Washed pt. Two [Mdom, Fsub, oral, bd, anal]

To read pt. 1 http://redd.it/2cydzl

In a million years I could have never pictured myself in the position I am right now. Especially not in the parking lot of a car wash. I'm here in the backseat of a car almost completely naked. The only thing I have on is this button down shirt. But It's not just any car, it's his car and it's his button down shirt, but the best part of all is, I also have his fantastic cock in my mouth.

I'm laying down in the back seat of his car, with his shirt fully open, my nipples still hard from the beating he had given me outside. My ass, still deliciously sore, rubbing against the leather seat. He's thrusting his cock deep into my throat, while reaching down to pinch or slap my nipples to keep them hard. I can feel the dampness between my shaking thighs.

I hear him moaning. It has to be the sexiest sound I have ever heard and it makes me wish I could see his face. I can feel my eyes starting to water as he shoves his cock down my throat. I gag as he chokes me with it. As he slips it back out from between my lips I can taste him. Salty and sweet. I want to taste more of him. I swirl my tongue around the head lapping up as much of his pre-cum as I can.

Washed Pt. One [Mdom, Fsub, oral, voy, bdsm]

It's late. Almost two in the morning. I'm not tired. As usual. I decide to go wash my car. It needs it, badly. It's really dark out so I just go in my pajamas. My black drawstring shorts, that just barely cover my butt, and a loose purple v-neck shirt. I throw on my flip flops and I leave.

It's hot and humid out. Sticky. I turn up the radio and put all my windows down. Feeling the wind all around me. The song on the radio is one of my favorites. It's a slower Rock song with a great beat. I would love to strip for someone to this song.

I pull into the car wash. There is only one other car in there but I don't see it's driver. I put it in park and go to get my change. I've found him. Standing there at the machine. He is incredibly handsome and burly. Almost everything I love in a man. Tall, dark features, great beard, but what i really notice is his arms, incredibly solid. He looks like he could pick me up above his head. The next things I notice are his hands. I can see how callused they are and I automatically imagine them all over me. Feeling his rough hands all over my bare skin and I can feel myself begin to blush.