GRO Part 2 – Jeni’s First Time [Str8, M/f, inc, Fsub, oral]

Jeni was more than ready for round three with Bobby, but when she looked up at him, she saw that he really had fallen asleep this time. Who could blame him? He was probably massively dehydrated by now. He lay on his back like he’d passed out. Asleep he looked even younger than 13. Jeni looked from his cock to his face and back again, in awe that she had just had amazing oral sex with a kid who wasn’t even in high school. And her brother to boot! She’d gotten her world rocked by her 13-year-old little brother! The thought alone make her pussy cream.

She didn’t care if he was asleep – she needed him. She rose up on her elbow again and took hold of his cock. It had gone completely flaccid this time. She kissed it and licked it all over, but no effect. Bobby was passed out and it appeared his cock was in hibernation mode. She straddled his legs and rubbed her tits up and down his crotch, hoping the new sensation would awaken the beast, but still nothing, other than making herself that much hornier.

Finally she straddled his hips and brought her pussy and ass down on top of his cock. She made a swirling motion with her hips. Even soft his cock had enough bulk to rub her clit and asshole. This time it hardened a little. She took the semi-hard cock in her hands and tried to work it into her hole, but her virgin slit was too tight for these shenanigans. Maybe if Bobby had been smaller – thus the irony of the situation.

Jeni rolled over on her back again, spread her legs and resigned herself to getting herself off. She set her fingers to work, but the closer she got to orgasm the more she knew it was only going to make her that much more frustrated afterward.

She stood back up and got her shorts and tank top back on. Getting dressed made her realize something: given her current wardrobe there was no way she could dress modestly. Not only would her shirts and sweater stretch incredibly tight over her new tits, but she didn’t even own a bra this size.

To save herself some trouble she snagged one of Bobby’s sweatshirts. It had the name of his middle school on it, but at least it was baggy and would hide her chest.

She took her robe and went to the bathroom to have a shower. The hot water poured over the body and ran in a river between her huge tits, washing away any remaining traces of Bobby’s cum. She stayed in until the bathroom was completely fogged, then got out and dried off.

Back in her room she found her loosest pair of jeans and put them on. Her legs slipped in just fine to the skinny jeans, but her ass was another story. But Jeni tugged and squeezed and wiggled until the jeans covered her ass and she could button them. She hadn’t put on panties before trying them on, but now that they were on she didn’t feel like getting them off again.

She put on another tight tank top. It was a struggle getting it on and situated over her breasts, but at least its snugness would hold them in place.

Once she was dressed she optimistically checked in on Bobby, but he was still asleep and his cock appeared to still be in recovery mode.

She went downstairs to find the house empty. Her parents must have gone to breakfast after church. She realized she probably should have considered this before she and Bobby had made all that noise upstairs, but she hadn’t exactly been thinking straight.

The 16-year-old flopped down on the couch. A lot had changed in the last 12 hours or so. In a way, fooling around with Bobby had been a strange way to react to her new body, but he was the only person in the house who would understand. Not only that, he was probably one of the few people in the country. The vast majority of GRO users were probably in Europe. Close to home there was just her, Bobby and…

“Adam!” she gasped. Her brother’s friend. He’d also used the GRO, or at least he had a tube. She felt her pussy moisten at the thought. If he had used it and it had worked, her little brother’s dorky friend could be sporting a giant cock, too. Bobby was out of commission, and their parents would probably be home before he recovered. But Adam might just be a possibility!

She picked up her phone. She had Adam’s home number and mobile number from having to call after Bobby. She pulled it up, but then hesitated. What if he hadn’t used the GRO? And if he had, what if it hadn’t worked? Or what if it had, but he’d already found someone to use his new toy on – a girlfriend or even a neighbor? He could be as drained as Bobby.

Either way, how was she going to find out, ask him? Hey Adam, did you use a cream that made your cock grow really big? she imagined asking. Then she imagined the cops arriving at her house to take her away for making lewd phone calls to young boys.

She could just go over there, pretend to be looking for Bobby. Then she could feel out the situation. Flirt a little and see if his pants got tight.

She didn’t consider it another moment. She grabbed her keys and got in her car. After a few minutes of driving she arrived at Adam’s house. His parents’ car wasn’t parked in front – that was a good sign. If everything went well they might have a window of uninterrupted time to themselves for…well, all sorts of things! Jeni grinned naughtily to herself.

She parked on the street and got out of the car. Looking at her reflection in the window, she wished she had taken the time to put on makeup. She got some lip gloss out of her purse and put on a heavy coat. Now her lips shined wetly and Jeni hoped this would give Adam some ideas. She debated leaving the oversized sweatshirt on, but then stripped it off and looked at herself again – much better. Adam would undoubtedly notice that she’d changed, but if he’d used the cream he would know how and why. If not, she figured she could snow him by saying she was on her period or something hormonal like that. He was 13 – what did he know?

Giving one more glance at her reflection she stepped away from the car and jogged to the front door. Running made her tits bounce, rubbing her nipples inside her tank top. They hardened and shined like high beams. Jeni didn’t mind. She was on a mission.

She knocked on the door and stepped back, hands on her hips a smile on her face. She heard footsteps and then the lock unlatch. The door swung open.

Jeni had aimed her gaze at where Adam’s face would have been, but instead she was staring at two muscular pecs. Her gaze flicked involuntarily lower – yup, a perfectly defined and glistening six pack – and then higher once again to a face she recognized.

“Chris!” she said, surprised. Adam’s older brother. He had been away in the Navy for the past four years. Or was it prison? His appearance supported either theory.

Chris stood staring at her silently with a cocky, half-amused look on his face. He was shirtless, with loose nylon basketball shorts underneath. He was glistening with a sheen of sweat, like he’d been working out.

“Can I help you?” he asked. His cocky smile made Jeni annoyed and horny at the same time.

“Do you remember me? Jeni – Bobby’s sister,” she muttered, suddenly self-conscious. She dropped her hands to her sides, then clasped them behind her back like an obedient child. Chris was 22 and his presence made her feel like a little kid.

However, the act of putting her hands behind her back thrust her chest out, and she caught sight of her own breasts in the bottom of her field of vision. This had the effect of making her blush, and making her remember her mission.

“Is my brother Bobby here?” she asked, since he still hadn’t answered her first question.

“Nope.” Still smirking at her.

“Oh. Is Adam here?”

“Now what do you want Adam for?” Chris asked. He sounded suspicious, but he also sounded like he already knew the answer.

“I just have to ask him something,” she said, her eyes going wide.

“Well, he isn’t here,” Chris said.


DAMN! she thought. She figured she’d have to back home and wait until tonight to satisfy the ache in her pussy – a desire that was only intensifying over time.

Then something occurred to her. What had Bobby said about the GRO? He had gotten it from Adam, and Adam had gotten it from…

“Actually!” she began, a little too eagerly. She stopped, calmed herself and put on her best flirty smile. “Actually maybe there is something you can help me with. Can I come in?”

Chris chuckled darkly and said, “Of course you can come in.” He stepped aside and let her in past him.

Again, the questions she’d had about Adam arose, but this time about Chris. How could she find out if he’d used the cream to the effect she and Bobby had without raising suspicion or embarrassing herself to death.

If he was any kind of man, his view down her shirt while they talked at the door should have at least given him a semi. But it was impossible to tell in his loose basketball shorts.

She walked into the house and found herself in the living room. Chris closed the door and stepped in very close to her. Seducing him might not be so hard, after all. The problem was, she didn’t know if he had used the cream. His cock could be average size, and after her adventures this morning, she was loath to lose her virginity to an average penis. She could have done that already. If she was going to give Chris a chance with a body like hers, she needed to get something in return.

“So,” she began, “are we all alone?”

Again he chuckled. It was a sexy kind of chuckle. Deep and confident.

“Yup,” he said. He stepped closer and his abs made contact with her jutting breasts. Not that this meant he was really that close – Jeni’s breasts now did a lot of jutting. He was still miles away from stepping on her toes.

Before she could think of what else to say he spoke again. “You know, you’d think I would remember you.” Implying that he didn’t. That was fine. He would remember her after this.

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” she asked, giving him what she hoped was her own naughty, sly smile.

“Because you’re fucking hot as hell, that’s why!” he said with a laugh.

She laughed with him and brought her hands up to clasp around his neck. This made her tits press tightly against his hard chest. She wanted to look down to see if he was sporting a noticeably hard-on yet, but her own breasts blocked her view.

Instead she brought her leg in between his and pressed her hips into him. She had to lean back some and rely on her arms to hold her up, but she thought she could feel his cock pressed against her upper thigh. That, too, was a good sign, but still not definitive. She’d have to get him to show her.

“Really?” she asked, grinning big and putting just a little girlish squeal in her voice. She wiggled and made her tits rub his hard abs more. Now his hands got involved, grabbing her round little ass through her tight jeans and pulling her in.

“You know you are! Look at how you dressed to come over here, Jeni. You know your brother isn’t here. You probably knew my brother wasn’t either. Let me just see…”

She felt his hand enter the waistband and go down her pants a little way.

“Yup, no panties.” He smiled at her darkly. She felt a little afraid, but even more turned on by his aggressive demeanor. “You came over her hoping I would fuck you, didn’t you, you little slut?”

Jeni didn’t know how to answer. Technically he was wrong – she’d come over here so Adam, Chris’s 13-year-old brother could fuck her.

But in the larger matter he was right – she was acting like a little slut. Not an hour ago she’d been swallowing and getting covered in her own little brother’s thick cum after he’d brought her to two stupendous orgasms. Now she was letting a relative stranger grope her while she considered whether his cock was big enough to grant him her virginity.

It was, in the end, all too much.

Jeni released Chris’s neck and stepped slightly back, looking at him with wide, panicked eyes. He let her go, wondering what she would do next. He also took a moment to check her out again. She was certainly a sight to behold – petite, skinny and blonde, but with gigantic tits and a round little ass encased in the tightest jeans Chris had ever seen. Her face was cute and young – he guessed she was underage – and her lips shined wetly.

She stood apart from him for a heartbeat, then just as suddenly as she’d broken their embrace, she dropped to her knees in front of him and clutched at his waistband. It was elastic so pulling it down was easy. What wasn’t easy was pulling if far enough down that his cock would come free.

Ever since Chris had used the GRO cream a week ago, his cock had become a blessing and a curse. It had grown in length and girth – exactly as he had wanted. Now he sported a 12-inch veiny python. The GRO had also increased his sensitivity and improved his sexual stamina. He had proven that on some of the neighborhood girls. After the first one the word had spread, resulting in visits like this. Not that he minded!

The curse was that, ever since, he hadn’t been able to wear normal pants in a week. He was forced to wear these long basketball shorts. Luckily his cock had enough weight even when hard to keep it basically pointing straight down his leg. This made it easier to hide.

Easier to hide was a main concern of his, since he was almost constantly hard now. Therein also lay the curse.

Not that any man wouldn’t be hard as fuck around this little whore, he thought, looking down at Jeni tugging his shorts down until his cock sprung free and hit her in the chin. She looked up at him, but the look on her face made it appear that she was looking heavenward to thank God for his enormous dick.

She let his shorts go and held is cock in both hands looking at it reverently. Then her shiny pink lips parted and slipped over the head of his penis and the young girl began bobbing her head.

Holy fuck, Chris thought, this girl sucks cock like a champ. She was taking a few inches of his prick into her warm little mouth while she swirled her tongue round the underside. She definitely was the best little cocksucker he’d fed his big meat to so far.

And those tits! Sweet jesus, he could almost swear they were fake. If she hadn’t been so young he would have bet money on it. But what doctor in his right mind would turn a sweet looking girl like this into a veritable sex doll? It was immoral – and also hot as a motherfucker.

To convince himself they weren’t full of silicone, Chris bent over slightly and slipped his hands into her top. He cupped her melons and gave them a squeeze – yup, they were real. When he did this he felt Jeni moan around his cock.

Oh, sensitive tits, huh? Chris thought. He gave them another squeeze, then pinched her little nipples for good measure.

When he did, Jeni’s eyes closed tight, her brow furrowed and she moaned extra loud. Then Chris felt her push his cock deeper in her mouth until the ridge of his cockhead pushed past her tonsils and into her throat.

Chris stood very still, partially because he was trying to figure out what had just happened to the eager little cocksucker on her knees before him, and also because he was shocked to find her now deep-throating him. So far, no one had been able to do that. Just this little slut.

She was panting through her nose from whatever had happened when he pinched her nipples, but she never stopped bobbing her head, and Chris could feel his cockhead being massaged by the warm wetness of her throat.

Seeing an opportunity for experiment, he rubbed Jeni’s nipples in small circles. The moment he did she started bobbing her head faster. Oh, fuck! That feels amazing. Won’t take much of that to give this whore what she wants.

“Yeah baby, that’s it,” he said. “That’s a good girl. Suck that cock, you little slut. You’re about to make that big cock cum.”

When he said his her eyes opened and she looked up. Then she pulled him from her throat and out of her mouth. She seemed to gag a little on the way out. Chris thought it made her look cute and very sexy.

“What’s the matter, slut?” he asked. “Don’t you want to deep-throat this monster dick and swallow my cum?”

She pouted and gave his cockhead a kiss.

“I do. I really do! And I promise I will. I’ll take your big…” And she kissed his cockhead again.

“Hard…” Kiss.

“Gorgeous cock…” Kiss. “Into my hot…” Kiss. “Wet…” Kiss. “Little mouth.” Kiss. “And swallow all your cum.” Kiss.

God damn, Chris thought, this little girl is sexy as hell. Even though she had stopped sucking him, the sweet kisses she was giving his engorged cock were keeping him pretty worked up.

“But first,” Jeni said, “I really, really need you to fuck me!” She was looking up into his eyes and smiling naughtily at him.

“Damn, girl, you really are a hot little slut, huh?” he said. She smiled and nodded, holding his hands to help herself to her feet. He couldn’t believe this. Most of the girls resented him calling them sluts and whores, even though they knew that’s what they were. This girl nodded and agreed!

Jeni got to her feet and turned her back to him. She unbuttoned her tight jeans and started pushing them down and over her round bottom. Chris helped, eager to see what was underneath. Together they forced her jeans down and she kicked them off. She smiled over her shoulder and put her hands on the arm of the couch, leaning forward and offering him her pussy and ass.

And what a fine pussy and ass they were, too. Chris had to stand back a pace and admire them. Her butt was tight and round, and her skinny thighs gapped wide at the top to give full access to the shaved and smooth pussy lips between them.

Jeni wiggled her ass and grinned over her shoulder at him. “Well? Will you?”

It was Chris’s turn to grin. “Will I what?”

“Will you please, please fuck me? Will you please put that big, strong cock in my tight little pussy and fuck me?”

Chris didn’t need any more encouragement. He pushed up behind her and aimed his cockhead at the pink slit between her legs. He wiggled it back and forth, getting the head wet with her juices, which were flowing generously. Once his cockhead shined with her pussy oil he pushed ahead.

“Mmmmm, yes! That’s it baby, please put it in me,” she was begging over her shoulder at him. But god damn this bitch was tight! His impressive cock made most girls a tight fit, but this one was different.

“Come on, please! I need it, baby! Oh, FUCK!”

Her pleading was interrupted and changed to a cry of pain and intense pleasure as his grabbed her hips and thrust his cock forward. It sunk another two inches into her cunt before hitting more resistance.

“Oh fuck… Oh fuck…” she was panting. But she was also smiling. “Yes, baby that’s it!”

Chris tried going forward but it seemed he couldn’t. He was only about three inches in her – no girl’s pussy was only three inches deep. If she hadn’t put on such a slutty display for him, he’d think she was a virgin. Maybe her boyfriend just had a tiny dick. That would explain why she was here to get some of his.

Chris started to thrust in and out, although his strokes her necessarily shallow. It seemed to be working for little Jeni, though.

“Oh. Oh! OH!” she was crying with each thrust. Chris could feel her pussy juices coating his cock as she got wetter and wetter. Deciding she was probably warmed up enough, he clutched her slender hips again, pulled out as far as he could, then rammed forward hard.

“OooooOOOOOH! FUCK!” she screamed as Chris felt something pop inside her. He almost tripped as his cock sunk several more inches further inside of her before hitting another barrier, this one feeling more like the bottom of her pussy.

“Oh! Oh! Oh, fuck! Oh my fucking god yessssssssssss,” Jeni was saying as her super-tight pussy flexed and squeezed Chris’s massive cock. Was she cumming? Had he made this little slut cum just by putting his cock in her? It would seem so.

But just to make sure, Chris reached in front of her and pinched her nipples. This elicited the desired effect. Jeni’s pussy spasms increased, her back arched and she screamed out loud as the already orgasmic sensations climbed off the charts.

While she was cumming, Chris started thrusting. God, her pussy was tight and it was driving him absolutely crazy. His cock wasn’t all the way in her yet, just over halfway. But he was entering her deeper with each thrust. She kept looking back at him with intense lust and what appeared to be gratitude. He was feeling grateful too, that such a hot little slut had showed up on his doorstep this morning.

Jeni hadn’t ever thought she’d save her virginity for marriage, but she had figured it would be a special occasion. In a hotel room after prom, perhaps. Maybe at spring break. But always with someone she loved, or at least knew very well and liked a lot.

She had never considered stripping down, bending over a couch and begging a strange older guy to fuck her, but that’s exactly how her first time was turning out. How did Jeni feel about this? It was fucking awesome!

Not that Jeni didn’t feel like a complete slut right now. She was naked – well, no, not naked, just naked enough to take a cock in her pussy – with a hot dude she barely knew and certainly never planned to screw nailing her from behind. She was losing her virginity at age 16 and she couldn’t even look her lover in the eyes!

She didn’t mind a bit, though. Every time she thought about what a nasty little whore she was being – or when Chris called her a slut, which he had been doing since she arrived – her pussy got wetter and her continuous orgasm intensified.

Chris had figured out how to play her body like an instrument in the few short minutes they’d known one another. He was thrusting hard into her by now, keeping her riding a wave of orgasm. She felt so completely full of his cock when he thrust in and so, so empty when he withdrew.

Then, every now and again he would pinch her nipples or slap her ass and send her crashing through another level of ecstasy. But soon she thought she heard his breath coming faster and more ragged.

“Oh yeah. Oh yeah, slut, that’s it. That’s a tight little pussy you have. God damn, your pussy feels good!” From the tone of his voice Jeni was pretty sure Chris was about to cum. And even though she knew she shouldn’t, there was just one thing she wanted him to do…

“Yeah, baby, yeah. Cum in my tight little pussy! Fill up my tight, slutty, teenage pussy! Cum in me! Please, oh, please fucking cum in me!” she was begging. One part of her brain was screaming at her to make him pull out. She thought of the huge loads Bobby had given her this morning. Chris’s cock and balls were even bigger than Bobby’s. Would his loads be bigger too?

But the rest of her – her pussy, tits, ass and hell, her heart if she was honest – were shouting the more careful part down. She wanted this. She needed this. She had already lost her virginity in the most slutty way she could think of. It wouldn’t be complete unless she let this big stud cum in her too.

Chris must have listened – or maybe he just didn’t care. He clutched her slim hips and gave a final, massive thrust forward. Jeni felt his cockhead, which had been battering against her cervix, push past the barrier. Then she felt his cock swell, lurch and shoot the first spurt of cum ever to enter her teenage body.

The first, but certainly not the last as his cock sprayed little Jeni’s insides with a load that was at least equal and probably greater than either load Bobby had shot. Every time his cock jumped – eight, nine, now ten times – Jeni felt like she was being sprayed on the inside with a water hose. Soon his cum overfilled her womb. With no room left in her pussy it spurted around the edges of Chris’s cock and ran down her legs and coated his huge balls.

Impaled there on what she thought was probably the biggest cock in town, full of this man’s cum and with streams of the thick cream running down her thighs, Jeni had never felt more proud or more feminine.

When Chris’s cock stopped spurting he reached under her and grabbed her large tits in his strong hands. Using these as handles, he hauled her upright, so her back was pressed to his chest. It was almost a hug, albeit a hyper-sexual hug since his cock was still buried in her cunt and he was massaging her pornstar tits.

Jeni’s back had to arch obscenely to accommodate this position. Her feet were still touching the ground, but she doubted they would support her. Most of her weight was being supported by Chris’s hands and cock, which was still hard inside her.

Chris seemed to sense this. He pivoted on his feet, took one awkward step and half-lowered, half-fell onto the couch. Jeni, still impaled, landed on his lap. The impact of their fall drove Chris’s tool deeper inside her, causing Jeni to squeal and a bit of cum to spurt out onto his nutsack where it was now lodged firmly against Jeni’s mons.

Jeni rubbed at the fresh dollop of cum with her fingertips, using it as an opportunity to feel Chris’s big balls again. Then she brought her hand to her mouth and licked the cum off her fingertips, making a yummy sound as she did.

Chris’s cum tasted different than Bobby’s, but still delicious. She went back for seconds with her fingers, then decided to fulfill her promise to suck him.

She sat up on his lap, now in what would have been the reverse cowgirl position if she’d done it on purpose. Her feet were touching the ground again, barely, on the outside of his. She used them to lift herself up slightly and drop back down.

“Oh!” she cried. That felt good! She did it again, and again. She rested her hands on his knees and used her arms to give herself more leverage. Soon she was bouncing on his cock again in somewhat shallow, quick strokes. Chris, perhaps awakening after passing out or maybe just now catching on to her act, grabbed her hips and started meeting her bounces with thrusts of his own.

Jeni was soon in full fuck mode again, making her little noises and occasionally begging for more. She was a lot wetter than before, due to the huge load of cum Chris had filled her with, but no less tight.

Chris wasn’t surprised that Jeni was ready for more. All the other little sluts that had been paying him visits couldn’t stop at just one fuck, either. He was, however, happier that she wanted more than he usually was. This girl was hot!

Her ass was fucking perfect – round and firm and he had a great view of it. As soon as they’d gotten into a good rhythm he took his hands off her hips and started exploring her ass. He soon discovered that her bottom was almost as sensitive as her big titties. All it took was a smack, squeeze or pinch and she would groan loudly and her pussy would flex. To say it was making her cum would be to imply that she had ever stopped cumming – Chris just couldn’t tell when one orgasm ended and the next began.

Mainly he just wished her back wasn’t to him so he could see her breasts bounce as she fucked him. Deciding he couldn’t have that, he settled for pulling her tank top up and off – not an easy task, but he was strong and she was distracted. Once she was completely naked he sat up a bit and grasped her bouncing melons, relishing their weight and firmness.

When he did this, Jeni moaned and changed her stroke, Instead of bouncing, she was now making circles with her hips, making a lewd display with her ass and looking back over her shoulder at him, smiling naughtily. She knew she had him in total heaven.

In fact, this new move she was doing felt fucking amazing! He could feel his enlarged balls swelling, bubbling with another load of cum for her.

Just as he was about to blast off inside her, she stopped and rose off his lap. He almost protested, but she turned and kneeled in front of him. The sight of her tits, not to mention seeing her lick her pink lips, made him decide it wasn’t such a bad change.

She grabbed ahold of his cock at the base. As soon as he was no longer inside her more cum leaked from his pisshole, leftover from his last load that had had nowhere to go. Now it joined their combined juices that covered his cock. His balls were a total mess too, having caught much of the semen that had leaked from Jeni’s tight pussy.

These Jeni want to work on first, licking each ball with her soft little tongue and using her lips to clean his pendulous sack. Meanwhile her little hand was stroking his cock up and down slowly, keeping him right on the edge of cumming again.

Finally satisfied that his balls were clean enough, Jeni licked her way up his shaft. She moved it this way and that, cleaning all sides of it and making little sounds like she was licking cake batter off a mixing spoon.

After what seemed like a torturously long time to Chris she reached the tip. Smiling evilly at him over the head of his grand member, she gave him a wink.

“A promise is a promise!” she said, then parted her lips and swallowed the head of his cock. She slowly moved her mouth up and down the first few inches of his prick, looking him in the eyes with a look that was sexy, innocent and hopeful at the same time.

Chris knew it wouldn’t take much of this to make him cum, but he wanted more. Remembering what had happened last time, he reached down and took her heavy tits in his hands. Jeni knew what was coming as well, and she got a look of anticipation and a little fear right before he pinched both nipples.

Just like last time, her body reacted in a very special way. For one, her ass came up off her heels and into the air. This forced her head lower, and Chris’s cock deeper. He felt it pass into her throat again. She moaned around his huge tool and began panting in a way that signified another orgasm had begun. He pinched and rubbed her nipples, and she bobbed her head to the rhythm, taking him deeper in her throat. Soon she was more than halfway down his cock and Chris could simply not take any more.

His whole body tensed as his first shot rocketed out of his cock and down into her belly. Again and again he released, and his cum filled Jeni’s tummy.

Then she pulled him out of her throat so just the head was in her mouth. He was still cumming though, so her mouth quickly filled, then overfilled with huge amounts of hot, white, thick cream. The stuff ran down her chin and onto her massive tits, covering them with a candy coat of his juices.

Jeni, to her credit, kept swallowing like a champ. She kept her mouth on his cock until the last of it bubbled out, all the while moaning and making delicious noises like she was eating the best chocolate sundae of her life.

When Chris’s cock was drained she took him out of her mouth and meticulously cleaned his cock. Then, sitting back on the floor, Jeni rubbed the cum on her tits into her skin like lotion before licking her hand clean.

Chris watched her in amazement the whole time. Most of the girls he’d been with were pretty eager to get dressed and go after he and they had cum. Especially if they were a mess the way Jeni was. He guessed they felt ashamed of themselves, as well they should. What he and Jeni had done was some seriously freaky shit, and any girl that would go in for it was a slut for real.

But Jeni took it to another level. And she was hot as fuck, too! That’s what didn’t make sense. Any girl with her cute face and banging body could get any guy without doing the freaky stuff. Which meant she just really, genuinely loved acting like a whore!

She finished her grooming and smiled at him. She stood up and climbed back onto the couch, straddling his legs. His softening cock was lying across his abs, and Jeni settled her little ass onto his thighs, her shaved pussy resting against his balls.

Her tits were in Chris’s face, but he wasn’t looking at them. He couldn’t take his eyes off her pretty face smiling down at him. Then he felt an urge that he rarely felt, so he acted on it.

Sitting up straighter he wrapped his arms around her waist, raised his face to hers and kissed her.

She seemed shocked at first – she knew as well as he did that this wasn’t that kind of thing – but then she melted into him. Her soft round tits pressed into his well-muscled chest and they made out like lovers for several minutes.

His cock started to harden again and Jeni could feel it. She broke the kiss, smiling.

“Again? Already? Fuck, baby, you’re a machine!” and she reached down to grab his cock.

“Actually, girl, you should go. My folks are going to be back soon, and this place is a total mess.”

Pouting, she stood up. He did too. Looking at the couch, he saw an enormous puddle of their combined cum soaking one of the seats.

“Aww, damn, girl, you messed up my parent’s couch!” he teased. “What am I going to do with you?”

Pausing in her efforts to pull her pants back on over sweaty and cum-covered thighs, Jeni saw the puddle he was referring too. She stepped over, bent deftly at the waist and licked the spot like a cat lapping up spilled cream.

“You’ll think of something,” she said, smiling naughtily at him. Then she straightened and went back to fighting with her jeans. God damn! Chris was once again dumbstruck by how freaky this little slut was.

Finally Jeni got dressed. Chris walked her to the door and they traded an awkward kiss. Neither of them seemed to know how to feel about what had happened, other than knowing they wanted more.

She opened the door to leave and was nearly bowled over by a person coming in. It was Adam. He turned to look at her, then rushed to down the hall to his room without saying a word.

“There he is. You still need to ask him something?” Chris asked, his cocky demeanor firmly back in place.

She gave him a dirty look and walked back to her car. Chris watched her go, and not just to catch one last glimpse of her body as she walked away.

Continued in Part 3…
