“He’s not even gonna want to talk to me,” I whined to Callie as she pulled up to the house. Dozens of cars filled the mansion’s driveway, and the booming music could be heard all the way down the block.
“Not with that attitude he won’t,” She responded without missing a beat. Callie was always giving me advice about my attitude. It irked me more than I let her see. Mostly because I knew she was right.
“Fine, he’s gonna be stunned by my dazzling good looks and fascinating conversation and realize he loves me and – “
“Oh, shut up,” she cut me off. “Just try to have fun, Okay?”
“Fine.” I was surprised how easy I was to sway this time. Something about tonight just felt right. With the end of High School approaching, I was starting to feel like it didn’t matter how I behaved, so why not be the boldest version of myself that I could be?