A Long Train Ride Part 2 [MF] [40s 50s] [Edging] [Discrete] [CFCM]

I woke around 3 am. She was still asleep and was sitting directly across from me as she moved over so she could lean against the window. I watched her sleep, remembering the look in her eyes. Her feet were pulled up onto the seat next to her and I couldn’t help staring at them, still amazed at what they did to me, what she did to me. I wanted so badly to reach across and touch her, but discretion was required here. While no one sat across the aisle from us, there were numerous travelers spread throughout the car.

Finally, she stirred and caught me watching her.

“Well good morning sleepy” I said with a smile.

“Mmmm..Thanks. I stayed up a bit late last night for some reason” she retorted. “I’m still so sleepy. But just can’t seem to get comfortable here.”

“You could move over here and lean against me if you like. For all these people know, you could be my wife and they’d think nothing about it.” I turned my back to the window, placing a pillow behind me and throwing a leg up on the seat in front of me. I patted the seat with my hand, “Come on over. It’s the least I can do.”

A Gentleman at a Bar Loans me His Wife

I’d met this nice couple at a bar , and we’d had a few drinks and talked politics and poetry and sort of hit it off . The husband was tall and solidly built much like myself , with silver speckled thru his dark hair and the wife was a hot soccer mom dirty blonde . She had full d cup breast and wide hips and ass . They were delightful . Smart and funny , but also weirdly relaxed talking to big black man in a bar they didn’t know .

The husband over the e course of the convo became more and more quiet , more of a fly on the wall as me and the wife turned the convo more from politics to poetry and philosophy. She’d studied and earned her PHD in Philosophy and I’d considered my self a connoisseur of it myself . Oddly enough the husband and we didn’t seem upset that we hit it off . He actually began to order more and more drinks and sort of ply us with liquor .

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Another Universe

“That there could be an infinite number of universes each with a different law of physics. Our Universe could be just one bubble floating in an ocean of other bubbles.”

-Michio Kaku (Physicist)

*Fuck I’m hungry, and I’m stuck in this hotel.*

He was so bored, and lonely. Staying in a hotel for reserve military duty, hours from home, hours from his wife, hours from his kids. What a weird dichotomy of feelings. He hated his life…he was ready to admit that to himself now. He did not love his wife…or at least did not love her the way he should. She treated him like shit…maybe he treated her like shit as well…he wasn’t going to live in denial that it probably goes both ways, you really can’t have a failing marriage caused 100% by one party, or at least not often. He really did feel abused though, emotionally, verbally…and trapped, definitely trapped. He loved his kids more than anything in the universe and readily admitted to himself he stayed married for them. He didn’t want a broken family, but god fucking damnit he was tired of the abuse. And so a large part of him enjoyed this time away from his wife to perform his military duty. It was his escape, his refuge from the constant abuse. He just missed his kids…dearly.

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Our First Swing – Epilogue [MF]

Ok so I wasn’t planning on adding more to this series, because the main thing I wanted to get out was the experiences that led to the first time my wife and I fucked other people and I think I (finally) got to that in my previous post.

But enough people said they wanted more so I guess I can wrap that weekend up before writing up some of our other encounters.

After I came in Mary’s tight pussy, it was almost an awkward atmosphere in the room. I don’t know about other men, but for me it usually takes a bit of time for me to be ready for round two. So in the mean time, I was sitting there with a quickly softening dick, surrounded by two gorgeous naked women, and my wife and my friend on the other couch, naked and watching the show we just put on.

It took a bit of time, but Oliver and I were eventually ready to each go again. This time Jenni decided to tag team him with my wife while Mary and I got some time alone. The first time I was inside her was pure desire and need. Now that I had gotten one orgasm out of the way, I could take my time.


About 6 months ago I started dating a much younger girl. I’m [M48] very dominant and Kate [F23] very demure and submissive. We have had a great sex life that includes a lot of light bondage and domestic submission. So we have collected a few pieces of restraint gear and some toys.

I particularly love when she wears an apron and nothing else and cooks for me then stands next to me smiling while I eat, or climbs under the table and sucks my cock while I eat the meal she’s prepared. Her mother taught her well that, the way to a man’s heart is to keep his belly full and his balls empty.

We bought a maid costume and she’ll flit around me when I work from home, dusting and hoovering the carpet. Sometimes she’ll wear a pair of short shorts, but mostly she knows I like summer dresses, stockings nice lingerie and all manner of treats. Anyway she’s the apple of my eye and I’m very protective.

[MF] Fucked my wife on a condo roof while people in the hotel across the street watched

My(30M) wife(30F) were staying at a condo with our family for vacation, as you can imagine, privacy was at a premium. Finally one night we came home from having a few drinks and we went up to the rooftop balcony to fuck bc we were so horny. Well we went up to the deck on top of there and i got her completely naked and we to fuck hard, multiple positions, blowjob, etc. pretty early on i noticed that there were a lot of hotel windows around and then started to notice people standing in them watching us. Finally my wife notices and gets more turned on and motivated to give them a show. We finished up with her on her knees in front of me while i jerked off onto her face, hoping that everyone liked what they saw ;)

I flirted with my friend’s dad and got more than I bargained for [F21/M40s/F40s] [groping] [oral] [threesome] [sex] [age difference]

I was dorky as a teen, not knowing how to dress my awkward, gangling long limbs and thinking that the acne on my face was ‘no big deal.’ I wasn’t a pretty sight, and my ill-fitting clothes and pizza-face and granny glasses helped none. I cringe thinking back to the girl I was then, thankful that I’ve figured things out.

But an adolescence full of guys scoffing when I came near, making fun of me when I talked, and just generally being assholes has left its scars on my confidence. Now that I’m a little older and fitter and hotter, my gut reaction whenever a guy makes a move is to shoot him down, since he’s obviously making fun of me. I do it immediately, automatically, a defense mechanism against rejection, no matter how cute and sincere he is.

I’m trying to stop doing that. Yet old habits are hard to break.

I need a confidence boost, and I think I’ve found one, even though when I think through what I’m planning, I freak out and panic and second-guess myself.

The Babysitter [M33/F19] – Part 2

“Please, call me Dave. Mr. Johnson is too formal”. I gave a chuckle but I couldn’t lie – when she called me Mr. Johnson I felt a vague blood rush.
You gave a sweet courtesy chuckle and said “Fair enough Dave! my name is Lindsey and I’m excited to bring some relief to your family!” – interesting way to put it, I thought to myself.

The Wife chimed in “well yes Lindsey – you are absolutely a godsend. We have other obligations beyond this family and apparently we can’t manage ourselves. We thought that we would show you around the house and introduce you to our precious son. You would then spend some time with him today: play, give him food, put him on his nap and be with him when he wakes up. He’s now inside with my mother, she just came briefly to look after him while we show you around. I have to leave for a work commitment, but Dave will be here today to support you on the first day if Leo, our son, gets too much or is too shy”.

I raised my eyebrows and must have looked surprised because Lindsey asked somewhat worried “is everything all right Mr.John.. I mean Dave?”

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The Babysitter [M33/F19] – part 1

I was disgruntled, somewhat unhappy that we needed a babysitter.

We were both working, but it had strained mine and the wife’s relationship. For quite sometime I was the one who always had to look after our child if something came up. Take him to the daycare, pick him up from the daycare, look after him when he was sick, etc. I told her it was unfair and I couldn’t constantly be the one who steps up. My hope was that she would have realized this and said that she would contribute. But no. She immediately said that we would then get a babysitter. Before I knew it, we stood on our doorstep waiting for her to arrive. My wife had found an ad for this babysitter, she had great references and referrals. The ad stated that she had just moved to the area and therefore was looking for a new family.

We stood there with the wife, bickering about something petty when I saw from the corner of my eye a car pulling up. The door was opened and there she was.

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[FM] [33F] [34M] Watching neighbours fuck made us horny

Here is another story from our ‘fun’ vacation.

We were traveling in Portugal, where we rented a cottage at the beach. As we entered our bedroom, we realized the window to our bedroom was only about 8-10 feet away to the bedroom in the next cottage. When we went in the room and our lights were off, we saw the couple next door had their lights on, and the shades & curtains open.

The couple in the next cottage looked to be in their early thirties and were quite attractive. The guy was about 6 ft and slender and his girlfriend/wife was a total knockout. She looked to be about 5 ft 6, with great tits, firm body and had long blonde hair. As our lights were off, and window was closed, they didn’t seem to notice us in the next cottage.

Soon after they started making out and undressing each other. Both of us couldn’t believe our eyes and stool still. My wife and I have been experimenting with our sex life for a while, but we haven’t seen strangers fuck in front of us..so close and un-noticed. It was immediately a big turn for me, and I felt my cock getting hard in my pants. My wife sensed it somehow and started to rub my cock through the pants with her hand.