[MF], Oral, Submissive, Cheat: A Quick Stop in Baton Rouge

He sat across the table from her in the diner. Two cups of coffee steamed between them, un-touched. She looked down at the table and licked her lips.

“It’s . . . good to see you again,” she said.

“You too,” he replied.

May was overweight. Fat, in fact, she’d put on fifty pounds since he’d last seen her. But her hair was long, and rich and healthy, tumbling about in auburn waves. Her eyes were still a glacial blue. She glanced up at him and brushed her thick hair back over her shoulder. She licked her lips again. Reaching down, she pulled the heavy knit sweater down over her mom jeans and swallowed.

“Thanks. It’s been a long time.”

“So,” she said, licking her lips. “You still married?”

“Yep,” he grinned, “25 years this year, with a five-year engagement at the beginning, we’ve been together 30 years.”

He reached across the table and took her hand in his. She sighed.


“Mostly. Nothing’s perfect. I understand you’re married, too.”

She swallowed. “Eight years. We, um, we have one daughter.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“I know. She wasn’t planned. I’d been on the Provera shot for over a decade, and I really didn’t think being three weeks late for the booster would matter. So I was pregnant at 36.”

“My friend has a daughter he calls, ‘Chance,’ for the same reason, although she had to defeat birth control pills. So, you’ve been naughty.”

“Yeah. My shrink freaked. I’m still a walking pharmacopeia, and most of the meds that stabilize my, um, bi-polar are not good for the unborn. I had to go without most of my meds for almost a year. Frank had to live with a crazy woman on a hormone rollercoaster.”

As he spoke, he began to gently move his thumb back and forth across her palm.

“I understand that since the last time I saw you, you’ve had other problems, too.”

“Um, yeah,” she said, embarrassed. “I, ah, I’m fighting off a crack addiction. And nicotine.”

Rolling his eyes, he shook his head. “You started smoking. In your thirties? And crack? You know you have an addictive personality. What the hell were you thinking.”

His thumbs continued to move.

She shivered. She’d been so good for so long. No cocaine. No pot. She was even vaping instead of cigarettes. It wasn’t perfect, but you can only fix so many things at once. She shivered again. He reached out and took her other hand, pulling them gently toward him. His voice was soft. Like it had been before.

“Lean forward,” he said, in a near whisper.

Without thinking, she leaned her torso toward him, pressing her large breasts against the steel edge of the diner’s table.

“More,” he said.

His voice touched a part of her brain that had not been touched in a long time. She leaned forward and the metal band began to hurt.


“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. Do it.”

“Oh,” she suddenly thought, and popped her large breasts onto the table, allowing the edge of the tabletop to press against her ribs.

“Good girl,” he said, his thumbs now making circles on the back of her hands.

They descended into the web of thumb and pressed softly. Then he placed both of her palms flat on the table top. She leaned forward, her arms stretched out in front of her, palms pressed to the table.

“Don’t move your hands,” he said.

Without and warning he slid his hands, palm up, under her breasts. She gasped and her eyes flew open.

“Don’t,” she hissed, but she didn’t move.

“Don’t move,” was his only answer.

He slowly moved his thumbs across her nipples as he hefted her breasts.

“Wow,” he said, “your tits have really gotten huge since the last time I played with them.”

Her head pivoted, looked to see if anyone was watching. But their corner booth partially shielded them from other people and the waitress was busy at the cash register.

“Please,” she said, “stop.”

But she didn’t move.

His thumbs continued to lazily flip her nipples back and forth. Because of the thick sweater and heavy bra she was wearing he had to press HARD, but her nipples had been big before the baby. Now they were huge. He slid his hands from underneath her breasts and then squeezed her nipples gently. Her eyes closed.

“Please,” she said again, quietly. But she didn’t move.

He pulled.

“Ah,” she gasped, and his fingertips slipped off of the slick acrylic of the sweater.

Her eyes snapped open and she stared at him. He rose, and dropped a twenty dollar bill on the table. The two coffees remained untouched.

“Let’s go,” he said.

“Where? Why?”

He walked to the door, and then turned back where she stood next to the booth indecisively.

“I – I shouldn’t,” she said.

“No,” he replied. “You shouldn’t. Now come on.”

And he walked out the door. She stood there for another moment, licked her lips, and a walked quickly to the door. Her big breasts bounced despite her heavy bra, and her wide hips swung with her exaggerated gate. He was waiting by his car.

“Get in,” he said.

“My – my car’s here,” she replied.

“I’ll bring you back. We won’t be gone long.”

“Where are we going?”

“Get in.”

Butterflies churned in her stomach and her face flushed. She swallowed, licked her lips, and opened the car door. She fastened her seatbelt as he started the car and backed out. In silence, they drove down the street and around two corners into a light industrial area with very little traffic. At the end of the side street there was an abandoned construction project. He pulled onto the weedy gravel lot and shifted the car into park, setting the break. He turned to look at her. She stared straight ahead, working very hard at not thinking.

“Look at me,” he said.

She turned and looked into his eyes. They were as blue as they had been twenty years ago.

“I want,” he said, “one of your patented, amazing, world class blowjobs.”

She shook her head.

“I can’t.”

The door was not locked. She had removed her seatbelt. It was only a couple of blocks back to her car. And she didn’t leave.

“I know,” he answered. Then he reached out and took her left hand and put it on his groin. She felt the hardness through the tailored wool suit pants.

“I’m married now,” she said as he began to rub her hand up and down.

“I know that, too,” he said, letting go of her hand.

She continued to rub his crotch, undirected. Her heart beat faster. Like before. She licked her lips. He reached across her and took her right hand and brought it to his groin.

“I can’t.”

“Take it out.”

Apparently of their own volition, her hands began to unbuckle his belt. She opened his pants and tugged. He raised his hips and she slipped his woolen pants down past his knees. His cock popped up, hard, throbbing, and red. She looked down and licked her lips. His right hand snaked up behind her head and began to press down.

“No,” she whispered, and leaned over.

He pressed harder. She licked her lips. They parted.


Her tongue licked the head. His eyes closed and he pressed a little harder. She slid her tongue around the head. It was clean and fresh. It didn’t taste like anything special. Just like skin, but a little salty. But it felt so very, very right. Her tongue slid up and down the shaft, wetting it down. The she rose up to swirl around the head. He gasped. She stopped for a moment.

“I shouldn’t.”

“I know,” he replied, and pushed down. Her lips parted again, and slid down the shaft. The stiff shaft and bulbous head filled her mouth. And it felt so good. So right. Her head bobbed, her hair waving and tumbling as she moved.

“Yes,” he hissed. “Yes.”

Little slurping sounds began to fill the car. His hands roved through her hair and down her back. The thick, matronly bra left a large lump across her back. His fingers pried at the strap through the sweater. He reached down and tugged the sweater up, exposing her stomach and back. She was pale. In her current condition she was very wary of swimsuits and was prone to burning, anyway. She went to pull her sweater off but he interrupted her.

“Do NOT take my cock out of your mouth!”

She continued bobbing her head and pulled her arms out of her sweater, leaving it hanging around her neck like a giant woolen slave collar.


“Unhook your bra.”

She paused, wrapping one hand around the base of his cock and quickly bobbing her head a few times. He moved both hands to the back of her head. Knowing what was coming she swallowed, then took a deep breath, and swallowed again as he pushed her head down. Eagerly now, she swallowed his cock. It felt so right as it slid down her throat. He held her head there.

“The bra,” he said again. She knew he wouldn’t let go until the bra was unhooked.

Her hands went back behind her, fumbling for the catches. There were three hooks on the 38 DD bra. The first two were easy, but small spots were beginning to whirl before her eyes. The third hook popped free and the beige garment fell from her shoulders to the floor. Her big boobs swing free, dangling below her. He let go of the back of her head.

She gasped as the cock sprung free from her throat and smiled up at him as she panted for air.

“Good girl,” he said with a smile. “But I didn’t say to stop sucking.” She dropped her mouth back onto his cock and went back to work, alternately wrapping her lips tight and bobbing her head, then holding the base of his cock still as she swirled her tongue around the he head.

He roughly groped her tits, finding the nipples.

“May,” he said, “don’t stop sucking, but answer me. You said you have a crack problem, didn’t you.”

“Uh-huh,” she slurred, her mouth full of cock.

“You’ve had money troubles, too, haven’t you?”

She nodded her head, never stopping.

“So, did you ever trade sex for crack?”

She froze. The slowly began to work her way up and down his cock again.

“Answer me.”



He pinched her nipples hard. She whimpered. It hurt. But it hurt good.

“And money. You sold your ass for cash, too, when the money was really tight. And not to feed your daughter. To buy drugs.”



God his cock felt so right in her mouth. Things were the way they were SUPPOSED to be again. He pulled on her nipples.

“Ah,” she grunted, mouth still full of cock.

“You know what that makes you?”

She took her mouth off his cock for a just a moment, eyes closed.

“A whore. Suck me, whore.”

Without opening her eyes, she fumbled her mouth back onto his cock and began sucking again. A single tear flowed down her cheek.


He pinched and pulled at her nipples without mercy, stopping only occasionally to squeeze an entire breast.

Soon he spoke again.

“It’s time,” he said.

She shifted, moving the head of his cock to the back of her mouth and speeding up just a little bit, just the way he liked. From before.

“Take it,” he hissed.

She pulled back a little, just like he trained her, closing the back of her throat with her tongue and holding the head of his cock inside her hot mouth, sucking hard. His load shot out and splattered all over her tongue, coating it. May shuddered, tingling again. It didn’t taste good. It was all salty and yeasty. But it tasted RIGHT. His hands squeezed the sides of her head as the last drops of his load eased onto her tongue. Gently, carefully she pulled her lips from his cock, careful to wipe all the cum off she could inside of her mouth. Holding his softening cock away from the expensive woolen slacks she looked up at him and opened her mouth, displaying the load, and then swallowed. She displayed her empty mouth and then gently licked him clean. In the olden days, this might have stirred him up again, and she’d get fucked, but it was not to be. When his cock was completely clean she dried his cock with her hair.

She leaned back. He said nothing for a moment, then buckled his pants and started the car. She reached for the bra where it lay on his floorboard and he pulled the sweater off over her head!

“Give me that,” he said, gesturing at the bra.

“But I –“

“Give it to me.”

She handed him the undergarment and covered her breasts with her arms as he drove back to the diner. The road was lightly traveled, but a few cars passed them. She tried to remember how deeply tinted the winders were. He pulled up next to her minivan.

“Get out,” he said.

“My –“


She opened the door and crouched between the vehicles. Covering herself with her left hand she groped for her car keys with her right. She heard an electric motor behind her.

Her sweater and bra were hanging out the window. Gratefully she grabbed for them.

“You may put them on when you get in the car. Oh, and May? When you talk to your shrink about this, and you need to, remember to tell her that I didn’t make you do anything. You chose to do everything you did today of your own free well. Thanks for the memories. ”

And with that he drove away. She scrambled to get into the minivan and shut the door. Blinking with relief she looked at the sweater and bra in her hands. She glanced around. There was no one in the parking lot. She put both garments on the passenger seat and lowered one hand to her left breast. She looked around one more time and then lifted her nipple to her own mouth. It was sore and she soothed it with her tongue and lips. Then her other hand snaked downward into her mom jeans.

She had to masturbate three times before she was calm enough to drive home. Yes, she’d be talking to the shrink. First thing tomorrow.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2msaps/mf_oral_submissive_cheat_a_quick_stop_in_baton

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