I woke up to a familiar feeling. A kiss on my neck and a hand on my dick. Without opening my eyes, I knew it was Kelly. She had a way of kissing my body that was so uniquely her’s. For a few seconds I wondered if everything that has happened these past several months… the fights, the separation, moving out, and Delia have all been a dream. It wasn’t. But what am I doing in what used to be our bed, about the fuck my wife, soon-to-be ex-wife, ex-wife… I don’t even really know what she is.
The day before, was a celebration of sorts. Our son scored his first goal in soccer. Kelly made his favorite meal for dinner (which is kinda my guilty pleasure, mac and cheese with cut up chicken tenders) so Kelly invited me for dinner and then afterwards, our son asked me to lay with him as he got his mom’s ipad and we watched funny YouTube videos. I guess I felt so comfortable at home that my son and I drifted off to bed.