L’amour, la Miséricorde [MFF][Oral][69][Toys][Swing]

You weren’t sure what to think at first, your wife of eight years, dutiful and modest, suggesting a threesome. Had it not been because it was my birthday, and because the look in my eyes was torn between fear and excitement, you would have probably believed I was joking, but like any red-blooded man with life still coursing between your legs, you agreed. You even agreed to the terms I set, for which I was grateful. I had honestly been afraid that you’d turn down the idea just on the back of those – touch her, but don’t fuck her. Share me, but don’t kiss her. It was a simple enough ruleset, but I knew that once things got underway, you might be moved by your cock to try and sneak past them, especially the first one. So it was with some trepidation that I greeted her to our house, tall and lean and blonde as a wheat field in June. Said her name was Mercy. I knew it wasn’t, of course, but when you connect with someone from a dating site online and invite her to fuck you alongside your husband, you accept a certain need for discretion. Well, I told her my name. Kind of hard not to, with it boldly printed on the door.

I Cheated With The Babysitter {PART 4} [Str8] [M/f] [Teen] [Age Gap] [Cheating] [Rough] [Oral][Creampie] [Daddy Kink] [Schoolgirl]

**I STRONGLY suggest that you read the previous installments if you haven’t already.**

A link to them can be found in the comments below.


*This chapter features themes that some people may find unsettling, uncomfortable and/or troubling.*

***Reader discretion is advised***

# Author’s Note and Further Trigger Warning:

>*Hi all! So I don’t want to spoil too much but just to be completely safe as to not make anyone feel uncomfortable, I want to clarify something about this chapter. Part four contains a roleplay between an eighteen year old girl and a middle aged man. The roleplay sees Kimmi act as an innocent schoolgirl whilst both of the characters refer to Mr S as ‘Daddy’. This of course means there’s a hint of incest included. (I say hint as the term daddy is often used for reasons unrelated to incest but given the context of the scene, it will likely feel more . . . incesty?) There’s no intended ageplay here but the inclusion of an* ***innocent*** *schoolgirl could certainly be interpreted that way. Finally, there’s a bit of rough sex in this chapter with hints of forced sex, particularly with one line from the main character. However, there is zero non-consensual sex in this chapter but as I’d truly hate to upset anybody I just wanted to post an adequate warning. Otherwise, enjoy the story! As always, I’d love any feedback/comments so please let me know what you think. I’d also like to let you know that I will be ending this series soon but I have tons of other kinky and erotic story ideas for the future so I hope you’ll explore them with me.*
*With love,*

I Cheated With The Babysitter {PART 4} [Str8] [M/f] [Teen] [Age Gap] [Cheating] [Rough] [Oral][Creampie] [Daddy Kink] [Schoolgirl]

**I STRONGLY suggest that you read the previous installments if you haven’t already.**

[PART ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/7vacjg/i_cheated_with_the_babysitter_str8_mf_cheating/?st=jl143ca9&sh=afb242cb)

[PART TWO](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/8mus2s/i_cheated_with_the_babysitter_part_2_str8_mf_teen/?st=jl5qfaqi&sh=3b92e5a1)

[PART THREE](https://new.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/98d9nj/i_cheated_with_the_babysitter_part_3_str8_mf_teen/)


*This chapter features themes that some people may find unsettling, uncomfortable and/or troubling.*

***Reader discretion is advised***

# Author’s Note and Further Trigger Warning:

>*Hi all! So I don’t want to spoil too much but just to be completely safe as to not make anyone feel uncomfortable, I want to clarify something about this chapter. Part four contains a roleplay between an eighteen year old girl and a middle aged man. The roleplay sees Kimmi act as an innocent schoolgirl whilst both of the characters refer to Mr S as ‘Daddy’. This of course means there’s a hint of incest included. (I say hint as the term daddy is often used for reasons unrelated to incest but given the context of the scene, it will likely feel more . . . incesty?) There’s no intended ageplay here but the inclusion of an* ***innocent****schoolgirl could certainly be interpreted that way. Finally, there’s a bit of rough sex in this chapter with hints of forced sex, particularly with one line from the main character. However, there is zero non-consensual sex in this chapter but as I’d truly hate to upset anybody I just wanted to post an adequate warning. Otherwise, enjoy the story! As always, I’d love any feedback/comments so please let me know what you think. I’d also like to let you know that I will be ending this series soon but I have tons of other kinky and erotic story ideas for the future so I hope you’ll explore them with me.*
*With love,*

Alice’s Closet Part 15 [MF, step incest, dark, violent, choking, impregnation, rough]

**WARNING! This is a dark and disturbing chapter in the Alice’s Closet series. Everything that happens in this chapter will be explained later so I completely understand if you’d rather skip over it. I’ve done my best to tag Part 15 appropriately so you have a clear idea of what’s coming. Reader discretion is advised.**

**If you missed [part one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/92tt73/alices_closet_mff_inc_mast_voy/), [part two](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/93078x/alices_closet_part_20_mff_inc_mast_voy/), [part three](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/9385st/alices_closet_part_3_mf_inc_mast/), [part four](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/93d2d4/alices_closet_part_4_ff_incest/), [part five](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/93nldp/alices_closet_part_5_nosex_incest/), [part six](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/93xxtc/alices_closet_part_6_fff_incest/), [part seven](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/94eur3/alices_closet_part_7_fff_incest_female_threesome/), [part eight](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/94zpxm/alices_closet_part_8_nosex_incest/), [part nine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/95a3jg/alices_closet_part_9_mf_incest/), [part ten](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/95nzhy/alices_closet_part_10_mf_incest/), [part eleven](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/95ux8j/alices_closet_part_11_mf_incest/), [part twelve](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/96wul0/alices_closet_part_12_mff_no_incest_this_part/), [part thirteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/97gusj/alices_closet_part_13_mff_incest_cum_sharing/), or [part fourteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/97ql7t/alices_closet_part_14_mff_incest_dominant_parents/) you can click the links provided to read them first.**

Megan felt lost and alone. Her best friend turned her back on her. Jake had already left to go out partying since there wasn’t any chance of Alice coming, not that Megan even wanted be near her right now. This left Megan alone, in her room, on a Friday night.

Megan sat in her bed with her legs pulled against her chest. Her eyes were closed while music blared in her ears through a pair of buds connected to her smartphone. That’s why she didn’t see or hear her mother, Farrah, enter her room. Megan’s door had been removed over a year ago for refusing to keep it unlocked, making it easy for Farrah to walk up to Megan undetected.

Alice’s Closet Part 15 [MF, step incest, dark, violent, choking, impregnation, rough]

**WARNING! This is a dark and disturbing chapter in the Alice’s Closet series. Everything that happens in this chapter will be explained later so I completely understand if you’d rather skip over it. I’ve done my best to tag Part 15 appropriately so you have a clear idea of what’s coming. Reader discretion is advised.**

**If you missed [part one](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/926y4t/alices_closet_mff_inc_mast_voy/), [part two](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/92f875/alices_closet_part_20_mff_inc_mast_voy/), [part three](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/933eyw/alices_closet_part_3_mf_inc_mast/), [part four](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/93cxae/alices_closet_part_4_ff_incest/), [part five](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/93ngi7/alices_closet_part_5_nosex_incest/), [part six](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/93xtbs/alices_closet_part_6_fff_incest/), [part seven](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/94eph1/alices_closet_part_7_fff_incest_female_threesome/), [part eight](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/94zn1o/alices_closet_part_8_nosex_incest/), [part nine](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/959yie/alices_closet_part_9_mf_incest/), [part ten](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/95nhhg/alices_closet_part_10_mf_incest/), [part eleven](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/95uu9i/alices_closet_part_11_mf_incest/), [part twelve](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/96wsxs/alices_closet_part_12_mff_no_incest_this_part/), [part thirteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/97gt7w/alices_closet_part_13_mff_incest_cum_sharing/), or [part fourteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/97qjx4/alices_closet_part_14_mff_incest_dominant_parents/) you can click the links provided to read them first.**

Megan felt lost and alone. Her best friend turned her back on her. Jake had already left to go out partying since there wasn’t any chance of Alice coming, not that Megan even wanted be near her right now. This left Megan alone, in her room, on a Friday night.

Megan sat in her bed with her legs pulled against her chest. Her eyes were closed while music blared in her ears through a pair of buds connected to her smartphone. That’s why she didn’t see or hear her mother, Farrah, enter her room. Megan’s door had been removed over a year ago for refusing to keep it unlocked, making it easy for Farrah to walk up to Megan undetected.

Alice’s Closet Part 15 [MF, step incest, dark, violent, choking, impregnation, rough]

**WARNING! This is a dark and disturbing chapter in the Alice’s Closet series. Everything that happens in this chapter will be explained later so I completely understand if you’d rather skip over it. I’ve done my best to tag Part 15 appropriately so you have a clear idea of what’s coming. Reader discretion is advised.**

Megan felt lost and alone. Her best friend turned her back on her. Jake had already left to go out partying since there wasn’t any chance of Alice coming, not that Megan even wanted be near her right now. This left Megan alone, in her room, on a Friday night.

Megan sat in her bed with her legs pulled against her chest. Her eyes were closed while music blared in her ears through a pair of buds connected to her smartphone. That’s why she didn’t see or hear her mother, Farrah, enter her room. Megan’s door had been removed over a year ago for refusing to keep it unlocked, making it easy for Farrah to walk up to Megan undetected.

“I need to talk to you,” Farrah said in a thick accent after she swiped a bud out of Megan’s ear with her finger.

The Deleted Scene: The Equalizer [MMF]

The Equalizer
By Muhabba

Alina suppressed a shudder as the creepy old guy’s hand trailed up her shapely thigh. Her skin tight, gray streaked dress barely covered her ass when she was walking and in the back of the limo it barely covered her lap. When his hand reached the hem it dipped between her thighs before traveling back down her leg.

“You have very nice legs,” the john said in a thick Russian accent as he slid his hand from one leg to the other and back up the insides of her other supple thigh. He showed no consideration of his bodyguard across the limo from them with his back to the closed divider between the back and the driver. The bodyguard barely acknowledged what was happening in front of him and looked almost bored.

“Thanks,” Alina said as she tucked a stray strand of her straight, black wig behind her ear. When his hand reached the hem of her dress again he slid her thumb over the front of her panties before sliding his hand up the front of her teenage body. He groped and squeezed her small tits, appreciating the way her cleavage bulged up. The john was extremely over-weight, not completely gross but she guessed he hadn’t had a hard day of work ever in his life. The bodyguard on the other hand was built like a gorilla and could probably break her in half without even trying.

I’m a Model turned Corporate Whore [MF] [AMA]

I’m a 28 year old Model, who is a Corporate Whore. Or an Escort. Or a Prostitute. Or whatever you want to call me, I’m essentially a slut. I’ve been doing this for a few years. 5’8″ Brown hair, Hazel eyes. White. 32C.

I work for a boutique Wall Street type firm, and I sleep with whomever they ask me to. Technically I don’t really work for them, I’m considered an outside ‘consultant’. The men that I fuck – could be potential clients, existing clients, a competitor, a recruit, an influencer, etc…

I won’t bore you with all the office details, unless you want them. But my typical day involves going into the office like 1 or 2 days a week, attending meetings/calls. Most of the time, I’m asked to help close a deal. I’m the ‘icing on the cake’ so to speak. It’s as easy as offering myself to the guy(s), for whatever they wanted. Sometimes, the process is a bit harder, involving research, a cover and back stories. Also, there have been times where I’ve fucked a guy, yet we still lost the deal. Lastly, I have a girlfriend, who is also a model, that I whore with as well.

[MF] R4R Success story

I’ve read and enjoyed many gonewildstories and various other sexy stories without ever fully appreciating the amount of effort it takes to create them. The time involved is an order of magnitude greater than I would have ever expected, so thank you to all the other Redditors out there giving up their time so I can have a constant feed of high quality smut to read.

This ended up about a hundred times longer than I had anticipated so I broke the text into Act 1 (the logistics of us actually meeting), Step 2 (our non-sexual interactions), and the Prologue (our sexy time together).

Act 1:

The Motivator [M/F] [prost] [oral]

“You can do this, Mike. You can do this. You’re ready! You couldn’t be more ready if you tried.”

Michael Young said those words again and again as he paced restlessly in a small conference room. In just under an hour, he was scheduled for an interview that might very well determine the course of his life. He’d been busting his ass, working long hours and late nights at this company for nine years. After all that time and toil, the opportunity he’d been hoping for came along.

Six weeks ago, a new senior executive position opened in a newly-formed department. Whoever got that job wouldn’t just be taking over for some old employee who retired. They would be in a position to forge a bold new path for themselves and the company. It wouldn’t just be a promotion. It would be a clean slate with which to build a career to call his own.

Michael had been searching for that opportunity since he graduated college, having gone into debt and lived in crappy shared apartments for nearly six years. He only recently began driving a car that was less than 10 years old. Just paying off his debts wasn’t enough, though. Michael aspired to something more.