The Master and his Pixies [fantasy, mdom, pixies]

The sun is setting…

I groan softly.

As it often does these days my mind wanders. My life has become so different from what it used to be that I still sometimes find it hard to believe. We are taught many things as we are growing up. Humanity has learned so much about the universe we have deluded ourselves into thinking we understand far more than we do.

Humans have progressed steadily from the beginning.


There is no magic.


The truth is that humanity has risen to peaks before. We have learned to master great forces in the past only to see destruction rage and our knowledge being lost. You doubt me. Of course you do. But as I look around at my castle the proof is rather obvious. You are wrong.

I groan again.

A small sweet little voice pulls me back to the present.

”Nooooooo…. Tooo big.”

That would be Pink. The sweetest one. She does not have a hostile or mean bone in her body. So of course she is the target for all the others. Cause while I do love them most of the rest can be nasty little bitches far too often. But being hungry can do that to a pixie.

"Don’t be such a baby. You can take it."

That is Purple. She is determined to stuff all of the huge cock she has sprouted off her small body into Pink. Looking at it you would agree with Pink. It is never going to fit. But they are special. Purple is quite right. She can take it.

"iiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee" and then "HA! Told ya."

I watch as Pink squirms and Purple still crowing in triumph begins to fuck her with the massive dick. They are laying across my chest. Pink on her back with her knees pushed up under her arms. Purple’s trim little ass rising and falling with ever increasing speed.

"Master pleased?" asks Purple looking up at me.

I nod.

She gives me a big grin and takes ahold of Pinks hair. The tormented little one is red faced and huffing air through her tiny nose.

I wince slightly. Looking down past the fucking pair I see why.

"Green be careful. Those little teeth of yours are sharp." I say and the response is a Meep!

"Sorry Master. You are just so tasty." she says with a little twitter of laughter in her voice.

Green is nibbling on my balls. She did not mean to hurt me. They cannot do that intentionally. Good thing or I would not last a day in my fine castle.

The groaning I am doing is mostly due to Emerald. She is holding my foreskin back and rubbing her face against the underside of my hard cock. Petal is licking around the head. A long slurp of the pre-cum leaking out puts a big smile on her face.

"Master is gonna cummmmm!"

She is right. The three of them know what they are doing. With a louder groan I explode. The blast hits Petal in the chest spraying up and across her face. Emerald is rubbing her whole body up and down along my cock as Green pushes Petal out of the way. The second burst hits her outstretched hands. Coating her arms but also splattering all over Emerald’s head. Her hair matted down. All three move to link arms around each other as my dick continues to spray hot cum.

When I stop twitching there is a lot of movement. Five more girls swoop from their perches. Emerald moves up my chest. Sitting down and putting her pussy right on Pink’s face. Purple never stops her thrusting but runs her face up Emeralds chest. Drinking as much of the cum as she can.

Sunflower as usual grabs Petal. Rubbing herself against the other girl she kisses her. Cum is exchanged as they fall off my body onto the chair.

Scarlet and Ruby wrap arms around my cock low and squeeze sliding upwards. More cum oozes out and they lick at it. Ruby a little slow as always lands on my stomach looking cross.

"Hey! What about me?"

Sunflower reaches up to wrap a hand around Ruby’s leg and pulls. She falls off me. Sun and Petal wrap her up in their cum-soaked bodies.

How did I get here you are probably wondering. Well it all started when my life was mostly very dull. I was working in Egypt as an architect. My plans for a new building complex had taken months to complete and get approved. A lot of meetings to explain why I wanted to do this that way. Finally the excavations for the foundation were nearly complete. A breakdown in one of the diggers had caused us to run late that day and for some reason I had stayed well past six to see if they managed to finish up. The site manager waved at me as he drove off.

When the workers found a old metal case and since I was the only one of the management team around they brought it to me. I thought it was an old lunch box or something simple like that. Seems a silly thought now. It was easy to pry open. Inside was a book. A very old book. When I touched it there was something akin to an electric spark. I jumped back ten feet!

Intrigued and more than a little scared but insanely curious I grabbed the box and left. When I got back to my hotel room I very carefully opened the box. Wearing rubber gloves I took the old thing out of it’s container. Being a rational man I thought the spark was just some form of static electricity. There was a dryness about the paper and the leather cover. I was not prepared for what happened when I opened it.

There was a rush. My blurry eyes saw some form of language I did not recognize on the pages. My mind nearly overloaded with symbols and ideas. A stream of mental energy that knocked me flat on the bed. But even as I lost consciousness I was starting to understand.

When I woke hours later I reached for the book again. I knew what I would find. The pages were now written in English. The symbols no longer a mystery. I understood. The book was a repository of power. Something from a past so far back man has forgotten the entire civilization that spawned it. Forgotten everything they had known. I have often wondered if perhaps the myth of Atlantis is in some way connected to this long lost world-spanning civilization.

I still don’t know the answer to that. What I do know that in reading those pages I learned about fundamental forces of nature that modern science in all it’s arrogance has no inkling of. Very real things. If you had never heard of gravity it would still affect you would it not? Knowledge of a thing does not make it real. Inside those pages I found deep knowledge that I won’t describe. Its secrets are mine.

What I will tell you about is the power they brought me. To bend the wills of those around me. To alter reality in various and interesting ways.

And I used it. How could I not?

Not spells. None of the trappings of magic. Just an understanding. In many ways it was all too simple. If I have a rock in my hand and I want to put it onto the ground I merely have to drop it. Gravity will take over and it will fall. It was just that easy except the driving force is mental. Channel your thoughts in certain ways. Visualize certain symbols. Project it outward. Reality will bend.

I went down to the hotel bar. It was filled with people. In a very short time it was my own private playground. Naked girls dancing on tables. The few men I allowed to stay guarded the doors to prevent anybody coming in to bother me. Men handed over their wives and wished me well as they left.

The next morning as I crawled out from the small pile of women on my bed I made some calls. By late that afternoon I was on a plane back to the state of New York. I quit my job. Took a short trip to Las Vegas. Manipulating the odds was beyond easy. 4 casinos contributed to the nearly 1 million dollars I wanted as a start. They were even nice to me. Not that they wanted to be but they were.

Women. Lots of them. I simply kept my eyes open. I looked for the most amazing ones and took them. Looking back I feel a touch of guilt. But given the power who can say they would not do the same?

As I used my new powers I learned more. I realized there were deeper things I could do. I began to see aspects of reality that I never dreamed existed. There was more to learn. Once I realized this my focus changed. I searched out knowledge. There were more books. Artifacts who’s purpose was long forgotten. I bought some. Stole others. I found other ways to expand my fortune and I took advantage of all of them.

I designed my castle. Fully modern but with the grandeur of the past.

Seeing my first pixie was still a shock. There are creatures that live in this world in ways I cannot describe. A scientist might talk about different dimensions or perhaps vibrational levels. But the creatures are real and we never see them. When I watched the six inch winged creature fly across my garden I stopped and stared.

For the next few days I tried to get closer. If she realized I could see her she never let me know.

She was a tricky one. Deep red hair and clear gossamer wings. I called her Scarlet. For a week she evaded my every attempt to capture her. Nets were pointless as she could somehow shift out of phase and fly right through them. Her little chittering giggle mocked me for days.

My books gave me the answer. Gravity it seems is far more bendable than I realized. I remember standing on the garden patio watching her flit about. I tried something I had never done before. I talked to her.

"Hey! Lets talk. You know I can see you." I called out.

I knew she could understand me. The books said so. She flew high above my head.

"Why should I talk to you silly man?"

Her voice was high pitched but had a throaty quality to it.

"Aren’t you curious about why I can see you?" I asked.

"You have found some old musty books. A long, long, long, long time ago men like you chased us. I am cute not stupid."

"Is there anything I could offer to get you to stay and talk to me?"

"No! I won’t risk binding myself to you. You think you are smart but you are just a dumb-dumb like all of your kind."

Ok that ticked me off a little.

"What would it hurt to talk to me?" I could not help but ask.

"Stupid man! Talking? Nothing. Touching? BAD! If I let you touch me I am bound to you. I don’t want that."

I smiled. I did not know that. Reaching out my hand I magnified the force of gravity many times. She plummeted out of the sky. Too shocked to shift phase she hit the ground with a splat sound. I kept her pinned as I leapt forward. I brought my hand down on her small body.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo!" she howled.

As I held her in my hand she glared back.

"Nasty man! Nasty! Nasty! Nasty!" she raged.

"So you are bound to me now? What does that mean?"

The huff went out of her. She looked down and then back up.

"I cannot leave. If I do I will die. You have to feed me now. If you don’t I will wither to nothing and die. Mean man! Bound I am."

Something had passed between us. I had felt a little spark much like what I had felt upon first touching the book. Bound? I liked the sound of that.

"Alright. What do you eat?"

"Until now lots of stuff. But now it has to come from you. Can I have a finger?"

This was my first lesson in how wicked these little bitches could be. It would not be the last.

"You want to eat my finger? No." I said shaking my head.

She pouted.

"Only a little of it."

"If you need to eat my flesh to survive then you are going to die." I said flatly.

"Oh fine! Your blood will do. You won’t let me die. Please tell me you won’t?"

"My blood. Hmmm… Well I suppose I can do that as long as you don’t need it too often." I was very unsure about this.

I opened my hand. She stood up on it. She was very pretty. Wings fluttered and she flew a foot into the air to be level with my face.

"Well there is one other thing that works."

The wicked little smile was back. I wondered what she was up to.

"And what would that be?"

She slowly floated down until she was level with my crotch. She pointed at me.


I looked down confused.

"What do you mean that?"

"That thing in your pants. The white stuff. We like that."

To say I was a bit stunned would be an understatement. I looked at her wondering if she was lying or just playing with me. I looked at her more closely. She was naked. Pale skin. That hint of red hair between her legs. She looked like a very tiny human except for the wings and the two antenna coming off her eyebrows.

Walking over to one of my deck chairs I sat down. She followed flying in circles around me.

"If you are lying to me. If you hurt me in the slightest way now or ever I will lock you in a cage and watch you die. Do you understand me…. Scarlet?" I explained in a harsh voice.

She pouted at me hovering over my chest.

"Scarlet? Scarlet. I like it. I cannot hurt you Master. I won’t lie I want to but I cannot do it. Being bound to you is like me being a part of your horrible human flesh."

Master? I liked that.

I slipped the pants I was wearing off. Leaving me naked from the waist down. Scarlet put her hands to her mouth and giggled. My face got a little red.

"Sorry Master. It is just. Well I have never seen one of… of those before."

She flew down and landed on my thigh. She is 6” tall so my soft cock was the size of her whole body. I looked like a snake next to her feet. Scarlet reached down and ran one tiny hand over it. Her eyes seemed to sparkle a little. She bent down and wrapped her arms around the soft shaft then she rubbed herself against it. There was a little tingle more than just being touched.

Not surprisingly my cock started to get hard. My little pixie just climbed right on it. Her soft little body wiggling on me was pleasant. As I got harder she had to shift to stay on. When it was full length but not completely stiff it quivered a little under her touch.

As it got stiffer she leg go and used her wings to keep from falling. Pushing my stiff dick up and against my stomach. Flying forward she pressed along the underside. Grabbing the foreskin and pulling it down. Pressed tight against me she started to hover up and down. Her face pressed just under the head. She was licking although I could barely feel the tiny tongue.

She went faster. Her body rubbing against me face, crotch and legs too. Her wings beat so fast they were a blur.

Woaw. It was not just the physical sensation. There was more. An electric buzz.

It was good. Really good.

I groaned.

She went faster.

I exploded in a shower of cum. As I did she put a hand up and deflected as much as she could right at her face. As the jets burst out of me she was rapidly just covered in the stuff.

When the bursts of cum ceased she dropped down off of me and landed on my thigh. A dripping mess. And they she started to drink it. Sliding her hand over her body to get scoops of it to shovel in her mouth. Her actions became a little frantic as she drank more and more.

"Master your hand. Pleassseee"

I put my left hand down near her and she grabbed my pinky. Putting her knees up she spread her tiny legs. Selecting my pinky she dragged it to her crotch. Frankly it did not look like it would fit. But it did. She grunted and worked her hips until she was impaled on it.

Then I was treated to the deeply erotic sight of seeing her fuck herself on my finger and shovel handfuls of my cum into her mouth. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed movement but when I turned to look I saw nothing. I looked back to my little prize. She was drinking and moaning non-stop.

When she came there was another loud shriek. Most of the cum was gone and she just collapsed back on my leg. I pulled my finger out of her and lifted it to my face. A strong sweet smell. I could not quite identify it but it was like some very sweet melon or fruit of some sort. I figured what the hell and licked the finger. It was indeed very sweet.

Again I saw something I could not quite make out. I reached down and picked up my little pixie. She looked happy. A cute smile as she curled up in my hand.

I learned more that day. How to control them. Until she told me I had no idea about that either. And how bloody noisy they could be. Her cry was the loudest sound I had ever heard her make. Much louder than her normal voice. It hurt my ears. I also realized that they cannot be injured. My control over gravity was far from perfect and she had hit the ground really hard but was only dazed. Later I was find out that their bodies are somehow far more flexible than a rubber toy.

"Scarlet are there more of your kind around here?"

"Yes Master. Not many but they are watching. But if you think you can capture them too you are silly. They won’t get anywhere near you now."

'Oh really?' I could not help but think. I love a challenge.

"How many?" I asked.

"8 more in this area. Can we go inside the castle? I like castles."

I was feeling hungry now so I carried her inside. Scarlet sat up in my hand and her head swiveled back and forth as she took everything in. When she spotted the huge cage I had purchased for her she looked at me sharply.

"Is that for me?"

"Yes. It is. Do you like it?"

It was golden and I had put some padded cloth and a little network of ropes across the top. Without any idea of what she would be like I just tried a few things.

"No. Are you going to lock me in it?"

"Depends on you. Are you going to behave or cause me problems?"

She pouted. She could really push out that tiny lower lip.

"I will be good. If you don’t lock me up. I don’t like that. I like to fly. We are meant to fly."

"I won’t lock you up if you do not give me any problems. If you give me the least bit of trouble you will spend a lot of time trapped. Are we clear?"

"Yes Master. I promise to be a good pixie."

I wondered what exactly that might be as she took off to check out the cage. I headed into the kitchen and got some fruit. I had a nice selection and I wanted to try and place the flavor of her. When I came back she was hanging upside-down with her legs hooked into the ropes. She swung back and forth.


I laughed. Of all the things that had happened since I found that book this somehow was the only thing that had really made me happy. I enjoyed all the sex. The money was great. I loved being able to design my castle with no restrictions of limitations at all. It was huge and it was magnificent.

But none of it made me happy. She did. I laughed as she fell off and landed with a thump. Standing up and brushing herself off she glared at me.

Over the next few days I got to know her. She was a horny little creature and she used her body to jack me off twice a day. I learned that her body was so flexible that I could make her feel pain but not actually cause her injury. Having her sit on my leg on all fours I fucked her with my finger very hard and she was fine afterwards. It was odd but fun.

I made her tell me more about the others. Some research and a lot of money turned up information that was useful. I knew how to look now and the ancient knowledge is out there. Misunderstood and useless without the basic knowledge only I possessed.

When Scarlet realized what I was doing she threw a fit. Then she hid in her cage which by now was filled with layers of silk cloth tied at various places to create a kind of multi-level tent. She only came out to feed that night and only when I commanded her to the next day.

I had found a way to attract her kind that they could not resist and she pouted non-stop. She had given up trying to talk me out of it but now she started up again. I was happy to test a little big of the gas I had created. Knocked her right out. The peace was nice. She woke up a couple hours later and seemed unharmed. Mad. But not hurt.

So I set my trap out in the garden and went into the house. Took about 30 minutes then all at once eight flying forms dived out of the air and towards the table. There was a large ruby in the center of the flat surface. I had learned of a way to charge it with energy to make it sparkle. With lots of looks at the house I saw them all circle while a few landed.

I watched until they were all close and I was fairly sure they were not going to take off before I triggered the gas. It whooshed from multiple sources. A haze of droplets enveloped the group. A few tried to wing up and away but they did not get far.

One by one they all dropped to the ground. Some on the patio and most on the grass around the table. I went outside after shutting off the gas and collected them. They were all different and I made sure to make full skin contact with each of them as I took them one by one to the cages had prepared.

Scarlet buzzed around me. She was not happy. She had admitted she missed her clan. And hated that I had captured them. Seemed a little jealous at the idea of sharing me. But now that the deed was done she was chittering away about how much she missed them.

I took a while to get them all under control and I spent the next week doing just that. It had turned out that Scarlet had been basically gorging herself on my cum. She really only needed one handful a day. They did not even have to feed every day either. But they could drink as much as they wanted and they liked doing that. So I knew I could feed them all without needing to resort to giving them my blood. Did try that once. Cum makes them horny. blood makes them hostile. Not towards me. Towards each other. For 24 hours they beat the crap out of each other.

They are pretty much indestructible which is good otherwise I would have lost a few that day.

For the next year we lived happy. I named all of them of course. And many took advantage of the idea of clothes. Scarlet liked white leather as pale as her skin. I became a doll collector. That gave me a reason for the purchases of outfits and the materials they used to fashion clothes.

Scarlet, Emerald, Pink, Sunflower (Sun), Purple, Green, Petal, Ruby and Diamond

They are all unique with different personalities. Scarlet is very strong-willed. She is not exactly the leader but she takes charge of the others quite often. Emerald was very sweet and always curious about any new thing I am doing. She loves to try anything. Pink is the gentlest of all of them. She loved to lay on my neck wrapped up in my hair. She spends the most time with me and the others are a little jealous of her. Emerald, Pink, and Scarlet are my favorites. Possibly because the are the most reasonable ones.

Sun was a little platinum blonde who was just always in a good mood. I have never seen her upset or anything less than happy. She sings in a lovely voice. Purple has hair to match her name and is somehow the youngest of the group. What that means I have no idea because it seems they have been alive for centuries at the very least. But Purple gets herself into trouble both with me and the girls quite often. She is impetuous and rarely bothers to think about consequences.

Green and Petal were identical except for their hair. One green and the other a golden blonde. I was assured they were not sisters even though they look and act a lot alike. They were always together both for companionship but also for sex which they did more than any of the others. Basically if they were not eating, sleeping, or doing something with the group they were playing with each other. Seeing the two of them in a 69 position on the arm of my chair became very normal very quickly.

Ruby has brown hair. I called her Ruby because she actually wanted the ruby I used to trap them for her cage. Most of the others turned their noses up at the sight of it. But little Ruby wanted it very badly. She is a bit of a rebel. Sometimes playing with the others of course but often off by herself. She never seemed to quite fit into the group. Diamond was the same way to a degree. She has red hair that is almost orange. She has a little mean streak too and is one of the girls that torments Pink the most often. But then she also has intense sex sessions with her to so it seems more a love/hate relationship.

I never intended to let anybody know about them. Which meant I was likely to never travel again. Sneaking nine loud pixies through customs did not seem worth the effort. Yes with my powers I could do it but I had learned that controlling people could be very tiring and had consequences. I got inside their heads to a certain degree and learned things about them I could have lived without. Some people left scars frankly. Mental ones that haunt me a little even to this day. So that was something I limited to only when necessary after a few bad experiences.

My one contact with the outside world was Alicia. A pretty young woman who worked for my lawyers. She would visit me once a month to go over any important news and get the occasional signature. I had accumulated a few small businesses and made some significant investments so there was always a little business. Alicia had no knowledge of my powers and had been told I inherited a large amount of money from relatives outside the US. I had delved lightly into her mind to make sure she was honest and that she would watch my lawyers for me. She was a nice normal girl and her mind was not unpleasant to root around in.

Alicia had shoulder length platinum blonde hair and an easy smile. Fairly short just a little over five feet tall she tended to wear heels to make up for being so tiny. Trim but with a nice figure. In a lot of ways she reminded me of a big version of my pixies.

It was of course Ruby who caused the problem.

We had gone to my study as we usually did. Granted I had not pushed the door hard enough to actually close it. So technically it was open. But Ruby knew Alicia was there so technically does not matter. It was enough for the pixie though.

Alicia and I had just concluded our business and she was just swinging the door open when the pixie can screaming through the door with Green and Petal in hot pursuit. I never did find out what had happened because I had to deal with the shock on Alicia’s face. The girl had backed away sputtering. Her face white. The pretty yet business-like skirt she was wearing shifted nicely across her toned legs as she sorta crashed a little into the bookcase along the wall.

I was about to take control over her mind when she smiled. A huge smile. A look of wonder replaced the one of fear as she stood up straight.

"Oh my God! What are they? They are beautiful. They look like…. But they can’t be." she said in utter confusion but completely awestruck at the same time.

Ruby was standing on my shoulder hiding in my hair. Green and Petal hovered in the middle of the room not sure what to do but realizing they had screwed up badly. All the pixies knew they were to never let any other human see them. That was natural to them anyway so they all understood the dangers perfectly.

"You two out. I will deal with you later." I said to them and they zipped out the door. Purple cautiously flew into the room and landed on my other shoulder. The girl knows no fear.

"Relax Alicia and I will explain." I said softly looking into the girl’s eyes.

She took a step forward and sat down in a chair in front of my desk. I was still sitting in my big chair. I considered the situation for a moment. As happy as I was to have the girls around I had become a little bit lonely for human contact. I decided to see where this might go. I could always take control and order Alicia to forget what she had seen.

"They are exactly what you think they are. Pixies. They have always been around us but we just can’t normally see them. I found a way." I explained slowly.

Alicia nodded a couple of times her eyes going from Purple to Ruby to me. She carefully held out a hand.

"Purple go to her hand." I ordered.

The little thing few across the space and landed on the upturned palm. Alicia almost jumped and her eyes were huge. She brought her hand up close to her face to stare at the little 6” winged girl in her hand. Purple leaned forward and kissed her nose with a giggle. Alicia smiled broadly.

"How? How did you find them?" She ask as she ran a finger gently over Purple’s body.

"I like her Master. She is going to stay with us now?"

Purple’s cute little voice almost made Alicia jump out of her chair again. Her hand threw the pixie into the air. She buzzed her wings and flew backwards laughing.

Ruby got bold and flew off my shoulder and hovered right in from of Alicia’s face as the girl calmed down.

"Sorry. I am sorry Purple was it? I guess I should have known you could talk. Really sorry." she apologized.

Purple huffed at her and flew to land on my shoulder.

"Touch me."

It was almost a demand from Ruby. My eyes narrowed wondering what she was up to. Alicia put out her hand and the pixie rubbed against her fingers and then crawled into her palm. I could tell she was licking the skin and easily see her running her hands over the fingers.

"Ruby do you have something to tell me?" I asked.

Wicked smile as she looked over at me.

"You still control us Master. But since she has touched us we are bound to her too. Not as strongly but I would have a hard time disobeying her."

"Then why did you want her to touch you?" I was very suspicious now.

"Because I don’t really fit in with the others. You are my Master and I love you but they are just the clan. I need them but I don’t like them all that much. I can feed off her now. Please make her stay"

I had never heard Ruby talk that much at one time before. I knew what she meant but mostly I had heard about it from the others. The fear had returned to Alicia’s eye at the word ‘feed’ but she was controlling it. Mostly.

"Feed?" She finally asked me. But she was also running her fingers over Ruby and the little pixie was almost purring.

"There are two ways. One is my blood and perhaps yours now but I dislike that option for a couple of reasons. The main one being it turned them all into hostile little bitches for a day and they fought with each other non-stop until I locked them all up." I made a face in remembrance.

Alicia went a touch pale and asked, “You said two ways.”

Oddly I think I blushed just a little. I have never been shy and with the powers I now possess I did not expect to feel that but I did.

"Well the other way is a lot more pleasant. Basically feed off of…. well how shall I put this…. sex fluids."

Her turn to blush. A nice bright pink spread across her cheeks and she had trouble making eye contact with me.

"You’ re kidding?"


"You mean you… And then they drink…. Really?"


"Wow. I…. don’t know what to say. If you had described that to me as a story I would have called it disgusting and perverted. But… With her in my hands…"

Ruby tends to wear a little bikini and it had already come off and was laying in Alicia’s palm. The woman’s fingers hand been running all over the little body the whole time.

"I don’t know if it will work with you or not. But if Ruby says she is at least partially bound to you then it might." I ventured.

"Work with me. You mean?" not sure I can explain the look she gave me.

"Try something. Lick one of those fingers that had run between her legs. Tell me what it tastes like?"

I was really tempted to just take control at this point but I held off. I was expecting her to bolt any moment. People often seem to be dealing with something until it reaches a certain point and then all of a sudden they lose it. If she did she would not make the door of course so I could afford to take the risk. But for some reason I really wanted her to handle this without any mental pushing.

Alicia lifted her fingers to her lips. She had a cute pink tongue that flicked out to lick at her skin.

"Sweet. Like sugar on some sort of melon." she said with a smile.

I nodded.

"That is what I think too. Are you willing to find out the rest?" I asked carefully watching her eyes.

Alicia looked at me and then down at Ruby. Slowly nodding.

"Then let me explain a couple of things. They look like little humans but they are made of something else. You could grab her arms and pull them until both were a foot long and she would scream but when you let go they would snap back into place without injuring her. Their bodies can stretch a lot. They can also change themselves in various ways if they wish."

As I was explaining Diamond flew into the room. Landing on a bookcase behind Alicia she watched. I waved a hand and concentrated and the door slowly closed. I did not want any more of them to come in right now. They could of course fly right through it if they wanted but they had been taught not to do that. Took a while but they learned.

"So what do I have to do?" Alicia asked.

"Sit back and let her do what she wants. I hope you are not shy."

She shook her head as she answered, “No I have a good body and frankly you have always turned me on. Not sure why but it has not always been easy to focus on work around you. If she wants what you say she wants she won’t have to work to get it.”

I chuckled. I had always liked her too but just never thought about doing anything about it.

Ruby did not need any instructions. She dove off Alicia’s hand and up under the skirt. I could see the bump move up as Alicia spread her legs slightly. I watched her face. For a moment she was a little tense but then she sighed deeply.

For the next few minutes I watched as Alicia’s face got slowly flushed. Her breathing getting a little deeper and her legs spreading even more. She slumped down in the chair more. Eyes bright.

Then she came. Hard. Deep gasps and her hands gripped the arms of the chair so hard her knuckles went white. I watched with a little smile. Purple had dropped down to my crotch and was rubbing herself against my cock which had gotten hard watching events unfold.

"Ruby?" I called.


"Ruby come out here!" I ordered.

That worked. The little winged pixie flew out from under the woman’s skirt. Her skin glistening with slippery girl cum. Her little face beaming. From across the room Diamond took flight. She almost smacked into the other and the two of them crashed onto my desk.

Ruby managed to look up at me.

"It works Master. She tastes goooood."

The last word spread out long because Diamond had plunged her face between Ruby’s thighs and was doing a lot of licking.

Alicia was sitting back in the chair with her eyes almost closed. But I could tell she was watching the two girls on my desk. Purple kept trying to undo my pants but I pushed her back down so she was still rubbing me through the light cloth. Pouting a little of course.

"That was the most fucking amazing thing I have ever felt." Alicia says softly

"Yes. There is something about them. A kind of electricity. It just makes the sensations so much stronger. I am sorry to say the orgasms are stronger than anything I have ever felt with a human woman."

She nods and her eyes open a little more.

"I have had some good dick in my day but yeah. Oh fuck yeah that was mind-blowing."

A little funny to hear her talking like this. For more than a year the most I had ever heard her say was ‘oh hell’ one time when the office forgot some papers. With her still red cheeks and breathing still a little ragged the words fit of course.

"How about we move to a more suitable spot. Are you ready to meet the rest of the girls?"

"There are more of them?"

"Nine in total. All the ones that lived in this area before I built my castle."

Her eyes go a little wide at the number. Then a smile crosses her lips. A very wicked smile. Somehow I get the feeling she is going to fit in. Suddenly she is seeming very like my little companions. I reach down and pick Purple up. Thinking fairly unpleasant thoughts for a few moments so my hardon will fade to a less noticeable level.

I hold out my hand to Alicia after I round my desk. She takes it and stands up. Out the door and down the long hallway. We end up in my main living room. The huge sectional couch makes a half circle in the center of the room. The table in the center is lightly padded and covered in leather. I hold Alicia’s hand the whole way and she is gripping my fingers strongly.

By the time we get to the room Purple, Ruby and Diamond had caught up. Ruby is flying a little wobbly still glistening with moisture. As we sit Alicia holds out her hand for Diamond.

"Come here little one." she calls softly.

Diamond is naked as she lays on her back in the woman’s hand.

"Did you like licking my juices off your little friend?" Alicia asks.

"Oh yes! They are very tasty. Are we going to get more?"

Alicia laughs.

"Pretty sure you are. But right now I want some of yours." Alicia says with a little grin.

The woman shifts her fingers to be across the small breasts. Diamond spreads her legs. The huge pink tongue that laps across the tiny pussy makes the little pixie shudder and groan. Alicia licks gently at first but then goes a little faster.

"You really cannot hurt them. Stick your tongue in her." I say testing Alicia a little.

I am curious if she will still take my orders without any mental controls. She does as I ask without even looking at me. Pushing her tongue into the wet little pussy. The pixie shudders and reaches down to put her hands under her knees. Holding her legs up and out. I can tell she is pushing back against the huge invader.

Little thrusts and the wet pixie pussy is spread even more. Sweet cum leaking out of her.

Alicia has her eyes closed. I can see her hard nipples through her bra and top. I wave Purple and Ruby to her. They pull her shirt open and peel the cups of her bra down. Both latch their little mouths around the hard nicely long buds. Alicia groans softly but does not even miss a beat. She is fucking the pixie on her hand with thrusts of her tongue.


As Diamond cums I can see the flush run across Alicia’s face. The pink in her cheeks is bright. When she pulls back I can see her licking her lips.

"That tastes so fucking good. I have always been addicted to chocolate. Always had to control how much I ate. But this…. this is better. I could do that forever." Alicia explains.

As if on cue the six others fly into the room. Lead by Scarlet of course they circle the two of us on the couch. Some jealousy as the look at Diamond all sprawled and lightly dripping onto Alicia’s hand.

"Girls meet Alicia. I think you are going to like her. Diamond come here." I start the introduction.

Pink of course is already on my shoulder. Diamond flies up to sit next to her. Pink giggles and wraps her arms around her. One hand going between the other girls legs. I hear a little groan.

"Alicia this is Scarlet… Pink…. Emerald….. Sun….. Green…. and Petal."

As I say each name they fly in front of her face about three feet back. Smiling and waving. Pink just waves from where she sits on my shoulder still fingering Diamond.

"Girls listen carefully. For the moment only Diamond, Ruby and Purple may touch Alicia. Do you all understand?" I ordered once I had everyone’s attention.

Alicia is giving me an odd look.

"Are you ready to move in here? I have never asked you if you have a boyfriend or other outside attachments. I can live with three of them missing you but I don’t want the whole group bugging me to bring you back every day. There is a place for you here if you want it. Your own room. I will double your salary but I don’t want you to do for the money."

She looks uncertain. Which might be because she is distracted. When I said only those three could play with her Diamond flew off my shoulder and dived under the skirt. Ruby and Purple are fluttering their wings across Alicia’s skin and hanging off her hard nipples.

"I don’t know. I think I want to but I am not sure."

"I understand that. It is a lot to take in. Tell me when you decide. Until then let them play and you can do whatever you wish in return."

"Can I get naked sir?" Alicia asks with only a hint of extra blush.



  1. "Yes you can." I say and I move farther down the couch. There is a pair of woops from the pixies at her tits and then they help her get the shirt open as she reaches back to unhook the bra. I watch as she wiggles out of her skirt. The tiny pair of red panties and her nylons all she has left after Purple pulls her shoes off. All three of the little winged creatures work together to pull of the panties. I watch as they slide down the trim legs. Ruby is the first one to descend onto the now exposed pink pussy. It was shaved bare I noted with approval. I of course had little critters swarming all over me. My clothes came off in a buzz of wings. Scarlet and Emerald were wrapped around my cock. Green and Petal were all over each other with Petal doing a lot of licking. Pink kept trying to plant her cute little butt on my lips so I would lick her. Tiny feet braced on my shoulders. But I kept shooing her off because she blocked my view of Alicia. Sun was watching Alicia and the other three looking happy as she pretty much always does. Finally I shifted on the couch. Twisting enough so I could look to the side and still. Pink sat back down on my lips as my tongue licked out. Between her legs and across her soft butt. She sighs and wiggles. "ooohhhh shiitttttt." Alicia groans a long pleasant sound. Ruby has her face right on the little pink clit that was exposed as Purple and Ruby used their hands to spread Alicia’s lips even more. Holding with one hand and rubbing the slick inner surfaces with the other. The woman was already breathing deep and her face was very red. Eyes half closed as she grips the back of the couch with both hands. "This is like my rabbit times ten. I am going to fucking cum again." she says in panting amazement. I hear the little giggle from Purple which draws my eyes to her. Putting both hands together over her head like a diver she bends down and thrusts her small arms into the pulsating wet pussy in front of her. I grin as her head and shoulders disappear. Little legs kicking as she wiggles inside. Alicia arches her back. "Fuckkkk me….. gspot." comes out in a gasp. A moment later the pixie is thrust out of the wet hole by the contractions. Alicia howls like an animal and cums. A spray of cum shoots out of her and hits Diamond splashing across her body. The human’s hips pumping. Ruby holds on as her legs go left and right. Taking breaths in deep gulps Alicia cums hard and long. Finally slumping back. Eyes closed. She speaks about a minute later. Slowly but I can hear her clearly. "I think I want to stay. No. I know I want to stay." the last very clearly. I smile. There is a chorus of cheers from the girls. My cock is quivering as my two use their wings to slide up and down along my length. Pink is cumming on the tip of my tongue. The sweet taste of her almost tingles as it trickles down my throat. Pulling Pink off my lips I put her down above my cock. The two others go faster and it is my turn to groan. The pleasure having built up to the point where I cannot control it any more. There is a throb that runs along my hardness. The moment on the edge. Then the explosion. The first couple of blasts spraying across Pink’s little tits and stomach. The third one splatters across her face. I lower her down and she wraps her hands just under the head as Scarlet and Emerald move up to meet her. They know just how to keep rubbing to draw every bit of cum out of me. *"Master can I go to her too?"* Sun’s musical voice asks the question. "Master… Never thought I would say this but I like the sound of that. Seems… right." Alicia murmurers looking over at me. "Yes Sun you can. Go ahead." I say softly. A few minutes pass in silence. Well silence with heavy breathing and little pixies cumming and licking up all the cum in sight. It is a pleasant form of silence. Alicia pulls pixies off her as she gets up on her hands and knees. She crawls down to me. Giving me very hungry very sexy looks as she moves. "Do I get to call you Master too?" the question is said in a very cute little voice. "Are you sure about that? If you are not don’t." I say looking into her dark blue eyes. She does not say anything just looks back. "Realize that Master gets into bad moods. Master does not like to be disobeyed. Master does not hesitate to punish. Does not hesitate at all. Be sure." I say clearly and strongly. The look that passes over her face is one of deep interest and then a shiver went through her whole body. She turns around. Putting her face down on the couch and sticking her little ass as high up as she can put it. "Punish me Master." she says after pushing the hair off her face. So I do… SMACK!…. A long series of blows. Left, right, high, low and right down the middle. Her ass slowly turns pink…. then red…. then glowing red over every inch of her butt and down onto her thighs. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Alicia does not make a sound for the first half but then slowly starts to whimper and cry out slowly louder as the blows continue. By the end each slap makes her whole body twitch. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK The girls had been sitting on various spots on the couch. Ruby and then Scarlet tried to move to Alicia but I waved them both back. Emerald and Pink were wrapped around my cock but none of the rest was on or very near me. Their hands and bodies along with spanking Alicia had gotten me very hard again. I brushed off those two and moved up behind the girl. Her ass was hot. Literally glowing red. As I slowly ran my hand over it Alicia twisted and moaned. When my hand got down between her legs she was dripping wet. I was able to slide my cock into her pussy very easily. That got a different groan. Slowly fucking her. Now and then letting my crotch hit her ass. She would be moaning softly and ever stronger and then I hit that hot redness and she would twist and buck. It was fun. I did that to her four times before I finally got serious. Fucking her deep and steady I reached down. Pulling her head up which fingers around her neck I kissed her hard. Lips slipping over each other in a sloppy but hot kiss. As I leaned back my hand went into her hair. Fingers sliding through her soft locks and then tightening my grip. Pulling her up more and slamming my cock deep. Exploding inside her as my breath huffed in and out of my body. Grinding hard as the wave took me over. Holding her hair like the mane of a horse I made her smack repeatedly into me. As I fell back and my cock slipped out of her there was a gush of mixed fluids out of her. Sweeping both of my hands in a circle coming together to pat her tortured ass. "Girls." was all I had to say. All nine of them descended. Some landing on the couch. Half of them diving onto my cock and going after her pussy. Her thighs got licked. The next day Alicia moved in. She got her own room of course since I had plenty. She could have had her own floor but I wanted her closer. The pixie’s cages are between the two of us down a long broad hallway. She does a lot more to take care of them than I ever did. They are happy and so is she. As for me… Life is good for the Master and his pixies. All ten of them.

  2. Wow, that was extremely well written, and very sexual. It was one of the best I’ve read on here so far.

  3. Thank you glad you enjoyed it. Although I did not think about how comments work here. The last bit is going to continue to slide down the page as new comments come in. I think I need to go part to breaking things up into different posts.

  4. Yeah, well usually what I see is the writer replying to each part of his story as it goes along, so as long as the second part of the story has the most upvotes, which it usually will, it’ll all stay at the top

  5. I was not sure what the size limit on main posts was. Now that I know it is 40,000 characters I can plan better. Most of my stories tend to come in from 40 to 50 or so.

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