide and made to cum as intensely as you've always wanted. It is natural and it is right. And when we are done, you will lay there naked and feel better knowing that daddy is right there beside you.


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