Ivy pt. 2. .. working on conclusion or “more”. Maybe even a part 3. Open to ideas/suggestions.

written in collaboration with my69shawn Thanks for the help, I have never collaborated in this manner before, and found it super fun. Finished writing without you, hope you like what you see! **YOU CAN READ PART 1 HERE


He awoke on the cold, damp cement floor, head pounding. He rolled over, vision unclear. As he blinked, it became clear that he was still in Ivy's now vacant lair. The cage that held the young woman captive was lying in a corner, twisted from impact… the girl was laying nearby, clearly unconscious. He slowly picked himself up off the floor, to his knees then his feet, surveying his surroundings carefully. He spotted his pile of clothing, armor, shuffled over and collected them in one exhausted reach. He straightened out, put on the basics and approached the sprawled out girl. As he got closer he could see the rise and fall of her chest. She wasn’t dead. He scanned her body for any indication of broken bones, and when he cleared her of any remarkable bruises, he picked her up, draped her over his shoulder and left without a word. He walked briskly out of the building and into the Batmobile, making certain to be unseen.

She was screaming, inside her head, laughing and squealing with excitement silently, though if you looked you could see it in her eyes… they gave away her excitement. She had an impeccable idea. Nothing could stop her. Leaving the dead woman in the alleyway, she donned a full-length trench coat over her green suit now. She had taken the woman’s gloves to hide the green tinge of her hands, and taken her purse, of course. She picked up her pace; eyeing the streets for the most prestigious hotel she could spot. The woman’s purse contained platinum credit, so there was no reason not to spend the night in luxury.

Pulling into the garage, he was exhausted and a little bit ashamed. He had been gone all night, surely Alfred would have noticed. He parked, exited the vehicle and tossed his spare clothing onto a nearby desk. Wiping his face with a heavy hand, he sighed and nodded Alfred’s direction as he entered the lot. “Late night, sir?’ Alfred piped, cheerfully. “Not now”, he groaned, “The girl in the car, she needs to be identified, sent home” he instructed, making his way up to shower. Stumbling down the hall with weak knees, beads of sweat running down his neck, his memory began to clear up. He knew what had happened. He knew he allowed himself to be vulnerable. He knew he had lost the game. But goddamn, he couldn’t deny, it was good. He turned the shower on and inhaled the steam, hoping her toxins would soon leave his body so he could return to the hunt. He couldn’t let her get out of his reach. And he could barely admit his real motives for capturing her.

“No bags” She grinned, eyeing the bus boy as she booked into the grandest hotel she could find. It’s shining gold trim, marble pillars, towered over her. “I will be doing some shopping,” she continued, convincingly, winking at the receptionist. This… this was a good character. She could do this character long term, she thought, if only credit cards lasted forever. Oh well. She was given her room card and escorted by the gangly busboy to the elevator. “Would you like any assistance getting to you room, ma’am?” He asked, holding the elevator door open for her. “Yes, show me to my room. And carry my purse.” She demanded of him, sweetly yet sternly. He was a little taste of candy. Young and thin, he would do for now.

As he reached for the white towel, he paused, overtaken by a powerful flashback. The short skirt clad ass of the caged trophy woman was grinding just below his waist. In his mind, he remembered, she had arched away from his hips, her white panties were pulled aside with his own cock embedded inside her. He shook his head to break the image. Drying himself, clothing, and returning to his desk, he wondered if he would ever recall the entirety of the events that had passed. He sighed and logged into his systems, calling down to Alfred to check on the unnamed woman. “She will be heading home soon, with no recollection of this place” he was informed. He took a deep breath and flipped a switch… not a single word on the police scanners as to the whereabouts or activity of Ivy, which brought relief and concern at the same time.

The elevator came to a halt. Ivy quickly pulled her hands from the grid of buttons as the bus boy turned. "Umm… Madam, did you push a button by accident?” Ivy took the innocent teen's hand, pulled it within the folds of her trench coat, placing it against her green mound between her thighs. "Maybe if you push my buttons, it'll fix it". Her free hand brushed against his waist, lacing his belt and waistband with bubbling serum that ate at the leather and fabric. "Gosh, ma'am" he said awe struck at the unfamiliar warmth under his fingertips, unable to notice his pants had slipped from his hips. An oversized boyhood pressing against the slit of his boxers made it clear how he spent every free hour alone exercising just one muscle. She leaned forward and slowly licked the edge of his ear, bottom to top, before breathing hotly against his cheek and grabbing an ass cheek with one of her hands. She bit her lip and slid her other hand up and down the front of his thigh, shifting his boxers until his hardened shaft slipped out. She gripped it firmly and tugged ever so slightly, causing him to sway backward, eyes rolled into the back of his head, mouth hanging wide open, gasping for air. He pushed his hips forward, silently begging for more. She grinned smugly and knelt before him, toyed his throbbing tip with her lips, swirled her tongue around his girth and took him inside her mouth. She kept her eyes up, on him, enthralled at the stupor she had induced upon him. As she sucked and teased him, he swayed, gasped and shuddered. It was clear she was going to make him climax soon.

“We can’t have that,” she thought to herself. “No man deserves to climax FIRST!” She chuckled, mouth full, and slipped some acid onto his length as she slid her mouth from him. Her sore spot for men had been irritated… vengeance would ensue. The bellboy immediately felt the sting and screeched, screamed, cupping his manhood and leaning forward unable to catch his breath. “This is my stop…” She said carelessly, opening the elevator doors and leaving the boy to deal with an agonizing mess. She watched the elevator doors close, taking the poor young man back to the main floor. Surely he would tell someone, so quickly Ivy slid her key card out of her bosom and strutted down the hall, to her room.

Hearing a crackle on the radio, he perked up his ears, pausing his spoon in hand to listen clearly. He could hear –poison- @#$%&*!@#$ –burn- …

“Alfred! Adjust that, it sounds important.”

“I believe you’re right,” Alfred concurred, fiddling with the wires and antenna to clean up the signal. For a moment, silence, so Bruce quickly finished up his soup and stood up and stepped closer to the radio. “What do you think it was, sir?”

“I don’t know. They said poison, I think. But I don’t know fo-”

The radio crackled back in. He stared at it intently. It had to be her. The fuzzy voice echoed “Young man, acid burns, Downtown Hotel, he says it was a woman, red hair. Requesting permission to bust down her door. ~permission granted~” He was already on his way down to suit up. He couldn’t let her get away again.

She was humming to herself. Having barricaded her hotel room door with everything in the room, and having rapidly growing vines secure the massive stack of furniture, she laid back in a hot bubble bath in the sunken Jacuzzi tub that came with the expensive room. The police approached the door. Vines were oozing out the cracks, enveloping it in tiny, poisonous vines. An officer shouted “Come out with your hands up, or we’re coming in!” “Come in, if you like!” She shouted back, playing with the bubbles and massaging her breasts fondly. A second officer ripped at the vines to expose the doorknob, only to notice his hand had begun to smoke, bubble and burn.

“It’s acid! More acid!” He screamed, running to find an icebox to relieve the burning. The Batman had appeared behind the small group of officers without their noticing. “It’s poison, the vines. You can’t get in this way.” He growled at the police. “I’ll go around. I’ll get her.” “Can’t we just blow the door?” “And risk vine shrapnel landing on everyone? No. I’ll go around. Enter through the window.” “Well fine, but we want her in our prison. We detain her” another officer chimed in. “You couldn’t hold her if you wanted to” he sneered back, leaving through the stairwell.

She was soaking in the hot tub, buried in bubbles and warm water. She let the jets massage her aching back, tickle her feet, poke at her ass. She was rubbing the bubbles all over her belly, her chest, fondling her breasts gently when she heard a –tap tap tap-. She turned slowly to see him, watching her through the window. There was no way out of this room, so she simply stayed. She kneeled on the hot tub seat, rested her elbows on the edge of the tub and lowered her chin on her folded arms. Watching him intently, she grinned and wiggled her hips back and forth, having noticed a jet stream of water blasting between her thighs. He became mesmerized by her lolling tits resting against the edge of the tub, squished behind her arms. He gently fiddled with the edge of the window, thumbing at the finishing, slowly working his way at getting in. His focus was not on getting into the room, but rather on her. He watched her curvy body twist as the bubbles began to fade. She was biting her lip, shuddering as she pushed her hips closer to the side of the tub. Her slender body twitched and her mouth hung open, presumably moaning. He could feel his pants tighten; he had to get in there, in her. As soon as her eyes rolled back and closed, he began pushing at the window harder until it shifted. He lowered the pane to the floor and gently climbed in, closing the curtains behind him. The howl of sirens and chopping of helicopters could be heard in the background. All he could hear was her panting and moaning. She was seething, gripping the edge of the tub hard. She heard him approach, opened her eyes and looked up at him, pouting with swollen lips.

“If you want to take me away, you will have to come in here and get me…” she whispered between groaning. She pulled her body again closer to the side of the tub, the jet pushing her pussy open; blasting water onto her clit in such a forceful manner she could barely breathe from overwhelming pleasure. She came so close to climax, but repeatedly the jets were too strong and she would twitch out of the way. It was too strong, but so, so good. She gripped the side of the tub hard, trying her best to keep her body still, blasting her clit with the jet, putting herself in a euphoric state, but again as she almost came her body convulsed, twitched and she shifted. By now he was undressed and had slid behind her in the tub, his hardened cock pressing against the small of her back. He leaned in and bit the nape of her neck, wrapped his arms around her front and held her soft, juicy breasts. He bit down again, on her shoulder and collarbone, eliciting noises of ecstasy from her. She moaned and gasped aloud, pressing herself back against him, grinding his cock with her soft, round ass. He slid his hands down her sides and held her hips. He lifted her nearly weightless body up closer to him and slid his shaft between her thighs, sliding a hand between her legs, parting her puffy, sensitive, water beaten lips with his fingers. He slid them up and down, feeling her slippery juices against her folds, lubricating her better than water ever could. She raised her arms and wrapped them behind his neck, leaning her head back beside his, allowing him to look down at her goddess-like form. He watched her luscious tits bounce and float in the water while he slid in and out from between her thighs with his cock and fingers. He pushed his fingers into her pussy slowly, rubbing her sensitive clit with his thumb. She groaned and panted as his hand moved faster. She was licking her lips, desperate for orgasm.

He slid his fingers out of her and parted her lips again, sliding his cock in, just part ways. He pushed her forward to lean against the edge of the tub again and placed his fingers on her clit so he could align it with one of the tub’s jet. Once it was just right, he slowly removed his hand from her pussy, allowing the powerful water stream to spray against her, causing her to whimper and convulse again. He gripped her hips hard, holding her in perfect place. As he began to slide in and out of her, he could feel her tighten around him. He began to thrust harder, deeper, in a trance set by her body, the feel of being inside her tight hole. She was lying against the tub, unable to hold herself up. Aloud, she whimpered and wailed, unable to compose herself. The movement of his cock, sliding against her g-spot, in and out of her lips, the jet pushing her clit, it all made her nearly unable to breathe. As he began to thrust harder, faster, she began to peak. She whined at him, ooo’s and aah’s, until she couldn’t handle being held at the brink any longer.

“Make me cum, do it and I’ll leave here with you.” With this, he gripped her hips harder and pressed them flush against the tub. The jet sprayed her clit and the blast tickled her pussy lips, intensifying his thrusts. He gripped his shaft and drew a circle against the entrance of her pussy, teasing her before slamming against her, as deep as he could. They both shuddered, she gasped and sighed, he grunted and pressed his lips against her shoulder, spurting his seed deep inside her. He panted and leaned against her, she resting her head on her arms, enjoying the heat of the tub, and the jet still spraying against her mound, tickling.

Minutes later, he was toweling off behind a transparent room partition. She was sitting in the tub still, sipping on some wine she had forgotten she set aside. “Why don’t you just keep me for a pet, you obviously like me” she teased. “I would have to lock you up. You can’t control yourself, causing damage, ruining lives…” “What am I supposed to do with myself? Look at me, I was ruined by science, I have no place in this world except to ruin things. I never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it” she huffed, taking another sip of wine. “You know that’s not true. Now get up” he demanded, now fully clothed, holding a towel out. “Oh, ruin my fun, will you” she pouted, turning and grinning, tipping her cup to finish the last sip of wine. “It’s time to go, before they try to get in here and you try to leave again”.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1zkr6a/ivy_pt_2_working_on_conclusion_or_more_maybe_even


  1. Very hot! You definitely need to write another one. I’m obsessed with Poison Ivy and I loved reading this. You should link to your first story too, for those who haven’t read it yet.

  2. Thanks :) I will link it once I’m not on mobile and know what I’m doing! ;)

  3. Thanks. I put a link at the top of the story, but did it wrong. Will fix ASAP Edit: fixed it!

  4. Man… You never dissapoint. Looks like since i first asked ur getting better :D. Just an idea, Part 3 in the Batcave? Anyways, thanks for putting so much work and time into this its really appreciated.

  5. *Woman.. Lol. And thanks! I had a little help, luckily! Really helped me get done in good time. I was thinking batcave, or bathouse at very least. Glad to hear some input! :)

  6. Nice, thanks for the credit even though I only helped with a couple paragraphs. Lollipop has the impressive story imagining and telling skills. I do like what I see. :-)

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