[F] 21 : My attempt to get a pass an exam.

Yesterday I had my final exam for this semester and believe me when I say that it was hard!

So I had heard a rummer that last year a TA(Teachers assistant) helped pass a few girls for a course I am struggling with. I did some digging (instead of spending time to prepare for the exam) and found the names of the 3 girls. I contacted/approached them to see if it was true and guess what it actually happened. A TA of my course helped some girls pass their course in exchange for you know, The Dirty Deed.

**(For the purpose of this post I will call the TA, JOHN)**

So of course my next step was to contacted my friends who knew John or were in the same social circle with John. I found out he was going to a beach party happening off-campus and I decided to go there as well. Let me remind you this happened like just this last weekend, when I should have been studying.
I also convinced a friend of mine to come with me, I can be a very bad influence sometimes.. ?

Abusing a first time prostitute [non con] [rough] [abuse]

All character depicted is 18 years old and above

I sat at the couch in a poorly lit room, in front of me stands a row of young ladies who have heavy make up and skimpy clothes on, and one by one the pimp introduced their name.

I frowned after looking through the ladies. Most of them I had fucked previously, and I had hope to find a new whore today.

I asked the pimp if there is anyone new, he hesitated for a while, but since I am a regular and a good friend to the owner, he call a girl out from the back.

She is timid looking girl named Ana who avoid looking at my direction at all cost. She is petite looking with small breast, black eyes and hair, one look at her and no one will doubt she is an Asian. She must have notice I am looking at her, and she nervously trying to pull her extremely short black dress to hide her skin.

“I will pick her.” she looks obviously shaken when I pointed at her.

The Business Deal – Part 13 – [MF][MF][Seduction][Cheating][Non-Consensual Consent][Swapping]

Two parts today as I went over character limit for a post and wanted to give this entire chapter. This is the second of the two parts.

“I think she’s about to pass out. Let’s move her down,” she heard Michael say.

His finger withdrew, as did Stephen’s, and she was suddenly empty. She almost cried at the emptiness, and wanted to be filled again by them. She wanted it. She needed it now. She heard someone moving beside her and lower than her. Becca’s mouth had also left her, leaving the room air to make her wet breasts feel cold and exposed. There was a rustling like someone was getting something out of a bag and a jangling of…chain? Metal? Something.

Hands guided her legs to step over something, and she realized it was a person.

“OK, Tami, kneel down, you’ll be on either side of Michael.”

Tami flushed with that knowledge. They wanted her to ride Michael. Being touched and poked and prodded was one thing, but to ride him like that in front of the other two was extraordinary. She trembled as she moved and quickly adjusted to the body she felt below her. Michael guided his cock to her pussy, wet as anything could ever be, and told her to lower herself.

Tentacled Mirror Chapter 8: Wicklerian-Eisnerian [F] [Tentacles] [Creature] [Lesbian] [FF]


The light shining in from my window finally pulled me from my slumber as I groggily rolled over to avoid the harsh light.  I glanced at my clock through barely open eyes and saw that it was already 8:23 am.  I was so late for work it wasn’t even funny, but for some reason, I wasn’t too concerned.  I reached for where my phone should be charging on my nightstand but it was not there.  My memories of last night came flooding back to me.  

I could feel my pussy twitch in response to the memories of last night.  My mind was craving more from my master, I needed more release.  I slowly sat up in my bed and let my feet rest on the carpeted floor.  After a few deep breaths, I got up and made my way downstairs, passing my discarded clothes from the night prior.  

I reached my kitchen and quickly found my purse laying haphazardly where I had left it.  I pulled my phone out of the purse and saw that the battery was dead on it.  With a dejected sigh, I grabbed the phone while pulling a glass from a cabinet.  I filled the glass with water from my fridge while I leaned against it.  I drank the entire glass in a matter of seconds and quickly filled it up again.  

My [M] Massage Therapy experience update

There seems to be interest in what this old man has going on, so I might as well write about it. I am 77 now, so anything sexy one would think might be rare, yet oddly, things seem to be rather busy.

This last year was a serious PIA, the damn pandemic meant the massage profession was not allowed to practice, so I could not even get a legitimate massage, not even with a mask. But now, having gotten both Moderna shots, suddenly things improved.

A few months back, I lost my wife to Cancer, she was a decade younger than me so that was a shock. But even while we were married, I got massages regularly, a habit developed in my 30’s. My wife knew all about it, and accepted the sometimes happy ending since towards the last, sex became a chore for her. I have managed to stay reasonably virile although I know my own time is coming.

I (19f) sucked a man’s (42m) cock for a t-shirt and some shorts. [MF]

Maybe some backstory is needed. I’m not a prostitute. I met this guy about six months ago on Tinder when I was looking for an older FWB. There’s something about being a nasty teenager for a man a year older than my father that makes me really turned on. He calls me his “little teenage orgasm factory”. lol i love it

I was always kind of indifferent about sucking cock until I met him. Sure, guys like it. I know that. I guess I thought it was boring. I only kind of liked it. Sorry guys. Until I started blowing him anyway, and I fell in love with sucking cock. Well, his cock anyway.

I absolutely love his reaction when I get a rhythm going up and down on him. And when he cums – oh my God, I feel so happy. Once or twice I’ve even high-fived him just because I feel so accomplished afterwards. Like I did something good. Does that sound weird? Oh well.

I’m in a twerk class. I need shorts. It’s also finally becoming warm in Moscow. I need t-shirts. What’s dirtier than sucking and fucking a man twice your age? Sucking and fucking a man twice your age while he buys stuff for you. Not at the same time, of course :) ahahaha

[F21] I become a sluty more than i ever imagine and my bussines trip adventures [chek my profile if you want to see how i look like]

If you remember my previous post here, about the blowjob I gave to the neighbor without telling my boyfriend.

Now I want to tell you what happened to me a few days ago while I was on a business trip. I traveled to work alone in another country away from home. The trip was long, the next day I had a lot of work and generally two very busy days.

Finally on the second day I got to the hotel, I was very tired. I went up to the room and threw the suitcase on the ground and all I wanted was to take a shower. I undressed, went into the bathroom and was surprised to see that there isn’t hot water. Angry, I quickly put on the skirt and shirt I was wearing until recently without any underwear at all, and went to the front desk to ask for an explanation.

The girl at the reception was very kind and said that in each room the water is heated locally and she will send a plumber to check it. Two minutes later, a boy, perhaps a little older than me, about twenty-six years old, of African descent, came. Tall, muscular, with work overalls and tank top.

[MF] Wife’s New Shoes

My wife gets a new pair of running shoes every month from a local store. I’d been wondering how she was affording them, they typically run well over $100 per pair. I made a comment one day about the cost of shoes and she told me not to worry, she’d worked out a deal to get them for free.

Last spring she had a day off from work and decided to go pick up a new pair of shoes. She threw on her favorite sun dress and headed to the store. When she arrived the lot was empty except for the owner’s car and she parked beside it where she could see into the store. He was in there moving around, stocking shelves, and she decided to have a little fun. Before she got out of the car she slipped her panties off.

She’s known the owner for a while and always thought he was pretty cute so she decided to give him a free show and see how he reacted. They chatted for a bit and he brought out several boxes of shoes for her to try on. When she sat down she made a point to hitch up her dress just enough to “accidentally” expose her pussy if he was at the right angle. She had on sandals so he had to get a pair of socks for her to wear while trying on the shoes.

“You No Cum in Me!” Nick[M]29, Prostitute[F]23

Two thirty in the morning on the Sunset Strip. With the bars now closed, Nick was driving around in his new Jetta. He was looking for company for the night – well, for maybe an hour anyway. He wanted to get his cock wet.

The best options now were walking the streets. He’d been with prostitutes in his past. Driving around, Nick fondly recalled his first.

During his time in the Navy some years back, Nick and the guys went in together on a gorgeous blonde hooker in Tijuana. Taller then all of them, boasting long legs and huge tits, the whore led them back to a small room with a single light bulb. She sat on a white sofa, and spread her legs wide. White platform shoes, hanging high in the air, she pulled up a white mini skirt, revealing a perfect cunt. Her pussy was shaved smooth, and tanned like the rest of her fuck-machine body.

Nick had first dibs. The agreement was that all of the sailors were to use rubbers, but when she saw Nick’s cock, she insisted the he fuck her raw. Everyone there knew why. Nick’s buddies jokingly called him “horse nuts” on the ship because his bag hung so low. Nicknaming his root, wasn’t a place any of the guys wanted to go, but “Horse cock” would have fit perfectly.

A Love of Two Elves [FF][Romance]

The sun shined on the golden and red domes of the city with an unfamiliar brightness. I’d not seen the city in many years, and when Naelyssa decided to go there after the fighting was done, she asked me to come along. I suppose everything here was more vibrant, given that the Burning Legion had been defeated. Though, my attention was more shifted towards the beautiful hero to my right.

Nae was a bit shorter than I with long raven black hair, usually pulled back in a bun of sorts with a messy look to it. I preferred to keep my hair, more or less, down. She looked absolutely stunning, with smooth skin and golden eyes that contrasted with the silver of mine. I’d often fantasized about the feel of that skin against mine.

Naelyssa and I met as the Nighthold had fallen to the heroes of Azeroth. She was one of the very champions that ascended the powerful fortress and unseated Elisande. Meanwhile, I was helping the civilians evacuated safely away from the fighting. I envied Naelyssa for that, but my role in the rebellion was equally important, some would say. We’d been friends ever since and closer each day.