This is a story of a week that I took my daughter and her friend with me to one of my professional golf tournaments. The story takes some time for the sex scenes to develop. Please be patient, I believe it will be worth your wait.

My wife decided to take our youngest daughter with her to a seminar she was going to. That left me with our oldest daughter Amy. Amy was in her late teens and quite a looker. Not that I really looked at her that way, but, she had inherited her mothers best assets.

At five foot four, with an exceptionally well structured female body, she looked much older. Her red hair, freckled face and hot teen body was extremely exotic. She had perky 34-B cup breasts, I knew this, because I always took the girls shopping. Her ass was just right, nice and firm and really looked good in either her bikini, jeans or the skimpy boy shorts she wore around the house. If I wasn't her father, I definitely would have been having lurid thoughts about her.

Amy wasn't too thrilled about going with me to the tournament. That is, until I told her that there was a great mall that connected directly to the hotel we would be staying at. Once she realized that, her attitude changed.

She asked me if her best friend Michelle, or Shelly for short, could go with us. Since I would be at the golf course for most of the daylight hours, I figured it would be good for her to have a companion to help her pass the time. I agreed to let Shelly accompany us. Shelly was at the house so often that she called me dad or daddy instead of Mr. Thorn or just Thorn as I had told her to when she asked me how she should address me.

Shelly was a short blonde teen bombshell. She stood about five foot three, and weighed about a hundred pounds. I swear most of the weight was in her breasts. They were huge for a girl her size! She was extremely beautiful with pouty full lips and brilliant blue eyes. Her breasts weren't the only great asset, she had a great butt and very shapely legs also.

I loved looking at Shelly's hot body when she would come to the house. In the pool, her bikini barely covered her boobs and crotch. When she would sleep over, and we would lounge in the living room, she would wear a sheer night gown that showed her assets off quite admirably.

I usually wore loose boxers around the house in the evening, and it seemed she was always looking at me and more specifically at my crotch. When I would look her way, she would quickly shift her gaze. I was surprised my wife never commented about the way Shelly dressed around me, but I guess she just wasn't paying too much attention.

After getting everything cleared with Shelly's parents, Shelly came and spent the Sunday night before our trip. The excited girls packed their things, chatting and planing how they would spend the week. The next morning we loaded the SUV for the long drive and off we went. It would turn out to be one of the best weeks of my life!

I had booked a two bedroom suite at the Ritz Carlton that adjoined the mall. The girls were ecstatic when they saw the mall and the suite. It was a split bedroom suite. I had the king room and the girls had the two queen room on the opposite side of the suite. There was a large living area in the middle. Each bedroom had its own TV and bathroom.

The girls went to their room to change and hit the mall. I went to my room to change into my golf attire to head to the course to check it out. I waited in the living room for the girls to come out so I could give them some spending money and some ground rules for the stay.

Amy emerged from the bedroom first. She had on a mini skirt and a midriff baring top. From the sight of her perky nipples poking at the thin fabric, she was obviously braless. I had to admit to myself, she looked very hot. I was tempted to send her back into the room to put on a less revealing clothing or at least a bra, but I thought it better to leave it. I didn't want to start the stay out by putting her in a bad mood.

Shelly came out next. My jaw probably dropped as I gazed at her hot body. She was wearing a tight tube top that showed off her large breasts and a very short mini skirt.

Both girls had applied light make up and appeared much older than their late teen ages. Definitely jailbait if I'd ever seen it!

After setting the ground rules for the stay, I gave each of them fifty bucks for spending money, told them I would return in a couple hours and to be ready to go to dinner at around seven. I'd made reservations for us at a nice steak house in the mall. They agreed to everything and both of them gave me a kiss on the cheek as I left the room to head to the course.

Since it was Monday, the course was quite vacant. The tournament started on Thursday and most of the contestants had not arrived yet. There were a few guys out playing practice rounds, but I elected to walk the course and get a feel for the layout taking just my putter and a wedge. I'd play my practice round tomorrow. My regular caddie, Mike, wasn't due to arrive until late tonight anyway.

It took me about an hour to walk the front nine. I was hitting putts on the twelfth green when the beverage cart pulled up. I walked over to the cart intending on buying a bottle of water. A very attractive ponytailed brunette was at the wheel. The young lady, in her early twenties by my guess, was quite chatty.

From her chatter, I realized, she obviously was really into golf. She introduced herself to me, her name was Tammy. She was an aspiring female professional golfer.

"I know who you are." She said. "I recognize you from television!" She became excited and asked for my autograph. I signed her visor and she thanked me. "I get off at six, um, would you be interested in, um, watching me hit some balls. I would love some pointers from a top TOUR professional like you. Then maybe we could grab a bite?"

I thanked her for the offer, but told her I had my daughter and her friend along for the week and I had already told them we were having dinner at the steak house in the mall tonight.

"Ok, no problem." She was visibly disappointed. "I do have all day Wednesday off." She added hopefully.

"Tell you what," I said. "I have an early tee time in the Wednesday pro am. How about I watch you hit balls that afternoon? We could practice together."

She lit up like a chandelier. "Oh Thorn, really? That would be awesome!" She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "It's a date then. See you Wednesday, the water is on me." She added.

I started to walk to the thirteenth tee and she called me back.

"Here." She said, handing me a cocktail napkin. "I wrote my number and address on this. Meet me at the house. I live on the seventeenth fairway at this course. We can take my personal cart right to the practice range. This course will be too busy on Wednesday."

She drove off, and I continued on the back nine. I tucked the napkin in my yardage book for safe keeping.

Back at the hotel, the girls were ready to go to dinner when I arrived back at the room. They both had changed into nice evening attire. Amy in a short green dress that I had given to her mom years ago. The dress accented her assets with a plunging neckline and was almost totally backless. Once again, it was obvious she had no bra on.

Shelly had a stunning little black dress on. It also had a plunging neckline and she was also braless. Her large boobs were barely covered by the material of the dress. It looked as though at any moment one, the other, or both might tits might pop free!

I went in my room, took a shower, and put on a pair of Tommy Bahama silk trousers and a nice Tommy Bahama silk shirt short sleeve shirt. I decided to go sans underwear myself.

Off to dinner we went. Two hot teenage girls and the older man.

We were seated in a nice semi round booth. I expected the girls would want to sit next to each other so I sat on one end of the booth giving them room to do so. I was wrong, Amy told me to slide over and sat on my left while Shelly scooted next to me on my right. I was sandwiched between two very hot teen girls.

The waiter came to take our drink order. I ordered a glass of Cabernet.

"Dad, why don't you order a bottle, we could all share?" Amy asked. At home, we often let the girls drink a glass of wine with dinner.

"Okay." I told the waiter to make it a bottle with three glasses.

He brought the wine as we were looking at the menu. I tasted it and gave my approval and he poured us each a glass. We ordered and then the girls excitedly told me of their mall exploring as we sipped the wine. The wine went down quicker than I expected, and we were soon on our second glass.

A second bottle was ordered and opened. The girls were getting giggly and thank goodness the salads arrived before a third glass was poured!

As we were eating our salads, I felt something caressing my right leg. It was Shelly's hand and it was stroking the inside of my upper thigh. As the stroking continued, it moved closer and closer to my hardening cock!

I glanced out of the corner of my eye at Shelly, but she continued eating her salad and chatting, as if nothing unusual was going on.

The salads were finished, another glass of wine was poured for each of us, and dinner was served. Now, with both her hands busy to eat the steak, Shelly's onslaught of my leg was put on hold.

We finished dinner and the girls decided they wanted desert. So desert was ordered. During the wait, the hand once again began it's caressing of my upper thigh. This time, as my cock grew inside my silky loose fitting trousers, her fingers started stroking my hardness. She traced the whole outline of my cock and rubbed a finger back and forth across the crown of my blood engorged cock head.

"Thank you for a wonderful dinner, daddy." Shelly leaned over to me and kissed my neck.

As she did so, her left breast rubbed against my bare arm. I glanced down and I could see her whole breast quite clearly as the loose material of her dress ballooned out. Just before she pulled away from the kiss, her dainty little tongue ran down my neck, sending chills through my body. At the same time, she took a firm hold of my cock through my trousers and began stroking it with more purpose.

For the first time in a long while, I was totally taken by surprise and wasn't sure what to do. So, I just sat there and enjoyed the feeling of having my hard cock stroked by this gorgeous teen.

Desert was served and we each ate with not much conversation. All the while, Shelly stroked me under the table. There was one moment that I thought I was was going to blow my load, but Shelly must have felt it too and stopped just in time to prevent a mess.

I signed the check and we left the restaurant. Both girls were tipsy to say the least, Amy more so than Shelly. Arm in arm I led them through the mall to the elevator. Shelly's large left breast pressing against my bare arm kept my cock hard and it visibly strained the silk material of my slacks.

In the elevator, Shelly slid in front of me when it stopped at the second floor to let a few passengers on. Her tight ass wiggled against my cock seductively as the elevator rose again. Once again it stopped and a few more entered. I was now backed into the corner of the elevator and this squeezed the girls closer to me. Shelly took advantage of the situation by reaching back and adjusting my cock so it fit in the crack of her ass.

Now, with my dick squeezed between her cheeks she pressed harder against me for the rest of the accent to the top floor. Slowly she rotated her hips against me and my cock grew to an enormous hardness against her seductive ass. As passengers exited on the earlier floors, we remained in the same position.

When the doors opened at our floor, Shelly took Amy by the hand and helped lead her to our room. I was in a bit of shock, and had to stop the doors from closing so I could exit behind them.

Hey My Daughter PIC

The girls were just entering the room when I arrived and Shelly held the door for me.

"I've got to pee!" Amy announced as she hurried to the bathroom in their bedroom.

"How was your elevator ride daddy?" Shelly inquired. "Better than the table action?" She added.

Before I could even think of how to answer, she stood on her tip toes. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck pressing those luscious boobs against my chest and gave me a full on mouth kiss, running her tongue along and around my lips.

"Thank you for a wonderful dinner." She said. "Good night. See you later." She released me and headed to their bedroom.

I was still standing just inside the door, once again in shock. "Good night Shelly." I managed to utter.

She stopped at the door of their room and turned. Then to my amazement, she shrugged both her shoulders and let her dress top fall. Both her beautiful breasts were exposed to me. She smiled a coy smile and winked. Then the turned and entered the room closing the door behind her.

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  1. Dude. come on with the next story. People may not have commented, but if you post more stories, hell, you might gain attention.

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