What do to and what not to do when posting to /r/SexyStories.

  1. All posts are required to have at least basic description tags in the title such as [MMF] [fm] [Ff] [MF/fmm]. You can add as many more as you'd like to give folks a good idea of what your story is about. Here's an example of a good title from a recent post:

    Without A Sound. [MF] [Train] [Exhibitionist] [First Person]

    You can find more examples of post tags in the sidebar.

  2. If your entire story cannot fit in the post, you can either put the rest of it in the comments or make it a "Part 1" and post "Part 2" and so on in a separate submission.

  3. If you post is fictional, we have no rules regarding what you can and cannot post. We don't outright censor fantasies/thoughts. Votes, on the other hand, do tend to do that so don't be surprised if the more taboo and offensive stories posted here wind up severely downvoted.

  4. If your post is claimed to be non-fiction, it must be within legal limits including, but not limited to, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, etc. This is not a subreddit for confessions.

  5. Do not include images or links in your post. This is purely a text-based subreddit.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2cvnlu/what_do_to_and_what_not_to_do_when_posting_to


  1. Please please please, just make up names and don’t tell us you’re making up names. No one expects the name you use to be real. You don’t need to say, "um, let’s call her _____". You don’t need quotation marks. Just change her name to Sally or whatever and get the **obvious** fact that all names are not real out of the way.

  2. Question: Can I post links to supporting pictures in the comments? I have one story for which I collected some beautiful character pictures. Really adds a lot to actually see them.

  3. I had the bot kill my story this morning because it had links to my previous chapters… Is there a way to not get it to kill links within the same subreddit? (I ended up posting without the links.)

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