After two years of stripping to help pay for my college education, bachelorette parties are the norm for me on a Friday and Saturday night. This gig was easy. I was smelling nice from the recent shower, looking good fresh from the barber shop, and had moisturized my skin until it looked like polished wood and after dancing my set. Dressed as a cop, with a name tag which read OFFICER NASTY, I stripped for a bunch of fun loving females fresh out of college who pawed me as they shoved dollar bills in my thong.
After my show, and a lap dance for the bride, I dressed in a bathroom. Beth Ann, the girl who booked me and the bride-to-be, Kelly waited for me to emerge. Beth Ann handed me my boom box.
“Thank you for coming,” Kelly said.
“Sure,” I said, with a smile.
Beth Ann said, “Hey, do you think you can do something extra for the bride?”
“Like what?” I asked.
“Like, she’s never been with a black guy and she should have the experience before she gets married.”
“Beth Ann!?” exclaimed Kelly, hitting her friend on the elbow.