Good place to post unfinished stories?

So, I have a story that is ongoing but in chapter form and I want to post it for you lovely peoples to critique; as those on the forum I have posted it don't seem to want to comment, let alone look.

I've had a look at a few websites, but I though I'd as what sites people prefer to use/browse especially for multi-chapter stories (I'm up to the ninth chapter at present). I am far from finished with the full story, but getting some c&c is starting to be necessary to the outcome and style. If anything it's probably a little late, but better late than never.

Oh, for those interested; the story has a paranormal bent, the protagonist Jayce develops the ability to project himself into other people's minds after being shot in the head. He then explores the possibilities afforded him with friends, workmates, even his somewhat sadistic boss with trouble following close behind.



  1. I find it is very difficult to get feedback on Reddit. is good for it from what I’ve heard, but I’m still waiting for my first submission to be posted. It takes a few days.

  2. Apparently there’s an /r/EroticWriting, which *might* be better suited? I’m not sure; this is the first time I’ve been there. But like /u/e-darkbloom said, you’re not going to get a lot of critique here. For my own part, this subreddit is part of my suite of NSFW subreddits. I don’t typically have my critical mind engaged when browsing here. When I do, I’ll read and critique anything. When it’s not, my taste in erotica is vary narrow.

  3. Thank you, strangely I was unaware of /r/Eroticwriting prior to this, it must’ve slipped my gaze. I’ll check it out.

  4. I have only been on Reddit for a short while, but have found some of the subreddits are active enough that a couple of people will comment on my posts; even if only with half a sentence worth. Then again, those tend to deal with Nerf, Warhammer and Photography. I’ll post to Literotica and see what happens. Thank you.

  5. I meant specifically in erotica subreddits. They’re not very active with commenting!

  6. Fair enough, I haven’t tried posting to any of the erotic subreddits yet as I was concerned with length. I was only saying I’d had a good experience so far in other areas of Reddit.

  7. Link me if you do put it up, I’d love to check it out! Or PM me if you’d like. And, to be a shameless whore, do check out the story I posted on /r/eroticliterature & /r/bdsmerotica I’d love some actual feedback! ;)

  8. I just read it. That’s amazingly well written; beautifully described sensations and a great overall flow. The only criticism I have is one or two sentences I felt could be re-structured (too many instances of ‘her’ in one sentence) but that’s all. The grammar, spelling and plain reality of the events described are top notch. Would love to read more. ;{> And I’ll be sure to link/message you when I do post mine somewhere more useful to view than Fetlife.

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