Washed Pt. One [Mdom, Fsub, oral, voy, bdsm]

It's late. Almost two in the morning. I'm not tired. As usual. I decide to go wash my car. It needs it, badly. It's really dark out so I just go in my pajamas. My black drawstring shorts, that just barely cover my butt, and a loose purple v-neck shirt. I throw on my flip flops and I leave.

It's hot and humid out. Sticky. I turn up the radio and put all my windows down. Feeling the wind all around me. The song on the radio is one of my favorites. It's a slower Rock song with a great beat. I would love to strip for someone to this song.

I pull into the car wash. There is only one other car in there but I don't see it's driver. I put it in park and go to get my change. I've found him. Standing there at the machine. He is incredibly handsome and burly. Almost everything I love in a man. Tall, dark features, great beard, but what i really notice is his arms, incredibly solid. He looks like he could pick me up above his head. The next things I notice are his hands. I can see how callused they are and I automatically imagine them all over me. Feeling his rough hands all over my bare skin and I can feel myself begin to blush.

When he turns around he bumps me and drops some of his change. He apologizes, while picking up his coins, and says he didn't see me. I make a joke about my height and he laughs. It's almost musical and I want to know what his moans sound like. I'm blushing again.

He apologizes one last time and walks to his car. I hurry up and get my change so i can walk past him again. He's so big. I picture him over me and my legs start to tremble. As I wash my car visions of him keep passing through my mind. The things I want to do to him but even more so the things I want him to do to me.

I hear his car start and I get disappointed that I didn't even ask his name. He pulls his vehicle forward and parks near the vacuums. I can see him clearly from where I am. He has his shirt off now. I can see the hair on his chest is damp from the water. I want to run my fingers through it while I ride him.

He is watching me now. I decide to put on a show, without making it too obvious. I get the car nice and wet. As i soap it up I press my body against it, silently wishing it was him. I lean over the hood as i try to get the roof. I hear him walking closer. "You want me to get that for you." I can barely get the words out but I manage to say "sure." He runs his fingers over my hand as he takes the brush from me. Its almost like an electric current coursed through me when he touched me. I want more… I Need More.

He puts the brush back and turns the hose back on rinsing off my car. Watching me the entire time. He shakes his head as if brushing away his thoughts. I wonder what he is thinking. As I get lost in my own thoughts he sprays me with the hose. I'm soaked. Dripping. He looks at me, mortified, like he can't believe what he has just done. I giggle and take my shirt off, though I keep myself barely covered with it. He bites his lip and I know I've got him.

A breeze rolls through. Feels great on my damp skin. I get goosebumps. Not sure if it's from the cold or if it's because of this brick shithouse of a man standing before me.

He's staring at me. Biting his bottom lip. I'm jealous. I want to bite it too. He puts the hose away and he walks up to me. I see his hands again. Touch me. Please just touch me. I need to feel his rough hands all over me. "Are you ok? Are you cold? Come over to my car I might have an extra shirt." We walk over to his car and I finally realize just how tall he is. I have to pick up the pace just to keep up with his strides. He opens the passenger side door and pulls out a shirt. He hands it to me. "Here try this one. It's my favorite."

I lift it to my face. It smells so good, almost like a bonfire. I set my wet shirt down on his car and I notice he makes a face but doesn't say anything. I'm topless. Exposed. It's a button up shirt. He watches me slide my arms into the sleeves. "Slower" he says. "And leave it open." The tone in his voice is serious and I’m not sure why but I obey.

He steps forward and opens the shirt more as if to inspect my body. He brushes his fingers down my neck, over my chest, to my naval. My breath catches but he doesn't stop. He runs his fingers all the way down and plunges them into my shorts. He slips a finger inside me and feels how wet and slippery he is making me. "Damn girl," he whispers as he pulls his hand away. Almost instinctively I grab his hand and wrap my lips around his finger, tasting myself on him. God damn his hands are big. "Good girl. Do you like the way you taste?" He leans in close and presses his lips to mine. Parting his mouth slowly he licks my bottom lip. "Please." it's all I manage to mutter when I see the fire in his eyes. "I'll give you what you want," he says "but first you have to prove to me how bad you want it. First you have to pay for putting your dirty shirt on my clean car. Now go and bend over the hood. You better be ready cause I'm not gonna be gentle, bad girl."

I'm not chilly anymore. My body feels like its on fire. The look in his eyes is almost scary. As if his stare is what's burning my flesh. He is watching me walk around to the front of the car. I know I am in trouble. Why did I set my wet shirt on his car? I'm nervous and excited at the same time. What is he going to do to me?

"You better be ready cause I'm not gonna be gentle, bad girl." His words ringing in my ears. He wants me to bend over the hood. He opens the car door and he grabs something from the backseat. I hear a jingle and I realize it is a belt. Is he going to spank me? I get even more excited and then almost instantly I am startled by how much I want him to spank me.

"Are you ready?" he asks. The fire still in his eyes. Without missing a step I say "Yes sir." "Good. Go ahead and lean over the hood, but don't touch it. I've already washed it and I don't want to have to do it again." He grabs the middle of the belt in one hand and the ends of it in the other hand and snaps it. With a crack it echos throughout the parking lot.

I lean over the car, being careful not to touch it. He snaps the belt again and I jump. He laughs "Don't worry pretty girl. If you do as I say it won't hurt too bad." With his last word he swings the belt and strikes me. It sends a shock through my entire body. I am careful to stop myself before my body touches the car, but I can't stop the sound that escapes my lips.

"Oh no, no, no." He says as he runs his hands over the area of my backside where the belt hit me. "We can't have anyone hear you. As much as I love that sound, we don't want to get caught before I am finished with you." He tells me to pull my shorts down a bit to fully expose myself to him. "Perfect," he says as he sees the mark made from the belt and he hits me again. This time I stay quiet.

"Good girl." He strikes me a few more times. This time he gets the back of my thighs as well as my ass. My legs are shaking so bad but I am holding my position. I can feel my eyes watering and my mouth tastes a bit bloody. I realize I had bitten my lip to keep from crying out.

He runs his hands over the markings he's created. Across my butt, over my thighs, then he spreads my legs slightly. He continues to rub his calloused hands over my raw and sensitive flesh. He slides a hand between my legs and puts his fingers inside me. "I didn't think it was possible for you to be more wet than before." He pushes his fingers deep inside me and swirls his thumb around my swollen clit. His hands feel so good on my body. I am grateful for this break from the belt, until I notice I've pressed my body against the car while he is fingering me.

He's massaging my g-spot when he notices my body raise up from the car. I'm so close to orgasm but his fingers still and he pulls me away from the car. There is a print on the hood from my chest. My whole body is shaking. I'm not sure if it's cause I'm so turned on or if it's because I am scared of what he will do now.

He turns me back around so I am facing him and he cracks me across the chest with the belt. It hits me right across the middle of my breasts and licks across my nipples. They are hard instantly. He does it again and again. It stings but it feels so good. I'm trying so hard not to yell out. He looks down at me, pleased about what he's done. He pinches my already sore nipples and I jump, whimpering slightly. "Go ahead and lay down on the back seat. Take your shorts off the rest of the way. Don't touch yourself or I will punish you again."

I open the back door to the car and lay down in the back, taking off my shorts as he said. He walks around to the other side and opens the other door so that I am looking up at him. "Scoot yourself all the way down so your head hangs over the end a bit. I got you ready, now it's your turn to get me ready. Now open that pretty little mouth." I can't believe how perfect this man is. I open my mouth a bit to show him I am ready. "That's a good girl but you are gonna have to open up a bit more than that." He unzips his pants and I can't believe how big he is. He slips the tip in as I open my mouth wider. I am so ready for him.

To read pt. 2 http://redd.it/2cyfdl

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2cydzl/washed_pt_one_mdom_fsub_oral_voy_bdsm