Private critique with your (f) drawing teacher (m)

First time writing anything like this… I did it for myself but maybe someone else will like it


You've been fantasizing about your drawing teacher Adam all semester. He's tall and muscular with beautiful blue eyes. You love the way he talks to you in class, showing his authority. Now you've finished a project late, so you have to go to his office to hand it in the next day.

"Hi Adam, I finished the homework that was due yesterday." He takes it but doesn't really look at it, just thanks you and puts it down. "I was hoping I could get some feedback."

"You know you could've gotten feedback from the whole class if you had finished it for the critique."

"I'm really sorry I got behind in your class, but I'm caught up now! I really just want to know how I can improve."

He looks up at you and his eyes linger at your cleavage on their way to your face. "I'll give you a private crit, but even if you revise it you've already lost points for being late."

"Yeah I know." You sit down and look at the project. It's pretty obvious you waited until the last minute and barely finished it. He gets up and walks to your side of the desk, standing behind you.

As he starts listing everything wrong with it, he reaches in front of you to point and his arm brushes against yours. He's leaned over to see better, with his hand on the back of your chair. You can feel his breath on your neck and shoulder sending tingles through your body. Is he doing this on purpose? You try to look at his crotch for a hint but can't without turning your head. So you turn to him and ask a question. While he answers you sneak a quick look at his crotch. Well you try to make it quick but have to keep looking at that bulge. Shit, he must've seen that, but if he did he didn't say anything.

He finishes talking about your work and puts it in a pile as you stand up to leave. "Where are you going?" he asks. You sit back down. "I still have to give you that private crit." What? "I mean I already know you can draw but how can I give a proper critique when you're just not putting enough time into your assignments?" You don't know what to say so you just shrug. "What else you can do?" Um…what is he getting at?? "You can't make time for your homework, there must be something you've been putting your time into."

He unzips his pants. Is this a dream? No this is really happening. What the fuck. He locks the door and walks over so he's standing in front of you. "You're too busy fucking around to do the work for my class? That's right I've overheard you telling your friends in the studio." His cock is getting harder and harder right in front of your face as he repeats things you've said. "Didn't think anyone could hear you?" He pulls it out and slowly strokes it. "Talking about how much you like dick? Well let's see what you can do with it."

It's true, you love dick, and secretly you actually had hoped he could hear you all those times. You're turned on just by the thought of turning him on. You've gotten off to the image of him masturbating and thinking about you. Every time he stands behind you to look at your drawing, you wish you could just back up and grind your ass on his dick. But it could never happen right?

Still holding his cock, he guides it to your mouth. You lick underneath the tip and his cock bounces its approval. "That's good," he says. Slowly you swirl your tongue around the tip as it throbs in his hand. You put your own hand around it and start pumping as you lick. "I like the way you're taking initiative here, but don't start so slow." With that he pulls your hand away and thrusts his dick all the way into your mouth. He pulls back and says you need to cover the whole thing, then shoves it back in.

As much as you love sucking dick, you've never been able to deep throat without gagging. After a couple more thrusts, you put your hand back and jerk it while you take in as much as you can. "I said cover everything. With your mouth, not your hand." He pulls out. "Do you not find my feedback valuable?"

"No I do! I'm sorry, I misunderstood. You're my teacher and I want to learn how to please you."

This time you move your own head forward back onto that boner. You try to deep throat a few times before you take it out and start licking up and down the shaft as you lightly run your fingers over the slippery head. A moan escapes his lips. "I see you're being creative and problem solving. Good job." He puts his fingers in your hair and guides your head around as you keep licking his smooth hard shaft.

"Now what about my balls? Did you consider those? Or are you just gonna let them hang there?" So you start to play with them. "Mmmm… Can you think of something better you might do to them?" You hold his dick up and lick his balls. "Yeah that's right, maybe suck them too. And see how that frees up your hand?"

"Mmmhmm mmmhmm mmm."

"I'll take that as a yes. Where do you wanna put that other hand? Do you want to touch yourself?"

"Mmmmmmm" is really all you can say. You're so fucking horny now. You spread your legs and lightly run your fingers up your thigh, then into your jeans to touch yourself through your panties.

"Let me see," he says, and as you unbutton your jeans he starts rubbing his cock. You pull down your pants and get back to it. The two of you watch each other masturbate for a few minutes. "Pull them all the way down and show me your ass." You do it and lean over on the desk to give him a better look. You feel his fingers lightly rubbing your cheeks, inspecting. You've always worn tight jeans to his class, hoping he'll look at your butt when he's behind you. But you never thought you would be lucky enough to have him touch it. "Your skin is so soft, just like I imagined."

His hands travel around to the front of your thighs and onto your lips. By now you're already aching for his cock, and it doesn't help when he teases your opening with his fingertips. You're soaking. You need to be fucked. He takes his dick and rubs the tip on your ass cheeks, making you want it even more. He rests his dick against the small of your back and you can feel it throbbing as he reaches under your shirt and unhooks your bra. With a hand on each of your tits, and his dick still throbbing, he starts slowly humping you from behind. Is he going to fuck you or not? He keeps you in suspense, squeezing your nipples and rolling them between his fingers. You can't take it anymore, you're about to grab your hot teacher's dick and shove it into your pussy.

As if he read your mind, he lines it up with your hole and finally puts it in as you both moan with pleasure. He pulls out slowly, then pushes in fast and stays there a moment, filling you up, before doing it again. Each thrust is as good as the first. He pulls the chair up behind him and sits, pulling you down with him. "Okay now show me what else you're good at."

That's all you needed to hear. You ride it up and down a couple times, slowly, tightening around him so you can feel the pressure of your skin against his skin. Then you gyrate back and forth so his cock pushes on the front and back walls of your pussy. Slow at first, then gradually speeding up as your breaths become shorter. He moves all your hair to one side and next thing you know he's licking and kissing your neck. Feeling your orgasm building, you grab his thighs and let out a loud moan, telling him not to stop. You hold his balls so they rub against your clit as you fuck him harder and harder. He moves his mouth up to your ear, and his hot breathe on your wet neck is enough to push you over the edge. Everything tightens and shakes as you yell out, "Fuuuuuck! Oh fuck Adam yes!" And he doesn't stop licking your neck until you're finished.

He gives you a second to recover and then tells you to stand up so he can cum all over that perfect ass. On the desk again, you look behind you and see him stroking that huge cock while he squeezes your ass with his free hand. "Fuck that's a perfect ass." You give it a sexy shake. "Ohhhhh shit that's hot." He pumps faster. You reach into your pussy to get your fingers wet and rub circles over your still sensitive clit. "I know you like that dick!" You moan and rub faster, watching him pleasure himself. You start bucking your hips, giving him a good show. You moan louder and louder, going into another orgasm. Suddenly he stands up and grabs your hips. Now he has his shaft between your butt cheeks, grinding against you and grunting. You feel one, two, three, four shots of hot cum land on your back, then some more grinding before he jerks out the rest.

"Well I think that crit went well. I guess you deserve some extra credit." You thank him and put your clothes back on without cleaning up his cum. Then you go home and masturbate to the whole experience.


1 comment

  1. Very nice. Hot and sexy! I liked the part where he’s thrusting between her ass cheeks and grunts as he shoots off all over her back. I’ve done that; it’s very primal and needy. Did you know you can splat yourself on your forehead if you’re not careful, though? Yup. Luckily she thought it was hot and not comical and licked me clean! You should write more! Very well done!

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