I’m [m] 32 this is a very long story about my exgf, the best sex of my life!

This is a story about an ex girlfriend who was the best sex of my life! So much so… and you may find this ridiculous but I have actually had to to see someone about this, i suppose you can say counciling/ thepy as the relationship with her was so intense it actually has affected other relationships. i found myself comparing her to other girls I dated, and expecting other girls I dated to be like her. She absolutely broke me! I was obsessed about her, constantly reading back our messages and looking at the pictures/videos we made. I was even finding I couldn’t cum with other girls which put a massive strain on those relationships,
I could only cum by wanking to her.. which Your probably thinking is stupid, but if you carry on reading you may or may not understand.

This happened back in 2013, I am now happily married with a kid, all pictures and previous chats have all been deleted.. but I still think about her on a daily basis… and after reading that you may be surprised that I was the one who ended the relationship with her…

Tinder Stories with the Neighbor [FM]

[This story happened early in 2019. I was 23 back then.]

“Can you not be home Friday night? Dinner included?” this wasn’t an uncommon request among me and Maria, my best-friend, who I’ve lived with ever since we enrolled in college, in late 2013. The meaning was always obvious, yet the one on the receiving end always feigned ignorance.

Maria rolled her eyes, but couldn’t contain a smile “What for, Luna?”

“You know, the usual” I shrugged, hoping my dismissiveness would repel her scrutiny. She sounded like my mom when she used my name like that.

“The usual?”

“Come on, Maria!” it was my turn to roll my eyes, even if amused by the usual game. Yeah, I didn’t take long to give up this time “I’m gonna get laid…” I could read the accusations of impurity in the smirk she gave me “…possibly.”


That was when I sealed up, bringing my best poker face. “I can’t tell you yet, don’t want to jinx it. I’ll let you know after the fact. If it works out” I knew this would only pique her curiosity, but she conceded.

Tired [FF] [School]

I got this prompt from u/Redhotlipstik and thought it would go perfectly with Kas in college. I hope you all enjoy and I hope you forgive me for the artistic liberties I took Redhotlipstik!
I was tired… I mean really tired.

I barely realized that jacket I hastily threw on to ward off the heat as I made my way to the library to the vending machine.

I barely realized the stares the girls were giving me when I walked by them to find a quiet place to study.

I barely realized that I had to pay twice to get the food I was trying to buy because it got stuck the first time.

I barely realized when Addy Lennon walked up behind me.

Or well, I guess I did notice that one as my heart began to flutter and my legs felt weak. Addy Lennon is two years ahead of me in College, a Senior in her last year. I’d never talked with her before but I knew who she was because I was kind of stalking her. I only had came out publicly as gay a few weeks ago, but Addy is someone I crushed over since I saw her playing Morticia in Addams Family last year.

Part one let me know if you’d like me to continue posting:) true events.

I was working front desk at the gym and we were closing that day due to Covid so it would’ve been my last shift.

I’d loved my job as front desk at the gym.. I’m flirtatious and bubbly, and was really good with customer service.
It was a great spot to meet people, and I left my job with soaking panties from quite a few steamy encounters.

It was a laid back position, very minimal responsibility, and I got a free membership. What else could a kinky, slutty, exploring girl want from a job?

I recall getting the text, and attempting to embrace the feeling of leaving the job I’d loved, “for how long?”
“Will I be invited back if we reopen?”
“What will I do in the mean time?”
“I could use a vacation though”

I got ready for the day, but decided to put extra pep into it, to make it cheery situation, And had actually volunteered to cover for another co worker so I could say my goodbyes.

My friend and I got a little closer one afternoon [MF]

My friend (34F) is gay and as such, we’ve never had any kind of mutual attraction. She and I (34M) hand out, our girlfriends are very close, nothing abnormal, a completely platonic relationship. One thing about my friend is she has an incredible body, easily one of the best I’ve ever seen. She’s tall, with long legs and perfect proportions. The only time I’ve ever had an issue around her is a few times around a pool when she’s in a bathing suit, and that’s only because I have to adjust myself if I start getting hard and make sure my glances on her cleavage aren’t too long. Nothing could ever happen, even if there’s a natural response from my cock.

A couple of years ago, several friends of ours got a house a few miles from the beach. One afternoon my friend and I had to work later than everyone else so they went to beach at noon. My friend finished up a couple of hours later, slightly earlier than I did. She said she would go to the pool and came back downstairs in a nearly-translucent white bikini that looked almost pained on her full tits and hugged her round ass. She clearly didn’t notice my stare (probably mouth agape) as she walked to the pool. For the first time since knowing her, I walked to my room and masturbated to her.

Be Careful What You Wish For [M/M/F, Femdom, Coerced Bi, Long]

I’d been pestering her for what felt like an eternity. We’ve always enjoyed the kinkier side of things and there’s not much left for us to try, which made this all the more alluring, more enticing, exciting… enthralling. But there’s a lesson to be learned in earnest here – be careful what you wish for.

Truthfully things had dragged on for so long that it seemed little more than an elusive fantasy, never quite materialising into tantalising tangibility. That’s why when she told me to prepare myself for a night like no other, I foolishly dismissed her warning as hyperbolic. But boy was I wrong.

She’d given me her forewarning of a night beyond the ordinary earlier in the day and – after a frantic Friday finalising some projects at work – I’d largely forgotten about it. And then the first message came:

“For the remainder of the weekend, you belong to me. You’re nothing more than my personal fuck-toy, to be used abused for my amusement. When you get home, venture upstairs to the bedroom. You’ll find further instructions waiting.”


Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls


**Beth Darmstadt says: “Amber was correct when she said reddit readers want to be voyeurs, reading steamy stories about our own REAL sex lives.** They want ***real-life*** sex stories much more than your whacky sci-fi sexbot fiction. Get a grip, Roscoe! Give the viewers what they enjoy.”

And I said. “OK. I will give it a shot. I will describe the tiny, brown crater which surrounds your sweet, puckered, kissable anus. **I will tell all. I will say how I press my full, aching mushroom cockhead into your anus-cup, and gush my sticky loads of jizz.**”

And Beth laughed, “That’s more like it! That’s exactly what your readers want. You might even sell a paperback book or two with a few stories like that.”

**So there you have it. My girls are home for the holidays, and full of marketing advice.** I truly have no idea what reddit readers want for erotic entertainment. There seems to be no common thread. Tens of thousands of people want to get-off each day, and some want to read hot stories to help them get-off. **But, mostly, is appears many, many people have no idea what they truly want.** They cast about, like flying-fishing, hoping something will hook their attention. **There is an unusual interest in Incest Sex and Forced Sex.** Is that really what the readers want in their own lives? Or, is it just a fantasy thrill. Something to fill the void and pass the time?

Fucking 49ers

Let’s give you a little background about Chris and I. We
lived in a small town were everyone knew everyone. Chris lived across the
street from me. We were not best friends but close. When you live across the
street it is hard not to hang out a lot.
I’m your normal jock in school and Chris was not good at
sports at all. He did band and some drama class stuff. So, we didn’t have the
same close friends but we still made time for each other again living so close.
Also, his mom and dad were close with my mom and dad so we had a lot of BBQs
etc. together.
I had always known deep down that Chris was gay but he hid
it or really didn’t know yet. If he hid it, it didn’t surprise me as being from
a small town and all. But really, I’m not sure he really knew. He did date
girls. Not a lot a few.
But something happened to him our senor year of high school
that made him the person he is today. They had a foreign exchange student live
with them the first part of our senor year. He was there for about 4 months and
then had to go back home.
When he left back home, Chris was a wreck.  Full on balling wreck. I had never seen Chris
like this. So, I took some beers and him and I when and hid out to drink them
as I wanted to help him and make him feel better. This is when Chris came out
to me.
We were talking and I was trying to cheer him up and when he
was crying it just slipped out.
I’m so going to miss him. I’m in love with him.
I looked at Chris and he stopped and looked at me like oh
shit. That just came out of my mouth.
Chris got up and started running to run from what he just
said. I chased him down and told him how happy I was for him but at the same
time felt so bad for him. He saw that I was not freaked out about it and we had
a long talk about the guy and him.
Chris came clean to me that one night some how they ended up
kissing. He was telling me how he had always known there was something
different about himself. But when the guy kissed him, he was in heaven.
Chris spilled his gut to me about him and the guy and I just
let him talk. The smile on his face told me how happy he was to be able to talk
about it and how he knows he is gay now.
Problem is Chris was to scared and shy to let any one else
know about this in our town. And to tell the truth. I do not blame him.
Then it was Chris’s birthday. I was still the only one that
knew he was gay. I’m also 99% sure he has not dated any other guy. Not that he
didn’t want to but again our home town. 
I was teasing him about needing to get laid for his birthday
and he was like, God I wish.
The one thing we never talked about yet was if he had ever
had sex with a guy. So, I asked him if the exchange guy took his virginity?
He told me no that they never saw each other naked. But he
did feel his cock when they made out.
So, I was out of town one day for my work and I was walking
by a store and saw it was a sex toy store. joking I bought him a dildo for his
birthday. I knew he was a virgin so it was not big. Only like 6 or 7 long and
very thin.
I was having a hard time finding when to give it to him, as
we were not alone. But when I gave it to him, I told him I could not get him
laid but this would be the next best thing. Then he punched me in the arm and
Ok, we can go on and on about him and how he got to where he
is in his life. But let’s talk about what happened to me. I got a scholarship
for school and Chris was having a hard time finding what he wanted to do. So, I
talked him into going to collage with me. it took some pushing but he said OK.  
What we both didn’t know is how good this really would be
for him. Him being away from home he was able to be himself. He found guy to
date etc. It was so good for him.
We lived together and although we lived together. We didn’t
see much of each other. We hung out with different crowds and he dated guy and
I dated girls etc. But from time to time we would hang out have drinks or watch
a football game together. Well, I have always been a 49er fan and he is a green
bay guy. Our teams were playing and we both didn’t have anything to do so we
watched the game together.
We would always bet when we would play each other. We would
bet all kinds of thing and all kinds of parts of the game. 1st
quarter, half, downs, etc etc. This game was no different. We were drinking
beers and shots for first downs and having fun. It had been some time to hang
out so we were in rear form.
It was chilly that night and I had on just sweat pants and a
tee and he had on basketball shorts and a tee.  I got up to go get a sweat shirt. I asked him
if he wanted one and he said yes. There is one in my top drawer will you get it
for me. I grab mine and walk in his room and open the drawer and pull it out
and with it comes the dildo I gave him for his birthday. It hits the floor and
I start to laugh.
I pick it up and walk out with it. Damn man. Can’t you hide
this a little better.
He starts laughing as we are both feeling the drinking. It
is your fault. You bought it for me. Then he tells me, I really do have to
thank you for that. Without that I would have so looked like a fool with guys.
It is so not as good as the real thing but I still cum from
it all the time and when I sucked my first cock, I deep throated him like no
You can take this whole thing?
Hell, yes, no problem. He grabs it and licks it up and down
getting it nice and wet and wraps his lips around the head and sucks a little
and then bam all the way down his throat looking me dead in the eyes.
Damn, you go boy.
He starts laughing. 
But the only thing that it didn’t teach me was cum. I knew he would cum
at some point but I was lost in my first time and was not ready and when he
shot. It scared the hell out of me and I almost choked.
I laughed.
As the game kept going with more drinks etc. one of the
things as kids, we would do to each other was hold him or I down and tickle
each other as we both are so ticklish. It had been a while for either of us to
do that. We both were too strong to really hold each other.
It was 4th and 3 and Green Bay was going for it.
Out of the blue he tells me. If they get this first down. I get to tie you up
and tickle you. I’m drunk and say deal. Sure, enough Green Bay gets the first
down and I’m like fuck.
He goes to his room and come back with a belt. He is behind
me and pulls my hands up. We are kind of fighting over it but I give in as I
will not hold back on a bet. He puts the belt around my hands and pulls my arms
over my head behind me and ties it to the couch table we have back there. I’m
squirming as I know the tickle is going to drive me crazy. We are both laughing
and next thing I know.
He jumps on my lap to hold me still. His hands go right for
my pits and God help me I’m dying. He is really doing a number on me and we are
both laughing. I yelling at him to please stop. God I will do anything please
He looks over and picks up his dildo and holds it in my
face. And asks me, anything? With his eyebrows up.
I tell hell no I’m not fucking that.
He starts tickling me again and I’m having a hard time
We both hear the crowd on the TV and he looks up and I do
the same with him still on my lap. Green Bay is getting ready to kick a extra
point. He looks at me.
If he misses, I will get off and stop. If he makes it, you
have to try deep throating This holding up his dildo in my face.
As I’m still getting my breath. Fine just stop tickling me.
Damn he made it and he look at me with a smile.
I think to myself, fuck it. It is just a toy. I will try and
deep throat it and he will stop tickling me.
He tells me to open and he puts it in my mouth and pushes. I
gag right away and he starts laughing at me. 1 he knew that would happen as I
have never done this. 2 he pushed quick and knew what he would be doing to me.
He starts making fun of me and I tell him it was his fault
that he just jammed it in my mouth.
He holds it up and tells me then try again.
I open my mouth and he does it again. I gag and cough. He is
laughing his ass off at me. and the competitive side of me kicks in and I tell him
let me try again but don’t jam it in my mouth.
He lays it on my lips and this time I copied what he did
earlier. I licked it up and down making it nice and wet. I wrap my lips around
it and suck a little and start to take more and more. It hits the back of my throat
and I gag a little and I pull back and keep sucking it making it wetter. I bob
on it a little and then try to take it all. I almost got it and had to stop.
When I stopped, I felt Chris’s hips rocking and I realized
how hard I was and my head was between his cheeks as he rocks on me.
He sees me looking at him and he stops and tells me sorry.
I do not say anything about it as all kidding aside it felt
good. I’m not wearing any underwear under my sweat pants. So, his rocking felt
He slides back a little and my cock springs up and now not
between his cheeks.
Let me try again.
He puts the toy back on my lips and I start sucking it. I’m
really trying my best now. I want to show him I can do it just like he did. I’m
lost in my own world sucking this toy and trying to get it all in. I take a
breath and try to go for it all.
I gag again and I pull off it and I moan. It hits me he is
playing with me now. He has untied my sweats and his hand is in my sweats
stroking my cock.
I’m looking at him and he stops. My body didn’t want him to
stop and my hips rock up as if I was fucking his hand. He takes that and a go
on keep going.
He starts to stroke me and I suck the toy back in.  After a few and me gagging again. I pull off the
toy and I feel something wet on my cock. I look down and his head is sticking
over the top of his basketball shorts and it is rubbing on my cock as he
strokes me. I can feel his percum on my cock.
He looks down and looks at me and stands up. You are so
close. Let me show you how I did it my first time. He unties my hands and he
takes me by the hand to his room. He pays me on the bed sort ways. My legs are
off one end and my head is handing off the other. He is standing and walks up
to my head. He has the toy in his hand and puts it wear his balls are. He tells
me open this is much easier.
I open and he slides the toy in my mouth and he starts to
slowly rock his hips and the toy slide in and out of my mouth. As he does this,
he is giving me more and more. I was so close and I gag again.
He pulls it out and tells me. Let me show you again.
This time he drops the toy and straddles my head.  The head of his cock is still stiking out the
top of his shorts and bends over and takes my cock out. Before I could say
anything. He is licking my cock making it nice and wet. I just moan out.
He licks my balls and up and down my shaft and I just let
He takes my head in and sucks it and he bobs on me a little.
Then he takes me deep to my balls and I feel the head of my cock slide in his throat
and I almost cum.
When he took me all the way it made him fall forward and so
he got on his knees right over the top of me.
He keeps taking my cock all the way and back out. My eyes
are closed as I’m in heaven.
He bobs on me and then takes me balls deep again but this
time I felt his head bush my face. Each time he took me all the way his cock
would rub my face and his precum was getting all over me.
He was making me feel so good and when my head would slide
in his throat. God it felt so good.
I don’t know why but he takes me balls deep and for some
reason I licked his head. He moaned and it felt so good on my cock. So, I
licked again.
I can taste his precum and I didn’t care he was making me
feel so good. He bibs and them drive his mouth on my cock and just as he did
that. The head of his cock slipped in my mouth. I just sucked him in and start to
suck him. I feel his hips rocking as he softly fucks my mouth. He pulls his
shorts down and makes it easier on me.
I didn’t realize he stopped sucking me and was just working
his cock in my mouth. I wanted to take him all like he did me so I grip his ass
and pull him deeper in me. That is when I felt the head of his cock slide in my
throat. When it slides in, he moans out oh fuck and shook. I let go and he
slide out and I was breathing deep then I took him again.
He moans out again and his body is twitching and he goes.
Fuck I’m going to cum. Him knowing this was my first time. He pulls out of my
mouth and starts to cum. His first shot hits my face and then the second and
third. But I wanted his cock back in my mouth as I was so proud of me taking
him all. I wrap my lips around him again and start sucking. I feel the last
shot oooz out and his cock starts to soften up.
He takes me balls deep again and finishes me off. He didn’t pull
off me. He took the whole load.    

My Roommate asked [F]or a [M]assage

So never have written out a story before so bear with me. Skip to *** for sex.

Background: This take place several years ago, I recently had move to Chicago and was 25 years old. I am a 6-1, white, lawyer who is in relatively good shape. My guy friend roommate at the time decided to bail and I had to go searching for a new one or give up a pretty prime spot that was well connected to parks, public transit, and was dirt cheap. So started shopping my apartment around, I had several guys come by but they were all real weirdos. It got to be 1 week before my lease turned over and still had not found anyone until Lauren showed up. She was a university student transfering in, she was 21, stood about 5’4″ with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had really striking german/model features that her profile picture on the app did not pick up on. She seemed pretty normal during our conversation; I wasn’t really looking to have a female roommate, but given the choice between her and some creep it seemed like an easy answer.

My wife’s coffee shop hookup; liking her man like her coffee, hot, black, and aged [FM]

My wife Dee and I have an open relationship, with certain parameters. We have to give each other the heads up, we generally like to both be present when hijinks ensue, and we like to both participate when possible. This last one had to go by the wayside, but it was too good to pass up. Dee’s 24, a curvy little blonde woman, and game for pretty much anything. If it gets people off, it gets her off. But one of her favorite fetishes is older men. She likes fucking dudes old enough to be her dad. So maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised when I got a text from her while I was at home playing guitar while she was at coffee with her best friend. “Hey are the sheets clean?” What a weird question. I told her yes, and asked why. “Mandy left and a guy started talking to me.” And then an eggplant emoji. We didn’t have any plans the rest of the day so I told her that if she wanted to bring him back, as long as he was game for me watching, I was up for it.