Happy Father’s Day ;) (Or, what I showed my best friend’s dad!) [Mf]

Today being Father's Day I was reminded of some innocent fun I had just after graduating high school.

My best friend in high school was Katie. We used to do everything together, from shopping to talking about boys to learning to drive. So, needless to say, she spent a lot of time at my house and I at hers. Her parents were so used to me that even if Katie wasn't home, they were never surprised to see me stopping by to cool off in their pool.

Now growing up Katie's dad had always been great to me, but as I became more than a little girl, his glances became longer and his hugs a little tighter. He never did anything too pervy, but I could always count on his eyes eating me up when he got a chance. At the start of the summer after high school graduation, he made sure to tell me that I was welcome to use the pool while Katie and her mother visited her grandparents for the first two weeks of summer.

I am sure he was hoping I would take him up on the offer, and, of course, I did.

I stopped by a few days later in the middle of the day and he was in the kitchen making himself lunch.

"Mind if I take a swim Mr. C?" I asked him.

"You know you don't have to ask Kellie. Swim whenever you feel like it!" He replied.

With that, I went into Katie's room and got undressed. My 18 year old body was at its prime, and my reddish blond hair looked perfect, as I had recently had some light red highlights put in. I stripped down to nothing, and my firm young breasts stood up proudly, even without support. My recently shaved pink slit felt smooth under my fingers as I adjusted my bikini bottom and made sure my lips were covered.

With that I walked out back and laid out in one of the chairs. Either subconsciously or by accident, I had placed myself right in front and under the kitchen window, so if Mr. C were to look outside, he would be looking down at my tits and down my body. My head was just under the window, so I couldn't see his face directly, but a slight reflection from the den window showed me that he was still in the kitchen, and he now seemed to be standing and staring out at my body.

Knowing his eyes were on me made my nipples stiffen and I could feel a moistness between my legs. Being the tease that I am, I decided then and there to make the next few weeks special for him. Checking to make sure he was still looking, I reached down to adjust my bottoms and made sure to keep slipping my fingers under the fabric. Not fingering myself, just making sure his attention was drawn to my pussy, even if it was covered. I then undid my top and took it off just for a moment, so I could tie it back on more loosely and comfortably. My view of him in the window showed that he was very interested in my little show.

Because I was such a tease back then, I soon got up and went back to Katie's room to get dressed. As I came back to the kitchen I saw Mr. C and he stammered a bit.

"D-d-done so soon?" He asked.

"For now, I have a busy day today. But if it's okay, I was thinking about coming back tomorrow, same time?" I said.

"Absolutely! Any time you like." He said.

With that I went home and began hunting for the smallest bikini I owned. I had one from a few years ago and it was too small for me now that my breasts had developed and my hips had grown. I was still petite, but this suit was from when I was still a girl, not a developed woman. It was white, small and tight. I had a feeling Mr. C would enjoy it.

The next day, I showed up to the same spectacle as the previous day. Mr. C was in the kitchen, but this time he was in his pajamas. He greeted me and went back to his lunch preparations, trying to act nonchalant.

"Let me know if you get hungry, I can make you a sandwich, which is pretty much the extent of my cooking ability." He laughed.

"Thanks! Can I have one in a half hour or so?"

"Sure, I'll bring it out to you." He replied.

I realized he just wanted to see me up close, and I was happy to provide. However, as soon as I squeezed into the bikini, I realized he'd be seeing almost everything whether I made an effort to show him or not! My boobs were bursting out of the top, but at least it covered my nipples. The bottoms were tight! And small…I felt like my entire ass was exposed, and the front slip of fabric barely covered my pussy. As long as I kept my legs close together and I laid on my back, I could stay partially covered, but anything more and I was on display.

I stretched out on the same chair and saw Mr. C in the reflection, again looking at me. I am sure he got a better eyeful this time, as I felt naked under his stare. But that was nothing to how I felt when I heard the sliding door open and he stepped out with my sandwich.

He stood over me handing me the plate, and he had his own plate set on the chair across from me. I re-positioned my chair so I was sitting up, and we were now directly face to face. Or face to pussy, as I could tell the bottom had shifted and my pussy was fully exposed. And I mean fully exposed–I was was shaved totally bare, and the fabric had moved all the way to the side, so no hair and no clothing covered my pinkness. And since I was sitting up and reaching forward, my legs naturally opened, giving him a full spread eagle view.

As I sat up, he almost choked on his sandwich. But instead of warning me of my exposure, he choked down his bite, sat back and tried to make small talk. The whole time, his eyes were staring at my open slit!

I made sure to eat slowly and keep him talking. I wanted him to look as long as he wanted. And he did–we talked about the most inane things, and he lost track of his thoughts every few minutes. I could tell he was getting hard and his pajamas did little to hide the erection he kept pushing down with his plate. He obviously wanted to go relieve himself, so I decided to give him one last peek. I finished my sandwich and leaned back to recline my chair again. As I did I kept talking and rolled over that the same time, making sure my pussy stayed uncovered.

I kept talking but acted tired and let my sentences trail off so he thought I fell asleep. Soon his chewing ceased and he spoke.

"Kellie? Kellie? Are you awake? I don't want you to burn. Kellie?"

I did not replied, but smiled to myself. I heard him breathe out and then what could only be the sound of his hand on his cock, stroking. He was looking at my pussy and and ass and getting ready to cum hard. I wondered if he could see the wetness slickening me.

In just moments I heard him gasp and I heard a small splatter on the concrete. With that he got up and left me alone with his cum. To continue the charade I pretended to sleep for another ten minutes, then got up to get dressed. Just to the side of his chair I saw a few drops of his cum in the shadow. I don't know why, but I leaned over and scooped some up with my finger and licked it. It tasted salty and warm. At that instant I looked up and saw Mr. C in the window, watching me eat his cum.

I got dressed and came back through the kitchen.

"Thanks Mr. C." I said "I was hungry and that really hit the spot!"

I'm not sure if I meant the sandwich or his load, but either way neither of us knew quite what to say and so I said bye and headed home.

I made myself cum lots of times that night thinking about what he saw, what he did and how he tasted. For the next two weeks, we both had a lot of fun…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2886su/happy_fathers_day_or_what_i_showed_my_best


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