Stunned (Part 2) [MF, office affair]

Part 1:

A couple of days passed and Karl's guilt faded. His home life remained normal and it even felt like his lack of pawing at his wife seemed to lift her spirits. They cooked, did the dishes, and curled up to watch a movie or some stupid tv show like they always had. He even asked her causally over a glass of wine whether she thought about sex as much as they both knew he did.

"It's not a priority for me," she replied mater-of-factually, "It's sorta the cherry on top of a really big cake for me I guess."

'It's the cake for me' he'd thought but didn't say.

Work hadn't changed much either. The barbs he sometimes took from Kim seemed to have softened, and she smiled at him every now and again, but no tectonic shift in the world had occurred. By Thursday of the following week he sat slumped into his chair, as usual, staring at the screen with the glow faded from his mind.


IM from Kim on his phone.

A jolt of electricity hit his spine, traveled through his chest, tightened his stomach, and dove into his pants. He glanced up, but her office door was closed. He straightened in his chair and clicked on the message…


"Hi" he responded, surprised how Pavlovian his excitement had become to the new message announcement. His pants suddenly felt tight, his balls heavy.

"I'm laying on the couch in my office, my hand tickling my stomach, thinking about you."

DING! He click on the second message, a picture: tips of her fingers disappearing under the waist band of her panties.

"I want to see how hard I can get you. But first, send me a picture of your abs."

Totally new to this, he looked around. He closed his office door, turned off the main light hoping everyone would think he'd left, and started unbuttoning his shirt.


Another picture came through, this one of Kim's thumbs pulling down her panties. He could see the crease at the top of her thigh and the start of her strip. Hot.

He held his phone out in front, turned a few times to find the right light and angle, snapped a pic, and hit Send.


Kim's shirt was now off and she had one bra strap off a shoulder.

"Now your ass"

Karl reached awkwardly over his shoulder with his phone, the other hand pulling down his pants and boxers to flash a cheek. Send.


Her bra was off and she cupped her breasts, pinching the nipples.

"I want to see your cock. Tease me with it," she wrote.

He dropped his pants, hooked his fingers into his boxer's waist band and snapped a picture of the bottom of his abs and the top of his growing shaft. Send. 'Fuck this was exciting!'


Kim's fingers were mashed into her pussy, pressing down onto her clit.

"That's one sexy trunk you've got there. You're making me touch myself. I want to see how hard I'm making you."

Karl dropped his boxers, standing totally naked in his shadowy office with his hard dick bouncing in front of him. He reached down to get a flattering angle. Snap. Send.


"Just the right size, nice and hard, I like it. Tickle your balls for me"

He took another picture with his fingers barely touching his sack. Send.


Each time, without fail, his heart skipped a beat and his cock twitched when he was jolted by his IM DING.

"Stroke it for me. I want you harder"

His hand wrapped around his shaft and pumped up and down a couple of times. He clenched his stomach and ass and his tip bulged purple and huge. Snap. Send.


"Put your shirt back on, sit at your desk. No pants. I'm dripping."

He did as told but when he looked down, his hardon was standing up over the top of his desk. Shit. He lowered his chair and his cock disappeared from potential view. The office door opened a crack and then all the way as Kim was framed in the hall light. Tight shirt, short skirt, legs spread. He gulped hard as she lingered by the open door and two co-workers walked passed his office. From from the waist up he was presentable, normal, but behind the desk he sat bare-assed with his cock standing up, almost peaking over his desk top. She stepped into the room and closed the door. 'I can smell his excitement,' she cracked a smiled.

"I need to taste that big cock" she whispered as she confidently strode over to his desk. 'Fuccccckkk that feels good to hear!' he thought as he pushed back a few feet. Kim slid down to her knees in front of him and reached out to gave his dick a squeeze and a stroke. It jumped in her hand and Karl settled back into the chair.

All her overtures on his size felt good, but he knew he was about average. But standing up rock hard in her hand he felt colossal.

She kissed the tip and slipped her mouth around the head, sucking it and flicking it with her tongue. He popped out and she started tracing her tongue along the sensitive base of his helmet, sliding up the underside before once again engulfing the entire head into her mouth. Her hand stroked the shaft and then reached down to his heavy balls while her head bobbed up and down. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of her slurps and the new sensation of someone really working at and enjoying sucking his dick. His hips bucked unconsciously, pumping her mouth. After a few minutes she came off his cock, and starting at his balls, slid her tongue along the underside seam up the shaft, making him shiver, his cock swell, and his ass tighten.

"This tastes wonderful," she purred, sliding her hand up and down slowly, "but I want you to cum buried inside me again."

She stood up, reached behind her back to unzip her skirt. As it fell to the ground she lifted her shirt over her head, her wonderful bra-less boobs flopping down. This was the first time he'd seen her totally naked. Spectacular. 'Geez, boys are easy' he thought. She put both hands on the arm-rests of his chair, leaned in with her tits swaying, and kissed him hard. As she positioned her thigh against his balls and dick, giving them soft pressure, she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off.

"Sit on the edge of the couch, don't move, I want to fuck you."

Kim led Karl over to the couch and push him down. Standing over him she instructed,

"Stroke it"

He looked up at Kim in all her naked glory, hands on her hips, legs parted. He reached down and grabbed his wet cock, pumping up and down. Locked in her gaze, she slid her finger down her stomach and started rubbing her clit. Silence filled the dark office as they slowly rubbed themselves.

She leaned in to kiss him again, knocked his own hand away from his cock playfully, then climbed on to the couch, one knee on either side of his. Her tits bounced at eye level and she grabbed his shaft, positioning his head against her wet lips. As she settled her weight down on him, her eyes fluttered and she sighed, "yeesssssssssss."

She closed her eyes and rocked her hips. Each slow down stroke pressed his head against a different part of her warmth, each up stroke slid her button along his hard shaft sending electricity through them both. He tightened his ass and met her with each bounce. They bucked against each other silently.

The pace quickened as did their breath. His hands cupping her ass, guiding her up and down. She leaned over, wrapping her arms around his neck, grinding her hips against his. Her hot breath inches from his ear,

"Cum. Fucking cum hard. I want to feel you grow and fill me up. I want to squeeze you tight."

She was bouncing up and down like a piston, his balls slapping against her skin, his hands gripping her ass.

"Don't tell me, just do it" she whispered, flicking her tongue into his ear.

She slid up and down his length, her lips gripping him. As his toes began to curl, his whole body tensed, his cock strained and grew inside her and he came. Fuck he came hard. She tightened everything and milked his spurting shaft. Ripples and sparks race up and down her body as his stomach tightened and his hips bucked and pumped. Again his wet warmth splashed and filled her. She quivered and sucked in a lungful of his scent as he shivered under her.

He was spent but his dick remained tall and hard inside of her. She smiled and began to rock her hips,

"still going?"

"gimme a minute, too much…ack!…too much"

Kim laughed and climbed off of him flopped down on the couch, their juices slopping his lap. She smiled as she watched him lay there, legs splayed out, stomach tight and sweaty, arms crossed over his face, and his cock pointing towards the ceiling.

"Sorry, I came too fast," he said, not looking at her.

"Fuck, that was hot. I had a couple little one but just you filling me up and cumming as hard as you did was awesome. I usually need a vibrator or a mouth to really make me cum hard. I'll tell you if I'm not having fun. Don't you worry."

Karl smiled and sighed.

The couch creaked as she leaned over and kissed his purple head.

"whoa…too sensitive!"

"Sorry, couldn't resist."


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