This one is one to remember, I am both ashamed and proud of this story. I’m grateful I did not catch any STD as I was so young and horny at the time I took that risk. Ashamed I decided to get in bed with a prostitute proud I didn’t pay a cent. I was visiting Atlantic City with my friend and we were cruising the boardwalk at night looking to get laid. I was about 22 and I just wasn’t in the best of moods so my game was off. We pass by this two sexy latinas who eyed us and my friend immediately turns around and talks them up.
They introduced themselves as Crystal and Diamond and yes I was stupid enough to believe that was their names. Crystal and Diamond were both around 5’2-5’4 with dark hair. Crystal’s hair was straight and Diamond had wavy hair. They both had brown eyes and Diamond was of a fair complexion and Crystal was a bit darker. Crystal probably had C cup tits and Diamond was definitely packing more at at least a D cup. I’d say Diamond was thinner around her stomach and Crystal more around average but both would pull off a tank top without question. It was Diamond’s tit-waist ratio that was the most impressive difference between the two, but I would also say Diamond had a prettier face.