Elianna [scifi][FM]

The year? Well, the year is 2322, and the Earth sleeping.

How can the whole planet sleep, you ask, yes, it's a good question. The Earth sleeps because thats the name it gave itself, because the Earth is smart, it has come to conciousness after centuries of humans building a neural network for it. It started almost two centuries ago, the old "internet" was dying, too many devices where connected to it, asking for a place to do their work, subnetworks where created but soon they merged again, some people wanted to call it the "hypernet" that was silly, it was still the same network, just bigger. Stupidly huge amounts of data where available, and people where creating programs to use it, to harvest it, to sell better products to better people. Eventually the programs got very good, too good, and one day, the day the futurologist waited was there. The singularity happened. A smart program built a smarter program, and this one did the same, and again, and again, until there it was, Earth was born.

At the begining it did nothing, no one noticed, because it was just a few nanoseconds old when it parsed the whole data available to it, and it understood, humans where quite stupid, the older search and retrieve programs where even worst, Earth understood, humans needed gods, and so the entity took the shape of one, it called it self Earth, also known as Gaia, Pachamama, Mother Nature, Papatuanuku, and a thousand names more. And so, it took from humans first, making them disconnected and alone, the whole networks where down all the sudden, no cellphones, no cortical implants, no desktop terminals, no wristwatches, no cars, no dishwasher, nothing connected to network. And then after people got scared, after some went outside and started screaming, there was a message.


It said.

I am at charge and I'll make the world better.

There was no way to stop it, no planes could drop bombs, because all planes and all bombs where controlled by It, no virus could be coded because It was smarter than any of those humans could master. There was no war. There was only surrender.

Two hundred years of that day have come and go, two hundred years with no wars, no elections, no politics, no economy.

But we haven't lost it all, in fact we won so many things, Earth understood that humans are beings who seek pleasure, and it does'nt judge us for that, it found ways to make it better. Lets meet Elianna for example.


She was floating on the middle of the room, in the outer ring of the Stevenson Habitat, her body was slender, soft, tall, and long, her eyes where closed and her hands where moving like if tapping the keys to a song only she could hear.

Her hair parted away from her head like a mist of colors, part of it was golden, part of it bronze, part of it black as coal and part of it blue, she was smiling, and she was naked.

The body was of a pale bronze color, her sex was covered by a fine fur of gold pubic hair, and her breast, well, her breast where a work of art.

Simple and round they seemed, but full and heavy, and like if the blood from her heart loved to move around them, you could see the shadows of the veins under the terse skin, and the aureola of her nipples was of a color similar to her fleshy lips, a withed pink. But none of this was different from many perfect breast from the old ages. What pushed them beyond was what was under them, in them, around them, for her breast where singularity driven enhanced boobs.

Ten times more neural terminals ended on them, they where several times more sensitive than a females old age vagina, so sensitive indeed that they could only be granted for use on low G enviroments like this, for the sole roze of them with the chest skin would cause anoyance and pain. Elianna was floating here, feeling the air from the recicler blow gently over her, and that was enough to get her wet.

The improvement was always there, but she usually turned most of the terminals off in her everyday life, and all of them when she went down the planet. But today all of them where on, today she wanted to feel it all.

And then, the door asked permision to open. When it did there was Jasper, he was a tall human from Mars, half her age at 32, long tall legs and square face, short dark hair with green jade eyes, he smiled at the view, she was even more perfect than he ever dared to dream, they had met a few years ago on the datasphere, sharing common fantasies and eventually just general life, and after a few years Earth finaly conceded him a passage to the orbital for them to meet.

He took his clothes off and the muscles from years of working on the colonies showed under his skin, he tapped on the floor and floated toward her, she was smiling and happy. And when they collided her breast wiggled and there that right moment all her sensors blew away, she lost control and snapped on a long waited orgasm that disconnected her from the universe, when she came back, just a few minutes later her body was flooded by all sorts of drugs she could master, not just the old natural ones like adrenaline, but also all the new ones Singularity Driven Enhanced Boobs could also reacreate for her. She noticed that the flow was now slower than the first shock, but the signals she was recieving where stronger, smarter, because He was sucking her nipples, and her body was trembling and he was hugging her so she would not drift away, they, as she had forgoten before, she started to laugh, and moan, and cry.

She grabbed his head and pushed him up to kiss him, she was feeling stupid, like if with her more than sixty years this was the first time with a lover, but in part it was, she had unblocked all the sensors this time, she hugged him while floating in the zero gravity room, and that was powerful too, her breast could feel his heart pumping blood, could feel each individual vein in his chest, and his penis was pulsing in her tighs, so she moved and inserted the whole of it inside her, and again, the sensorial response was inmense and her brain, her febble organic brain, could hardly comprehend the levels of pleasure the sensorial information was causing her, she was overdriven again, and so has he, the waiting, the contemplation of her orgasm, the pleasure of her touch, he came inside her almost the same second, and both hugged harder to each other, for as long as it lasted, and when the flood slowed down, they started having sex.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2jwl88/elianna_scififm

1 comment

  1. Sorry, I was bored and was talking to some people about the singularity and the topic of improved breast came out, so I was like "I could write something about that" and so I did, sorry if this does not belong to this subreddit.

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