A Night to Remember: Part 1 [FM] [oral]

It was a night to remember. A night of passion, a night of romance. Libbie and I had been dating and we both felt that spark when we first met. That passion in every conversation, event, or… situation that you hope for going into things. She was an absolute knockout. A confident smile punctuated with a curvaceous body and a swath of golden curls around her soft face. We'd been flirtatious in our texts before date night, but today's were rather… intimate. She'd been going on about how she couldn't wait to "take control" tonight and make ME hers…

My masculine nature was challenged. Aroused, but challenged. Her last text was sent while I was stuck in traffic less than five minutes from her apartment.

"Hope your hungry boo, cuz you're getting TWO meals tonight… ;)"

That wench. She knew I had a weakness for giving head. For me, there was nothing more satisfying than hearing a girl moan at my direct touch. Getting a good taste was also nice. Rather than give her more ammo to frustrate me in the car I merely told her that sounded lovely. Because I… Had a plan.

I arrived at her door with tulips in hand. (Roses became cliche after a while.) She opened the door and practically jumped at the sight.

"You're home!" She squealed. Planting a big fat kiss on my cheek she hurried me in where my nostrils met quite the pleasing smell of Chicken Alfredo. "I made your favorite you know." She cooed as she smelled the tulips. I walked in and rubbed my cheek that had been marked by Lavender #3.

Trying to go with my plan I nodded my head and said "Sweet" in a rather ambivalent manner. She took it as a compliment and we sat down for dinner by the couch with a bad movie. Libbie's eyes were transfixed as I took my first bites.

The flavor was amazing. The textures blended so well and the chicken was so juicy. (But not as juicy as she was.) My eyes widened in astonishment and Lib did a quick fist-pump. Noticing that I may have been losing ground, I quickly turned to the television.

"Not bad." I said with a sigh. She looked down in slight disappointment. "Of course… I'm really saving room for the main course later. What I'm really starving for is some of your famous soaked pussy."

Her back straightened and she gave a surprised squeak. I looked into her sparkling blue eyes for a second and grabbed her by the shoulders. I kissed her passionately, with our tongues in their well practiced combat. I quickly moved on to her neck while grasping her back. She let out a small moan. And as swiftly as I started, I stopped. Her open mouth quivered for a second. She always said hated whenever I attacked her when she wasn't expecting it. Liar.

"Back to dinner!" I said with a chipper smile. Looking over I saw her eyes wide and her sweet breasts heaving over her gasping breaths and rapid heartbeat. She looked shocked, confused, and definitely turned on. Grinning I simply returned to my Alfredo. It really was my favorite.

After we finished dinner and I washed the dishes, we relaxed on the couch with her laying on my side while we watched some stupid movie about 30 somethings in New York. She gave off a cute little giggle at a rather silly joke and I found the perfect time to strike. Slowly my hand went up her shirt and towards her stomach. Her soft ivory skin was smooth and smelled like cocoa and vanilla.

"Oh!" she gasped.

"Ticklish aren't we?" I whispered into her ear as I nuzzled my head into her and lightly kissed the back of her neck while my hand fluttered lightly between her stomach and the underside of her breasts. I could feel goosebumps prickle up and her adjusting herself so I could get a better handle of her breasts and I proceeded to fondle her nipples while they hardened.

She moaned again, and I realized I needed to push it a bit. Remembering that last time we were kissing on date night, I took a cue from her playbook. I lightly nibbled her left ear and whispered "You're the meal I really want." Her body tensed as her back arched slightly. Perfect timing. I removed my hands from under her shirt and sat up. She once again laid on the couch looking disheveled, uncertain, and desperately horny. She was too easy to play. She tried to re-initiate by lightly tugging on my shoulder while I pretended to watch television. I tried to keep my cool as I was just as turned on as she was. After a few minutes she grabbed me and shouted "What's with you!?" Laughing I said "Easy! This is payback for your teasing me today over the phone." Taking a rather serious tone I looked deep into those beautiful eyes with my arms around her. "If you want me to continue, you're going to be a good little girl and go to the bedroom. Now."

She started to open her mouth but I grinned and pointed to the bed repeating myself. "Now." Practically sprinting to the bedroom she got herself ready for somethings she wasn't truly prepared for. Oh no, she had no idea. I casually walked to the room after giving her a five minute head start by putting away the dishes. Everything was going according to plan. Until I saw her laying on the bed.

She was wearing purple and black lingerie while sprawled on the bed revealing everything and nothing. She put on her favorite body lotion making her already milky skin even smoother. Not to mention the pheromones coming off of her. I felt like a man possessed. No, like an animal. Damn woman, five minutes alone and she came up with the perfect counter attack.

"What's the matter?" She purred to me with a sultry grin "Afraid to play with your meal?"

I don't quite remember how, but somehow I managed to remove my shirt and shoes in one motion while simultaneously jumping on top of her. My instincts kicked in and we began kissing again. I held her tight in my arms as she pulled at my hair. My right hand unhooked her bra while her hands fiddled with my belt. Her hands swept across my stomach and she giggled between breaths.

"Oh, look at you Mr.Six-pack" She giggled.

"I don't hear you complaining." I grinned.

I was on top of her and I found myself immersed in her eyes. She had that look of victory on her face as she grinned. She thought she'd won. Thought so, at least. Oh no, she was not out of the woods yet. "Oops! Sorry, I forgot something. I'll be right back" I said in false surprise as I jumped and left the room for ten seconds.

I heard her moan again in disappointment and mutter to herself. Now it was getting dangerous. If I miss stepped at this point I'd be sleeping on the couch, and her silver bullet would be the man of the hour. I walked back in nonchalantly and leaning on the doorway said "I forgot how fun it is to deny you like that."

She started to look rather desperate at me. I could see her lips trembling. And I doubt that was all that trembled. I walked calmly back to her and looked her in the eyes as I returned to my top position.

"I'm going to make you feel like you've never felt before." I said in a low growl. "You. Will. Be. Mine."

She whimpered once again, and I slowly began to kiss her again. Slowly and calculated I moved. First the lips, then the cheek, and down the neck while my left hand began to rub her nipple. My other hand circled her stomach a few times and moved down to her groin. My kissing became a light tonguing while my right hand rubbed her through her soaking panties. She began to moan again, but this was a different kind. It was higher pitched and more passionate. I switched back to kissing while I trailed down her chest stopping at each breast while my hands took off her panties which she was happy to help with. I toyed with her. I felt her twitch with every light brush of her outer labia and clitoris.

Soon my mouth was near her pelvis and I looked back up at her. She hadn't taken her eyes off me. Her hands were gripping the sheets as her breathing became heavier and heavier. Soon I decided to look directly at it. Her mouth wasn't the only thing breathing hard. She was ready. It drooled down the side slightly and breathed with her body. I decided to get up close and personal while fingering her.

With two fingers slowly massaging the top walls of her I blew out onto her clit, which from the cool air popped out. She tried to silence herself but let out a soft moan of surprise. I heard her whisper to herself "More" in a low whisper and I knew I had to tease her one more time.

"Well," I said rising from her and stretching my arms "Goodnight!"

She almost screamed at me bolting upright. "What!? Excuse me? No. There is no fucking way you're doing that again!" She looked positively furious.

I looked back at her with as stern an expression as possible. "Pardon?" I asked quite calmly. I pushed her back down and pinned down her arms. "Do you really think you're in charge here?" I saw here eyes shake and just for a laugh I began to finger her slightly. "Because I don't think you are. But if that's the case…" I removed my hand licked my fingers. "Go ahead and finish real quick. I love a good show."

Realizing I was serious she propped up by the headboard of the bead and began to furiously masturbate. She fingered herself with no regard while rubbing her thumping clitoris. She was moaning and whimpering while her body began to shake slightly. Unable to stay out the action my throbbing erection began to guide my thoughts, and at that point I began to massage her breasts again and kissed her deeply.

She was squeaking and squeeling again and I could tell she was about to climax. Quickly I sprang my final plan. I grabbed her hands and held them above her head. They dripped onto my wrists as she breathed like she was running a marathon with her eyes in a daze.

"Don't you get it Libbie?" I said sweetly "You've fallen into my trap." With one free hand I fiddle with one of the bedside drawers and pulled out two pairs of handcuffs. I cuffed her to the head board and looked at her. "And now, you can't finish can you?"

She got bug eyed and struggled like an animal trying to escape. "No please! Don't do this, I'm begging you!" I arched an eyebrow "Really?" She nodded mouth open and I smiled "Alrighty then!" With a quick kiss on the lips I announced "Dinner time!"

This time I decided to quit the light goings and plunged right in. I licked her from the bottom to the top circling her pulsing clit several times clockwise, then counter-clockwise. I suckled on it as Libbie began to gasp and shout . "Oh God…" She said as her hips moved left and right. Digging deeper into her, her already soaked pussy flowed those delicious juices. Her scent, her taste, her soft skin, her beautiful body, and the noises she made were beginning to be too much for me.

I got more aggressive and began to truly tongue her insides wildly. I would reach as deep as possible then drag my tongue back across the top, only to circle several times at the base.

"Don't stop!" she implored, so I kissed her pussy several times and paid special attention to that little dot at the top.

She was moaning, squealing, and screaming. I looked up and saw that she had a line of drool down her mouth as well.

"Keep going!"

I continued and and could tell that this wasn't just one climax that had built up, but several.

"So close, oh God don't stop I'm cumming!" She began writhing even more, so I grabbed her hips and lifted her in the air with me on my knees..

"Ah! Gah! Awwww!"

I continued and she began to convulse wildly. I kept going with her whole body above the bed and her legs wrapped around my shoulders. She was moaning, but suddenly, her voice was gone. It was as if she was screaming but her voice had left. Her lower half was twitching and her back was arching . As I continued she remained arched for several minutes and her voice finally came back. I gently lowered her back down to the bed and we both panted for a few moments.

She groaned while I looked back at her and saw that she had a dazed look in her eyes. I rinsed my mouth off with some water and kissed her.

"Shall we get to the best part?" I asked her with a smile.

She looked at me, breathless and exhausted.

"Refill that glass of water." She said "I swear to God, I'm going to fuck your brains out."

 End Part 1 

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2jwg76/a_night_to_remember_part_1_fm_oral