The Boss Blowjob [FM, Oral]

I don’t think my boyfriend would be too pleased if he knew exactly what my job entails. As the assistant to one of the most valuable businessmen in the company, I’m well aware of the stress that goes along with his job. He rarely gets a break throughout the day, so I’ve taken it upon myself to make sure he’s relaxed and able to focus at all times.

I imagine Mr. Hanson hired me because of my somewhat innocent look. I have short brown hair with the slightest hint of natural red. My cheeks are freckled underneath my naive looking big brown eyes and my small pink mouth naturally forms a pouting expression. It’s an understatement to say I’ve exploited my charming appearance in the past. This job was no exception.

I almost always wear heels to work, they accentuate my long slender legs. On this particular day I paired them with a slim black pencil dress that was probably just a little too short for the workplace. That morning, as I brought Mr. Hanson his breakfast, I could tell he was already tense. He informed me that he had a very important conference call in a few hours that he was preparing for. As I placed his coffee on the desk, I asked him if he needed anything else. He looked up for a moment and eyed me up and down, I saw a smirk graze his face as he said “Not right now, I have too much to get done before my meeting”. “Of course Mr. Hanson”, I replied as I went back to my desk. Even though I was already feeling a little turned on, I knew it was important not to bother Mr. Hanson when he was busy.

As the hours went by, I could hear Mr. Hanson frantically preparing for his meeting. He told me to hold all other calls and not let anyone into his office under any circumstances. I had never seen him like this, this must have been a career changing call because he didn’t emerge from his office the entire morning.

Finally, my phone lit up. It was the CEO of the company and his board of directors. This was the call my boss had been preparing for all morning. He asked me to put the call through to his office and to bring him another coffee. I rushed downstairs as quickly as I could to get Mr. Hanson his latte. As I approached his office door, I could hear that he was still on the phone. I slowly pushed the door open and tiptoed into his office so that I could quietly place the coffee on his desk. I overheard him talking about a big merger and I could practically feel the tension emanating from his entire body. He rubbed his forehead, his eyes fixed on his computer screen. He itched the slight bit of scruff that peppered his masculine jaw. I watched him slowly roll his neck as he carefully tugged on his tie.

I could tell he needed me to calm him down, but he was too fixated on his work to ask. So I slowly made my way to my hands and knees and teasingly crawled toward him. I’m not sure if he even noticed as I made my way underneath his desk. I began massaging my hands up and down the legs of his grey suit pants, ready to make sure I did what I was hired to do: keep the boss happy. I slowly grazed my hands along his groin before unbuttoning his pants. He didn’t say a word to me, he just kept negotiating over the phone.

As I unzipped his fly, his eager cock sprang forward – already rock hard from the tension he had been feeling all morning. He has a powerful, long, smooth cock. It felt strong as I grasped the base with my hand. I slowly stroked my hand up and down the shaft of his penis – stopping just short of the head and kneading my hand carefully back down. I didn’t want to overstimulate him too quickly. He needed to focus on his work and I knew a more sensual massage would more effectively relieve his tension. I pulled the waist of his pants down to his ankles to reveal his balls. I softly grazed and twisted my tongue along them as I continued to stroke his shaft. My free hand rested on his leg, clutching at his inner thigh.

I could hear Mr. Hanson’s breath become unsteady as he tried to make sure his associates on the phone were none the wiser. I let out a small, devilish smile. I have to admit that I did enjoy this part of my job, even though it was strictly professional. Once I felt that Mr. Hanson’s balls had received sufficient attention, I flattened my tongue on the base of his cock and slowly licked the length of his entire penis. As my tongue left the tip of his impressively long dick, I felt Mr. Hanson shake with anticipation. I had to use both hands to continue stroking his dick as I fluttered the tip of my tongue across the head. This move drove him crazy and I looked up to see him desperately suppressing his moans.

Finally, I took the whole head of his cock in my mouth. I felt my lips part as they wrapped around the imposing crown of his long shaft. I continued to flutter my tongue along his cock as I put more of it into my mouth. Both of my hands clawed around underneath Mr. Hanson’s shirt as I worked his cock with just my mouth. My head slowly bobbed back and forth, twisting as I moved up and down his shaft. I felt his thick cock touch the back of my throat as I took in as much of it as possible. I could tell Mr. Hanson was very pleased with me. As he began to relax he became a more powerful negotiator on the phone. This was exactly why I was always happy to help Mr. Hanson in any way; the better his productivity, the smoother everything ran throughout the office.

As I took more and more of his cock in my mouth, Mr. Hanson began to writhe in pleasure. His hips rocked ever so slightly back and forth as he slid his cock further inside me. I grabbed his legs and kept my head still as he guided his long dick in and out of my mouth. I started to feel his cock seize and tense within my mouth. I knew he was close to cumming. I grabbed a hold of his shaft with both hands and began sucking much faster. I could feel the blood rushing to the head of his cock, as if I was drawing the cum out of him with every motion of my lips and tongue. He accidentally let out an audible sigh as he began to climax. I overhead the CEO asking him what was going on. Despite the overwhelming sensation of pure pleasure taking over his body he was able to cooly reply “Nothing to worry about, sir”. They continued negotiating, oblivious to what was really happening on the other end of the line.

His dick throbbed inside my mouth as he inched closer to orgasm. I awaited his cum like the dutiful and eager assistant I was. He clutched on to the back of my head and thrust his cock deep inside my mouth as he finally released his cum down my throat. I quietly moaned, encouraging him to empty his entire load into my mouth. He relaxed back into his chair and I made sure to suck any left over cum out of him and swallow it obediently. I heard the conference call draw to a close as I pulled Mr. Hanson’s pants back up to his waist, buttoning them back up. I stood up from underneath the desk as he hung up the phone. He informed me that negotiations went completely in his favor and he thanked me for my “help”. I simply replied, “Absolutely Mr. Hanson”, I hadn’t done anything for him today that I wouldn’t do for him any day.

I love my job and I hope to keep it for a long time, so long as my boyfriend never decides to visit me at the office.



  1. Wow! That is awfully hot! Your bf would be pissed, but wow your boss must love you. Expect a promotion soon! :)

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