Nina’s First Orgy [MFM] [Gangbang] [Oral] [Club]

“Are you sure you’re ready for this, Mrs. James?” said a concerned young woman.

“No,” said Nina plainly, “there’s no way I could ever be ready for this. But I don’t care. I’m doing this! And don’t call me Mrs. James.”

“Sorry, I was just trying…”

“I know what you’re trying to do. You can stop pretending I’m that frail. Mrs. Nina James was another person in another life. I’m trying to become someone else…someone who feels real.”

The Nina who said those words sounded very different from the Nina eight months, two weeks, and three days ago. The woman currently standing in front of the bathroom mirror at private club in the city might as well have been a total stranger. Compared to the woman formerly known as Nina James, she was the complete antithesis of the person in the reflection.

Not long ago, Nina James was the reserved, soft-spoken wife of a prominent businessman. Together, they lived in the same devoutly religious and very affluent community in which they’d grown up. She’d gone to a private school all her life while her husband was home-schooled by his rich, well-connected parents. In both cases, they’d been brought up with the same rigid piety that had defined their community for generations.

How an unexpected foursome blasted away 18 years of repressed sexuality [Group] FMFM

Hello! I’m very new to all of this, as I’ve only been slutting it up for a few months. But my (select) friends and acquaintances have been enjoying hearing about my sexual exploits so much they encouraged me to start documenting them. Everything I write is 100% true, although some details get hazy and foggy because I’m such a pothead. This is the long and involved story of my sexual awakening this past Labor Day 2018 and how I gained super slut powers and started my foray into slutdom.

So some background about me and my sexual history. I’m a married 38 year old nerd. I met my husband Jack (names changed for anonymity) in college and we’ve been together and monogamous for 18 years (up until Labor Day 2018). He was pretty much my first lay.

You can skip ahead to the foursome at **** if you like.

Adventures into a Triad|1 [MMF] [1st/2nd person perspective]

((Hey all, this is my first time posting. Just looking for feedback.))

Life had such a weird way of working out sometimes—when you’re nineteen and foolish, you think if a person is good to you generally, everything’s going to work out just fine. Unfortunately as you get older and start finding who you are, you realize that may not be the case.

That was my current situation, unfortunately. I’d just broken up with my boyfriend of three years. Great guy, and we’d ended on good terms, but we just weren’t compatible. Incompatible life goals, incompatibles views, and what I’d argue was most important, incompatible sex drives. At nineteen, you try to convince yourself that sex doesn’t matter—it’s just a neat bonus. At 23, though, you realize if one of you is horny every single day and the other only wanted to have sex maybe once every two weeks, there’d inevitably be problems.

The good news was, I was now free to see whoever I wanted. The bad news was, I was a picky bitch that had watched one too many murder documentaries.

Role Reversal [MF] [prost]

“You looking for a good time, hot stuff? Because I’m all about good times…for a price!”

Gloria “Glory” Pyre chuckled to herself, but tried to take the kinky sight before her seriously. That wasn’t easy because her husband, Brett Pyre, didn’t usually wear a black leather jacket, skin-tight pants, undersized shirts, and enough of hair-care products to open his own salon. He hadn’t worn something that elaborate since their wedding day and even then, he didn’t go so overboard with the aftershave.

She still humored him, though. Pretending to be shy and reserved, she opened the door to the hotel room they’d rented and welcomed him.

“Thank you for coming, Mr. Steadman,” she said.

“That’s Studman, ma’am,” he said boldly.

“Right…Mr. Studman,” Glory said, still trying not to laugh. “Please…won’t you come in?”

“That depends. Are you the same Glory who reserved a full hour of my valuable time?”

“Yes, I am,” she said, “and if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to not waste a second of it.”

Ringing in the New Year with Orgasms [FF]

I posted this story on Tumblr a while ago and was told it was fitting for this thread so here I am. It’s a bit of a long story, so I apologize for that in advance.

A little about me first, I’m 23, 5’3, super long red hair (it’s not natural, I wish), but I do have freckles as well! Bluish grey eyes, soft cheekbones and my tummy is a lil squishy. I’m more cute than sexy tbh. But I have DDD tits, wide hips, and my pussy is pretty as fuck, which I’m sure is the focus point. There might be a lewd picture on my profile from a gone wild post a while ago. If not, I’ll probably link my tumblr below!

Anyways, onwards!

So quick back story, Brooke is one of my old friends and we’ve always been super open about literally everything, including sex and she’s also bi, but up until the last week she had been in a long term relationship. She’s like 5’5, blonde-ish hair to her shoulders, slightly less curvy than me, but has a set of great tits that are about a C cup and kinda flat ass but its still pretty nice and big ass thighs like mine.

[MFFM] Swinging in Vegas

_This story was requested by u/vengeance7x, u/jerseyguy83, and u/j_essmint_

“Vegas, Baby!” I shout excitedly to my girlfriend, waving two airplane tickets in my hand.

“What? You got them? Fantastic!!” she responds, grinning from ear to ear.

This was the start of a holiday I will never forget. A journey into a world I never knew existed and made me open my mind to sex in a totally different way.

We’d booked a room in a hotel on the famous Vegas Strip, wanting to be at the centre of the attractions, casinos, showgirls, nightclubs that Vegas had to offer. My girlfriend has always been open minded about strip clubs and other, call it, seedier attractions so I knew we could explore Vegas without limits which made this trip even more exciting.

Having got unpacked and ready to go out, we had a couple of drinks in the hotel bar to warm us up. My girlfriend looked stunning in a black cocktail dress and high heels which contrasted against her long blonde hair. The barman proposed we had a custom cocktail with a glint in his eye, so we dutifully accepted. We drank them quickly but as they tasted as sweet as honey we even doubted there was alcohol in them, so had another round before setting out onto the Strip.

The education of nerd boy (based on real events

He found me randomly. He was going to be in town for the summer and wanted a friend. He wasn’t in the age range I usually go for….of legal age but not who I usually go for….but he was extremely mature for his age and very intelligent. So we started chatting, got to know each other and build a solid fondness. Turned out he was very interesting, articulate and appreciated old things like I did. Those kind of boys are hard to find. He’ll those kind of men are hard to find.

Then he told me…he was a virgin and wanted to see if I had an interest in changing that. I asked him if that was the reason why he messaged me. He said no and I beloved him. I told him maybe but we’d have to see what chemistry was like in person. I am extremely selective about who I sleep with virgin or not. So he came to town. We saw eachother a few times that summer. We had fun. We laughed, connected, exchanged ideas, and I changed his virginal status (but that’s a story for another time). Then he left to continue his life.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

[F]ingered my butt for the first time ever

I’m not a sexually adventurous girl. I haven’t had tons and tons of sex. I don’t even have a very high libido. But after experiencing my first big dick recently, I find myself getting horny a lot more often. I guess good sex can do that to a girl.

Big dick guy tried several times to convince me to try anal. I have always had a fear of anal and jump any time someone goes near my asshole. I’ve just read too many stories of rips and tears and sharts and painful poops that I had convinced myself that I would never be the type of girl to try anal. But then one day said guy played with my anal opening a little while we were fucking. I was intrigued because it felt good but I was still too scared to try anything more.