Washed pt. Two [Mdom, Fsub, oral, bd, anal]

To read pt. 1 http://redd.it/2cydzl

In a million years I could have never pictured myself in the position I am right now. Especially not in the parking lot of a car wash. I'm here in the backseat of a car almost completely naked. The only thing I have on is this button down shirt. But It's not just any car, it's his car and it's his button down shirt, but the best part of all is, I also have his fantastic cock in my mouth.

I'm laying down in the back seat of his car, with his shirt fully open, my nipples still hard from the beating he had given me outside. My ass, still deliciously sore, rubbing against the leather seat. He's thrusting his cock deep into my throat, while reaching down to pinch or slap my nipples to keep them hard. I can feel the dampness between my shaking thighs.

I hear him moaning. It has to be the sexiest sound I have ever heard and it makes me wish I could see his face. I can feel my eyes starting to water as he shoves his cock down my throat. I gag as he chokes me with it. As he slips it back out from between my lips I can taste him. Salty and sweet. I want to taste more of him. I swirl my tongue around the head lapping up as much of his pre-cum as I can.

"That's a good girl. Clean it all up," he says as he leans down to pinch my still hard nipple. I yelp and squirm on the seat. He takes a step back and gestures for me to move so he can close the door. He walks around to the other side where my feet are still hanging out. He spreads my legs open and crawls in between them, kissing from my ankles all the way up my legs till he reaches his desired destination.

My legs are shaking so much as he slips his tongue inside me, just teasing my clit. That's what he is doing to me now, teasing me. He does it again and again. Pulling away from me every time I try to push myself into him. I can't handle it anymore. I grasp a handful of his hair on the back of his head and hold his face against me and grind against his tongue. I'm so very close and I know I am going to be punished for it but I don't want him to stop. When he looks up at me I know I am right.

I'm falling. Fast. It's coming. I'm close. I can feel a pulsing between my thighs and I know I am throbbing. I'm holding back screams. I want to yell to him. All of a sudden I realize, I don't even know his name. Who is this sexual beast of a man? That thought is gone as quickly as it came as I feel him squeeze the inside of my thighs hard. He's going to pull away before I cum. I let go of the back of his head. I don't want to get into anymore trouble.

He is kissing up my stomach to my chest. He traces his tongue around one of my nipples, then bites down hard. I take a sharp breath but it feels so good. He proceeds to kiss me. Up my chest to my throat till his lips are at my mouth. I can taste myself on him and it makes me want to kiss him more. He adjusts himself so the tip of his cock is is just barely inside me. I want him so bad but I don't move.

He starts to slowly slip himself deeper and deeper inside me but he doesn't put it in all the way. He always pulls back. I whimper but don't say anything. " You want it don't you? Do you think you deserve it? Do you deserve release? I think you need to be taught a lesson for that little stunt earlier."

He takes himself out of me completely. I feel empty. I need him inside me. Why was I selfish. I want to make him proud of me. l will do anything to please him. Yet, I can't believe what I am thinking. I barely know this man but I want him more than I have ever wanted anyone else in my life.

Just then he flips me over onto my stomach. I hear the belt again. I am nervous he is going to hit me again. He reaches around and grabs my wrists and puts them behind my back. He binds them together with the belt and he pushes me forward till my face touches the seat. My behind now in the air. I am completely exposed to him again and I squirm, slightly embarrassed.

I hear him shuffle behind me and I am disappointed that I can't see him again. Then he slams himself into me. No warning. No easing himself in gently. He's all in. All the way to the base. He grabs the belt a pulls back slightly, till my back is arched, as he thrusts into me again. I feel like I might explode. He fills me with his cock and grinds it deep inside me.

I can't hold back the screams this time. I feel myself tearing from his thickness. He slaps my ass and tells me to keep quiet. I obey. He continues his punishing drives into me. Just when I start to get into his rhythm, he places a finger at the opening to a slightly taboo area, applying the slightest bit of pressure. I don't know how much more I can take.

He slowly presses his finger inside he, now filling both of my holes and I almost lose it. "You will not cum till I say you can!" he exclaims. I try to think of anything except the incredible sensations I am feeling right now. He's close. I can tell by his deep slow strokes. I am praying for my release but I don't want him to stop. It's as if he knows my body better than I do.

His body tenses. His thrusts are slowing but are just as hard. He groans loud and pushes himself deep inside me. He's cumming. I can feel him filling me with his juices. I want to taste him again. He plunges a second finger into my asshole. "Cum for me you dirty little slut. You have earned it." He remains inside me while he presses his fingers inside me. I let go. I feel everything unravel and I can barely stay up. I'm cumming. Hard. I have never felt this good. I'm thanking God or heaven or whoever I would thank for mind blowing sex.

Slowly he releases his hold on me. He's emptying me and takes the belt off of my wrists. There are some markings where the belt cut into my skin. He rubs them gently, admiring them.

He hands me my shorts. We are getting dressed now and I am wondering if he wants the shirt back.

I step out of the car and he gets into the driver seat and starts the car. Before he can pull away, I blurt out "what's your name?" He smiles at me again, the fire still showing dimly in his eyes. My legs feel like they might give out from under me. He opens his mouth as if to tell me but all he says is "keep the shirt. It looks too good on you for me to take it back." Before I can reply he puts his window up and pulls away.

As i walk back to my car I see my reflection in the window. The shirt is still open, my mascara is running down my face. I should feel used. I should be upset. But I'm not and he's right. I look damn good in this shirt.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2cyfdl/washed_pt_two_mdom_fsub_oral_bd_anal