My first time with a very shy woman (Part 1)

EDIT: This very tame story was too much for her. So at least I know that there is no future between us.

NOTE: This was written for a woman who I recently met. We are incredibly attracted to each other, but she is very shy and reserved in bed. I wrote this for her to describe how a very tame encounter between the two of us might unfold. Normally I am extremely aggressive – doing this would require an enormous amount of self restraint on my part.

As we walk into our hotel room, I have reached the limit of how long I can go without kissing you. Your beautiful eyes have been seducing me all evening. Less than a second after the door closes behind us, out of nowhere, you find yourself pinned up against the door – your back against the door – our bodies forcefully pressed against each other. My left hand is on your waist – my thumb gently massaging my favorite spot, my right hand is at the base of your neck – having just been behind your head – catching you so you do not hit your head against the door. For a moment our eyes meet – staring into your eyes stirs up a passion inside of me that I have a difficult time controlling. We kiss – a deep, slow, wet kiss that causes both of our hearts to start racing. I am now using the fingertips of my left hand to gently explore your body underneath your shirt – methodically moving across your stomach, down to your waist, and finally between your thighs over your jeans – causing your entire body to tingle. You fade in and out of being lost in our kiss and trying to pay attention to where my left hand is moving next when suddenly you feel my right hand gently grab your hair behind your head and pull – breaking our kiss and turning your head slightly up and to the side. Your neck now exposed, I tenderly kiss down the length of your neck and across your exposed skin. With each kiss along the exposed parts of your body I leave a trace of moisture behind so each time I take a breath, warm air moves across your skin, drying my kisses and causing your body to shiver. Wanting desperately to explore the rest of your body with my lips, tongue, and fingertips I resist the urge to physically tear the shirt away from your body. I do, however, find myself incapable of suppressing my desire for your body and take your shirt off by lifting it up and over your head – exposing the amazing landscape of your upper body.

With you shirtless and still pinned against the wall, I pause for a brief moment and selfishly take in the beauty before me – it is a feast for my eyes. My waist pressed against yours, you can feel the excitement growing inside of me. We continue kissing with both of my hands continuing to slowly explore your body – a finger from my right hand reaching under the waist of your jeans to begin exploring a new region while my left hand softly caresses the small of your back. I kiss along the top of your bra causing my breath to flow across your nipples. Your hands are on me now, slowly unbuttoning my shirt and exploring my upper body. As you reach the third button on my shirt I remove my hands from your body and run them along the length of your arms until I reach your wrist. Firmly, I wrap my hands around your wrists and forcefully pin them against the door – above and behind your head. At first I feel you put up just a little fight – trying to regain control of your arms. You take a deep breath – realizing how much stronger I am than you – and a dirty little smile materializes on your face.

With your hands helplessly pinned against the door we kiss – a deep, breathy kiss that sends shivers across your exposed skin. I kiss you sweetly on the cheek as I move towards your ear and whisper, “I am going to release your right hand, and I want you to unbutton your jeans with it.” I am not asking you a question, I am giving you a command – and as I loosen my grip on your right hand you comply and undo the button on your jeans. Again I whisper in your ear “Good. Now I want you to take your middle finger and touch yourself for me – just for a moment – so I can taste you.” You again take a deep breath and somewhat reluctantly comply. As you briefly touch yourself, I see a devilish smile develop on your face – you begin to bring your finger, awash in your wetness, up from between your legs. I did not give a specific instruction as to what you should do next, but I assumed you would move your finger towards my mouth so I could taste you. Instead, you surprise me – taking your wet finger and seductively run it across your lips and take it into your mouth. As your remove your finger from your mouth, I grab your wrist and pin it back up against the wall – at the same time I kiss you. The taste of you on your lips and tongue causes my mind to race. You can feel how much I enjoy my first taste of you as my cock is now fully erect and pulsating against your body – still pinned to the door. At this point, I no longer have the ability to control myself! I grab the waist of your jeans and force them down – leaving your panties on and exposing your amazing legs and new curves that I am dying to explore. I kick your jeans into the corner – you are still pinned against the door in just your bra and panties.

I release your hands and begin to move down your back to unclasp your bra and release your breasts – but you are thinking the same thing and beat me to it. Now I get to really have fun with you…

While you return to unbuttoning my shirt, my hands roam across your breasts with the lightest touch – my fingertips are surveying the bottom curve of your breasts, moving up the side, and then across the top of your breasts – sending shivers down your spine as I touch every part of your breast except your fully erect nipples. As I move to kiss your breasts, I begin in the middle of your chest, slowly moving across the stunning landscape in such a way that my warm breath is teasing your nipples without my lips or tongue ever coming in contact with them. Deliberate and meticulously, my tongue travels around your areolas – continuing to avoid your ever-hardening nipples. You are aching for me to tease your nipples with my tongue – as I purposefully avoid them, you devilishly encourage me. With your right hand, you again reach between your legs and touch yourself – bringing your wet finger up to your left breast. Circling your areola and then your nipple, you coat yourself in wetness. With your nipple still wet, I tenderly hold your nipple between my upper and lower teeth and breathe in – the cool air running over your nipple dries your wetness causing your nipple to extend to its most erect state. I then take you into my mouth, exploring with my tongue and enjoying your sweet taste. As I suck, pull, lightly bite, and tease your left breast, you again touch yourself – this time soaking your right nipple in cum. As I selfishly enjoy the taste of you on your right nipple, I know I need more.

I step back from you to remove my shirt – I want to feel my skin against yours. Now bare-chested, we embrace again and share a few minutes of passionate kissing while our hands explore each other’s bodies. As you move one hand down my stomach and across my jeans, you feel how incredibly hard you have made me. My hands roam between your thighs – teasing you – never touching your pussy. I can feel the warmth in between your legs and, having already become addicted to the taste of you, decide I need more of it. Moving my hands up your body, across your breasts, and arriving at your shoulders, I grab you – turning you around so you are facing away from me and again pinned against the door with my body.

With me pressed against you, now kissing your shoulders and the back of your neck – you feel my hard cock through my jeans pressed against your ass. I slide my hands down from your shoulders to your wrists and place your hands against the door at shoulder height. I slide my hands down your arms – tenderly gliding along your skin with my fingertips. My right hand moves across your shoulder, along the top of your back, and then up your neck where I gently yet forcefully grab and pull your hair – turning your head back so you can see me out of the corner of your eye while I whisper in your ear “spread your legs apart.” You are not certain what I am planning, but you comply with my command anyway. As you move your legs just slightly more than shoulder width apart, I release your hair and move my hands down to your hips, pulling them back. With your legs spread and your hips back, I drop to my knees behind you, pulling down your panties and throwing them into the corner with your jeans.

For just a brief moment I am selfish again. I allow my eyes to feast on your glistening, wanting, exposed pussy. My hands are now moving across the back of your thighs up towards your ass while I kiss in between your legs – again leaving just enough moisture behind that my warm breath dries it and causes your skin to tingle with anticipation. For what seems like an eternity to you, I touch and kiss every part of your exposed body – purposefully avoiding any contact with your yearning pussy – only allowing my breath to run across your pussy – just to tease you. I cannot resist any longer and take the smallest portion of the tip of my tongue and begin to explore your pussy. Barley touching you, the tip of my tongue explores every fold and crevasse of your pussy – except I never allow my tongue to touch your clit. Reaching my tongue deep between your legs, I start just below your clit and painstakingly move across the length of your pussy. I do this repeatedly, each time getting closer to your clit and your asshole – but never allowing my tongue to touch either. The combination of my saliva and your cum is mixing, causing the tiniest beads of wetness to form on the lips of your pussy – with gravity pulling the beads towards your clit, slowly rolling along the length of your pussy lips – like a bead of water slowly melting off an icicle – until the first bead reaches your clit. This is the first thing to touch your clit besides your finger and the feeling of it rolling across your clit and then dripping to the floor causes you to let out a reluctant, incredibly sexy moan.

After having quenched my initial thirst to taste you, I rise from my knees, standing behind you. As I rise, my hands run up your thighs, over your ass, around your hip, and across your back until I place my left hand firmly on your shoulder and my right hand reaches for the back of your neck and hair. Forcefully, I turn you around and kiss you again – each time we kiss I find my desire to passionately fuck you more and more difficult to suppress. You are tired of being the only one exposed – as we kiss, you unbuckle my belt and push off my jeans. I quickly kick them to the corner with your clothes. As we continue to kiss, my hands are exploring your body, mostly with just my fingertips – I am doing my best to arouse every inch of your skin. Now that I am naked in front of you, your left hand is on my shoulder near my neck while your right hand is surveying my cock. I can tell you like knowing how much you have turned me on. With you touching me, my mind is racing – I can’t decide what to do next. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see my belt in the mess of clothes piled against the wall. My instinct is to grab the belt, turn you around, and tie your hands together behind your back – but I decide it is better to build up to that over time.

We begin making our way towards the bedroom – kissing and groping each other as we move. As we move by the couch, I decide it has already been too long since I have tasted you – you are moving toward the bedroom, but I grab you and push you to the couch. You are seated on the couch – I am standing in front of you, my cock standing fully erect, the smallest amount of pre-cum about to drip from the tip. Your hands are moving up my thighs and as they reach the base of my cock our eyes meet – you seductively open your mouth just a little as you move your head towards my cock, preparing to take me in your mouth. I can feel your warm breath run over the tip of my cock – I have difficult time focusing my mind as a rush of endorphins overtakes my ability to think straight. The moment before your lips and tongue touch my cock, I reach my hands to your shoulders and push you against the back of the couch, telling you “not yet”. Immediately I drop to my knees, place my hands on the inside of your thighs, and forcefully spread your legs apart. I want to continue teasing you, but I selfishly need to enjoy you right now! Placing my hands behind your knees, I pull your body towards me – causing your thighs and ass to hang just off the edge of the couch. Lifting your knees slightly off the couch, I now have the full glory of your soaking wet pussy exposed before me.

Continued in part 2… at


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