Shinning Astral

I’d hold you tightly against my chest. I’d grab your face, half of my hand on your cheek and the other half on your neck. I’d pull you in gently but strongly towards my lips. I’d kiss you. Forever I’d kiss you. I’d kiss your neck and cheek. I’d pull you up and have you wrap your legs around my waist. I’d start letting my hands wander. Nothing vulgar, everything on top of your clothing. I’d continue to kiss you as I slip my fingers through the hairs on your head. My arm would be under your voluptuous rear as I carry you in midair with your legs still squeezing my waist.

As the sun continues its path downward and the day turns into a cool night, I’d throw you onto the bed. You’d playfully smile at me as the moonlight reflects your eyes, and I’d take off my shirt. I’d remove your top first, leaving your bra on for the time being. As I climb on top of you, kissing your face, lips, neck, shoulders and chest you’d start to slip off your pants. This would get both of our hearts racing and we’d stop for a small second, laughing in disbelief of what’s about to happen.

While the night gradually gets cooler and quieter I can more truly appreciate your beauty. Lord, she’s gorgeous. Your eyes scream at me to go on and I can’t help myself but continue. My pants begin coming off and we continue kissing. I’ll start touching your chest more thoroughly and passionately. My other hand will make its way into your underwear. I’ll start rubbing you softly as it quickly gets your heart rate through the roof. You’ll let out a quiet moan that’ll get me more excited than you can imagine. As I keep appreciating your perfect body with my hands, you look at me and make a downward motion as you wink. I let out a small smile and begin kissing your chest, going lower and lower, passing through your stomach and slipping off your underwear. I start kissing you and sticking my tongue out into your favorite spot. Your back suddenly thrusts into the air while you moan more vigorously and grab my head, pushing me harder towards you. This is your favorite thing I do, so I make sure to do a good job.

The night is at its darkest, the bed is practically empty, pillows and blankets have been tossed to the floor. We kiss more and more. Out of nowhere, we both realize what’s next. You proceed to taking my underwear off and we both begin to shake softly with either excitement or nervousness, or both. As I thrust you let out more passionate and beautiful moans that mean the world to me. Those are indicators that I’m doing something significant. I have lived my whole life secretly admiring your beauty, hoping and pleading this night would come. I continue thrusting harder and quicker and you keep arching your back more and more in sweet agonizing pain. You feel wonderful inside, I can tell. You bite your lip and put your head back as you place your hands against my chest. We go on and on until we’re both exhausted.

The sun has come up, and what remains of us is something beautiful. We fell asleep with our bodies intertwined. Our arms and legs are crossed, our naked bodies still touching as we sleep through the entire morning. We have missed work, but nothing can get us to wake. We’re madly in love and last time we checked, a night of true and passionate love making is worth more than words can describe. I love you.
