The Samaritan (MF)

Mary slipped her plain cotton panties off, folded them carefully, and added them to the neatly organized pile with the rest of her uniform.

“You don’t have to do this,” James whispered.

“It’s not something I have to do, it’s something I want to do.” Mary leaned forward and kissed him. “Are you ready?”

Mary followed James’s gaze down to his midsection, where his raging erection, looking as hard and straight as a totem pole, left no doubt as to his readiness. She took one more deep breath before climbing onto the bed. She threw her leg over his midsection and knelt above his body. Her pubic hair tickled his balls as she held him in her hand, wondering at how hot and rigid it felt. She teasingly played with his hardness for a moment, drawing sighs of impatience from the man below her; the man that in the year she had known him had gone from being just a patient, to a friend, and now almost inevitably to a lover.

She hesitated before taking the last step toward consummating their relationship. Her reluctance had nothing to do with any moral dilemma. It had more to do with her uncertainty about being the sophisticated, experienced woman James was expecting. Her lack of experience, something that a woman from her conservative upbringing might see as something to be proud of, only made Mary unsure of herself now. She was almost ashamed to admit to that at twenty-two she was still a virgin, but she had never met anyone like James before, and had not been tempted. But now she knew the time was right, and James was the right man.

When he had first asked her to give him a kiss two weeks ago, his face red with embarrassment, she had been surprised but not shocked. In her brief career she had already developed a skill for becoming something more than just a caregiver for her patients, and James had not been the first to profess his affection for her.

Mary had tried to appear mildly upset by his boldness, but she couldn't hide her own happiness at finding that he felt some of the same emotions toward her as she did to him. Gladly, she had let her lips caress his, her mouth lingering as that first experimental kiss grew into a full erotic, tongue-entwined meeting of souls. Over the next several days, Mary had slowly and shyly revealed parts of her body to James's gaze and touch, letting him explore her most intimate parts in a way she had never allowed any man.

“Don’t tease, Mary,” he pleaded, as his cock twitched from the feel of her fingernail being drug across the tight skin of his erection.

In response to his plea, and to her own need, she moved over him, positioning her entrance over the shiny, purple head. She pushed all doubt from her mind, and still with no real knowledge if she was even doing it right, let the weight of her body push her down onto James’s phallus. She felt herself being stretched open, but not uncomfortably. There was a slight hesitation as she felt him pressed against her barrier, but when she pushed harder the slight tearing of tissue was much less traumatic than she had expected. Still, she did utter a slight cry.

“Mary…are you…I didn’t know…oh my God, Mary, what have I done?”

“Shh,” she said, placing a hand over his mouth to stifle further protests. “I’m doing just what I want to do, what I’ve needed to do for quite a while now.”

She felt her hips moving in a motion and rhythm that she hadn't known she was capable of. Now that James was within her, she felt more confident, and began moving faster and more deliberately. It didn’t take long for her actions to bring the frustrated young man to a climax, and she soon felt his warm seed spurting into her.

But there was still a need within her own body that was unfulfilled, so after pausing for a moment to share a brief smile with the young man lying in bliss below her, she began moving again on his still erect tool. The additional wetness within her now acted as an emolument to sooth the slight pain she still felt.

Mary pushed herself onto James, taking in his full length with each stroke, almost wishing there was more to absorb. James began thrusting up to meet her, matching the sensuous rocking of her hips with an urge he felt within himself to bring as much joy to his new over as she had to him. Time seemed to freeze for the couple, as their sweat and secretions merged, until in one glorious moment Mary felt her own sensations reach a peak, just as James’s body somehow managed to produce a second warm tribute to her love.

She rolled off his body, and lay next to him, as they clung to each other, silently recovering from their exertions, and contemplating what it meant for their future. Mary stood and began dressing, reluctantly reentering the real world. She didn't say anything, and found it difficult to even look at him.

“Mary,” he whispered, “that was amazing. You are truly an angel, and I hope the rest of your life is as wonderful as you have made the last few weeks for me.”

“James, please, don’t…don’t talk about that. Now, are you sure you want me to…”

“Yes, of course. How many times have we talked about this? Now that we have made love, I'm even more ready.”

Mary finally allowed herself to look into his eyes as she inserted the needle and began injecting the drugs into his IV line. When the doctors had declared his situation hopeless, and sent him home to die a slow, painful death, James had begun talking Mary into helping him end things earlier, on his own terms. Everyone was expecting him to die soon anyway, he had reassured her, so no one would suspect anything if he died a few weeks earlier than expected.

She held his hand, and they shared one last smile as he lapsed into unconsciousness. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she was pleased to see that she had fulfilled his last request. James was dying with a smile on his face.
