A bar one night stand (M/F, Creampie, multiple orgasms)

I won’t say that I wasn’t planning on going home with someone at the bar, but I wasn’t expecting to be going home with you. Naturally, you caught my eye as soon as you walked in. Your hair in a messy bun, yoga pants, a plain white tank top, all modest but on you, fuck. The way it accented your curves and hugged tight against your body had me fantasizing about you right from the start.

You smile at me as I don’t try to hide that I’m checking you out. You sit on the stool next to me and we make conversation as we drink. Your hand touches my thigh, giving me a sign it’s time to go. I settle up the tab and we walk out into the parking lot to your car. We make out and you grab the bulge in my pants.

“Hop in the back,” you request, making sure no one in watching.

“I live right around the corner, we can go back to my place if you want.” I suggest instead of the back seat of your small SUV.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Tony’s Place Part I [MF] [Age Gap] [Multiple Orgasm] [Masturbation] [Oral] [Sexual Tension]

*This isn’t the first story I’ve written, but first I’ve ever posted anywhere. Feedback is welcome. It’s a bit longer than typical posts on here but I sometimes find them too short for my taste. Enjoy!*

The past three Friday night I had ended up at The Fiddler. With big windows, brick walls, candles on each table, and a cobblestone patio out back, the pub had a familiar charm while serving craft beer and cocktails to the downtown crowd. A friend had invited me to after-work happy hour with her coworkers there three weeks ago, and I had such a great time meeting her colleagues that I kept coming back. This team worked together at a tech start-up in a post-and-beam converted warehouse office next to the bar. They did something to innovate the printing industry, I never got a full explanation. Clearly, they were all good friends, as their happy hours often turned into drunken late nights together.

Ray comes back[mmf]

Sarah rolled over in bed and kissed me lightly. I kissed her back, and reached my hand over to slowly trail down to her crotch. She playfully slapped my hand away. “After last night, my pussy needs a few days off” she said playfully. I thought back to the night before. Ray, a man we had met on the internet, had fucked my wife silly, giving her multiple orgasms and leaving multiple loads inside her. When Ray had left, I had added my load to mix, and the Sarah and I had fallen asleep holding each other. I watched Sarah get out of bed to shower. At the bathroom door she turned around and beckoned me to follow her. Who was I to say no?

The experience with Ray had totally rekindled our sex lives. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. There were now days where we had as much sex as we used to have in a week. We were horny little rabbits, loving what we had found. And without saying it, we both knew it would happen again. It was an unspoken truth that we both knew had to happen.

Jen’s Plan, Part I (MF, Seduction, Oral, Age Difference)

She had constructed the plan two months ago on the very day that her best friend, Sara, had moved to the west coast. Jen was on a mission, and if all went well, her carefully considered plan would come to fruition in a few short hours.

To date, every aspect of the operation had been completed flawlessly, including Mike’s acceptance of her invitation for a happy hour drink. Sara had abruptly ended her relationship with Mike prior to her departure, so it seemed appropriate they gather to commiserate Sara’s departure.

The truth was, Jen had always thought Sara and Mike’s relationship a curiosity. As attractive 25 year-old women, Sara and Jen had their pick of men in their age group. While Mike was certainly attractive and wealthy, he was nearly 20 years older than Sara.

During a tipsy discussion, Sara had confided that Mike had an ability to sexually pleasure her in ways no other men ever had. When pressed for details, Sara confessed that, among other things, Mike’s oral game was top-notch and regularly brought her to multiple, toe-curling orgasms.

[FM] Following instructions from an old lover for some light bondage and a good fuck.

The virus lockdown has given me a punishment that I can’t share with any of my housemates. I’m craving relief, but my home, crowded with family, allows me no time alone to unleash the vibrator, or even to play with myself in the bath. Though I lie naked each night next to my partner, he’s unaware I desperately want to be tied, spanked, fingered and fucked. My lust is intense. It’s grown from idle thoughts in the back of my brain, into physical pain, lacking release.

There is, though, the knowledge that a short drive away, lies a man, and a place, willing to control what I crave. A man who, in a previous life, took time to attentively explore my naked body, and learn the subversive needs I have. How many times, while hiding away from the rest of the world, has my pussy quivered on the tip of his tongue? How many sweetly-dirty outfits did he supply? What toys were used to penetrate and pleasure me?

Lemonade [MMF] [married] [bisexual]

“You know that guy who jogs past our place almost everyday?” Jenna asked.

“Him?” Hank replied, “Seems a bit risky.” Jenna and Hank were sitting on the porch, soaking in the sun-dappled view of their suburban street. They had moved to ‘the burbs’ from downtown about two years ago. The aim was to settle in.

Jenna pulled her strawberry blonde curls into a ponytail. She had a set of freckles running over her cheeks and the bridge of her long nose. Her pink t-shirt pulled tight over the swell of her breasts. She rarely wore a bra. Her large nipples tented the thin shirt in a way that made Hank excited. After all these years of marriage, Jenna’s tits still drove him crazy. “I don’t think it’s risky. All he’ll say is no.”

Hank sipped at a sweaty glass of iced tea and peered across the street at the manicured lawns. Hank had aged like a fine wine. He had a naturally muscular build despite zero exercise and a diet that consisted of smoothies, beer and peanuts. He had a full head of hair that was a chestnut brown with puffs of distinguished grey at the temples. “This isn’t the city. People aren’t as open minded and they all talk.”

[F]ucked my supervisor[M] with his friends [MF][group]

I know its long, but so was the experience, and i like to share all the details.

I was at work again, craving touch. The desire to be hunted, seduced, it overwhelmed me. The fling with my supervisor last month, the Lush he tortured me with, the experience was amazing. It stimulated parts of my mind and body into ecstasy that were impossible to forget, getting my juices flowing every time I thought about it. My nipples hardened as I fantasized, rubbing against my bra, sending tingles down through my body. The experience overrode my other senses and emotions. It drove something wild inside that was natural and powerful.

First post – Tony’s Place [MF] [sexual tension] [multiple orgasm]

*This isn’t the first story I’ve written, but first I’ve ever posted anywhere. Feedback is welcome. It’s a bit longer than typical posts on here but I sometimes find them too short for my taste. Enjoy!*

The past three Friday night I had ended up at The Fiddler. With big windows, brick walls, candles on each table, and a cobblestone patio out back, the pub had a familiar charm while serving craft beer and cocktails to the downtown crowd. A friend had invited me to after-work happy hour with her coworkers there three weeks ago, and I had such a great time meeting her colleagues that I kept coming back. This team worked together at a tech start-up in a post-and-beam converted warehouse office next to the bar. They did something to innovate the printing industry, I never got a full explanation. Clearly, they were all good friends, as their happy hours often turned into drunken late nights together.

[FM] the time I had my first multiple orgasms

This is a follow up story form my last post about [Matt](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gtxd7v/the_time_i_let_him_fuck_me_raw_fm/?st=KB1SXE2S&sh=71b05438)

After my night of raw passion with Matt, we both got tested and I went back on the pill. We were lucky but know better than to risk it again. The chemistry between us got stronger and stronger, I’ve never had a guy have such an effect over me. We could be driving and talking and he’d innocently touch my leg or brush my arm and my body would start to get all warm and tingly with anticipation. The next couple of months we spent in a bubble of hanging out, passionate sex and late night booty calls. It was great and I was falling fast.

Before I’d even realised how hard I was falling we smashed into rocky ground. A close relative of his past away and he started to withdraw and push me away. I gave him his space but was so head over heels that I did allow some questionable behaviour to fly. A story for a different subreddit I’m sure. I know there is a correlation with a turbulent relationship and amazing sex but wow, the more we tried to end things the stronger we seemed to gravitate back to each other. Although our communication was terrible when it came to feelings it was incredibly open sexually. We started trying knew things including my first facial on his birthday and a failed attempt at anal, that somehow lead us to discover that he loves his ass being played with, which leads us to today’s story.

Friends with pleasurable benefits [F/M] [oral sex] [long] [unprotected sex] [multiple orgasms]

I glanced across the table at my best friend J, laughing with the other people around the table playing cards. None of us knew how to play the game our friend Lou, whose house we were at, was trying to teach us, but it was entertaining and the evening was fading to late night almost imperceptibly. J met my eyes, his own twinkling with laughter and a touch of cheap wine. He winked at me and I blushed, grinning at him. We had been sort of a thing off and on for a few weeks now, mostly steamy texts, making out at the movies, and groping each other in the corner at parties, though we had been good friends for much longer than that. In response to my flushed cheeks, his expression changed to a smug, cheeky smirk; he mimed a toothy snarl and licked his lips. Somehow his goofy attempt at seducing me from across the table and pile of cards was halfway successful and my heart did that little flip it does when you think about something exciting. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed, both of us tuning back into the game.