My first time with a very shy woman (Part 2)

At first, I run my tongue up the length of your pussy, slowly making my way to your clit. I let the tip of my tongue glide over your swollen clit. Your taste makes me weak and I take a deep breath – warm air rushes over your clit. Finally, I take your clit into my mouth – rhythmically sucking and licking your clit. As I feast on you, I gently brush the fingers of right hand across your inner thigh using only my fingertips. With my fingers reaching the outer edges of your pussy, I slowly tease every fold with the tip of my middle finger. I shift to being gentle with your clit – slowly and deliberately flicking my tongue in various directions – making you want to beg me to take it back in my mouth. Gradually, I work one finger inside of your pussy – in a circular motion first teasing the inner wall – then turning my wrist over so the pad of my middle finger can lightly massage your g-spot. Slowly I glide a second finger inside of you, both now massaging your g-spot – at the same time as I devour your clit. The reaction of your body turns me on – your pussy is soaking wet, your body is writhing with pleasure, and I can feel your muscles tense up as you move towards having an orgasm. With your legs spread far apart, the mixture of your cum and my saliva flows down the length of your. Your legs begin to shake and you grab onto my left hand and squeeze as you come to the edge of orgasm. At the last possible second before you release a tsunami of pleasure from between your legs, I remove my fingers from inside of you and release your clit from my mouth. The anticipation of an intense orgasm has you breathing heavily and as I stop, you take in a deep breath wondering, “why?”

With your body still tense and your pussy begging for my attention, my wet fingers caress your inner thigh, followed by gentle, moist kisses – as I kiss you the warm air from my breath dries the trail of wetness – warm air is rushing over your pussy and clit nearly making you cum. I feel your muscles loosening up and know I can again selfishly enjoy your pussy – working you back up to the brink of an orgasm. Again, right when you are about to explode with pleasure, I slow down and let your muscles relax. The entire time our eyes are locked on each other in a magnetic gaze. I continually bring you to the brink of orgasm and then back you away, over and over and over again for what feels like eternity.

After repeating this enjoyable torture, I slide up from between your legs – my body pressed against yours – and kiss you while you lay on the couch. As we kiss, you can feel the soft tip of my throbbing, hard cock against the outer lips of your pussy – if either of us moves ever so slightly, the tip of me will slide inside of you. While we kiss, my fingers tease your nipples, leaving behind a small amount of wetness that has been soaking my fingers, for me to enjoy later. We break from a kiss and as I suck the remaining wetness off of my fingers. You put your hand on my face, pulling me close to you – desperately you whisper in my ear “Please…please fuck me. Please…let me cum.” Our eyes meet and I smile – kissing your cheek and moving towards your ear I whisper back “You may cum when I give you permission, but not before.”

You take in a deep breath wondering when I will let you cum – but you don’t ask. As your mind races, I reach my hand behind your head, tugging your hair and moving you off the couch while I sit down. You are now on your knees between my legs. I look down and see you crack a little smile before you lean forward ever so, turning your head slightly to the side, extending your tongue and seductively running the tip of your tongue from the base of my cock all the way to the tip. You are teasing me, winding me up – you seem to know the more you tease me, the more passionately I will please you. Thinking to yourself, “Two can play at this game,” you tease my cock with the tip of your tongue and the gentle touch of your fingers lightly explores every inch of me. Finally, you take the head of my cock into your mouth, but not very deep – just enough to make me beg you with a breathy “please!” Instead of taking me deep into your mouth, you continue to suck on just the head – purposefully allowing just enough saliva to escape from your mouth that tiny streams run down the shaft of my cock. You can see the desperate desire building in my eyes, but you are having too much fun to stop now.

You stand up from your knees and straddle me on the couch – your pussy is still incredibly wet and I can feel it on my thighs. As you kiss me, my hands all over your body, you reach your hand between our legs and place my cock flat against my body. Continuing to kiss me, you slowly slide your pussy up and down the entire distance of my cock – never taking me inside of you – covering my cock in your juices. You break from our kiss, give me a seductive look with your sexy eyes, and return to your knees where you take my cock into your mouth – using your mouth and tongue to painstakingly remove all of the cum you have left on me. Again, you rise from your knees and straddle me – kissing me so I can enjoy the taste of your cum on your tongue. This time you reach between our legs and hold my cock upright as you take the tip of me into your pussy. You want to try and take all of me, but you don’t – you are still having too much fun teasing me. With the soft, bulbous, throbbing, head of my cock inside your pussy, you slowly move – back and forth, a little circular motion, and ever so slightly up and down – showing off your incredible body. The wetness from your pussy is oozing down my cock – and it is driving me crazy. Now I am begging you, “please… please fuck me!” But you just shake your head “no”, smile, and kiss me. While we are kissing, you lower your body – taking my entire cock deep inside of you, but just for a short second. As quickly as you envelop my cock inside your pussy, you are back on your knees sucking off all of your wetness.

After your merciless teasing, you stand up and extend your hand to me. Taking your hand, we walk to your bedroom. As we enter the bedroom, I have reached my breaking point.

Still holding my hand, you walk toward the bed. I have other plans. After we enter the bedroom, I throw you up against the nearest wall – me behind you, your hands against the wall. Standing behind you, I place my hands on your hips – directing you to move your hips and legs backward so you are exposing your legs and ass to me – much the same as you were when we first entered the room. My cock rests against your ass as I kiss up your back – your skin glistening and salty from sweat. My left hand rests on your left shoulder as I use my right hand to guide my cock into your pussy. Entering you, slowly at first, we both enjoy what we are feeling. I want to be gentle, to tease you, to let your pussy adjust to me, but I can’t. With my left hand on your shoulder, I pull you back onto my cock and pull myself out of you – repeatedly entering and exiting your pussy with the full length of my cock. We lock our eyes as you look back at me – we are building a rhythm, working in sync so that we both feel immeasurable pleasure as our bodies move. I love watching the way your body reacts each time we collide into each other. My right hand is now moving along your hip as I reach around to massage your clit with the middle finger on my right hand. As we continue pleasing each other, I can feel your pussy getting tighter around my cock – all of your muscles are filling up with tension that desperately needs to be released. You know that I have told you not to cum, but everything feels so good. My cock is filling your pussy, my hand massaging your clit, your hand now playing with your breasts – you go as long as you can before whimpering “I’m going to cum.”

Immediately, I stop stimulating your clit and pull out of you. I quickly turn you around and force you to your knees. My dripping wet cock staring you in the face, you instinctively take me into your warm, wet, wanting mouth – giving me an amazing blowjob while your body calms down. I selfishly enjoy your mouth for a few minutes before picking you back up, turning you around, and entering you from behind again. Your body still keyed up from before and eager to release the orgasm that has been repeatedly built up inside of you, it doesn’t take long for you to again reach the brink of an orgasm. As I pull out of you again, you begin to get on your knees – thinking I will make you suck my cock again. This time, however, I tell you to stay where you are. Your hands against the wall, I drop to my knees behind you. You take in a deep breath, knowing that when I feast on your pussy, it won’t be long before you reach the brink of orgasm. Again, just before you cum, I stop.

I stand up and enter you again. As I enter you, you look back at me with eyes filled of a mix of emotions – shock, pleasure, desire – and we keep our eyes lock as we fuck each other again. This time it is more intense. As we rhythmically fuck, my fingers furiously massaging your clit, you don’t know how long you can hold out this time. You cry out “I’m going to cum” and, with our eyes locked I reply “no, not yet.” This time I do not stop – I continue fucking you – harder, more furiously – massaging your clit faster now. Now you plead with me, “I can’t… please…I’m going to…” – you try to separate your body from mine, but my left hand on your shoulder keeps pulling you back onto my cock – I am too strong for you and the wall prevents you from moving anywhere else. Our eyes still locked as I selfishly fuck you. Your body can no longer resist – multiple tsunami-sized waves of pleasure rush out from between your legs to every end of your body.

The waves receding, your legs shaking, your body glistening with sweat – I remain inside of you. I gently pull you back by your shoulder and we kiss – a passionate, mind-blowing kiss that sends shivers through both of our bodies. Pulling apart, you turn around and we embrace – our sweaty bodies pressed against each other. I kiss you again, my right hand softly soothing your cheek as we kiss. When we break from our kiss, I look into your eyes; push the hair blocking your eye over your ear and say “that was fun, huh?” You giggle and we walk over to the bed and fall down into a sweaty pile of joyfulness. You lie on my chest as I run my fingers through your hair and across your body, sweetly kissing your forehead as we just enjoy being close to each other. Breaking the silence I whisper, “ready for more?” You look up at me with a suggestive smile on your face and immediately climb on top of me. We continue to connect and pleasure each other until both of our bodies give out and we fall asleep in each other’s arms.
