For the Love of Stars part 3&4 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long, NSFW]

This is the continued story of a previous post I’ve made. Part 1 and 2 can be found on my profile. These chapters are more erotic than the previous 2 but the best is still to cum!


3. Contact

“This is Captain Lehane of the Colony ship, Gathered Hope, reporting a change in terrain. Our quest for an amicable water source has been fruitless as of now but geological scans showed an undiscovered canyon running through the Castro Planes. We are setting in now, the walls are wide enough to accommodate the Gathered Hope so we’ll take her through.”

A sound like a large fist hitting a metal door sounded over the recording. 

“Lieutenant Eagle, report!” Captain Lehane shouted, his voice sharp and crisp. 

“Negative, Captain!” She responded. “No obvious damage.”

“That’s odd. Did we strike the wall?”

A few clicks sounded before Lieutenant Eagle responded. “Negative. But, whatever happened must have damaged a sensor. We’re suddenly reading a drastic weight increase.”

“Weight increase?” The Captain let a thoughtful silence pass. 

A sound like screaming death came over the recording. Claxton alarms with human shouts filled the audio, making it unintelligible. 

For the Love of Stars part 1&2 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, non consentual-ish, long build]

Hello! This story was inspired by a certain adult video company, known for its live action tentacle porn leaning hard on the exaggerated aspect of hentai animation. I love a good, messy tentacle scene and they DELIVER. This is a messy tentacle scene or two after a good bit of suspense and action. I love sci-fi horror and wanted to give the tentacles their glory day in the hot sun. To be fair, it’s a long read but I’m feeling creative and horny. If you like a slow build, this one’s for you. I had to break it up for the Reddit format so if it seems some earlier parts are less erotic, that’s just part of the build up. I’ll post the whole story as quickly as I can without being too spamming on the feed.

It’s hard to write a good horror story with graphic scenes and not be a little… you know, horror. I did my best, the characters all got hit with the, “oh, I suddenly like this!” stick but tentacles gonna tentacle. 

If you’re just here for the juicy bits, part 7 is about where you’ll want to skip to. 


Looking for Roleplay

Wishing good day to every good fellow out here!

I’m looking for at least a bit active, semi literate roleplay partner. You should write at least three to five sentences, but more is gladly welcome. Even less, but only if the story doesn’t allow you to make it any longer.

So, what are the fandoms, plots and topics I like using and playing in? Well, there’s a huge variety of them!

Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Witcher

Fallout, Marvel, DC

Western (RDR2 inspired), Wrestling (WWE, AEW), Celebrity (usually like Slice of Life or Erotic RP), OC Worlds that you created or we can create one together!

If you would be interested, hmu with a “You still looking, partner? I’m interested in (insert one of the topics)” and I’ll be sure to respond to 12 hours!

[Part 11] Lisa Galaxia – Green Eggs and Shame (public embarrassment, nudity, sci-fi, choose your own adventure saga)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub]( – For those who want to read old chapters or a summary to get caught up!

Previously Lisa and Rachel were captured by pirates who trapped them in a room with squid-like Night Terrors for entertainment. After the Night Terrors had deposited their eggs inside the women they were dumped nude back in their ship.

Rejected storylines from last time were choosing to join the pirates (self-explanatory), making a distress call (being rescued and taken to an umm… questionable medical facility), going to the abandoned military facility (meeting a group of government rebels).


Lisa pulled herself gingerly to her feet, lifting herself from the pilot’s chair where the pirates had left her. Her lower back felt uncomfortably strained, and there was a lingering ache from her pelvis. Between the rough penetration from the creatures and swollen belly it was uncomfortable to move. She got to the controls and tried to call their contact to inform them the cargo had been stolen.

After several attempts Lisa began to get frustrated, “where are they even?” She muttered sloud. Oddly enough she hadn’t been able to reach them prior to the pirate ambush either. After another minute of trying she gave up and called her boss instead.

New Beginnings: Part Three [MF] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Boob Growth] [Giantess] [Alien Encounter] [Sci-Fi]

Adrian sat in the cold room. He stared at the one-way mirror knowing that the military personnel looking at him from behind it were debating on what they were going to do with him. Adrian smiled as he looked at it.

Two minutes ago he laid it all on the line. He told them about Solaria and how he met her, and that she had been in his house the whole time. He left out the other sordid details.

As he sat in the cold steel chair, he began to ponder on the options Solaria had given him. The moment they started to ask questions and drill him on the whereabouts of the alien known as Solaria. She had told him she could get him out of there in a blink of an eye.

Adrian had fun with the officers letting them know of her capabilities; at first, they doubted him. After making a pen disappear and reappear on the other side of the room, one of the soldiers drew his gun only for it to disappear and reappear unloaded with all the bullets missing a few seconds later.



Beth Darmstadt says: **“Amber was correct when she said reddit readers want to be voyeurs, reading steamy stories about our own REAL sex lives. They want real-life sex stories much more than your whacky sci-fi sexbot fiction. Get a grip, Roscoe! Give the viewers what they enjoy.”**

And I said. **“OK. I will give it a shot. I will describe the tiny, brown crater which surrounds your sweet, puckered, kissable anus. I will tell all. I will say how I press my full, aching mushroom cockhead into your anus-cup, and gush my sticky loads of jizz.”**

And Beth laughed, **“That’s more like it! That’s exactly what your readers want. You might even sell a paperback book or two with a few stories like that.”**

**So there you have it. My girls are home for the holidays, and full of marketing advice.** I truly have no idea what reddit readers want for erotic entertainment. There seems to be no common thread. Tens of thousands of people want to get-off each day, and some want to read hot stories to help them get-off. **But, mostly, is appears many, many people have no idea what they truly want.** They cast about, like flying-fishing, hoping something will hook their attention. There is an unusual interest in **Incest Sex and Forced Sex.** Is that really what the readers want in their own lives? Or, is it just a fantasy thrill. Something to fill the void and pass the time?

[Part 10] Lisa Galaxia – Revenge and Respect (tentacles, oviposition, nc, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub]( – A nice place to find previous chapters and a story summary!

Previously Lisa and Rachel were able to repel a pirate boarding attempt by releasing several dangerous squid-like Night Terrors to overwhelm the pirates. However they were captured after sneaking aboard the pirate vessel in the aftermath of an attack. Leaving themselves at the mercy of a pirate captain who’s now eager for revenge.


A cold metallic clank interrupted the women’s sleep. Lisa sat up slowly looking at the doorway to the small room where Rachel and herself were confined. The door proceeded to slide open and in walked a large man holding a blaster rifle. Two of his crewmates stood in the doorway, glancing in curiously.

“You two need to follow me, no talking!” The man stated abruptly.

Lisa and Rachel looked at each other with worried faces as the man turned and walked out of the room. Rachel started after him and Lisa scrambled to her feet and did the same. As they exited the room the other two men followed them close behind. The group walked down a hallway past a series of similar doors, and entered a lift.

Two girls in one night my (19m) freshman year of college [MFF]

This happened three years ago now…I’ve had plenty of other fun times before and after but this one almost takes the cake so far in my 22 years lol. Just let me know what you think.
In my freshman year I was – still am to some extent, I’ll be real – a horny, narcissistic, drinking, pot smoking dumpster fire. I was dating someone who will be called Kat, who was a senior. I was a freshman…I just have a thing for older chicks, what can I do about it? We weren’t really good to each other. She was bi-polar and got into these vicious moods, sometimes was physically abusive. Whereas I’d already cheated on her once and sometimes manipulated her neediness to my advantage. We had a big fight in her apartment one day in February and I was kicked out. We were apparently on a break, again (nothing had been explicitly stated, but we both obviously needed to cool off). For our last break I’d actually gone like, 9 days without getting laid before we made up, and it was torture.
This time, I couldn’t go that long, I was too far gone into sex addiction. So I asked out Megan (18), who I knew from my criminal justice class. She was a cute brunette with freckles and a sort of shy personality who will open up to you if you give her enough time. I’d already flirted with a lot. At first–as she would tell me–she wasn’t sure about me/thought I was gross, but I could sense she’d come around to my…charms. Yeah. She was hesitant about going on a date. But I persisted and that Friday or Saturday (forget which), we went out for pizza. Got to know each other a bit. I then took her to my buddy’s “cocktail party.” In quotation marks because it had just devolved into teen drinking by the time we got there. I brought this large bottle of Tanquerey I still haven’t paid Kat back for (except in sex, which I gave to her twice the night she bought it…I think it was that night).
We were drinking and socializing and feeling each other, but I still had to up the ante with Megan. So I started hitting on this rando in plain sight of her. Just some girl who I had no intention of hooking up with, though she was hot. Sometimes this backfires, but with Megan it worked. What I mainly remember about rando girl was she was wearing a necklace. I did a thing where I scooped her necklace up in my hand and told her how nice it was, and asked her about it, while not letting it go. I’d done the same with Megan earlier. Sheer dumb luck with necklaces, that night…

Frankenfuta; or, The Shameless Prometheus [TF][Futanari][Sci-fi]

THE CREATURE was magnificent. A patchwork of corpses, her skin going from pale alabaster to the darkest ebony with no transition but the careful needlework of her creator, the shape of many disjointed wet dreams, combined into one form: Tall, curvaceous, powerful.

Yes, Doctor Frankenfuta had certainly done good work with the materials she had. Grotesque, perhaps, but beautiful. She ran a finger over the seam between shoulder and chest, tracing it across her creation’s magnificent breasts. Such good luck that she had found donors of matching size. Her face, too, came from two different sources, join together in a perfect, if demented, expression of erotic beauty. Even now, lying dead on the slab, the Creature made Frankenfuta appear small and powerless. And yet, was it not by Frankenfuta’s hand that she had been assembled, awaiting the breath of life?


Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls


**Beth Darmstadt says: “Amber was correct when she said reddit readers want to be voyeurs, reading steamy stories about our own REAL sex lives.** They want ***real-life*** sex stories much more than your whacky sci-fi sexbot fiction. Get a grip, Roscoe! Give the viewers what they enjoy.”

And I said. “OK. I will give it a shot. I will describe the tiny, brown crater which surrounds your sweet, puckered, kissable anus. **I will tell all. I will say how I press my full, aching mushroom cockhead into your anus-cup, and gush my sticky loads of jizz.**”

And Beth laughed, “That’s more like it! That’s exactly what your readers want. You might even sell a paperback book or two with a few stories like that.”

**So there you have it. My girls are home for the holidays, and full of marketing advice.** I truly have no idea what reddit readers want for erotic entertainment. There seems to be no common thread. Tens of thousands of people want to get-off each day, and some want to read hot stories to help them get-off. **But, mostly, is appears many, many people have no idea what they truly want.** They cast about, like flying-fishing, hoping something will hook their attention. **There is an unusual interest in Incest Sex and Forced Sex.** Is that really what the readers want in their own lives? Or, is it just a fantasy thrill. Something to fill the void and pass the time?