Tales from Starship Rimshot. THE GOSPEL OF SACRED JIZZ

**When the humans of Vega Prime heard, saw, tasted, touched and smelled the religious beliefs of the humans of Altarus V, almost one-fourth of the adult population took sacred vows and moved into monasteries.** The polyamorous civilization of Vega Prime already cherished and openly discussed all forms of human sexuality. (Children were often shyly embarrassed when their parents talked about oral sex at the dinner table.) As in some cities of ancient Rome and some 20th Century towns in Bhutan, erect phalluses decorated buildings and shop windows, erections rose tall in public squares, and sculptured vulva were seen most everywhere. Artistic renderings of both male and female genitalia were considered symbols of prosperity and good fortune.

Therefore, when the handsome priests and curvaceous **beautiful priestesses of Altarus V arrived entirely nude beneath shimmering iridescent robes, and preached the Gospel of Sacred Jizz**, few people resisted the new religion. Being told The Oneness, the Eternal Cosmos Itself, and all Gods and Goddesses blessed the lusty lifestyles of Vega Prime, the citizens of Vega Prime were predisposed sacred fucking, and the Gospel of Sacred Jizz was tasty icing on their philosophic cake.

There’s Something in the Water Chapter 17 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

I’ve written this story through chapter 19. The novel is complete. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile or google my name if you’re interested. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Previous chapters:

Chapter 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hkqfii/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_1_mf_inc/

Chapter 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hunp8c/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_2_mf_inc/

Chapter 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i3kyqr/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_3_mf_inc/

Chapter 4 Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ihrz45/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_4_part_1_mf/

Chapter 4 Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ihrzrg/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_4_part_2_mf/

Chapter 5 Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDarkStone/comments/j6x53g/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_5_part_1/

Chapter 5 Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j6x8dg/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_5_part_2/

Chapter 6: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jimel9/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_6_mf_inc/

Chapter 7: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kb5syy/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_7_mf_inc/

Chapter 8: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kxxxqy/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_8_mf_inc/

Chapter 9: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lm5b0d/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_9_mf_inc/

Chapter 10: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/milale/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_10_mf_inc/

Chapter 11 Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n1wutw/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_11_part_1/

Chapter 11 Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n1ww3s/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_11_part_2/

Chapter 12: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/nog2g7/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_12_mf_inc/

Chapter 13: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/o7tdxe/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_13_mf_inc/

Chapter 14: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oq7ugk/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_14_mf_inc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oq7ugk/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_14_mf_inc/)

Chapter 15 https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p87ypd/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_15_mf_inc/

Chapter 16 [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/pq48v0/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_16_mf_inc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/pq48v0/theres_something_in_the_water_chapter_16_mf_inc/)

New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 19-22) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 19: The Other Redhead

An awkward pause hung heavily in the dimly lit room.

“My Lady,” the High Priest finally spoke. “How much do you know about the state of this world?”

“I… Well, you see,” Beatrice tried to come up with some half-believable excuse as fast as possible. “The summoning has messed with my memories it seems! It’s as if I am in this world for the very first time.”

“What!?” Lucarad exclaimed. He then paced back and forth, mumbling to himself, “How can this be? A savior was promised. A savior has arrived. But yet the savior has no idea what needs to be done? Was I wrong—no, that is impossible! Ah, her powers! Victoria!”

Lucarad shouted and pointed at the blonde that was now dressed and remained close by Priscilla’s side.



Jason thought to himself – I’m still thinking of my last session. I can’t believe I let her distract me from my meditation! She needs to adhere to the schedule next time.

He chastised himself for losing control with his assistant Amy. All he could think of was wanting to tie her up with her legs spread wide, while licking and sucking her lower lips and clit with tremendous pressure. He may not get the chance now, seeing she is pissed off.

Amy left ubruptly after only her second day on the job as his assistant. She had the most beautiful sundress on, white with sunflowers all over. Jason was in trance with her beauty-and her scent.

She had to walk three blocks to get to the office today, and parking is a bitch. At 100 degrees outside, by the time she arrived, well, she was quite sweaty. As soon as Jason saw her he noticed tiny beads of sweat tracing her neck, and caressing her cleavage. He could only imagine what her thick and chunky crevices smelled like, so he inhaled deeply, exhaling the energy down his throat all the way to his dick. He almost moaned audibly…

I came on my girlfriend’s face while she asked me if I wanted to keep playing with her best friend [FFM]

Ayooo the saga continues lmao. This whole thing has got to be the peak of my sexual life, no way it ain’t downhill from here folks rip.

So Jennifer and I obviously slept in pretty late after the experience with our buddy last thursday. Neither of us took any Friday classes this semester so that we could sleep in on Fridays, haha. Gigi, however, does have a Friday class, and she was up just a few hours after I’d written what I posted a few days ago. (I can’t figure out how to link on mobile so just go check it out in my post history). I know she was up because she sent us both a picture of herself, topless, in front of the shower. The caption read, “so… shit isn’t gonna be weird now, right?”

I know that Jenn and Gigi have been topless around each other a ton, but receiving a picture of her boobs was new to me. I rolled over, slapping my hand on my phone to snooze my noon ‘get up before this oversleeping looks like mental illness’ alarm, and groaned. My head was not happy with the previous might’s drinking, but I also just hate waking up. I definitely felt better about being awake, though, when I opened Gigi’s snap and saw her messy brunette locks falling over her massive, perked up tits.

His Little Woman – Part 1 – [F][BDSM]

He has promised you a surprise. A surprise and a gift when he gets home. And that is in just a few hours. But time enough to prepare yourself. Your body. Your mind. For him.

He didn’t give you any specific instructions. Just to be ready when he got home. And enough warning and enough time to enjoy the preparations. Luxuriate in it. Enjoy the process of becoming his perfect slave. His good girl. Taking the time to let everything else go, to focus entirely on him, serving him.

You start of course, by stripping naked. It’s not a rule in the house, in fact, he so enjoys when you wear those dresses with the short skirts. You of course wander the house nude often, but today it is to help with the mindset. The reminder that you are merely a toy. That you exist merely as a vessel for him to find pleasure.

It’s not true of course and you both know it. He cherishes you. He respects you. But that is part of what makes it all so fucking hot. Putting on the masks . . . Or maybe pulling the masks off . . And for a time living within that fantasy.

[MF] Fates Chapter 03: Arabella (XXX)

“You did what?!” Trysh’alia asked with a sharp gasp. Aro nodded and scratched the back of his head with embarrassed to what he had just admitted to the Elven companion.

“Goddess… Aro you must apologise to the poor woman. Leaving her in the middle of the night after having sex with her…”She was shaking her head as they walked, shimmering hair swishing from left to right as they passed a line of homes that towered over them. Trysh could feel the moisture of her excitement on her thighs, and how sodden her black panties had become as she strutted with the natural Elvish sway in her wide hips. Hips that now were exposed to the cool air of the evening thanks to the long slits on both sides of her pure white priestess robes. With the eyes of a great deal of Riverun citizens glued to her body, Trysh could not help but give them a playful wave and friendly smile; something that only resorted in erect cocks and flushed cheeks. As her eyes drifted up to the handsome young man, she felt her lips on her face and between her legs quiver, her erotic state of mind naturally wondered what it felt like to be filled with human sperm…The thought remained as they walked.

[M]y neighbor[F] made me cum with her feet

So this happened couple of weeks ago. In April, I had moved to a new city and found myself an apartment in the quite part of the town. The new apartment was mostly made up of families with kids and a few singles like me but i never really met anyone except through the whatsapp group.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago a Sunday morning, one of my neighbors, Jana texts in the group asking for some household item and the group got busy mostly saying they did not have what she was asking for and i did not pay too much attention to it. Later in the afternoon while coming back after a long bike ride and winding up to the entrance of the apartment, I see a woman struggling to move in 3-4 big boxes and a cloth hanger while trying to keep the door open. I get down off my bike and ask her while keeping a distance if she needs a hand in my broken German. And she ignores me and keeps trying to keep the door open while balancing a box and the cloth hanger and trying to get inside and I just hang back and watches her in amusement. After struggling for a while longer she gives up and hands me a box without even looking at me or saying anything.

Jane, Ken’s Long time friend. [M/F]

Jane wore a smile on her face as she knocked on the door of the Sothermbies. She had not seen Ken her best friend since they had both gone their separate ways for uni. She had gone up north while Ken had stayed in the south. Texts and video chats had kept their friendship alive, still nothing could beat a face to face. A weekend with her best bud is what she needed.

The door opened and Jane’s jaw almost dropped. There Ken stood, but not the ken she knew. The Ken she knew was lanky, and slouched as if coins paved the ground. Before her stood Ken but a beefed up version, his arms had muscle and his chest, well he actually had a chest.

“Jane.” ken said, lunging in to hug her. “It’s so good to see you.”

“It’s so good to see you too.” She managed.

” Come in” Ken said gesturing her in. She entered and Ken took a look at her from behind. Jane grew up he thought to himself. Gone were her baggy clothes, replaced with a fitted pair of jeans.

[MF] Fates Chapter 02: The Deadly Forest

Note: As this will be a series which will heavily focus on story as well as sex, smut-based scenes will have (XXX) in the title. This way people who only care about harem-based shenanigans can easily pick them out over the story-based ones.


Trysh’alia had used her magic to fix her shimmering white robes in order to cover her more than ample breasts up to where she felt decent; much to Aro’s quiet dismay. She felt dirty in having exposed so much of herself even if it was accidental. Yet she could not ignore the blasphemous feeling of a warmth on her black panties which had grown alarmingly when she was on her knees, underneath this handsome and rather scruffy human.

Now on the road, she had clung to him like any loving wife would do to her husband. She felt the tension in his muscular arm as it was crushed between her heavy tits. Every sway of her wide hips bumped into him, thanks to the instinctual switch of her gait; and it continued until the gates of Framton had become small, and only a glint in the horizon. Trysh only kept it going in case the perverted deviant had abandoned his post to follow them, waiting to strike her companion and take her away into the bushes that lined the road. Elves always needed to feel far more paranoid around sleazy men…She told herself that was the reason why she held onto him for so long, certainly no other reason why she wanted to feel him upon her.