Forced, mindless, pleasure.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

The setting sun shines through the windows and onto your face. The room is getting darker; you've been served the same gruel, and the girls are gone for their dinner.

For the third time today, you are alone.

You've been given some peace. The buzzing in your crotch has stopped. You still feel sore; numb even, your pussy still wet and aroused.

While the girls were away you tried humping yourself on the bedposts, the nightstands, even the lamps. But you just couldn't come.

What you feel, instead, is a desperate plateau. Pressing your pussy against the humming vibrator, you try and try again to get those waves and waves of pleasure to break over you; to feel that rush go up to your head and over it; to feel the pulsating ecstasy go up your torso; to feel that tingling in your nipples and breasts.

But you can't have it. All you get is a sudden stop to the buzzing; if you attempt to hump your sore nub on the vibrator, you will feel an electric shock; a needle of pain that shoots up your clitoris. If you attempt to touch yourself, the vibrator would administer an even more painful electric shock. Not that you can get access to your panties either – the long, thick dress is difficult to hike up, and after a few attempts, you decide not to bother.

Your dry and crusty panties don't help either. Your inner thighs are itchy from rubbing against a dried mixture of your arousal and that man's cum; you've developed a rash.

So your nub is sore, throbbing; your pussy lips are engorged and wet; and your inner thighs are itchy and red.

You dream of Master's cock in your tight, wet hole. You know you don't deserve it, but you dream of it anyway. Every vein on his large, erect penis. The tip of his penis pleasuring your sweet spot in every thrust; pulsating; you imagine feeling his heartbeat through your vagina; his balls rubbing against your sore llittle nub; you dream of him unloading himself into you; his pulsing dick spurting his thick, hot, creamy cum deep into your pussy, your every contraction inviting Master's sperm into your fertile womb.

But you feel nothing. A deep, gaping emptiness, urgently crying out to be filled.

You feel guilty, for what you have done.

Night comes, and Master comes into the room. The girls are nowhere in sight.

"On your knees, Betty," Master orders. You kneel down on the floor.

He fastens a collar on your neck, and a leash. Unbuttoning your thick, linen blouse and unclasping your painful, frilly bra, he attaches two nipple clamps. You wince, as the metal vice crushes your sensitive spot.

He chains the nipple clamps onto your collar – the chains are short, and they tug on your nipple with every move; you feel the pressure on them pulling down your sensitive, semi exposed breasts.

He attaches a leash to you. You look up, and notice his nakedness; his limp, hairless cock dangling in between his legs. He slaps you; you feel a burning redness on your cheek.

"No looking," he says, harshly. "You're not allowed to look. You don't deserve to look, you dirty, dirty animal."

He slaps you again, and you fall, splayed on the floor. Pain shoots up your right nipple as the clamp is ripped off.

Master reattaches the clamp. You recover from the fall, and Master tugs at your collar; you crawl forward, your bra and blouse dangling under you. Your large breasts swings at every step; the clamp pulls at your nipples, and you wince at the pain, careful to not let Master see.

He leads you down a flight of stairs into a dark room.

"Roll over," Master orders. "Give me your hands." Master cuffs both your hands, leaving you spreadeagled on the floor. He removes the nipple clamps, leash, and chains.

Then he leaves.

The room is in complete darkness; it is quiet, so quiet you can hear your own heartbeat. The frilly dress chafes on your ass; your nipples throb from the clamping; and you feel your crusty panties against your thighs. The plastic vibrator lies quietly against your snatch.

It is quiet for a few minutes.

Then, the buzzing starts; the vibrator begins to assault your sore, engorged pussy intensely. Ughfughlgh, is all you think, as the soreness turns into pain, and the pain turns into desire. Your pussy lips swell as you feel your wetness seep into the already crusty panties; the assault continues, intensifying. You arch your back, attempting to give the vibrator more access as it continues its stimuli on your little, engorged nub; you feel the desire in your loins burning, burning right through you.

The soreness and pain eventually gives way to pleasure; and yet the vibrator hasn't cut off – and as the hotness in your loins spread, you feel the waves of pleasure ready to break over you…

And they do.

You scream as you finally have your first dizzying orgasm; the blood rushes to your head as the contractions of pleasure rip through your entire body; you feel this sudden, intense urge to squirt and you let it rip, squirting all over the cold, concrete floor, soaking your dress through.

thankyoumasterthankyoumasterthankyoumaster you scream. It is Master that has allowed you to cum, and you are grateful.

You shudder as the waves of pleasure subside, and begin to relax; but the vibrator hasn't. The buzzing becomes even more intense, more intense than it ever was before, and it focuses on your sensitive little ladybits. Pain – even more intense than the soreness – quickly replaces the gentle tranquility that came after your orgasms.

You scream, this time because it hurts. The frequency of the vibrator's hum grows even higher; you try to pull the vibrator away, but you are cuffed; there is nothing you can do to stop the torture on your pussy.

The pain is excruciating, but it gradually dissolves into pleasure; again, you feel the intense desire to cum spreading all over your loins; the pain leading to joy and ecstasy, your wetness seeping and making your panties soaking wet. Your breathing is rapid, and you can feel your heartbeat; you feel that intensity matching up with the vibrator's buzzing.

And you need to cum, again.

You strain yourself, arching your back, trying to give the vibrator even more access as it continues its full-on assault on your throbbing nub; you begin to sweat from the exertion; and you feel the sweat drops on your sensitive nipples, which, just a while ago, was throbbing from the nipple clamps.

It is too much to handle, and you orgasm. The pleasure overtakes you; you shake, you shiver; your lust intensifying. It rushes to your head, like mini fireworks in the dark room; and you squirt, again, all over the vibrator, your panties, your dress.

The buzzing continues, and your screams reverberate through the room.

It is all you hear.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9


1 comment

  1. I would love to have your feedback! Had feedback asking me to be more descriptive, and this is the result. Hope you like it!

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