Shinning Astral

I’d hold you tightly against my chest. I’d grab your face, half of my hand on your cheek and the other half on your neck. I’d pull you in gently but strongly towards my lips. I’d kiss you. Forever I’d kiss you. I’d kiss your neck and cheek. I’d pull you up and have you wrap your legs around my waist. I’d start letting my hands wander. Nothing vulgar, everything on top of your clothing. I’d continue to kiss you as I slip my fingers through the hairs on your head. My arm would be under your voluptuous rear as I carry you in midair with your legs still squeezing my waist.

As the sun continues its path downward and the day turns into a cool night, I’d throw you onto the bed. You’d playfully smile at me as the moonlight reflects your eyes, and I’d take off my shirt. I’d remove your top first, leaving your bra on for the time being. As I climb on top of you, kissing your face, lips, neck, shoulders and chest you’d start to slip off your pants. This would get both of our hearts racing and we’d stop for a small second, laughing in disbelief of what’s about to happen.

Categorized as Erotica