GRO – The Miracle Cream [Str8, m/f, inc b/s, oral] Part 1 of many.

“Bobby do you want…WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

Jeni had entered her little brother’s room to ask him about dinner, but had instead found in naked from the waist down doing…something!

Now Bobby was scrambling to cover his privates with his bedspread—easily accomplished since, at 13, he didn’t have much to cover.

“GET OUT!” he was shouting.

“Bobby, were you masturbating?” Jeni asked mockingly, quickly finding amusement in the shameful situation.

“No…” Bobby said. He looked bashful, but something in his voice told her it was the truth.

“Then what?” Jeni put her hands on her hips and thrust out her chin as she asked, hoping to strike a pose of authority. At 16, she was certainly older than Bobby. But at 5’2” and barely 85-pounds, she was not the least bit bigger. If Bobby decided to make her get out, there would be nothing she could do to stop him.

However, Bobby didn’t seem to be in a position to put up much of a fight. His eyes involuntarily flicked to the bed. Following his gaze, Jeni saw what appeared to be a tube of toothpaste.

Bobby saw her looking and made a grab for it, but Jeni was closer and faster—and not covering her naked lower half with a comforter. She snatched it up and read the label. Most of it was printed in an alphabet that looked Russian or something. The product name was in regular letters though.


“It’s pronounced grow,” Bobby said, in a tone like she should have known.

“GRO? What’s it…wait! Bobby, is this what I think it is? Were you rubbing this…?” Jeni couldn’t even finish the sentence as she burst out laughing.

“So what?” Bobby asked, his shame starting to turn to anger.

“Where did you even get this?”

“Adam’s brother ordered it online. Adam found two tubes in his room. He kept one and I took that one.”

“So…” Jeni struggled to keep a straight face. “Does it work?”

“I dunno. This is the first time I’m using it.”

This from Bobby sent Jeni into another fit of laughter. When she recovered she spoke.

“Well, little brother, you probably just smeared your little prick with athlete’s foot medication or something. I’m guessing nothing will happen, but there’s probably a good chance your cock will fall off. Good luck!”

Jeni turned her back and walked out of the room, laughing. She still had the tube of GRO.

Best keep it out of the reach of children. Jeni thought.

She tossed it in her dresser drawer and went back downstairs where dinner was waiting.

Bobby eventually came downstairs for dinner, looking sheepish. He had probably been wondering if Jeni had told their parents what he’d been doing. She hadn’t, of course. Bobby was her annoying little brother, but he didn’t need to be punished for teen male stupidity.

After dinner Jeni, Bobby and their parents watched some television and then went their separate ways. Jeni had noticed Bobby rubbing his crotch through his shorts from time to time. She thought he shouldn’t be so obvious, but maybe she was just looking to see if anything terrible was happening.

She returned to her room after family time. Soon her curiosity got the best of her and she hopped online, seeking reviews for the GRO cream.

She didn’t find much. It was, as she suspected, manufactured in Russia. The site, once translated by her Web browser, revealed a “testimonials” section.

“How much can you trust the testimonials on a big-dick cream site?” she asked herself as she browsed them. The titles said it all.

Mini to mighty.

My wife is never happier.

So so so satisfied.

Penis gigantic.

The translation from Russian to English turned some of the titles and reviews into hilarious mistakes, but one in particular caught Jeni’s eye.

Huge bazooms.

Bazooms? What translation application would translate something to “bazooms?” So she read it.

Huge bazooms. I bought GRO and used it on my penis. It grew massive large. But even better, my wife used it too, on her bazooms. Now her bazooms are GREAT! So big and firm. My huge cock and her epic bazooms make us a sex couple like magic.

Sure! Jeni thought. This GRO stuff makes everything bigger! Buy five tubes! Whatever.


Jeni stepped to the full-length mirror in her room. She looked at herself for a moment. She was tiny and her breasts matched her frame. Even through her thin and tight tank top they barely made bumps. She stripped off her top and looked again.

No bra – she almost never needed one. Her tiny tits stood high on her chest, with small pink nipples hardening in the relative chill of her room. She pinched them and pulled, trying to imagine her tits bigger than they were.

The rest of her body was great, she thought. Flat tummy, skinny thighs. She pushed her shorts down her legs and turned, looking at her ass. It was tight and firm – she was a teenager after all – but kind of flat as well. She had a gap between her thighs at the top, and she kept her pussy shaved, just like all the girls her age. This was partially because it made her feel sexier, but mostly to avoid being mocked in the showers after cheer practice or games. Pubic hair was frowned upon.

Getting sick of looking at her skinny self, the 16-year-old flung herself on her bed.

Nothing she had seen online pointed to GRO being dangerous. She still doubted it would actually work, but what if…?

She opened her drawer and took out the tube. She considered it for a while and then…

“Why not?” She got up and went back to the mirror. She squeezed some of the cream on her hands – it was cold – and she rubbed them together. She touched her tits and noticed the cold cream immediately made a warm sensation on her breasts. She rubbed it all around them. It felt quite good, actually.

She felt her hands getting dry. She wasn’t sure she had gotten full coverage so she reapplied the GRO to her hands and rubbed more all over her tits.

This time, however, she had too much. Her small boobs were fully saturated and so were her hands. She could go rinse the stuff off her hands, but the bathroom was all the way down the hall and she was buck-naked except for her knee-high socks – no state to be walking around the house.

Instead she reached behind her and smeared the extra cream on her flat little butt cheeks. It made the same warming sensation on her ass that it had on her tits. She didn’t have as much to spread around but she rubbed it in as evenly as she could.

She put her tank top and cotton shorts back on once the cream on her tits and ass had dried, then laid down in bed. As soon as she turned off her light the warming sensation on her little boobs and butt increased and she started to feel very drowsy. She rubbed her nipples through the fabric – it felt very good – and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Jeni awoke to morning light filling her room. Her window was directly across from the foot of her bed, but when she looked down towards her feet her, a mound of covers obstructed her gaze.

Groggily she freed an arm and tried to smash the comforter down. But when she did she felt a pain on her chest.

“Ouch!” she complained. She tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but once she reached her side a number of things happened at once.

First, she felt the neckline of her tank top pull painfully at the back of her neck. Then she felt something stop her, like she had a pillow next to her. Finally, when she tried to twist her shorts bit into her ass cheeks and pussy lips simultaneously.

I must have really been moving around last night, she thought, to be this tangled up. She started systematically trying to extract herself from the blankets, sheets and pillows, only to discover they came away easily. She soon found herself uncovered and sitting on the edge of her bed. Her shorts still felt uncomfortably tight, and so did her tank top.

Opening her eyes she saw a female form sitting across for her. Buxom wouldn’t begin to describe this girl. Two massive globes stood out from her chest, clearly artificially enhanced. And her trim thighs were visible up to the openings of the tiniest, sluttiest short cotton shorts Jeni had ever seen. This girl was staring back at Jeni with a disapproving look from a second bed that Jeni didn’t remember being in her room. In fact it was situated inside her mirror…

“AHHH!” Jeni screamed before she got ahold of herself. She sprung to her feet. She immediately noticed that she didn’t move like she used to. Parts of her seemed to have more inertia than they had before…

Standing now, she realized she had been looking at herself. Her tank top was stretched to the limit over tits that looked like they had been designed by a master plastic surgeon. Her top had been tight before, and it still clung to her thin waist, but the neckline was stretched low over her new tits, revealing an immodest amount of cleavage.

Her shorts had shrunk too. No, her ass had grown. Not nearly as much as her tits, but it was a lot rounder, stretching her shorts – which had seemed innocent enough yesterday – into the slutty-looking booty shorts she had seen upon waking up. She bent forward experimentally and felt the shorts pull up into her ass and pussy, making an impressive show of camel toe.

Jeni stood for a while, gawking at herself. Yesterday she had been a skinny teen. Today she looked like a fantasy girl from a teeny-bop porn movie. Yesterday her ponytail of dirty-blond hair had looked girlish. Now it looked like a tossled costume of girlish lust.

All because of these, she thought, reaching up to squeezed her new tits. When she did her knees almost buckled as waves of pleasure coursed through her tits, down to her pussy.

God damn! she thought. She gave them another experimental squeeze and again her pussy ached with pleasure and lust. She felt it get instantly wet. One more squeeze should…

“OOOooooooH! Oh fuck!” she cried aloud as her third squeeze of her new massive tits made an orgasm crash over her. This time her knees did buckle and she kneeled on her floor, compulsively squeezing her tits as he came harder than she ever had before.

Coming down from her orgasmic high, she thought about how much she wanted something inside her. Not just something, but something big. Something like a big, hard…

Oh god, she thought suddenly. If the GRO creamed worked for me, did it work for…?

Bobby awoke to his door banging closed. He was laying on his stomach and he pulled the covers over his head to try and ignore the unwelcomed visitor he knew could only be his bossy big sis.

“Bobby!” he heard her whisper urgently. “Bobby!”

“Whaaaaa…?” he groaned. He was coming awake and was starting to become aware that he was sporting some painful morning wood that was trapped under his thigh. Morning wood was a recent addition to Bobby’s life, but he had quickly figured out how to deal with it – he had a tube sock hidden under his bed that could attest to this. Not that he could or would do that with Jeni in the room. As painful as it was, he stayed on his belly.

“Bobby! The cream: did it work?”

“Cream? What cream?” Bobby wasn’t a morning person.

“The GRO!”

“Oh… Wouldn’t you like to know, perv!” he quipped. This was typical Jeni – make fun of him, then get all nosy later.

“Bobby, this is serious!”

“Why?” He was so annoyed now that he rolled over and looked right at her. She looked… different. She was wearing the red silk robe their dad had bought her in China, but it looked like she was wearing something under it. She had her arms crossed over her chest, hiding where the robe gapped open over her chest. He couldn’t see anything under her robe that would make it fit so weird, though.

She was looking at him with a strange look, too. Kind of like she was scared or something. Excited, maybe? Or both?

“What are you looking at, weirdo?” he asked, but the anger was gone from his voice, replaced by confusion. Nothing seemed right.

She pointed at him, but not at his face. Lower…

He looked down and saw what she was pointing at – his blankets were tenting over something big under them. And his morning wood hurt more than ever.

“Bobby… Bobby, what’s that?”

“I dunno…” He reached under his blankets and took hold of…

“Ummm, Jeni. It worked…”

Under his blankets both his hands were wrapped around a thick shaft of meat where his 13-year-old penis had been yesterday. Bobby’s hands weren’t big, but even with both around this massive tool there was space between them and the head poking out the top.

At some point during the night his cock had snaked down the leg of his boxers and out the bottom. Then it had hardened, trapping his shorts above it, with no way to pull them back over it until his raging hard-on subsided.

“Bobby, let me see,” Jeni said. Or almost begged…

“Eww, gross, Jeni! Let me see you!” He said it thinking she would realize how absurd it was, but then he realized he could already see her.

When he had rolled over, Jeni had let her arms drop and her robe gapped open even further over her chest. Now Bobby could see her tank top underneath stretched over huge boobs that had not been there yesterday.

“You used it!” he cried, pointing a finger at her tits. She wrapped her arms around her chest again, trying ineffectively to hide her fully blossomed tits.

“Keep it down!” she hissed. After a moment she looked at him sheepishly. “Yes, yes, fine! I used it. And it worked!”

“Let me see,” he said, a huge smile splitting his face.

“No way!” Then, “You first…”

“No, you first,” he insisted. “It looks like you have clothes on under there. My boxers aren’t hiding anything under here.”

She considered it for a moment, then she pouted and said, “Fine.” She opened her robe and dropped it to the floor.

If Bobby’s hard-on had been painful before, it was near exploding now! How could it not be? His sister’s body had transformed over night from petite and skinny to absolutely banging! Even if his brain knew she was his sister, his cock didn’t care in the slightest.

She stood there, hands on her hips, letting him take the full view. Her tight tank top was stretched over tits that would have looked at home on an Internet site. Her nipples her poking through the fabric, very near the neckline – that’s how far the shirt was stretched!

Her shorts were tighter, too.

“Turn around…”

She rolled her eyes and turned. She ass was rounder and even firmer than before, if that was possible. It pulled her shorts tight and high over her ass cheeks, revealing the crease under her cheeks, minimal though it was due to how tight and round her ass was now.

She turned back around and looked at him expectantly.

“Your turn.”

Her voice snapped him out of his dumbfounded staring.

“No, you didn’t understand. I’m fully exposed under here. You’re still clothed. I need the full monty or you get nothing.”

“Not fair! Ok, let’s compromise. My…” She pointed to her chest. “For your…” She pointed again, this time at his sizable blanket tent.

“Ok, deal. Let’s see them!”

Again the eye roll. She stepped a little closer to him as she grabbed the hem of her tank top and pulled it up. It peeled off like it normally would have until she reached her new, bigger tits. Here she ran into a problem. The fabric was too tight around them, so instead of easily coming off, the shirt clung and pulled her breasts up nearly to her chin before gravity took hold. They fell, bounced once and then settled where Bobby could get a good look.

Bobby had heard of 16-year-olds getting boob jobs before. Usually some rich guy whose rich daughter doesn’t blossom properly at puberty. He buys her some boobs so she doesn’t get rejected by the popular crowd. But the size change in these cases was usually reasonable. The girl gets a b- or c-cup – nothing too big – just to keep her from being a freak.

If someone had bought these boobs for Jeni, the motive could have been nothing short of pornographic. They sat high on her chest, right where they had been yesterday, but now they were the size of cantaloupes, and nearly as round.

Jeni’s nipples were still smallish and pink, which Bobby liked. He hated the porn stars with giant areolas. Jeni’s were perfect, and they were already hard, sticking out from the center of her tits.

She stood before him, hands on her slim hips.

“Well?” she asked.


She grinned and looked down, maybe blushing a little.

“No, I meant it’s your turn – for real this time!”

“Oh!” Bobby tore his stare away from his big sister’s big tits and looked down at his own…situation. He was nervous to show her. After all, he hadn’t even seen it himself. What if it wasn’t as big as it felt? He would be let down and he thought so would Jeni. And for some reason he didn’t want to let her down right now.

He grabbed the edge of the blanket. Jeni took a step closer in anticipation. He pulled it down until it was just barely covered. He was holding his breath. Jeni might have been as well.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he yanked cover down. It caught on the tip of his cock and sent it swaying as the blanket flew away toward the end of the bed. Bobby could only stare at it in disbelief.

Unlike Jeni’s tits, which had stopped bouncing immediately, due to, Bobby guessed, their relative firmness, Bobby’s cock kept on swaying once it was set in motion.

For some reason, seeing it made him think of chips. Bobby, being a teenage boy, ate a lot of chips. Sometimes they increased the size of the bag, and Bobby was always impressed by how much bigger the bag looked when it had a tag like, “NOW WITH 20% MORE!!!”

If his new cock were to get a similar label, it would have to say, “NOW WITH 100% MORE!!!” It had to be twice as big as it had been – at least 10 inches! Maybe more. It towered above his flat stomach and sparse crop of 13-year-old pubic hair.

It was thick, too. He could no longer touch his fingers together around it.

He tried the two-hand approach again. He could indeed get both hands on it. If he grabbed all the way at the base and had his hands touching, a smaller hand – like Jeni’s – could have fit above and just barely covered the head.

His boxers were cinched painfully up his leg. He took a moment and pushed them down, struggling to get them past his giant member, and off.

When he did, he saw his balls hadn’t missed out on the party. He had used the cream on them, too, and it appeared to have worked. Now two kiwi-sized nuts weighed his nutsack down. He lifted them – they felt full.

He looked up at Jeni, but she didn’t notice. She was leaning in, transfixed by the sight of his cock. She had an interesting look on her face – eyes wide like she was scared, lips parted and cheeks red. He couldn’t quite tell what she was thinking, but the look on her face somehow made him feel very proud.

“Your turn again,” he said, smiling.

“My…my turn? For what?” Jeni seemed really distracted. She kept her eyes glued to his cock and she furrowed her brow as if she was thinking very hard about something.

“Your shorts, Jeni. What do you think?”

“Oh…oh! Right. Ok, here goes,” she said and put her thumbs in the waistband. She bent forward, her tits seeming to swing toward Bobby as she did. When she stood back up, Bobby felt his eyes go wide. His big sis…was shaved! Bobby, having never seen a real naked girl in his life, wasn’t expecting this. He also wasn’t sure why he liked it so much, but he did.

His cock did, too. He felt it surge and then saw a great, glistening pearl of precum rise from his pisshole. It stuck there momentarily, catching the light, before it started to roll slowly down the head of his cock.

Jeni saw it too. Bobby watched as she locked her gaze on the head of his cock and moved closer. Bobby had no idea what she was going to do, but some voice in his head – which head, no one could say – told him not to stop her.

As Jeni moved closer to his cock the look on her face transformed. Bobby had once seen a video online of a guy getting choked unconscious. Right before he went to sleep his eyes got this glazed look. Jeni had that look now. Her lips were parted and she licked them from time to time.

Jeni reached a hand out and tentatively grasped the base of Bobby’s cock. In that instant, months of 13-year-old fantasies came true, and it didn’t matter in the slightest that Jeni was his sister. A girl – a real, live girl with HUGE tits, a round ass and a shaved pussy – was holding his cock in her real, live hand. His prick surged again and an even bigger pearl of precum erupted from the tip.

Jeni chose that moment to lean in and lick her little brother’s massive cock from the middle to the tip, capturing both drips of salty liquid with her warm, pink little tongue. When she reached the tip she kissed it, letting her lips engulf the head. She bobbed down, until the ring of her lips bumped over the rim of his cockhead, then back up leaving it wet as it exited her mouth.

Yesterday, Bobby had been a typical 13-year-old boy, and had never received a blowjob in his life. And if this had happened yesterday, Bobby’s small prick would have been prematurely spurting a typically small 13-year-old load of cum at the first touch.

But today, Bobby was way beyond typical. And the cream seemed to have affected more than his size, but also his senses. Bobby’s cock felt if anything more sensitive than it had yesterday. However, the sensations Jeni’s mouth had given him hadn’t made him want to cum immediately. Instead he felt them pulse down his cock and into his enlarged balls, and he almost swore he could feel them getting fuller.

Jeni paused with her lips at the tip of Bobby’s cock. She looked up at him, her eyes hooded. Then she looked like she only just recognized him.

“Bobby, god. Umm, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just done that.” Curiously, the entire time she was apologizing she was also stroking his cock with the hand she had grabbed it with. Up and down. Up and down. “Are you…ok?”

Bobby wasn’t quite sure how to answer. He’d never felt better. And while Jeni was his sister, and this should all be very taboo, something about their situation made it seem not so wrong.

He didn’t know how to put all of this into words, so he did the next best thing: he put his hand on the back of her head and pressed it down to his cock once again.

Jeni gave him a naughty smile that made his prick jump again, releasing another big drip of precum that his sister devoured. This time she bobbed her mouth up and down. She wasn’t taking much of his cock in her mouth, but he could still feel the head slipping into the back of her throat. God damn, his dick was huge now!

Bobby looked down to watch the action and saw Jeni’s massive tits hanging there as she worked on him with her mouth. He couldn’t resist. He reached down and grabbed her right breast, cupping it and pinching the nipple lightly. He wasn’t really going for a reaction – Bobby just wanted to feel a boob – and he certainly couldn’t have predicted the reaction her got.

The second Bobby’s fingers tightened on Jeni’s nipple her whole body tensed, her back arched and she let out a deep moan as she pushed Bobby’s cock deeper down her throat. Just as Bobby was figuring out that he had caused this, she removed her mouth from Bobby’s dick and came up sputtering and coughing with tears in her eyes.

“Jeni! Are you ok? I’m so, so sorry!”

Between coughs, Jeni laughed a little. She was smiling, despite the tears that had welled up in her eyes.

“No need, little bro. Just, umm, surprised me. These things here,” she said, pointing to her own gravity-defying tits, “are really sensitive. When you pinched my nipple I almost came.”

“No shit? Wow,” Bobby said. “What if I did this?” He sat up and grabbed both gently. Jeni’s eyes closed and her mouth opened. She looked like she was moaning but not a sound came out. Then Bobby lightly pinched both nipples at the same time. Jeni’s eyes came open immediately, but they were rolled back in her head like she was possessed. He pinched them rhythmically a few times and Jeni made a cute little squeak each time his did. Then he gave them one last, harder pinch and twist, just to see what would happen.

Jeni, who had been standing, dropped to her knees. Bobby had to scoot to the edge of the bed to keep his hands on her tits. She was moaning and making sweet little gasping noises over and over, her eyes fluttering. She was definitely having a massive orgasm, and Bobby had given it to her.

After a minute she calmed down and looked up at him. Her eyes locked with his and she thrust herself at him. Her mouth found his, and suddenly, they were kissing.

This wasn’t the first time she had ever kissed him. When they were little she kissed him all the time. He thought it was hilarious and would giggle uncontrollably. Then, as he got older and girls seemed grosser, she would kiss him just to annoy him. But in the last year, as Bobby had grown bigger than Jeni, and had for some reason felt it necessary to be meaner to Jeni, she no longer kissed him. On good days she rolled her eyes and on bad days she would yell or tell their parents.

But in all the times she had kissed him before, it had never been like this. This wasn’t a kiss you gave a family member. It wasn’t even a kiss you necessarily gave someone you had a crush on or were dating. This was a kiss Bobby imagined that girls reserved for people who had just made them cum so hard they nearly passed out. It was their way of saying, “Thanks for that. It was marvelous. More would be appreciated, anytime.”

Bobby and Jeni made out for several minutes, all while Bobby’s hands roamed between Jeni’s rack and her cute round ass, and Jeni’s hands cupped Bobby’s aching balls.

Jeni broke the kiss first and, smiling another naughty smile Bobby thought might make him cum and pass out, she began sliding down his body, seemingly to continue the blowjob he’d interrupted by giving her a powerful orgasm.

However, she wasn’t quite used to her new body – or his – and as she slid down Bobby’s giant cock slipped into the deep valley between her tits. This felt amazing to Bobby as he felt her melons envelope his cock and balls. She started to lean back but Bobby stopped her. He reached down instead and squeezed her tits together around his cock.

Jeni was inexperienced but she got the message. She started using her legs to move her whole body up and down, causing her little brother’s cock to slip and slide between her tits. Every thrust sent a small surge of pleasure through her body. This wasn’t as intense as before, but it was compounded by Bobby, who was rubbing his thumbs over her nipples every couple of thrusts. She knew she’d be having another orgasm soon if this kept up.

Then she got nudged in the chin. Looking down, she realized that Bobby’s cock was now so long that, even though her tits her massive, enough poked through the top of her cleavage to reach her mouth. So, she did what any good girl would do: she opened her mouth and let the plum-sized head of her little brother’s cock into it.

It didn’t take them long to find a rhythm. Soon, Bobby was gently thrusting his hips while rubbing Jeni’s nipples and Jeni was stroking her tits up and down while she sucked his cock head. She looked up at Bobby and could tell by the look on his face this was working for him. It wouldn’t be long until she found up how much cum those big balls he had were holding.

His cock had already been releasing a steady flow of clear precum, which Jeni was willing and eager to swallow. But she had started to feel his cock pulse and knew she’d be getting the full load soon.

Jeni thought she should feel weird about sucking her little brother’s cock or preparing to swallow his cum, but she didn’t. In fact, every time she thought about his age or his relationship to her she got even more excited.

“Oh fuck. Oh god. Oh fuck yeah, Jeni,” Bobby had started saying. He was close. Then…

The first spurt filled up Jeni’s mouth completely. She swallowed, just as she planned to, but not fast enough. The next spurt filled her mouth to overflowing, and the next made thick, hot white cum flow back down Bobby’s cock and into Jeni’s impressive cleavage.

She took Bobby’s cock out of her mouth so as not to drown and swallowed the thick load she had in there. In the meantime Bobby’s cock was still erupting, covering her face. To Jeni’s surprise, however, she didn’t mind this at all. The feeling of ropes of hot white cum covering her felt exquisite.

This was probably helped by the fact that Bobby had involuntarily squeezed Jeni’s nipples, sending orgasmic shockwaves through her body. She opened her mouth to moan and Bobby shot a jet of semen into her mouth. She eagerly swallowed this too.

Now Bobby had changed his aim – or maybe he his cum shots were just losing velocity and thus making a lower trajectory – because he added the next series of spurts to the considerable amount of cum already covering her tits. His cum was so thick it stayed in ropy streams where it landed, covering the tops of both melons completely.

Bobby collapsed back onto the bed, his cock still leaking an amount of cum probably equal to what a normal boy would shoot in an entire orgasm. It bubbled from his cock head and streamed down the sides. Jeni hated to see any of this delicious cum go to waste, but she had lots of it to deal with already. Sitting on the floor she used her fingers to push the cum from her face and into her mouth. Then she gave the same treatment to her breasts. God she was covered!

Once she was reasonably clean – and also quite full from swallowing what must have been a full pint of cum – she crawled into bed next to Bobby. He’d been so quiet she had thought maybe he had fallen asleep. But no, his eyes were open, staring at the ceiling. She propped herself up on her elbow and gave him wry look.

“So I couldn’t quite tell: was that good for you?” she asked, giving him a twisted smile. He, however, didn’t even look at her.


She waited for him to expound on this, but nothing came. She opened her mouth to ask but then…

“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck… Fucking fuck!” All under his breath, with a sense of wonder apparent in his voice.

This made Jeni feel amazing. She had friends who had younger brothers, and all of them had stories about said little brothers sneaking peaks at them, stealing their underwear or generally being little pervs, to varying degrees of curiosity or aggressiveness.

Jeni had none of these stories. She and Bobby fought like brother and sister, but that was it. To her knowledge he had never stolen so much as a peak. It had, unexplainably, made her feel plain. Especially when she had heard he and his friend Adam – the same friend, she remembered, who had supplied the GRO – had gotten caught peaking at Adam’s brother and his girlfriend. Bobby had come home with a black eye from where the older boy had defended his lady’s honor, but the look on his face when she asked him about it said he thought it had been worth it.

Now Jeni had some stories of her own – not that she had any idea if or how she would tell a soul about any of this.

Bobby was still uttering “fuck” and it gave Jeni, who was ready for round two, an idea. She looked down at Bobby’s flagging member. It hadn’t gone completely flaccid and was sort of hanging out at half-mast. It was also still covered in cum.

Jeni turned around so her feet were up near his head and wiggled around until her face was lined up with her little brother’s cock. She grabbed its base again and gave it an affectionate kiss.

Bobby was up like a shot onto his elbows. He seemed almost surprised to find her still there. She winked at him, feeling more and more like the sex kitten she knew she now resembled, and licked his cock from base to tip. This took an inordinate amount of time.

Bobby heaved a sigh and leaned back again, a smile brightening his face. Then he looked to the side. Jeni could see that he had just realized that their position put her shaved pussy right next to his face. She opened her legs, bending the top one and resting her foot on her own calf so he’d have a better view.

His cock’s hardness increased immediately and she tasted rather than saw a dew drop of precum form. Bobby turned to the side slightly and reached over her hip to grab her round little ass. Squeezing her buns, he pulled her pussy closer and planted a kiss on her hairless mons.

His hands squeezing her ass almost gave her a bigger thrill. Jeni was quickly realizing that anywhere the GRO had enhanced had also become extraordinarily sensitive. So as Bobby massaged her round tush while simultaneously kissing and licking around her clit, Jeni felt another wave of orgasmic sensation swelling inside her.

Bobby’s cock was rock hard once again. Getting him hard was the whole reason she came down here, but now that it was she was unwilling to abandon her activity. Part of it was that she was loath to interrupt Bobby eating her out. Another part of her wasn’t willing to give up cleaning Bobby’s cum-coated cock, even though she had just finished swallowing enough of his cum to act as her breakfast.

But mostly she just didn’t want to leave Bobby’s huge sex unattended. Seeing it, feeling it, tasting it made her feel impossibly feminine and very much in awe. What Bobby now had was a testament to manhood, and she was the one who had conquered it. She was woman – hear her moan sluttily!

But Bobby was fast figuring out her lower anatomy – not bad for someone who had never seen a naked girl until an hour ago – and was starting to make her clit sing with his eager tongue. Jeni was so enthralled with the sensations Bobby was giving her that she took her mouth off of his dick.

“Yes, oh Bobby, yes!” she gasped, feeling herself get close to the edge. Just a little more…

Bobby heard her and grabbed her ass more urgently, his fingers digging into the spot where her cheek ends and her leg begins. She felt his other hand reach down and cup her breast, his palm rubbing her nipple. He pressed his tongue into her hard little clit, and that was that.

Jeni’s body tensed and she let out a scream of pure rapture. Then she opened her mouth and thrust Bobby’s cock back in. This was the same reaction she had had the last time Bobby had made her cum while she was sucking him. This time, however, she didn’t choke. Bobby’s cock slipped past her tonsils and her lips reached the halfway point on her brother’s long and thick cock. She bobbed her head up and down, moaning the entire time as her orgasm washed over her. Bobby kept licking and fondling and Jeni kept cumming for what felt like forever.

Then she felt Bobby’s cock tense and her eyes opened wide. He’s about to cum, she thought frantically. Jeni didn’t know how this would work, exactly, with his cock snaking down her throat. She thought about pulling him out of her mouth, but she wasn’t quite thinking fast enough. His first spurt erupted from his prick and shot straight down into her belly.

As before, Bobby released a torrent of cum. His enlarged balls apparently weren’t just for show. Luckily for Jeni, having his cock deep in her throat made swallowing all of his cum much easier. She could feel it filling her belly directly, instead of her racing to swallow every giant mouthful.

His flow slowed and Jeni withdrew his member from her throat – it caused a little gag on the way out – and let him fill her mouth with the remaining spurts. This she swallowed as well, savoring the taste.

Jeni’s own afterglow was subsiding by this point. Bobby had stopped licking when he started cumming. He was, however, still clutching her sensitive ass. In fact, at some point he had pushed a single finger into her ass. It moved every time he took a breath, sending little rhythmic pulses through Jeni’s body.

As satisfying as her massive orgasms had been, though, she still really wanted something inside her. It was a curious feeling, since Jeni was a virgin. She didn’t even really know what having a cock in her pussy would feel like. But somehow, deep inside, she knew she wanted it.

She hadn’t meant to make Bobby cum again with her mouth. She had to admit, though, that it was fun. She had given head before, to two different boys. But when they had cum it wasn’t much of an event. A few little twitches of their cock, a trickle of cum – not even a mouthful – and they were done. She might even have missed it except for all the noise they made while doing it. Lots of sound and fury, but in the end, signifying nothing.

Bobby was a different animal altogether, or at least his penis was. When he had cum it was a dramatic thing. His whole cock swelled and pulsed. His balls rose and fell. And the amount of cum he delivered – holy shit. Jeni still couldn’t believe she had swallowed his last load. If she had felt satisfied before, she felt like she wouldn’t eat for a week now.

Making Bobby cum was something to be proud of, something to talk about. Already she wanted to call her friends and describe every detail. She wished she had pictures of his cock to show them, and of herself after being covered in his spunk.

Thinking of it made her horny again. She really needed to get fucked. She just hoped Bobby was ready for round three!

Continued on Part 2…



  1. You quoted Macbeth…. incredible. Just. Wow. You ought to make a screen play and start a kickstarter to turn this into a full fledged porn.

  2. My goodness, dear, you have quite a talent. Please keep at it!! I can’t wait for the next chapter.

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