Doing as I’m told [oral][fsub][publicsex][Mf]

"Yessir, as you wish" she says as she hangs up the cell phone. And nervously stirs her iced latte. She looks around the coffee shop and weighs her options, she does not wish to disappoint him, he has always been such a gentle yet assertive master, and she knew quick results would be rewarded. She unbuttons the top two buttons of her blouse and makes her way to the counter.

"What can I help you with" says the unassuming guy behind the counter.

"Oh it's such a hot day" she says while playing with the unbuttoned portion of her blouse "I need a bit of ice to cool me down"

"Ok" the guy mutters as he hands her a cup of ice, and promptly returns to cleaning up.

Frustrated by his lack of interest she turns to walk away and runs directly into a guy behind her, knocking his briefcase out of his hands and all over the floor.

"I'm so sorry" she says as she kneels down to help him clean the mess up. "I hope this doesn't make you late" she says as she looks up into his deep soft green eyes. She notices him looking at her cleavage, so she just smiles sweetly as she hands him the last of his papers.

"It's really ok dear" he says with a twinkle in his eye. "I don't get that sort of view everyday" he says with a little chuckle.

He is clearly in his late 40s, but well taken care of, he is tall and lean with close cut hair and wearing khakis and a button up shirt. He's perfect she thinks to herself. The quiet confidence in his words turn her on a little and she wanders if he looks just as good down below, as she sits down on an easy chair in the corner of the shop.

The man gets his order "coffee, black" as he turns to leave, he sees her looking his way. He thinks about all the things he knows he will never have a shot at doing with this little college girl, it had been so long since his wife left. He hadn't let his mind wander to his own carnal desires since then, he had sunken his life and time into his work, which he was already running late for a meeting this morning that could make or break this project. As he turns to walk away, he turns toward her and says "I have to catch the subway" it comes out like a dozen scrambled eggs. He blushes and walks away ashamed at his nervousness.

She watches him walk out the door and turn left, before she gets up and follows him. She doesn't want him to know, she wants to surprise him so he can't make an inconvenient escape. "Master is waiting" she whispers to herself. She follows him down the turnstile and across the crowded platform. He hardly seems to notice anyone as he fingers his blackberry hurriedly. She lets him get on the train and find a seat, as the car fills up, she pushes herself with her back turned into a standing space right in front of him. As soon as the train begins to move, she loses her balance and tumbles directly on his lap.

He drops his phone, but forgets about it immediately, he looks at the angel in his lap smiling at him coyingly and he feels his cock stiffen immediately.

She reaches between his legs, grabs his firm cock and rubs it as she whispers in his ear "I just want to taste it, please"

He has no words to say but he eagerly nods his head, she motions for him to stand up and he does so and turns around to face her.

The train car is extremely crowded, but she works with the agility of a sexual ninja, unzipping his pants and wrapping her soft moist lips around his rock hard cock. She starts slowly running her tongue along the tip. As she suspected his cock was larger than average although he had neglected his pubic hair, he was clean and she could smell his Gucci cologne.

He holds onto the bar for all his life, in some part of his mind he thinks, what if someone sees this, I could be arrested, I could lose everything. But, as long as her young moist lips and velvet soft tongue stroked along his cock, he could care less. He can feel his excitement rising as she forces her mouth all the way down his thick long shaft.

She feels his balls retracting, that tale-tell sign of orgasmic explosion, so she takes every bit of him in her mouth and down her throat, until she feels that familiar warm explosion in the back of her throat. She very slyly snaps a pic with her phone as she cleans his cock off with her tongue and lips.

He can't believe this, as she zips his pants up and wipes her lips with a smile, the train shudders to a stop and she gets off. He watches her walk away sure that he will never see her again.

She sends a picture on her phone and gets an immediate phone call.

"Good Girl" the voice says on the other end of the call "you will be rewarded well tonight"

With a smile she hangs up her phone and hurries off to class.


1 comment

  1. I’m writing these on a phone, so although I format them as paragraphs, it gets reset or rewritten after posting

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