The Visitor Entertains (Sneak Peek #3) [MMF, pegging]

Here's a bit from a piece that I've just finished, The Visitor Entertains. I'd love to know what you think!

The Visitor Entertains, pt. III A Friendly Ménage Tale

Afterward, they lay together on the pullout bed that somehow never got folded away and watched a basketball game. The Hawks were losing, and so somewhere around the third quarter, Lea simply reached into their boxers — they’d never put their pants back on — and began stroking them. Even though their focus remained on the game, she knew she had their attention. “Guys? You up to play some more?”

“Always,” answered Sean, his eyes heavy-lidded in a manner that might have made her think he was falling asleep if she didn’t know from experience just how much flame that look hid.

Andy simply turned away from the TV and looked at her.

“What you got in mind, Lea-baby?” Sean sighed, his cock gaining length under her fingers. “You want to try that strap-on tonight?”

Andy took a breath. Looking at Sean as she was, Lea couldn’t tell if it was a gasp of surprise at Sean’s question, or at the movement of her hand up and down his burgeoning flesh.

“Up to you, Sean,” Lea answered, no more willing to push than he had been.

His washed-denim eyes met hers, and he nodded. It warmed Lea’s stomach to see that, in fact, he was nervous. The sweet boy.

“Here,” said Andy, dropping the strap-on, lube, and condoms again, this time in Lea’s lap.

She stared down at them. Clearly Andy had been prepared, firefighter that he was.

“Guess you do wanna see this bit,” Sean chuckled nervously, his eyes on the purple phallus that lay on Lea’s thigh.

“Wouldn’t you?” Andy said. “Wanna see what it looks like. Wanna see how it feels.”

Sean chuckled again, his voice even higher.

“And you, Sean?” Lea squeezed his cock. “Do you want to see how it feels?”

Sean’s eyes rounded, his focus entirely on Lea. He didn’t answer her in words; he simply leaned forward and kissed her.

For a moment, Lea just lost herself in the heat of his kiss. Andy was a wonderful kisser, there was no doubt about it, but Sean… Sean kissed her as if there was nothing else going on in the whole universe but the kiss.

Tonight, however, something else was going to happen. Something that they’d been talking about and playing with the idea of for weeks, but that had never happened before.

Once the kiss found a breathing point, Lea backed up, her eyes still on Sean’s, and ran her hand down his chest. She pulled up the bottom of his t-shirt. “Let’s take this off, and why don’t you lie down. On your belly.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Sean’s voice was husky with desire. With fear?

Lea began to pull the shirt up, and found Andy’s fingers helping. Andy winked at her.

Once the shirt was off, Sean took a deep breath, released it, and lay on his belly on the big pull-out bed.

“Want to help me give Sean a back rub, Andy, to help him relax?”

Andy nodded, and together they massaged Sean’s muscular back — not a massage to get deep into the muscles and work out the knots, but a light one, to help Sean relax. Let go.

They’d done this much before, and so when Andy and Lea began to tug his boxers down, Sean didn’t object, but simply raised his hips.

They kept rubbing, stroking, down Sean’s legs — the soles of his feet. Sean purred contentedly, his head resting on his crossed arms. “Mmm. It’s okay,” he murmured. “You can… go ahead.”

Trying to keep herself relaxed, Lea reached over with one hand and picked up the bottle of lube, careful to keep her other hand on Sean’s calf. She lifted the bottle, offering it to Andy, but Andy shook his head. He’d never been comfortable enough to play with Sean’s ass; with Lea a bit, sure, but not with Sean. Smiling, she leaned over and gave him a kiss.

And then she opened the lube and squirted a healthy dollop onto her finger.

Though the rest of him seemed to remain relaxed, Sean’s tight butt bunched.

“Shh,” Lea said. “Andy, could you keep working on his feet?”

Nodding, Andy did, and Sean once again let his muscles go.

Lea slid up Sean’s side, letting her un-gooped hand float along the planes of his back, finding his neck. When he seemed all but melting into the bed, Lea whispered, “I’m going to touch that beautiful ass of yours. Okay?”

He nodded, eyes closed.

Lea ran her un-lubed hand down Sean’s back and over the butt that she so loved to squeeze. Well. One of the two butts that she so loved to squeeze, and got to squeeze on a regular basis, lucky girl that she was.

She massaged one cheek and then the other, and Sean’s breath quickened slightly, he didn’t tense up. Reaching down with the hand with the lubricated finger, she parted the cheeks gently, revealing the puckered hole that lay between them.

Andy moved Sean’s legs a bit further apart, giving Lea more access, allowing Sean a bit more comfort, and no doubt allowing himself a better view.

She lowered her slick index finger, letting the fingertip come to rest on Sean’s anus. Sean’s breath hitched, and Lea was surprised to find her own ass pulse in sympathy; it knew just what was coming. She ran the pad of her finger in a tiny circle around the opening, and Sean released a pleasure-filled sigh.

Lea had never been so glad that she was a nail-biter; the video that they’d watched together had talked about ways of dealing with long nails, but that was never a problem for Lea. After stroking his asshole for a minute or two, Lea asked, “What do you think, Sean? May I?”

Now it was his turn to groan, “Please.”

Grinning, Lea pressed her finger in — just to the first knuckle, just enough to feel the ring of muscle squeezing her finger. The couple of times they’d done this much before, she’d found the pressure a bit scary — she didn’t want to hurt him. But now, for some reason, she found it incredibly exciting; the feeling of his ass squeezing her finger sent sparks to all sorts of interesting places.

She pushed down a bit more, wiggling her finger a bit as she did, and Sean let loose a full, deep groan that she could feeling buzzing around her finger.

“Looks like that feels a lot better than when the doctor does it,” said Andy. Lea would have thought it was a joke, since Andy knew exactly how it felt, but he didn’t seem to be smiling.

“Does,” Sean answered. He did seem to be smiling.

“Glad,” said Lea, grinning herself, and pushing just a bit deeper. With her free hand, she cupped Sean’s balls and squeezed them lightly, evoking another groan.

When she’d released his testicles, Sean sighed, “In. Just… Ahh.”

Lea smiled as she felt what she now knew was Sean’s prostate swell as she gave it a minute come hither stroke with her finger, which was now buried past the second knuckle.

Both boys liked this bit. A lot. And Lea liked it too — that with the smallest of movements in the most unlikely of places, she could bring them such pleasure. It was also more than nice that the movement she used on them was the same as the movement that she used on herself to stimulate her G-spot. Once she’d pointed that out to them, Andy and Sean’s already impressive repertoire of ways to make Lea come had become truly and literally breathtaking.

Andy watched, apparently transfixed, stroking himself almost absentmindedly.

As Lea carefully tickled Sean’s P-spot, as the boys had taken to calling it, Sean continued to give small sounds of contentment. A few minutes in, the sounds were becoming louder, and Sean began to push against the pressure, lifting his hips slightly.

Lea began to reach beneath his hip to stroke Sean’s cock, but she found Andy’s hand already there. “Jinx,” she giggled, and began to help Andy stroke their lover’s semi-hard penis — Lea from the side, Andy straddling one of Sean’s legs and reaching up past Sean’s balls. Though neither of the guys seemed to be able to achieve a full erection when she had her finger inside of them, both insisted that the feeling of being stroked was every bit as intense.

Though his upper body remained just as relaxed, Sean pulled his knees up underneath him, lifting his ass and making it easier for Lea and Andy to play with his cock, which was streaming pre-cum onto their hands. Sean’s pale skin was turning redder as his excitement grew, and Lea contented herself simply to —

Sean reached between his legs to still her hand and Andy’s. Before Lea could ask if there was anything wrong, he said, his voice low with lust, “Think I’m ready.” His blue eyes stared over his shoulder, looking somehow darker than usual.

“You sure?”

He nodded, and then groaned as Lea withdrew her finger from his ass.

“Don’t want the butt plug?” Andy asked, running his hands absentmindedly over Sean’s balls, his thighs.

“Nope. Ready. Now.”

“Okay,” Lea found herself saying — mouthing, since her heart was now in her throat. She grabbed the dildo and harness and pulled them up her legs, marveling at the buzz of anticipation in her fingertips.

Shifting up onto her knees, she handed the bottle of lube to Andy. “Help get me ready.”

Andy’s eyes flashed as he took the lube with one hand and reached out to Lea’s pussy with the other. “And here I thought you were always ready.”

Staring at them over his shoulder through half-closed eyes, Sean chuckled.

“When you two are around, definitely,” Lea answered, and then gasped as Andy’s fingers squeezed her labia. “Doesn’t… huh… Doesn’t mean I don’t like a helping hand…“ She gasped again as one of those fingers slid between those lips and into her.

With his other hand, Andy slathered lubricant over the thick portion of the strap-on that was going inside of her, then leaned over and kissed her.

She found herself giving in to the kiss, to the feeling of Andy’s hand — but then Sean cleared his throat and murmured, “I think she’s ready, Andy.”



  1. Lea and Andy enjoyed one last breath, and then parted. Still staring into his deep, brown eyes, she pulled the thick back end of the dildo into her pussy, feeling the rippled surface sliding up into her, and she gasped again. Andy tightened the harness straps and stroked the purple phallus that now protruded from Lea’s mons.“Damn,” he muttered, stretching the word out for what seemed like days. He lifted the condom packet to Lea’s lips; she bit on the corner and he tore the packet open, pulled out the rubber, and then rolled it over Lea’s faux cock. His hands trembled. After kissing him again quickly — grinding her erection against his — Lea ran her hand up Sean’s leg back to his ass and stroked it. “So. Sean. How do you want me to, um, fuck you? On your belly like this?” “No. I want to see you.” Even with his eyes half closed, his gaze burned. “Okay.” Lea felt a lump rise in her throat again, and wasn’t sure why. Well, she could think of dozens of reasons why, but she really didn’t feel like sorting through them in the moment. “Um. In the video, remember — ?” Sean rolled and slid until his legs were off the bed. He remembered. As Lea shuffled off the bed, her dildo wobbling disconcertingly, he handed her a pillow. To kneel on, Lea realized. “Thanks.” Her eyes never leaving Sean’s, her hand trailing down his body to his hip, Lea positioned herself between his thighs. She’d been here before — just never for this. Leaning down, she kissed the head of his cock — an activity that had grown quite familiar in the past few months, if no less exciting. As Sean closed his eyes in pleasure, Lea slid her still-slick index finger back between the cheeks of his ass and stroked his asshole. He groaned and lifted his legs to her shoulders, which Lea took as an invitation: she pressed her fingertip back into him, and he groaned again — louder this time. His ass opened to her more easily this time, and quickly Lea’s fingered was buried inside of his ass and she was playing with his prostate. He started to reach for his erection, but Andy beat him to it, giving Sean a long stroke that made Sean’s ass contract. Sean gasped, “No fair. Teaming up.” “Aw, poor boy,” Andy said; a joke again, but Andy looked grimly serious. Taking in the pleasure that she and Andy were giving Sean now, Lea asked, “Sean, are you sure — ?“ Sean’s eyes opened, full of blue fire. “Fuck my ass, Lea, baby. Fuck my ass.” “O-okay.” Lea slowlyslid her finger out of Sean, eliciting a hiss, and used the slippery hand to line up with his asshole, which was still open. She placed the purple head of the dildo against the opening and took a deep breath. “You want it, Sean?” He nodded, gulping. “Ask for it. Ask me again.” “Fuck me, Lea. Please, fuck my — ah!” She pushed into him — just an inch or so, just enough that the bulbous head was fully planted inside of Sean. She watched his eyes cross before they closed, and Lea found every nerve ending in her body thrumming. Andy stroked Sean’s cock again, causing their lover’s ass to tighten around the invasion, but then Sean fell back onto the bed, releasing his hamstrings and glutes, and whispered, “More.” And so Lea leaned over him a little, kissing Andy as she did, and then pushed her pelvis just a bit, sliding the dildo another finger’s width or so into Sean, causing him to pant, “Fuck!” That’s the idea, thought Lea with a smile, excitement replacing nerves. She could feel the movement of the silicone inside of her, and she knew that this was going to be fun. Letting his legs fall around her hips, she leaned further over Sean, pushing the dildo deeper, and felt her belly press against the head of Sean’s cock, which Andy was still holding, felt liquid spilling against her skin. She rocked her hips back minutely and then thrust forward again; Sean rewarded her with a high-pitched moan and more pre-cum on her stomach. She’d hit his prostate. Will it feel good if I press past there? Only one way to find out: she leaned close to Sean, the tingling tips of her breasts brushing his panting chest, and pressed deeper into him. The gasp this time was lower, and Sean’s eyes flew back open. “Jesus. God. Lea.” He lifted up on his elbows and kissed her. It felt so fucking good to be there, planted in him as he had so often been planted in her, and she tried to rock her hips back and then forward again. She managed it, fucking him for a few strokes, each pushing a gasp from Sean. It felt fabulous, her nipples bouncing against his chest, the pressure of his ass causing the part of the dildo inside of Lea to press against her G-spot. But it wasn’t exactly easy. Well, it wasn’t easy at all. How the fuck do they do this for so long? she mused. Leaning back, she lifted his legs back to her shoulders until it was his calves her breasts were pressed against. She found it easier to thrust this way, using her thighs and butt muscles to push into Sean. Andy began stroking Sean’s cock again, which was only semi-erect, but was streaming clear pre-cum as Lea stimulated the gland that produced it. “Feel good, boy?” His voice was low and husky, his eyes on Sean’s face. Sean, however, remained completely focussed on Lea. “You… huh! You have no… idea.” Now his gaze shifted to his friend’s. “God. Andy. Feels so fucking good, feels…” He gasped as Andy’s strokes and Lea’s found a rhythm, Lea’s thrusts pressing Sean’s cock up through Andy’s fingers. Holy fuck, Lea thought, aware that her own juices were now flowing freely over the dildo inside of her. I’m fucking Sean. I AM FUCKING Sean! She’d had so many fantasies over the years about what it would be like to have sex with this gorgeous man, her best friend’s brother. All kinds of fantasies she’d had back in the days before they’d ever actually fucked — fucking on his fire truck, fucking center-stage at the theater with a packed house watching, him tied up like one of the old paintings of St. Sebastian, only instead of him being pierced with arrows, he was piercing her… Never this. Thank you, Kirsten. Not that you’re ever going to want to hear about me fucking your brother up the ass with the strap-on you gave me. Or that he’s ever going to want me to tell you. But thank you anyway. Reaching out, Lea caressed Andy’s butt for good measure. What the hell! My ass is theirs, theirs are mine! Andy gave a gurgle and squeezed Sean’s glistening cock, making their lover scream out once more to a higher power. To several. Of whom Lea was very pleased to find herself one. “You feeling good, Sean?” She kissed his ankle and licked it. Letting his head loll to one side — but keeping his eyes locked on hers — Sean laughed breathlessly. “What… the fuck… d’you think?”He started blinking, staring at his own cock in disbelief. “Aw, Andy, Lea, fuck, fuck! FUCK ME, BABY, FUCK!” he threw back his head and screamed, his face reddening as it so often did when he came — but instead of a geyser of pearly cum erupting from his cock head, more clear pre-cum spilled onto Andy’s hand. “Aw, god, damn, what the — ?” “You want me to stop, Sean?” Lea asked, but he shook his head vehemently. Adding his own hand to Andy’s, Sean began smoothing the slick liquid over his shaft. As Lea began to fuck him again, he laughed, groaned, and laughed again. “I just… Andy, when you were a kid, you ever beat off?” Squeezing the semi-hard cock of his friend and lover, Andy chuckled. “Like, every chance I could.” “Yeah, yeah, I… hnh! I meant, like before you were all… Before you could really… I just… Coming just now, that felt so… I remember fuckin’ my hand in bed, didn’t even have hair down there or nothin’… Hnh! And… coming like that, just clear, no… And doing it again and… Hnnh…” “Damn,” sighed Andy. “Yeah. I kinda remember that. Remember doin’ it till I felt like I had a bruise inside my…” He flashed a smile at both his lovers. “Damn. That was my P-spot, wasn’t it?” “Yup,” said Lea, fondling his bum some more. “I reckon so.” “Think I can get you to come some more, Sean-boy?“ “Please.” Grinning, Andy leaned down and sucked down Sean’s cock. Sean closed his eyes, sighing as Lea’s thrusts pushed his cock up into Andy’s mouth, and then sidled underneath Andy, returning the favor. And that was the image that etched itself into Lea’s brain: her shit-ton of male pulchritude locked in a sixty-nine while she lovingly buggered Sean’s ass. A 697? A 169? Whatever. It was beautiful. And even as her thighs and hips began to tell her that they were going to have words with her later, Lea’s pussy told them to shut up; it was beginning to feel very, very nice. And then Sean managed to lower his feet so that his toes squeezed and pulled at Lea’s nipples (holy fuck — the man must be part gorilla) and she began to feel even nicer. Oozing pleasure, she began to let her hands run over her lovers’ bodies, feeling their muscles bunching as they pleasured each other, as they pleasured her. And her still-lubed finger found Andy’s ass and slid in. Ms. Lighty began to drone about circuits and filaments, and Lea didn’t give a damn: she had better things to think about. The six-ninety-seven or whatever the fuck it was began to buck and groan like the single creature it had become, and Lea, Sean, and Andy where all lost. Simultaneous orgasm is a remarkably imprecise term, especially when one is trying to describe an event or events sparked in the midst of such a timeless, out-of-body experience. Lea couldn’t have said what led to what, who came first, who came last — the distinctions had no meaning. But they all came. Even Lea, who didn’t expect it at all, sensitive as her G-spot was. Even Sean, who had her strap-on filling him, and whose toes squeezed hard on Lea’s nipples. And definitely Andy, whose ass clamped down on Lea’s finger as he poured himself down Sean’s throat. They came. They came together. *Come together, right now…. under me.*

  2. So, there you are! This was a fun section to write — I’d love to know what you thought. And I’m still looking for beta-readers for the complete piece — if you’re interested (it’s 20,000 words), comment here or on [my blog]( and let me know and I’ll send you a copy!

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