Okay, I have this coworker that I flirt with quite a bit, particularly over the office IM. So she asked me to write her a story of a sexual nature, but she has not really confessed any of her real kinks yet (other than that she thinks I would be shocked), which makes it a bit difficult to really home in on what she might like. She has confessed that she sometimes fantasizes about what could happen in our office meetings, so I touch on that a bit, but don't want to go too far down that road until I really know what drives her fantasies. (She has promised me an actual experience she loved and a dark fantasy to be revealed next time we can arrange lunch).

Anyway, I am getting along in this, and although the story is not complete, I'd like to get a couple of women's perspectives on how this is shaking out and what you think. As this is a story about an actual office environment, I have changed names and places just in case anyone I work with happens to be on this forum Again, it is not finished, but I hope to get some feedback anyway, it may help me make some changes. I have think skin, so if you have a red pen, go wild

After Hours She could not shake the sensation. Ever since the departmental briefing that afternoon, Jane had butterflies in her stomach. Not from nervous anxiety, and not unpleasant either. More of a warm sensation that developed in the pit of her stomach and trickled downward as her daydreams occluded her focus on the monotonous dialog of the briefers…“We are moving ahead with preparations for the construction in NY. The contractor has arranged…” Jeff droned on, but Jane heard not a word. In her mind she was splayed wide across the briefing room table, skirt hiked up around her midriff, blouse undone and open with her breasts exposed, a plaything for the men in the room who were taking her in all manner of ways. “Ahh, things are proceeding interestingly in Jersey…” Jacque began in his nasally French inflection, snapping Jane back to the present. She looks across the room and sees Charles looking at her with crinkled eyes and a scarcely concealed smirk, and smiles back. The smiles exchanged were as much related to a mutual distaste of all things “Jacque” as to a mutual attraction between them. Briefly wondering what Charles was thinking about, Jane quickly lost herself in thoughts which once again took her far away from the boring discourse of project status and began to feel that familiar warmth below once more. Bent over, arched back, being taken from behind while moaning hungrily on a cock presented in front of her. All day was like this, thoughts to make a girl blush and that warm tingling sensation that just would not quit.

Making copies back at work later that day, the copier gave a moments respite as she leaned against it, surreptitiously pressing herself against its corner. The pressure against her vulva and clitoris brought the warmth and tingling from below shooting up to her head, and while it did not provide the relief she craved, it spread that localized feeling more evenly across her body making it somehow more bearable for the moment. “My God” she thought, “if I don’t get my head out of the clouds, errr gutter, I’ll never get this work done and will be stuck here working late.” There was no doubt about it, she was horny as hell, unable to focus, and it was going to be a long day.

At 7:00 PM Charles headed back into the office to collect some notes needed for a meeting the next day. Arriving at work he pulled into an empty parking lot occupied by one car only. “That looks like Jane’s car” he thought to himself, and was immediately taken back to today’s briefing. Jane had been dressed in a tight knee length skirt and blouse which accentuated her bosom. Conservative in dress, innocent in deportment, yet incredibly sexy, his attention was always drawn to her when they were together. So much so he had to make conscious effort to look at other people and nod appropriately or blurt out an answer when questioned directly and hope it sounded like he was paying attention. He was not however, as his mind was flooded with images of what he wanted to do to Jane. At the briefing today, he had to make sure he was not staring at Jane the whole time, people would certainly notice. Scan the room, stop on Mark, three, two, one, look at Sam, three, two, one, back to Jane. It is no wonder he heard nothing during the briefing! Jane, sitting composed, legs crossed, one black pump a hairs breadth from dangling from her foot only just exposing the graceful arch of her foot. He longed to reach over and caress it and noticed a stirring in his loins. Not having a foot fetish he found this reaction odd, yet telling at the same time. Everything about her stirred him up! When Jane crossed her legs, he wanted to raise her leg and kiss the back of her knee, where her elegant calf came together with her magnificent thigh, while stroking his hand along its statuesque length from ankle to hip. “Ahh, things are proceeding interestingly in Armenia…” Jacque’s opening soliloquy caught him by surprise. He was already looking at Jane and gave her a wry smile at Jacque’s adenoidal accent. When Jane smiled back he felt conspiratorial, but it had little to do with their shared opinion of the Frenchman. He wanted her, plain and simple. Badging in to the main entrance, he smiled at his foolishness that it might be Jane’s car in the lot, but on the off chance he would swing by her desk.

Entering the main entrance he noted the lights on in the cube farm. As the lighting system dims when the facility is unoccupied, this indicated someone was indeed working in the section where Jane sits. His heart pounding louder, he badged into the secondary security door and approached the area where Jane worked. Trying to appear nonchalant yet feeling about to break into a run, he rounded the corner just as Jane’s head peeked over her cubicle, and nearly stopped dead in his tracks. “Jane, what are you doing here this late?” It felt like he had a frog in his throat and suddenly wished he had prepared something witty to say. “Hey Charles” Jane smiled, “the Turd scheduled a meeting tomorrow with the PM and Division Chief and left me to arrange all the presentation materials. I am just finishing up making all the copies now”.

In the quiet office Jane had heard the security lock on the door chime followed by footsteps walking across the tiled floor of the break area. Standing at her desk arranging her presentation materials she looked up and was pleasantly surprised to see Charles round the corner! As she greeted him she suddenly became aware of her arousal, which her time at the copier had only quickened as she became bolder in her leaning against the machine as the office thinned out and the last of the employees left. Finally through the preparation of the materials she needed for tomorrow she had been hurriedly preparing them for transport so she could go to her car where a modicum of privacy might allow her to release some of the tension which had been building all day before she drove home. Maybe she could wait around a little longer she thought to herself.

Charles came around the cube where Jane was working to see her stacking her printed materials for transport. Leaning against the far cubicle wall he briefly noted the neatly stacked materials she was straightening as she bent over her desk, but his focus was on her firm shapely ass as she moved one stack on top of another. With no one else around, he had no need to avert his eyes lest he cause an office uproar. “The Turd does have some nerve doesn’t he” he said watching her buttocks sway as she shifted the piles around on her desk. The grey skirt she wore to work today clung to her ass tightly, yet leaving much to the imagination and leaving Charles with a burning desire to know more.

As Jane moved the piles of printouts on her desk she furtively glanced back and spotted Charles staring at her ass hungrily. Smiling to herself she began stacking and restacking the piles, stepping one way, and then the other, as if the order was just not right. “Oh yes, he is such an ass, he walked out at 4:00 claiming he had a previous engagement that cannot be missed, ‘but we need these materials ready first thing in the morning, sorry I can’t stay to help.’ Jerk.” Another stealthy glance behind her and she was sure Charles was mesmerized and she broke into a mischievous grin. Whipping around sharply with grin still in place and thinking oh what a bad girl I am, “see something you like?” she asked. The look on Charles’s face was priceless as he tore his gaze from her waist. A sheepish, guilty smile, followed by reddening cheeks as his gaze firmly met her eyes.

“As a matter of fact I do” he said. Knowing he was busted, and believing the best defense is a good offense, he continued “the efficiency with which you stack and restack those papers leads me to believe the real presentation is standing directly in front of me, and I DO like what I see” he finished with a sly smile. “Oh is that right” Jane retorted, leaving one high heeled foot on the floor as she hiked her skirt a little and sat against her desk. The other leg dangling seductively, slighted parted from its partner, as she crossed her arms under her breasts. The affect was riveting, her blue blouse, while appropriate for the office was formfitting and left the promise of her bursting free, if cajoled in just the right way. As she crossed her arms, her bosom rose sharply from the confines of her blouse exposing twin freckles on the tops of her now bulging breasts. Still mischievous, Jane “well are you going to help me with this presentation then, or am I going to leave now?”

See Her : – http://gotlinks.co/4qaF

“You know me Jane, I am always willing to drop everything to help you out” Charles said as he stepped forward from the wall and in between her parted legs. Jane tried to stop his forward momentum as he came forward but he was flanked by her legs before she could react fast enough. All she managed to do was clamp her dangling knee against his thigh as he was already up against the table. And truth be told, it felt good to clamp his legs between hers. Charles leaned forward and took Jane by the shoulders, pulling her towards him as he leaned in, he kissed her lightly and his tongue gently probed against her resistance, a short lived resistance as her lips parted and her tongue began to explore of its own. As their kiss deepened the tension Jane had been feeling all day burst like a dam. No longer isolated to her midriff and loins, her whole body became electrified. Unfolding her arms she snaked them around Charles’s back one hand going to the back of his head, the other pulling him closer, crushing her breast to him, she needed to feel him, his wanting, his need for her, everywhere.

Charles was focused now, completely tuned in to Jane’s response. His mouth explored hers with a gentle hunger, needing to taste and savor all parts of her lips and tongue, intertwining with her in a way that was almost visual in its intensity, where he could see as well as feel every intimate interaction. As they kissed Charles slid his arms down Jane’s side until he passed her waist and hips, and felt her dangling leg hook around him, as if wanting to pull him in closer. As his fingers trailed ever downward along her legs, the fabric of her skirt gave way to the silky flesh of her thighs, and as he touched the back of her knee, his need was overpowering.

See in Position – http://gotlinks.co/4qaL

Slowly breaking the kiss, Charles whispered in her ear “Jane, we need to work on your oral presentation” as he slowly lowered himself, kissing the tops of her breasts his hands came back up to unbutton her blouse and free her breasts from their confines. As each inch of flesh was exposed to the cool office air, it was covered with warm and gentle kissing and suckling, making, the air-conditioning an unimportant consideration. With her hands against the back of his head Jane felt Charles’s hands slide under her bra lifting it free from her and exposing her breasts he cupped them in his hot hands. As he moved on to her nipples, the gentle suckling was intermittently interrupted by a sharp nip and a corresponding gasp from Jane as he nibbled on one nipple and then the other, followed by a soothing tonguing to ease the pain of the bite.

More to come, but hoping for feedback. Thanks!

Comment fast for next story..

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/2jdxtz/looking_for_ladies_perspectives_with_pic_for_you

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