I’m a first-time poster here, and your feedback is appreciated!
The Kellys had finally moved out. I had always wondered if they would. Their kids, grown, the beautiful backyard pool not getting any use anymore.
They would occasionally invite our own kids over to swim, but that was rare, and honestly not much fun for anyone.
But the new neighbors… Here’s hoping they prove to be a little more fun. There’s always that hope: Will we finally make some good neighbor friends, the kind we want to invite over for grilled burgers and drinks on a pleasant summer evening?
Justin and, funny enough, Kelly. They were young, no kids (yet! They did just buy a two story 3 bedroom house in the suburbs). It was refreshing to have some younger people moving into the neighborhood as some of the original homeowners began to downsize.
We had been one of those younger couples, when my husband and I bought this house eight years ago. We were probably the hot new couple then, the ones that the middle-aged dads and horny housewives secretly wished would befriend them.