Game night got a bit serious [MM]

For the third time since I had got there, I checked my phone. No new messages from that girl I matched with on tinder, and it was getting late.

I was at my coworkers house playing one of the most boring board games of my life. The night had started out okay- there was about fifteen people in the house, none of whom I knew very well.

Megan, my coworker, had invited me over. She is nice enough, but about six years my senior and a little bit past over weight.

She enthusiastically rolled the dice, as I checked my dry phone again. The other two players, one who matched Megan’s energy to a tee (which most likely had something to do with the copious amounts of alcohol they’d been drinking), and another guy, watched with suspense.

She rolled high enough to beat me out of the game. My time to leave. Go home, put on some porn, and release the sexual tension that can only be oppressed by a 20 year old.

Riding the Bull (aka Draining Asterius) [Gay]

Asterius is sat in the chair across from you. A cropped toga wrapped around his shoulders and chest, the sunlight streaming through the window reflects from it giving him a godly, if not almost blistering, aura. He’s wearing heavy brown boots with yellow soles, matching the yellow sash around his shoulder holding his top together. He’s wearing tight blue jeans, the largest size he could find, and they still threatened to explode if he bent over too quickly. Even sat there you could see the stitching around his thighs screaming in agony, stretched thin, and the crotch angrily choke-holding his package. Actually, the more you look, the more you notice his package fighting back. Throbbing gently.

You drag your eyes from the display and catch him staring into you. His deep chocolate swirls reading your very being. His breath is slightly fast, and he won’t look away. He stands slightly, reaching into his pocket, the calves of his jeans almost audibly cry out and his cock very clearly begins growing to the right side with the ounce of freedom it has for a second. He sits down, phone in hand, wincing slightly and tries to very discreetly pull at his waistband to readjust. Neither being discreet nor adjusting himself works, as the moment the fabric pulls against his crotch he lets go suddenly, a loud huff bellowing from his nostrils. He gestures gently with his phone to you, flicking his ears to get your attention. You pull out yours and open your chat.

[MF] Caught by my Flatmate

For one semester in college I lived with an American foreign exchange student called Amy. We lived in a flat with two other students, but they both tended to head home to their families for the weekend. I worked weekends and Amy didn’t want to catch two ten hour plane rides every week so it ended up being just the two of us living in the apartment on most weekends. We didn’t spend an awful lot of time hanging out, I had my friends and she had hers, but living together we had plenty of opportunities to chat and get to know each other both on weekends and during the week.

Amy had a cute face, blonde shoulder length frizzy hair. She was curvy, nice big ass and a decent rack – C cups I’d guess. She was pretty flirty at first and I got the sense she was into me, but being her flatmate I didn’t want to make things weird so I resisted the urge to hit on her. She saw me bring home a guy one night and pretty much stopped flirting with me after that – I guessed she thought I was gay and I didn’t bother correcting her, that I’m Bi. Our rooms were next to each other, the walls were thin so I knew from when she brought guys home that she was loud in bed. A couple of times, lying in bed I had jerked off listening to her moans.

[MF] I fucked my gf’s roommate who was also her ex-gf (Part #2)

[Previous post](


I sat on the couch naked as Nabila runs the shower. I checked my phone to find several messages from Sam. I felt my hands shaking and my heart pounding as I opened the messages. I was thinking to myself that she somehow caught us. Turns out the world is normal and Sam was only checking in to see how Bila was doing and to tell me about her work day, which was surprisingly good, so that was a plus. I told her Bila was doing better and that since breakfast we’ve just been sitting on the couch watching movies. I put my phone down and sat there trying to figure out this situation I’ve created by fucking Bila. As I thought, Bila shouted out from the shower, “You coming in here?” I dutifully walked in and immediately she was kissing and holding me under the warm water. All I could think was about how all those songs on the radio I heard as a kid said stuff like, “If it’s so wrong then why does it feel so right?” We continued kissing and soaping each other’s bodies. We hopped out and put some clothes on and went right back to the couch and cuddled. I was anxious to see what Sam had to say to me. Thankfully, Sam being Sam, she just teased me.

The Punishment [M/F/F] (Straight Sex) (Domination) (Pegging) (Lesbian)

The Punishment

For the third time in as many months Sean found himself inside Sabrina’s apartment. His girlfriend had dumped him last September while she was cheating on Sean with her ex, and he had still not mentally recovered from their breakup. After she left, he had needed some relief and a way to forget about her and move on.

Sean had tried dating again, but he found it to be exhausting. Balancing multiple women on Tinder, Bumble and text messaging became difficult. He had spent more time on these apps than he had actually meeting and dating the women. He wanted simplicity. He wanted sex. Great sex to forget about his ex.

It’s not like Sean was bad looking. He wasn’t. Women were drawn to him with reckless abandon. At 6’1″ Sean was taller than most women he dated, he had short brown hair, a cute face and an athletic body. He didn’t have to work very hard to stay in shape and keep his six pack abs. Sean hit the gym at least four days a week and ate well. It helped him feel young even as he approached his thirties.


One day, a large set of ballistae shot several giant penises onto an immense shadowy figure advancing menacingly. In the heat of the battle, Sasuke woke up on one of those giant penises constantly spewing white juice like Peter North on steroids. Sasuke looked to his right and saw an endless row of giant penises flying towards the shadowy figure as the men strapped to it were gasping with wide eyed shock as if they realized that they had a boner and wanted to masturbate to a hentai drawing of Hillary Clinton. It was then that he realized that he was strapped onto the dick also unable to move. Sasuke then looked to his left and also saw an endless row of giant penises. One of the men pointed to a cord flapping in the wind with his tongue and then proceeded to pull it with his mouth. It was then that the strap loosened up allowing him to move freely on the giant disgusting penis. Sasuke did the same and was able to free himself up.

“Hey, you!” yelled the strange man. “Yes, you!”

“Who? Me?” Sasuke asked.

“Who else could it be, you numbskull?” replied the strange man.

A Dish Best Served Hot [M/F][Cheating]

This is my first erotica post. Grammar might be shit but I refuse to apologize. Part 1.


Victor has just turned 28 and has his RN degree and his BSN. He works at the local hospital as one of the charge nurses, on a PCU floor. He had always heard that nursing is one of the profession ripe with infidelity, but he hasn’t seen it happening on his floor, then again he doesn’t know what to look for. His fellow nurses are for too stressed out and far too busy for an affair to bloom. Add the fact that most of the staff is married and in their late 30’s or early 40’s it seems that an affair is not going to take root, but what does he know? Dayshift, however, is where the younger nurses is and where he usually finds stares lingering on him a little too long. He like this unit and he considers them his work family. Potluck and parties are plenty and everyone helps each other out.


Second attempt after fixing an error.

Vicki (She was so smoking hot! An unexpected one night stand, or was it? MTF, trans fantasy T/m)

What’s the best way to pass the time when your bored at work? Write stuff…. I hope y’all enjoy! ~Aiden

The room was dimly lit and a layer of cigarette smoke hovered a few feet below the ceiling that was only visible when the disco light bounced off of it. I was sitting at a table near the door with a few of my buddies talking about a couple of girls up at the bar.

“You should go buy her that drink!” I urged one of them. He had been talking about her for the last hour, how he wanted to “get with” her. He was the shy type so I thought he needed a little push. “Come on man, ya only live one! What’s the worst that could happen?”

He finally started to stand up at the same time she was walking away from the bar. I think it was his plan all along. “Damn, ya missed your chance!” I prodded at him as he sat back down in a huff of likely fake defeat.

Breaking the Boy part 2: the cornflake incident

For the next two days, I stalk Alex all around the mall.

I try not to. I want him to like me, to be comfortable with me, to be attracted to me. I want him to enjoy everything I want to do with him. If he notices I am following his every move, it’s not exactly going to build his trust to the point where he’ll let me tie him up.

I work hard to reason with myself. He could be married. He could be gay. He could just be completely uninterested, which is absolutely fine and he is allowed to not be interested, although I will probably have to voluntarily commit myself to a mental institution.

Which is also absolutely fine, if that’s what I need to get through whatever the hell this is. Everything is absolutely fine. Oh God. I wanked off at work again today. I need professional help.

On the third day, I run into him at Winco’s. I am on my way home and, for once, thinking about what I need to make salmon teriyaki rather than tying up my colleagues, when I round the corner and see him staring at the cornflakes. My stomach drops like I’m on a rollercoaster and before I can think about it too much I walk over. He’s wearing a grey leather biker jacket and jeans which fit his (perfect) ass like a dream.

How I accidentally helped my brother find herself [F, Transgender/Non-Fiction]

Hello everyone! My name is Rebecca, I’m a young ciswoman who’s been through a lot in her life and I’d like to share a story with you about my then-brother who today is a beautiful princess!

It all started when I was a freshman in college (I have a degree in fashion journalism and I’m happily employed in the industry) when I started to hoard fashion magazines. I’ve always been an avid and dedicated reader of VOGUE, ELLE and Cosmopolitan, but it was only in my freshman year when my hoarding tendencies started getting out of control. With my mother’s money, I bought a subscription to about 10 magazines and, at the same time, I was spending upwards of 200 dollars a week in additional women’s magazines I bought from both newsstands and online because I’m really obsessed by them. I know nobody reads magazines anymore, but even today I can’t stop buying them.