[pt. 1 “Dinner”](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12of1g5/sara_alice_more_than_friends_pt_1_dinner_27ff/) | [pt. 4 “Elixir”](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12r26ga/sara_alice_more_than_friends_pt_4_elixir_27ff/)
I stare at the ceiling and consider what an idiot I am.
Tears are running down my face as I think about how I should have made love to her that night, how I should have gone to see her in Italy, how I shouldn’t be pouting in my bedroom right now. I’ve spent years telling myself that I’m not really in love with her, that she’s just a dear friend, that I just haven’t found the right guy. But it’s all bullshit.
I had found the right guy.
Elijah and I dated the entire year Alice was in Italy, up until he graduated. We were great together. He was thoughtful and kind and handsome. My mom told me I should marry him. He probably thought the same thing, but after graduation he left to get his master’s in Boston. I really did love him, and he and I are still friends. And maybe if I’d never met Alice, I would be practicing law in Ohio, where he lives now, bringing home the bacon for my husband, the violist. The problem, of course, is that the only reason I met Elijah was Alice.